fungi [c/dw]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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elijah gardner
fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2018 2:13:34 GMT
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he often did this alone. bathing in the forest's greens, elijah lost himself in the sensory landscape. his hands traveled across soft blades of grass before stumbling upon mushrooms which were plucked and popped out of the earth like pus-filled pimples. elijah thought he was doing humanity a favour. no kids would stumble upon these— with their filthy, greedy mouths.

"quinn, bring me the basket. i've got a few more here." elijah beckoned for his wicker basket. "and try not to step on the grass."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2018 2:33:03 GMT
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This assignment was certainly weird to her, but she was sure it held importance to both of their higher ups. What importance that would be, she wouldn't know, though she wasn't concerned with that. She was concerned with making sure she did well.

Elijah called to her for his basket, and she looked over. She was staying out of the taller grass, due to his demands that she respect nature more, so she was surprised he wanted her to come over to him, though getting through the grass without stepping on it would not prove easy. That didn't mean she wouldn't try, and she did her best to step around the tall grass, and onto any stones of patches of dirt she could find.

She finally got over to him, and held up his wicker basket. It was weird, that he insisted upon wicker baskets, rather than jars or buckets or something sturdier than wicker, but if the higher ups didn't care, she wasn't going to complain. She had to ask though, "What are the mushrooms for, exactly? Do they provide medicine, or do they sell well?" Though some might see it as small talk, she was curious enough about them, and she wanted to get onto a better footing with Elijah in case they had to work together more in the future.

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fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2018 19:52:44 GMT
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what will you do?

female / poison heal[break]
force palm / mind reader / sky uppercut / seed bomb




what will you do?

male / overgrow[break]
leaf blade / coil / giga drain / gastro acid

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elijah gardner
fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2018 1:01:46 GMT
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"medicine. smudging. food."

elijah doesn't smile. his face is affixed to the virtue of patience like a stubborn vine wrapped several times around itself. lines of smudged dirt run across his cheeks: paintings from absentminded fingers.

"i doubt you've got the palate for these." he extends a raw shroom toward her. "unless you're brave enough to try?"

suddenly, elijah's jaw crashes onto the ground as his body is pulled back. coiled around his leg, a servine constricts menacingly, one eye taunting quinn. he grunts. the sudden jolt of pain flaring from his chin is not enough to distract from the opportunist breloom advancing upon him.

with a sharp whistle, he summons his friend. like a spider, his victreebrel grapples downward from the trees. its ravenous mouth engulfs the shroom, lips clenching tight before running up the breloom's neck. they catch on the pokémon's jaw like a noose.

"quinn. get this damned snake off me." elijah kicks.

as the victreebel whips the writhing breloom with its vines, elijah wrestles a pokéball out of his pockets and strikes the creature's gut.

tl;dr: capture attempt on breloom / asks quinn to help him with the servine!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2018 23:31:07 GMT
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Quinn was no stranger to foraging in the wild for edibles,though she wasn't as well versed as this guy, no doubt. Her foraging usually consisted of fishing, hunting small birds, and collecting local berries, at least the ones she was familiar with. Though, if he was offering, she doubted he was trying to poison her. She attempted to reach for the mushroom, but before she could touch it, he was dragged back by a pokemon.

He called out to her, as she reached for a pokeball at her side, and let out Lileep quickly, calling out, "Get that thing off of him!" Lileep was a little slow, but she stretched out her tentacles to grapple with the snake like pokemon. She struggled with it, though mostly trying not to kill the human in the midst of their fight. She was trying to save him, after all.

Quinn didn't wait, going in as soon as she had an opening to drag Elijah out of the mass of snake and tentacles. Once they got clear, she spoke to Lileep, "Now, while you still have it, Brine," And with a quick nod, it gathered super salty water in its head, and dragged the grass snake closer to it, squeezing tighter, as it dunked it within its hollow area in its head, churning the super salty water into the still constrained snake, before doing what can be best described as spitting up the pokemon.

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fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 3:38:15 GMT
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ilu hotshot

female / poison heal[break]
force palm / mind reader / sky uppercut / seed bomb




nice job, qts!

male / overgrow[break]
leaf blade / coil / giga drain / gastro acid

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elijah gardner
fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 5:31:07 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

the snake is given a thorough shower. as it escapes, slithering through the snake like a wrung out hand towel. good riddance. elijah doesn't like snakes. as he pulls himself to his feet, elijah pockets his new partner. he directs his victreebel back into the trees— more for exercise than a scouting order.

"thanks." elijah says. "you never know what's in the woods."

the wicker basket feels heavier, but it's not enough. it never is. and elijah intends to keep it that way. its vacancies suggest a need and value for his services— and he dreads the day, he forages only for himself.

"it's kinda weird." elijah hoists the basket, adjusting his grip. "how does a girl like you get mixed up with rocket?"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 6:55:48 GMT
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Quinn dusted herself, and after Elijah stood back up, she knelt down, and Lileep crawled slowly onto her back, and Quinn stands up, with Lileep looking about as they walk. Elijah spoke, asking her about how she got into Team Rocket. She didn't respond right away, thinking about how much she should say. Eventually, she did speak, "The government took everything from me, and Team Rocket gave me everything." She paused, and scratched Lileeps head gently, "Including this girl."

Lileep cooed happily, squeezing a little harder. Quinn looked back to Elijah, and turned his question back to him, "What about you?" She was curious, though not terribly. She didn't know if Elijah liked her or not, but she felt that due to them both working primarily outdoors, they would work together often, and she wanted to make their partnership to run smoothly.
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elijah gardner
fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2018 2:39:08 GMT
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"the government." elijah grumbles thick. his voice grainy as if he were chewing cud. "figures. those idiots have no idea what's going on their heads are too far up their own asses."

elijah rubs his neck. trails of dirt paint themselves across his bare skin.

"we're kinda the same." the apothecary rubs some of the grime off, clapping his hands together. "people don't appreciate my work anymore. maybe the rockets will."

he picks a shroom. brushes the dirt off.

"this is edible raw. want to try?" he offers it over now that he has the chance to without being interrupted.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2018 0:37:15 GMT
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Quinn could see how not having regular work could push someone to often considered less than savory groups, but as far as she was concerned, evil was a label for those who didn't follow your rules, and this guy just wanted to work with his plants and stuff. He didn't even seem like a bad guy, he just wanted to do what he liked, and the world didn't appreciate that. She was sure the Rockets would find a use for him, perhaps medicines could be made from his findings, who knows?

He finally offered the mushroom he tried to earlier, and she nodded, reaching for it, dusting off some loose dirt, before taking a small bite from it. She chewed it a bit, before swallowing. "It has a mellow flavor, but its not bad at all." She looked it over for noticeable signs, in case she were to find it again later on when she was on her own. It would be good to know what to look for.

She broke off a piece and offered it to Lileep, before handing back what was left to him, in case he wanted to eat some too.

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elijah gardner
fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2018 5:51:37 GMT
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elijah watches the girl readily accept his offering. his steady eyes, almost dead, watch in fascination as quinn nibbles and consumes his generous gift and then shares it with her pokemon.

he stares. stiffly.

"i was joking. it's poisonous."

no sound leaves his lips afterward. instead, his limbs rifle through his clothes— in search for an antidote.

or a punchline.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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fungi [c/dw]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2018 1:01:50 GMT
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Quinns eyes went wide, and she began smacking the back of Lileeps head, calling out "Spit it out! Spit it out! Now!" More concerned for her pokemons health than her own. Once Lileep did, the piece of mushroom flew out into the forest, crashing into some unsuspecting tree, and only then did Quinn try to induce her own vomiting, trying to get rid of the poisonous shroom from her stomach before her body could absorb its contents.

This took her a few minutes, but she eventually did, though if offered an antidote, she would take it just in case. While she emptied her stomach, Lileep held her hair back for her. When she stopped, she glared at Elijah, "Why would you do that?! I trusted you!" She would wait for a response, before deciding what to do next.