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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 18:37:48 GMT
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be sure to visit the pretty petal flower shop near rustboro!

2X tamato berry for X4 pokeballs


do come again!

00 PD
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 18:13:26 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

Nostalgia, mainly.[break]
Although, that would be something he wouldn’t say aloud~.[break][break]

Truthfully, there had been a sort of solace that he found within the embrace of such environments that others would deem unnerving, and even borderline dangerous. The idea of ghosts being nothing more than malevolent and indignant seemed to be a fairly common misconception to any and all that dared to trek winded roads and darkened paths, and anything else of the sort. It was an unfair assumption.[break][break]

Ghosts were, indeed, real.[break]
They were just misunderstood.[break][break]

...It was a sad, relatable thing, honestly speaking.[break][break]

”Agree to disagree, Officer,” Ryeong had began with a light chirp within his tone, ”but I assure you, I was here only for the sake of being here~.” He spared a glance towards the scenery around them for but a moment, watching briefly as the next creatures to drift and step their ways across had done so. ”Believe it or not, I actually find some solace in places like this~.”[break][break]

(tl;dr skipping)

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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 18:12:43 GMT
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Ryeong? Mmn...I admit, that’s a pretty flashy name, but I still don’t know what you’re talking about~.”[break][break]

Stubborn as a ground-type as usual, by the look of it- even if she, herself, hadn’t actually been wrong with her assumptions and claims in the slightest. Thus far, save for some past colleagues and the like, she had been the sole person to both cast the line, catch a bite (even if it had been more of a deliberate choice, on his end) and begin reeling vigorously to no avail. Between the plethora of barking that she had to offer, however, as well as the fact that they had still gone nowhere after so long, he merely bade and enjoyed his time.[break][break]

Something about her constant insistence came off as endearing in a way, anyways.[break][break]

”Mmn...accusations aside, though,” the man hummed, quirking his lip faintly more, ”have you settled on something to order, yet? The waiter may come back around soon~.”

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November 10th
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 3:23:02 GMT
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With another, more elongated hum of a chuckle, the man tapped his fingers together while allowing his gaze to stray sideward, once more. ”I’m not sure what you’re referring to,” he started off, trailing his gaze after a smaller horse riding carriage and service as it passed along the street, ”because I see no criminals here. Not in plain sight, that is~.”[break][break]

Peering towards her from the corner of his eye once more, he offered her a smaller, yet vaguely coy smile while raising his brows.[break][break]

”I don’t see why you’re accusing me so~. It’s not like you have any proof, after all.”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 3:22:48 GMT
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A hit. Although it hadn’t quite been spoken nor otherwise alluded to, the result he’d been given had been one of the very outcomes that he’d both figured would surface, as well as favored to happen altogether. A gentle silence overtook him as he watched her hands stretch out (the touch of her fingertips upon his own providing nothing short of a greater sense of amusement, within those moments), and after processing the sight within a swift manner, he turned his head towards her.[break][break]

He smirked lightly at the sight of the faintly tinged rosy skin that she’d borne within little more than a few moments’ time.[break][break]

”Believe me. I’m aware~.” Humming, he gently brushed her hands aside and went on to open his wallet anyways, and as he held one of the cards out for the vendor to take, he eyed her, once more. ”Let’s not mince words, though. You admitted it was nice. I thought it would be a good fit for you. It’s only natural I buy it, now~.”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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no talk me, i angy [m]
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 3:22:37 GMT
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He stared at the scattered leaf pile in exasperation.[break][break]
He inhaled deeply.[break][break]

”No. I don’t,” he started off once more, narrowing his eyes, ”because, maybe, I don’t want to.” With another, disgruntled rumble of a hoot, he lifted his wings and ruffled his feathers once more, turning his head to eye the other Pokemon nearby. ”I’m not quite sure what’s so hard to understand of that, in any case,” he added, scrunching his face a faint bit more. ”And in any case, just because my trainer likes to do something doesn’t necessarily mean that I--”[break][break]

Before he could finish those statements, all that he was able to focus upon for a moment had been the brief contact that he’d felt, once more; something that he responded immediately to with an abrupt, angered squawk. Immediately hopping backwards once more, he lifted his wings and rose them over head, glaring towards the other Alolan native with such unbridled tenacity and disgust.[break][break]

”What. Did I say. About keeping your flippers away?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 3:22:16 GMT
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What a dilemma~.[break]
...For her, of course. What a pity, being ignored.[break][break]

A hum resonated softly within his throat as he eyed her; a brief sense of (faux) thoughtfulness surfacing as he folded his hands within his lap. As if truly thinking upon the matter, he quirked his lip and eyed the side for a small while, though before long could pass, he shook his head and looked towards her, once more. ”Can’t exactly say I have~,” had been his initial choice of words. A gentle incline occurred within his tone, all while paired with a subtle, apologetic shrug. ”Then again, though, there’s a fair amount of people here… May be a bit hard to scope a single person out~.”[break][break]

He eyed her for a little while more, sipping his drink (not quite enough to form any sort of cheek pouch).[break]
His gaze lingered upon the uniform for only a split second before meeting hers, once more.[break][break]

”...Tough luck on the case, Officer~?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 1:22:01 GMT
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He chuckled softly, tilting his head. His eyes lingered upon her (and he noted the manner in which her eyes strayed away from him) for a while longer prior to tilting his head back slightly. Resting it idly against his shoulder, the man hummed while eying the horizon, once more- and with it, the full moon that seemed to gradually making its ascent skyward.[break][break]

”I don’t see why you’d say that, Officer~...” he mused, tapping his fingers gently and idly within his lap. ”I keep telling you so often, after all~. I’ve an interest in you. Is that so skeptical~?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 1:21:29 GMT
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He cackled while walking over.[break][break]

Hadn’t missed a beat with it, either. If anything, he’d been actively waiting in anticipation upon his companion’s departure, and upon seeing the woman fall backward, the reaction had been more or less instantaneous. By no means had she been actually struck, but the impact of it, nonetheless, made it seem like she had undertaken some sudden bout of blunt force.[break][break]


”Easily spooked as ever, mmn, Officer~?” he cooed once within proper earshot, all while his cheeks rose with a broadened grin. Glancing towards the side for just a moment, he eyed the two Pokemon wandering by, and - before shifting his attention towards her, once more - had quickly pulled a free capsule from his belt and tossed it towards the ghost as it made its way through. ”You’d think you’d be a little more steeled given the line of work, no~?”[break][break]

(tl;dr note: catch attempt on mismagius)

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 1:21:14 GMT
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”Oh, my. Exclusive treatment, you say~?” At the sound of the words (namely the sharpness to her tone), he couldn’t help but hum, and as if returning the sentiment to some degree, his eyes narrowed faintly more, all while his cheeks rose in tandem to a broader smile. He shrugged and gave her a vague, yet still passing and playful wink prior to looking towards the stand, once more. ”Sounds like you really have fallen for me, if I’m on the receiving end of such special treatment,” he cooed on, chuckling. ”Honestly, I don’t see why you keep denying it at this point~.”[break][break]

Following those words, however, he gave another hum while continuously allowing his gaze to linger upon both pendant and chain. After no longer than a few moments, a corner of his lip tugged upwards into something akin to more of a smirk, and he reached into a pocket, fiddling around for only a second before taking his wallet out and beginning to unfold it.[break][break]

”...We’ll take it, then~,” he said towards the vendor, tilting his head with that same, ongoing smile of his.[break][break]

Whatever her reaction would be, he intended to reap the results and feast upon them.

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 1:20:48 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

...She did not just do what he thought she did.[break]
Say your prayers now, you tramp.[break][break]

Almost immediately, a vague-turned-obvious scrunch of the face absolutely disgraced his expression, and with his beak slightly parted in both concern and offense, alike, he shifted himself away, fluttering his feathers within an aggressive flourish. ”You. Don’t do that.” A low, almost guttural rumbling resounded within his throat as he shifted back another pace. Was it...a growl? Something of the sort? Honestly speaking, could owls even technically growl? ”Keep your…flippers to yourself.”[break][break]

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 1:20:01 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

Oh, now wasn’t this a bit interesting?[break][break]

Naturally, most people sought to give their attention to new occurrences. The sound of chimes? A bump on the window? An opening of the door, followed by the appearance of whoever it was that strode through at that moment? There were honestly a plethora of things that could be considered all of the above (including the above, of course), but also in the case of most people, that attention was nothing short of fleeting.[break][break]

It was only when certain things happened did their attention become truly caught.[break][break]

Exhibit Number One: the lady that was obviously, so obviously an officer, or at least some person of authority. Between the number of people she approached and that pretty little notebook in her hands, it was only the safest and easiest conclusion to draw. With a subtle eye, he followed her path throughout the cafe for a short while; the lingering taste of pumpkin spice alongside the aforementioned apricorn dancing still upon his tongue, all the while.[break][break]

He turned in his seat after some time, smiling and raising a brow while crossing his legs.[break][break]

”...You’re really in a rush, aren’t you~?” he called out amidst the surrounding noise, chuckling.

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2021 20:43:53 GMT
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His eyes narrowed upon noting her steps, and the smile that he wore broadened within a sense of further, enhanced amusement at the note of the tone that so graciously enveloped her words. Clicking his tongue gently, he slipped a hand within its respective pocket while waiting for her to make her way over. ”My, touchy as usual, aren’t we~?” he hummed with the same, idly chiming tone that he’d may as well have been known for, by then. ”Has anyone told you how much of a stick you always seem to have your ass, Officer? I’d wager it wouldn’t hurt to lighten up at least a little bit~.”[break][break]

Another hum of a chuckle escaped his lips as he eyed her further, though before long, he lifted the remaining hand in gesture towards the goods spread before them. His finger lifted, and he pointed out a particular pendant residing amongst the other goods.[break][break]

”Nothing more than the hunt for little knicknacks, though. ...I wanted you to try that one on, is all~.” He eyed the aforementioned accessory before turning his gaze back towards the woman by him, raising his brows. ”It seems like a good fit for you, no~?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2021 18:03:01 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

Oh, how easily the stars aligned.[break][break]

Personally (and possibly concerningly enough, to any onlookers who may have recognized him), he had actually been a bit of a recurring visitor to the grounds. While he hadn’t quite had anyone of note to pay respects to - nor would he likely have cared enough to go out of his way to pay respects, in complete honesty - the area had been one for ghost typed Pokemon for obvious reasons.[break][break]

That day, he happened to spy a familiar figure in the distance as he properly entered the premises. Whether she was there for her own reasons or the common patrol on the clock had been irrelevant to him. Either way, he spoke a few words to what initially appeared to be no one in particular, save for an imaginary friend.[break][break]

In due time, regardless of what she was doing, she would find herself suddenly intruded upon by a sudden appearance of a certain, single-eyed menace jumping at her a little bit with hands outstretched as if to grab her.