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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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out of the element [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 22:42:30 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

What better way to distract himself than a distraction delivered right to him. He’d been close to dwindling within his head, and had it not been for the nudge, it may have very well been what he ended up doing. He glanced over towards her, and then towards the aforementioned truck that she seemed to be referring to as she pointed across the way.[break][break]

”...Sounds a fine idea as any~,” he mused with the same, idle touch of amusement he so often held within his words. ”Although I feel as though your sweet tooth may end up running rampant in a place like this, Officer~.”

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November 10th
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so...we're wingmen? [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 22:42:11 GMT
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”Hm.” The smile that danced so consistently upon his lips faltered vaguely as he listened along, and eventually, he furrowed his brows in thought as they walked along. Before long, he found himself within sight of the building, and as she eventually took the door, he merely waited for her to open it before slipping in. ”I somewhat doubt that… We’d have to figure out what they’re mad about, and depending on their temperaments, that just might be riskier…”[break][break]

He crossed his arms as he glanced over his shoulder towards her.[break][break]

”...Do you think it would be possible to just talk with them? Reason?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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picture perfect [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 22:41:51 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

”Oh, I’ve never been better in my life, Officer~.”[break][break]

Lying through his teeth beneath the guise of a strengthened bravado, of course, but the coyness within his tone always did help to solidify some faux aspect of confidence. In light of being so graciously called out, though, he inhaled deeply through his nose before parting the breath through his lips, eying her with what seemed to be a sudden, prompted second wind.[break][break]

”Trail just ended up being a tad bit steeper than I’d thought it to be~,” he went on with a softer hum, eying her from the corner of his eye as they walked along. ”It’s good exercise though~.”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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invasion (of privacy) [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 22:41:28 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

He waited for her to finally drop by, and when she did, he gave her a small smirk before gesturing to the counter.[break][break]

”Baked a little bit, as you’d obviously be able to tell by the smell,” he mused with an almost cooing tone to his voice, reaching out to tap the earlier finished of the two trays before pushing it along to her. He picked one of the finished products (cookies by the look of it, namely) before gesturing towards the rest of the given tray and taking a bite. ”I just finished a second batch, and I put a third in just now~.”[break][break]

He hummed while taking another bite.[break][break]

”Figured a second opinion on how they came out would be nice. I’m sure your Pokemon would enjoy them, too~.”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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diamond dust [m]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 4:24:13 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

”...Well, aren’t you a lively one~?” he mused after some listening, raising a brow as he leaned further back into his set. His foot tapped gently against one of the bars supporting the table within an absentminded manner as he gazed between her and the creature within her arms, briefly thinking upon the words spoken to him before shrugging and nodding. ”...Yes, though. I do, so if all goes well, you won’t have to worry about missing that appointment of yours~.”[break][break]

Reaching down into one of his pockets, he nodded at her before lifting it a short time after and flicking something across the table. A small earpiece, by the look of it. ”That’ll help you communicate with a friend on the outside. Might even already know him, depending on how many people you’ve gotten friendly with in Rocket~.”[break][break]

He inhaled deeply before sighing, rolling his neck slowly before doing the same with his shoulders. ”Long story short, I’ve already worked the details of a fake identity with that outside mine. I’ve already contacted the place we’re looting ahead of time, and as far as they’re concerned, they’re meeting with some rich person with money that’s interested in their stock.” Humming, he began to roll his wrists, as well, before reaching over the table to take hold of his cup, once more. He took another sip, eying her small, metallic creature once more. ”I’m working the distraction out in front. My friend is working the cameras to make sure there’s no record or trace of us. You can choose to meet with him and enter through the back to get to their storage room, or you can help with distractions in the front while my Pokemon help him with the goods. Your choice~.”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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Dal-yong Nam DOLLARS
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you can swim, right? [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 4:12:58 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

He reached over with a small smirk towards a certain someone, gently pinching the fabric of the attire she donned and tugging it as he was in the process of pulling his own over his arms. ”Look at you, Officer,” he cooed with a hum, the corners of his lips tugging further upward with a touch of coy amusement. ”That’s a fitting look for you, I dare say. …Definitely highlights a lot of things~.”[break][break]

Through the later statements, he’d already begun to let go in favor of fully and properly pulling the remaining parts of his own gear on, glancing over his shoulder as one of the attendants with them had been gracious enough to help him with the zippers behind him. Another hum resonated from within his throat before he glanced towards the woman once more, raising a brow. ”...That aside, how far down beneath the surface were the Luvdisc, again?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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Dal-yong Nam
out of the element [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 4:01:36 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

…There was something offputting about all of this.[break][break]

Maybe it was all of the genuinely positive interactions going on. All the fun everyone around them was having. Maybe it was the pair of achingly preposterous Gengar ears he somehow found planted atop his head at someone’s insistence at some point in the day, but regardless of what it was, truly, he felt somewhat out of his element for once.[break][break]

Him. Out of his element.[break]
When he was the one that made every element his, to begin with.[break][break]

Although he wore a continuous, signature smile upon his lips as they walked along, there had been something less…prominent about it. Not quite like it was forced, but that there was something lost within the thoughtfulness occurring within that commonly condescending and confusing head of his.[break][break]

This was his first time experiencing something like this, after all.

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
i'm trippin'
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you done got yourself with the wrong guy
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Dal-yong Nam DOLLARS
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Dal-yong Nam
so...we're wingmen? [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 3:53:08 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

”...So explain the situation to me one more time~?”[break][break]

The request came in the form of an idle hum, complete with a vague rise in intonation throughout the time spoken. Although the words, themselves, had been casual enough (and the speaker equally as so, judging by look alone), his brows furrowed slightly as he walked along, lazily tilting his head towards the person walking with him as the building they’d been tasked to go to grew larger and larger within sight. His hands tapped softly within his pockets all the while, and before they could properly find themselves within the path of the doorway, he took it upon himself to slowly stop within his tracks.[break][break]

”We’re here to…help the local Pangoro and Pancham population flourish? That’s the task, here?” he mused, although not without a touch of audible confusion within his tone for once. ”Loathe am I to reject a chance to make extra money, but how exactly are we qualified to do that?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
i'm trippin'
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picture perfect [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 3:47:23 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

…This path was a bit steeper than he’d expected.[break][break]

It was enough to make him work up a decent sweat, and in light of that, he would have been lying if he said that he was taking everything in absolute stride like always. Although he did seem to make his way along with fair ease, there had been the occasional yet subtle) moment in which he gave pause and breathed a heavier breath under the guise of a sigh, and as he stopped to do just that once more, he furrowed his brows with a wry, yet amused smirk under his breath as he peered up and around.[break][break]

Huh. Maybe an impromptu hike wasn’t the best idea for a date.[break][break]

He inhaled deeply again, running a hand through his hair.[break][break]

...This is still a nice change of pace, though, I guess.

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
i'm trippin'
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Dal-yong Nam DOLLARS
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Dal-yong Nam
invasion (of privacy) [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 3:39:08 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

Music resounded softly within foreign tongues as the time to nightfall grew closer and closer, paired only within the closer vicinity by an equally gentle, yet still lively and melodic hum alongside it. As the source of it scrolled idly across his phone, he took care to glance towards the time display within the corner of his screen, absentmindedly nodding his head along to the music before gradually bringing his lyrical murmurs to a stop as he shifted and leaned away from the counter he’d stationed himself upon. With a slight, content smirk upon his lips, he reached over to slip a mitt upon one of his hands as he reached across the space just as a timer sounded, taking hold of the oven handle before him before pulling the tray within out.[break][break]

”Officer…!” he called out, finally raising his voice from the softened tones it held prior. Though he turned around to place the aforementioned tray down (next to another from what could only be a previous batch), he still turned his head to call over his shoulder. Adding ”Humor me for a moment and come here really quick, would you~?”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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duet [m][ac]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2022 3:21:55 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

”Ahhh, I wonder if I’ll be able to find the song…”[break][break]

The words were hummed rather leisurely as he sat back against the plush seating arrangement behind him, lounging back with his arm outstretched across the back of the aforementioned seats. With a remote in one hand and a drink in the other, he tapped his foot idly into the air as his legs remained crossed, softly clicking his tongue as he scrolled through the song lists scrolling by on the screen before them. ”Do you think they’d have songs in other languages?” he mused idly, quirking his lip with a soft, absentminded smile as he perused. ”I’d like to think we’re at a progressive enough time to see other songs from other regions on here…”[break][break]

Pausing, he shifted his glass to his lips to take a sip, turning his head slightly to peer towards the brunette with him.[break]
He gave another him, resting his head back against his shoulder.[break][break]

”...What’s with that look, by the way, mmn~?” he asked before long, smiling a bit more. ”You’re not still apprehensive about singing, are you? You may keep it a secret, but it’s a secret only we know, so I’m not sure why you’re so hesitant if I already know about it~...”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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boo, binch [dw]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 23:43:30 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

For just a moment, he sighed with a touch of exasperation in light of her words, shaking his head. ”...Would it kill you to be a little more honest and forward, Officer~?” he mused within an initial response, raising his brows while his eyes narrowed. He tapped his fingers against the cross of his arms gently and idly, and if not for the softened, yet coy smile that dwindled upon his lips, one may have assumed his expression and demeanor to be one of distaste. ”It’s just the two of us, here. If you like the gift, you could just say so~.”[break][break]

He flashed her a small, playful wink, quirking his lip to a side within a faintly more profound smirk.[break][break]

”I already know it’s the case, anyways. You’re only embarrassing yourself more by trying to hide it~.”[break][break]

(tl;dr catch attempt on polteageist)

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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diamond dust [m]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 23:38:28 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

Ah. Finally~.[break][break]

He didn’t have to wait too long, at least. By the time he’d sought to lower his cup again, he’d pulled his mask back up to cover the lower half of his face, glancing around through contacted, artificial hues of azure before noting a person walking along with what seemed to be a number of little helpers. He eyed her as she approached with a touch of amusement within his gaze, the chains and the like hanging around his neck jingling softly as he leaned forward and onto his elbows as if further invested by her presence.[break][break]

She stopped close by. He hummed as she spoke her part. ”So long as you didn’t miss the meeting, altogether- but even then, I could’ve done this, myself~,” he mused with no shortage of nonchalant confidence and arrogance, alike. He eyed her for a while longer, and then did the same towards the one within her arms before tilting his head.[break][break]

”...Huh. You must hit the gym more than meets the eye if you can carry your little friend like that so easily.”

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November 10th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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boo, binch [dw]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 8:17:03 GMT
Dal-yong Nam Avatar

Chuckling once more, he merely maintained eye contact as she sought to pull herself away. With the distance given between them, he instinctively turned towards her for the sake of a continuous ease of gaze, shrugging his shoulders within a haphazard and loose manner as he tapped his fingers against his arms. ”I’ve no clue what look you’re referring to,” he began, ”so maybe you should get your eyes checked~.” Raising both of his brows that time around, he gave her an upward, seemingly taunting and amused nod.[break][break]

…And then his eyes drifted down.[break][break]

They focused upon her fingers as they began to fiddle with an object, by the look of it- and upon noting the particular object in question, his eyes narrowed faintly as his lips tugged more. He hummed softly.[break][break]

”...Although, maybe your eyes really are fine if you’re wearing that~.” He gave a second nod, that time towards the pendant residing so carefully between her fingertips. ”Quality for its price. …I’m glad you like it~.”[break][break]

(tl;dr catch attempt on polteageist)