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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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not a hero [m, c]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2022 16:49:08 GMT
onyx straub Avatar

He felt the press of air as Ruby pulled to a stop
behind him, heard her exhalation and echoed it himself in his head. He thought, at first, the Absol was an advanced warning sign-- a Pokemon that belonged to
the target, hidden in plain sight, hunting the hunters.
But it was too calm. Too placid. It lowered its head, regarding the pair of them with a sedate intelligence, then emitted a soft growl, low in its throat. In a few strides it was moving, again, clearing the cliff faces and up and away in seconds.
Onyx released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. All at once, like the breaking of a spell, he released Mephites, his Stunky, and continued up to the door. “Ominous,” he said, on the back half of a laugh.
He tried the door handle. It was locked. He sighed, dropping to a knee and pulling a lock-picking kit from inside his jacket.
Mephites hid behind Ruby’s legs, shy.
The doorknob finally came unlocked with a click and Onyx turned it with a slow, steady hand. As the pale-green composite door slid back from the black weather stripping in the doorway seams, a rush of foul, heated air escaped into the wild with a poisonous sigh.
It smelled like rot.
Onyx winced as it rushed into his face; he turned the expression into a scowl as he stood and pushed the door in fully. It opened about ¾ of the way before it hit a snag-- a dead body, to be exact.
Three corpses-- two in view, one behind the door-- lay on the cabin floor, pallid and rancid in death. Sticky blood, blackened with age, congealed beneath them. Smatters of it were on the walls, the furniture (a coffee table, a ratty recliner, and three lawn chairs), the ceiling. It was just the one room-- they could see clear across to the front door. A set up stairs sat on the back wall going up to a second story




phonepost hell


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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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onyx straub
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2022 16:06:29 GMT
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Onyx doesn’t really give a crap about summer, or parties, or hanging out in the sun. He’s a pasty, pale gremlin, so he avoids the sun if possible. But he does like free shit. So into the abyss he goes.


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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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playing it cool [dw]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2022 15:54:34 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
He regards Adrian with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Are they? Hm.” Part of him feels like he should know more. Obviously, the impending end of the world is forefront on everyone’s mind.

But, truth be told, Onyx didn’t really give a rats ass about the world. He barely cared about himself. He could die tomorrow and it would be a nonevent. The sort of detachment he had to cultivate for survival spread to all facets of his life like gangrene through a limb.

He turns fully to face Adrian as the other man displays the Unown Report for him to see. And he does, in fact, pick up on the name. It’s either the same person or a coincidence, and Onyx doesn’t believe in coincidences.

“So you hunt down the Unown and… what? Scan ‘em? And then you get a bunch of codewords spit out?” Onyx asked, frowning. “That’s a bitch of a word search for the end of the world.”

Zia angrily pursued a Rotom, the static of its body causing her feathers to lift and stand on end. A sheen came over her wings and she crashed a steel wing into the mote of light, causing it to jar between the metal and less conductive stone of a nearby grave. Shaken, the Rotom spun off, wobbly in the air, and Onyx nailed it with a Pokeball.

”So there’s a bit of friendly competition between the Unown hunters, I’d wager?”

catch attempt rotom
adrian boutta make a friend

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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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onyx straub
wisteria glass [o, m]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 2:32:17 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
Onyx could listen no more in silence.

For several long minutes, he’d listened to a player at a nearby table berate their poor waitress for everything, from the strength of his drink, to the luck of his rolls.

Little did he know, the game was rigged. There was no winning-- not for him.

In order for the plan to work, though, he didn’t get to know that.

So the waitress bore the brunt of his aggressions, repeatedly. Over and over. And Onyx would be the first to say he wasn’t a decent guy-- he treated people like shit more often than not. But there was only so much he could listen to the grating, half-slurred voice of a drunk, angry, soon-to-be-broke dickbag, before his very thin film of patience ripped like a virginal hymen when met with a lusty and careless lover.

He was there, of course, to keep the peace. That was what he was paid to do. So when he reached out and grabbed a half-empty glass-- not his own, but not one currently being used-- stood and chucked it at the guy before sitting back down again, he figured that was exactly what he was doing: keeping the peace.

The glass hit the angry man in the back of the head and shattered, sending a spray of glass splattered with little droplets of blood scattering to the ground. Luckily, most of the people nearby had the same idea Onyx did, and had moved for their own peace of mind long before.

Unfortunately, the glass wasn’t nearly heavy enough to do any real damage. The blustering man stood up, even more red faced, bellowing “WHO DID THAT?!”

There was a shocked silence that followed before Onyx stuck up one pale arm and pointed to some poor schmuck sitting at the bar next to him, without turning to look.

“They did.”
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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
613 posts
onyx straub DOLLARS
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onyx straub
i'm all lost in the supermarket [s][c]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 23:39:56 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
Onyx, unfortunately, had a tendency to pick up the lost and unwanted Pokemon in the world. It was apparent in almost every single member of his motley crew. If he’d been the type to stop and think about things, maybe he would’ve taken it as a sign… but he wasn’t a thinking man. He was a doing man. Preferably, a punching man.

So it was even more strange that Andres made him want to do things other than punch. It was a virile reaction bordering on cute aggression but just this side of the line of wanting to squeeze him till his eyeballs popped out.

Onyx watched Andres disentangle himself from the situation, his own fight or flight response ticking down. After Andres checked to make sure the coast was clear, Onyx strode confidently forward. One weirdo acting suspiciously was one weirdo acting suspiciously. Two was a trend. Before he could get too far he felt Andres’ hand on his arm. He opened his mouth to protest but before anything could come out he was being pulled forward by a strong grip.

He finds, suspiciously, that he is happy to be led. Well, maybe ‘happy’ isn’t the right word. Content. Unwilling to protest. It’s sickening.

He’s quiet as Andres leads them home-- leads them to his home-- and Onyx realizes it’s because he’s still relishing the feeling of Andres’ grip on his arm, the strange sort of chill that’s crawling through his skin. Andres is talking to fill up the space caused by the silence and he’s sort of half-listening. It isn’t awkward-- not to Onyx.

He’s not entirely sure what he’s feeling. He lets the chatterbox talk. Because there’s this sort of foreign sensation in his bones and it’s deliriously closed to relaxation. Part of it is he doesn’t feel threatened by Andres. Part of it, unconsciously, is noticing that Andres has done nothing but try to placate and please them since their reintroduction. It’s deceptive. It’s dangerous. Onyx isn’t the type of person that can relax, not all the way. He doesn’t get that luxury.

But you can dip your feet, every once in a little while?

Juliette makes a little aborted noise of protest when Pepino leaps from her arms and then they’re at Andres’ apartment and they’re in the elevator, together, alone, but not really alone.

Onyx stands helpfully (read: useless as a wet blanket) in the doorway, sizing Chuchi up with a raised eyebrow of expectation. He is, at all times, ready to throw down with the obese, rabid rat. But Andres puts a stop to it before anything can happen and he’s coming out of his own bedroom and--

Onyx narrows his eyes.

“Parfait?” he parrots back, stepping in and pulling the door closed behind him. Out of instinct, he locks it. A habit. A survival technique.

He sort of just… stands near the doorway. Waiting to see what happens. Ready to run at a moment's notice, taking everything in with an eye for detail. Escape routes. Windows. Objects to hide behind. A survival tactic, all wrapped up in the guise of a judgemental look.

This is fine. He doesn’t like this. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t like this. It’s too familial. It’s too comfortable. It’s too safe.

He notes something wedged between the cushions on the back of the couch and, without thinking, reaches out to grab it. It’s fabric, an article of clothing-- a lace-embellished bralet in a rosy shade of pink.

He holds the offending thing between two fingertips, dropping it on the floor.

“Yours?” he asks, unable to bite back the snark that rises from somewhere twisting inside of him, unbidden.

local jackass processes the first positive emotion he's felt in sixteen years
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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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not a hero [m, c]
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 20:51:37 GMT
onyx straub Avatar

It was a nice rapport they had, both trying their hardest to look as uninterested and angry as possible, without actually trying. It was comforting in the way death is, when it comes at the end of suffering. In this way, Ruby was right-- Onyx wouldn’t know a sense of humor if it punched him in the face.
“No,” he said, and though his voice was deep and gruff, it wasn’t sharp. Just tired, effective, worn. It was a valid question, not one of his capabilities. He could respect that assessment in anyone just about as much as he respected anyone at all. “We’ve been watching.”
He sticks his gloved fingers in his mouth and whistled-- a shrill, cut-off noise that could be mistaken for a bird call. A second later and a dark shadow catching the last of the sun’s orange light sweeps over them. It circles back, hovers, and then Ziadem lands next to him, rising up to her full height and fixing Ruby with an ominous black eye.
He nodded his assent and walked into the brush at the edge of his camp ledge-- dark brambles and scrub, a pale stone birch jutting up, gnarled and white. He led Ruby to a steep but traversable downward path, taking care to make as little noise as possible. Zia ruffled her feathers and lifted into the air again.
The path led them down the cut of the mountain to the dark earth below, hind right of the cabin. Onyx uncurled a Pokeball in his hand, settling into a crouch, as he crawled closer. The back of the cabin had a smattering of covered windows and a door with a small step cut out of the square of the building-- an extraneous exit, no dormer or circumstance.
He reeled back, preparing to launch the Pokeball, when a flash of silver to his left made him freeze.
The Absol crunched from the brush and stalked across their path, regarding them with a cold, red glare. It paused, there, between them and their target.




sorry about the wait AGAIN


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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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playing it cool [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 22:28:02 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
Onyx wasn’t the type to go slinging names and personal information around. If these wackos wanted to hunt down Unown, that was their business. When they wanted someone punched out without bruising their own knuckles, that’s when he would come in. Not that they were pansies, of course. But every now and then, people with something to lose had to keep their hands clean; it was just a fact of life.

People like Onyx didn’t have anything to lose.

So he shrugged, hands in his pockets. “Didn’t catch his name. Tall, dark, mysterious.”

He turns to let Adrian walk past him, following a half-step behind and to the side with steady footsteps. It’s a Gallade and a Dottler, the former’s physical blows beings reflected off the latter’s hard shell; though the Dottler’s pulsing lights were getting dimmer with each strike.

Onyx whistled, shrill and sharp, and Ziadem shot past them, blindsiding the Gallade and allowing the Dottler to make a hasty retreat. She caught one of the Gallade’s arms in her talons and bore it to the ground, savaging it with a flurry of drill pecks.

Onyx bounced a Pokeball off the Gallade’s lower half.

Zia retrieved the Pokeball, dropping it in Onyx’s outstretched hand.

“What’s all the hubbub with Unown?” he asked, making casual conversation, trying to convince himself he wasn’t at all curious.

catch attempt gallade

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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
613 posts
onyx straub DOLLARS
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onyx straub
not a hero [m, c]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 20:30:06 GMT
onyx straub Avatar

Onyx heard her walking up before she introduced herself, turning to look at her with glaring, permanently unimpressed eyes. His attention was drawn to the large, gnarly bat she had resting over her shoulder.
“They don’t move much during the day,” he said, by means of explanation, looking away from her and back down to the cabin down the slope. “Or at least, they didn’t.” He bends down to rifle through his pack, pulling out a pair of leather gloves and a silver flask.
“They went quiet, a day or so ago.” He pours some cold water out of the flask and splashes it across his face, dragging at the bags under his eyes. “Dead quiet.” There’s a redness to the bridge of his nose that hints at the beginning of a sunburn.
He knew the signs of a job gone bad well enough. Operations like this don't stagnate to total stillness in the span of a day without something going horribly off the rails.
“I don’t have high hopes for what we’ll find down there,” he says, tugging on his gloves, “but I’m certain it won’t be pretty. Think you can handle it?”
It isn’t out of any false sense of camaraderie or care. He doesn’t work with fainters. Or vomiters, for that matter.






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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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onyx straub DOLLARS
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i'm all lost in the supermarket [s][c]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2022 3:09:48 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
Onyx’s gaze was pure poison, acidic and corrosive-- but for once, it wasn’t aimed at Andres. He was shooting it at Romeo, who Juliette was still clinging to by the tufts of hair on his head. “No,” he spat, repulsion evident in his tone, “he came that way. I found him trying to climb up skirts at an Oldale Farmer’s Market and someone didn’t want to leave him behind or kill him.” His eyes shot up to Juliette, who, at least, had the grace to look sheepish. “Though it would’ve been doing the world a favor.”

Juliette turned her head, preening under Andres’ praise.

Onyx was about to insist they split up-- like hell he was going back to Andres’ place-- but he had to admit, the asshole had a point. The part of Onyx that had been integrated, trained, broken down and beaten into, reshaped for this life, this job, couldn’t argue with the promise of another bolthole-- especially one as inconspicuous as the house of someone he blatantly hates.

“Sure,” he says, pushing up off the SUV and cracking his neck. He shoots Andres a withering glare when he holds up his pilfered trophies, and was about to say something about good for you, a participation award when Andres has to bring up his fucking tits. Having spent a decent portion of the last ten minutes imagining Andres on his knees and begging for-- for something, Onyx really did not need the man pointing out that, for all his faults, physically he was an amazing specimen of a human being.

With amazing tits.

He honestly would've been totally fine to never think of them as 'tits', either, but the rush of heat running to his groin showed that it was apparently, cranking his gears, and he hated it.

He had already turned away, luckily, so Andres didn’t see the red blaze that exploded across his face.

“No,” he grit out through clenched teeth, willing himself back under control. He shoved a hand in his jacket pocket and found Romeo’s Pokeball before zapping the little perv back where he belonged. “And stay in there,” he said, holding the Pokeball up to his face, “or else next time I’l let Ziadem have you.”

Juliette shifted Pepino to both her arms, holding him like an actual puppy, before looking at Andres and asking tuff-Wigglytuff?

Where to?

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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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the best part [sw]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2022 17:00:44 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
Zia sees the Hoppip before Onyx does, up ahead in a clearing, floating on the wind. She quirks her head, thinking. Sure, it’s pink, and useless, but if she snags it, that means they can get out of here sooner.

She’s off like a bolt of black lightning, talons snatching the Hoppip out of hte air. She pulls a big curve to fly back to Onyx and drop the startled, but mostly unharmed, creature at his feet.

“The fuck is this?”

Zia warbles, upset that he doesn’t like her gift, and buries the thing in the ground with one mighty peck of her beak.

Onyx rolls his eyes.


He zaps the thing with a Pokeball, stuffs it in his pocket, and turns to leave.

Zia caws, raucous and celebratory.



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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
613 posts
onyx straub DOLLARS
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onyx straub
Promenade of Roses [Mini-Event]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2022 3:05:10 GMT
onyx straub Avatar



recipient: [break]
post summary: new beginnings, a new start, a new take on an old relationship, and the stunning realization that, maybe, you didn't hate this kid all along-- maybe you just wanted to bone him. [break]
character redeeming reward?:
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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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onyx straub DOLLARS
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onyx straub
the best part [sw]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 16:03:37 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
If it were up to Zia, Onyx would have no other Pokemon. She was an inherently possessive creature, with enough self-confidence to sink the whole of Hoenn into the sea-- if the meteor wasn’t going to do that already, you know.

But another day, another Wild Pokemon hunt, another attempt at world domination. Zia found a big, old tree, strong enough to support her weight, and watched her idiot trainer crash through the undergrowth from above.


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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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onyx straub
not a hero [m, c]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2022 15:55:17 GMT
onyx straub Avatar

Onyx’s eyes flashed open, glaring at the stars above; each one a winking, wishful light in the distance. He should be used to sleeping all day-- it was commonplace in his line of work, but instead, he just felt tired, and slightly sodden from the latent humidity in the air, like a towel, wrung out.
Sleeping on the hard ground might have been a contributing factor, but he sat up, cracking the stiffness from his spine and shoulderblades, rubbing at the back of his neck. He’d arrived early, to scope out his mark, and had been watching their movements for the past few days. Now they were holed up in a cabin at the base of Mt. Chimney, their base of operations.
They were Rockets, a mix of old and new, and they’d been skimming off the top of the enterprise for some time now. Contemporary Rocket leadership could tolerate a little profit shaving, provided it went to good use. But these guys didn’t quit while the quitting was good, and so now, it was Onyx’s job to set them straight.
He’d been assigned a partner for the mission, which he was displeased with. He was waiting for her, now, on top of a little ridge, as the night darkened and grew around him.




sorry for the wait!


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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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onyx straub DOLLARS
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onyx straub
i'm all lost in the supermarket [s][c]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 15:17:19 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
Onyx didn’t really do awkward. He had enough self-confidence for that, at least. He also couldn’t be putting the beat down on loser nerds like Andres in public, which is what he used as a reason to explain away the sudden lack of an urge to actually put the beat down on loser nerds like Andres. Or, really, just Andres. He didn’t want to hurt Andres. Because they were in public, you see.

“Too late for that!” Onyx grunted back, hauling Andres along in his wake. Listen, one of the two men was a career criminal, and he knew when their ship was sunk. The moment Juliette had turned the corner to return Romeo, that had been the final nail in the coffin. Honestly, bringing the little pervert along had probably been the first nail, but whatever, hindsight was 20-20.

He didn’t even realize they were running together-- and doing it well, damn it-- as he blasted through the double doors, shoulder first. Andres said exit strategy and Onyx was already all over that shit-- career criminal, remember-- banking a hard left and running down towards the truck bays at the very back of the store. “Through here,” he barked, turning sideways to slip through the gap between the unloading truck and the bay wall, still holding onto Andres’ forearm-- his grip slipped towards his wrist during the squeeze-- and out into the back parking lot.

Outside the air smelled like hot asphalt with just a hint of the ocean. Onyx paused for a half second to listen for the sound of sirens before continuing onwards. The employee/merchandise parking lot backed up to a steep upwards embankment, at the top of which was a line of tended trees and cultivated greenspace, and beyond that, other businesses. Onyx cut right at the slope, feeling it would be too exposed should anyone continue to hunt for them, and ducked behind a large, crappy, off-white SUV that most definitely belonged to an employee. He dropped to one knee, keeping the car between them and the store, looking back over his shoulder to make sure the entourage was in tow.

Which is when he realized he was still gripping Andres’ wrist and coming dangerously close to his hand--

--he dropped the limb like it was on fire, the press and squeeze of his fingers still evident on Andres’ skin.

Juliette peeked around Andres to give Onyx a shady look and a smirk. She was still holding Pepino and Romeo under her arms and was completely unaffected by the mad dash out of the supermarket.

“Fuck off,” Onyx snarled at his Wigglytuff. “And fuck you.” He pointed at Romeo, who looked happier than a pig in shit. “Little freak.”