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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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Adam Shepard
Hold your horses [M]
POSTED ON May 4, 2020 20:57:41 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
She was already going much further than Adam expected with the simple action of taking the reins from him. Eyebrows raised and arms crossed as he watched her attempt to mount the Rapidash, a feat he was sure wouldn’t go well.

Rapidash could be EXTREMELY picky about the people they let ride and that was considering competent and experience riders. Someone like her? There was no way Cloudjumper was going to let her on and it even looked like that.

The Pokémon agitated and clearly uncomfortable about the whole thing, he looked ready to kick and buck. While that would be funny, Adam didn’t want her to get hurt.

And given the size and power of this Rapidash, in particular, she would get seriously injured. Nope! He wouldn’t care, he’d her deal with the consequences of her arrogance. But as soon as Cloudjumper started to get unruly Adam stepped in.

”Hey listen, are you sure you want to do this? I get that you want to go fast and everything but playing around with Rapidash isn’t something you just walk away from. He’ll really mess you up if you’re not careful! so why don't you get down real slow and nice.”

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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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Adam Shepard
Hold your horses [M]
POSTED ON May 4, 2020 20:00:40 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
He couldn’t help but laugh. ”Alright! Fine! Fine!” He said finally being able to stop his laughter. ”If the little princess wants to ride with the big boys then that’s what she’ll get.” Adam smiled, hiding his devilish intent as he began to walk off towards the barn.

”Just hop on down and wait right there.” He added right before he disappeared into the building. When he came back out following behind him on the reigns he was pulling was the meanest, biggest Rapidash of the lot. ”So this is what you wanted, yeah?” Adam asked, walking the horse over to Bailey.

”This big boy right here is Cloudjumper! He’s a five times Champion of the international Pokémon race that takes place in Unova. Don’t want the kiddie coral? Well, here ya go?” He’d offer the reigns over to her. Honestly, he didn’t expect her to take it. No one in their right mind would do this.

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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Hold your horses [M]
POSTED ON May 4, 2020 18:17:03 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
And almost as soon as he finally relaxed someone called out to him. If his glare could blow people up this place would look like the aftermath of an air raid.

He looked over to the woman who had disturbed his rest and then over to the Rapidash that she referred to. Adam did this a few times before rolling his eyes and getting up from his spot, begrudgingly walking over to the woman and her Rapidash.

”Why? So you can end up one the ground busting your ass like that guy?” It was probably Adam’s job to help said person but he couldn’t really give a care at the moment. The man would probably be fine anyway, just needed to walk it off.

”Besides there’s nothing wrong with this Rapidash.” Adam added, walking beside the woman and the Pokémon. He was only able to keep up because of how slow the Rapidash was going, poor thing was probably tired from today.

”Probably an issue with the rider and not the steed.” Adam began to pet the Rapidash, even giving it a treat.

”Isn’t that right? Don’t let the mean lady get to you, you’re fine just the way you are.”

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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Sheep Wranglers [M]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2020 15:07:25 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Once Quinn and Soul were out of the way Adam could go back to focusing on the Obstagoon. At this point the two Pokémon were no longer in a death lock and had pushed one another away. Being impatient the Obstagoon rushed back in to attack which was of course the perfect opening for Adam.

The ranger ordered Rillaboom to attack back, using Wood Hammer to deliver a powerful blow. The ape Pokémon charged in, ducking to avoid the Obstagoon’s attack and counting with an uppercut from below. Surprisingly the Obstagoon endured the attack and striked back, landing its own blow.

Damn thing was as tough as it looked it seemed so it was best not to drag this fight on longer than need be. A drum beating attack was enough to take care of the Obstagoon, the large roots the Rillaboom summoned being too much for the dark type to handle.

”Alright! Good work.” He’d praise his Rillaboom, giving the Pokémon a fist bump before turning to Quinn. Had she been here this entire time?

”Well with that out of the way it looks like we’re good to go.” He figured at this point they had all the sheep and the big bad wolf was taken care of so there was no point in sticking around.

”You did a good job there rook.” She didn’t lose it when the Obstagoon showed up out of nowhere so she had some guts at least which was good.

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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Lost Woods [M]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2020 20:30:10 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Kyle seemed really eager to blow something the fuck up and Adam couldn’t blame him for it, this job had been boring as fuck and now it was just getting interesting but if you asked Adam in the worst sort of way.

”Hold on there a sec. Let’s figure out what we’re dealing with first before you start blowing everything up and turn this place into Slateport.” Last thing they needed was to then have to deal with a forest fire going nuts because one of them got a bit too trigger happy. Though seeing a Mightyena shoot a death beam was a pretty funny idea.

Adam’s let’s think about this first mentality went out the god damn window when his foot was suddenly snagged by something and he was now being dragged across the forest floor like a rag doll.

”Okay you have permission to fire!” Adam cried, doing his best to grab onto whatever he could as he was being swept away. Looking back to try and see what was dragging him but he couldn’t at first until it was then pulled up from the ground and the culprit was revealed to be a Grimmsnarl.


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senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Sheep Wranglers [M]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2020 20:18:22 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Well damn she actually called him out on his bs, granted she did it in a really meek way but nonetheless she called him out and he kind of respected that. But before he could make a response the diligent rookie made her way to get another sheep, what a nice girl.

And now he was feeling a bit bad about taking advantage of her but it was still nice to get paid to do nothing. He looked over to the sheep in the truck and even they were giving him judgmental looks which was fantastic. ”What are you fuzz balls looking at?” Adam rolled his eyes.

Fine, he would go help her out; the sheep would be fine in the truck. Then out of god damn nowhere an Obstagoon appeared and within its arms, it was holding a Wooloo captive. ”Aw fuck.” Adam cursed under his breath, running forward and releasing his Lucario from its capsule.

”Extremespeed! Grab the Wooloo!” The Lucario moved, disappearing in a blink of the eye, flying past Quinn and unleashing a flurry of attacks of the Obstagoon. The Galarian Pokémon didn’t have a chance to react and the onslaught was enough for it to loosen its grip on the Wooloo and for Adam’s Lucario to be able to grab it.

The Obstagoon was furious as the closest thing to it was Quinn so it’d be taking its anger out on her. At least that’s what it planned on doing and even lunged at the girl but was stopped by Adam’s Rillaboom which he had called forth a moment ago, the large grass type holding back the other large Pokémon.

”You okay?” Adam’d ask Quinn, walking up to her. ”Let me take care of this ugly bastard. You and Soul can go back to the truck with the sheep.” He’d crack his knuckles, his view turning to the Obstagoon.

”Gotta thank you for showing up! You really livened things up!”

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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
activity check (march-april)
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2020 0:40:24 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
player name: Vibe [break]
character tags: , @joseph, , @samuel[break]
dropped characters' tags: Not yet[break]
non-canon ic posts from the past 4 weeks: Adam Joseph Samuel[break]
canon ic post from this week: X[break]
3 canon ic posts from the past 4 weeks: [x] [x] [x][break]
any notes/comments:[break]
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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Dirt and more Dirt [M]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2020 16:27:09 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
”And they’ve definitely got a mouth on em’” Adam sighed in response, looking over to woman. His eyes moved from her to what she was carrying, a brow raised at the smell coming from the cups.

”Oh hey, thanks. I’ll have a coffee I guess.” The warm drink would do wonders for keeping him awake and alert, dozing off was a real concern given the leash that he was on.

At least someone on this damned job was actually a decent person who gave a shit about someone other than themselves, made doing this a hell of a lot more bearable.

”They let you back there right? Ain’t you some sort of expert on these sort of things or something of the like. A professor, right?” He believed he heard one of the excavators mention something like that.

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senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Sheep Wranglers [M]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2020 18:35:38 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
”Okay, if you say so.” Adam shrugged, not really caring either way and went back to relaxing but would glance over in her direction every now and then to see what she was up to.

Wrangling the little bastards wasn’t easy with to pipsqueak Pokémon like that and no history or knowledge of doing so. It made growing up on a farm not seem all that bad in hindsight but that didn’t mean he wanted to switch spots with her or anything of the like.

"Ohey look! Just.....let’s see…four more to go!” He'd give a thumbs up for a job well done so far but there were still more of them running around. "I think I saw some of them run off in that direction, deeper in the route." Adam would point in the direction he was talking about.

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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Sheep Wranglers [M]
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2020 19:43:00 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Her enthusiasm, instead of making Adam feel bad about taking advantage of her doing all the work, actually made him feel better about this. If she was so eager to get to work and do it all on her own then who was he to get in the way of that?

He’d give a lazy wave as Quinn, along with her Pokémon, headed out to get those rascally sheep Pokémon back to where they belong. Adam was going to catch some well deserved Zs but the sound of Quinn doing a bang up job kept him from dozing off properly.

One eye opened, the man looked over to where he heard the sounds. ”You doing okay out there, rookie?” Seriously, this should be hard at all.

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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Dirt and more Dirt [M]
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2020 1:46:35 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Protection detail for an excavation site sounded like a lot of fun but if he had known how it was going to turn out he would have turned down the job. Here he was standing in some cave staring at nothing but dirt and rocks with nothing to do.

No wild Pokémon or thieves to keep him preoccupied and he couldn’t even check out what all the scientists and excavators were up to as last time he tried one of them yelled at him to get back to his post because “anything could happen and who would protect them if he was busy being nosy?!” Bah! Adam rolled his eyes at the idea that something would go so horribly wrong he couldn’t handle it.

”Man this is boring.” He groaned, complaining to his Lucario partner who was standing next to him. Curious, Adam peeked over his shoulder to get a glance at what it was that they might have found.

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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Sheep Wranglers [M]
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2020 1:33:19 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Again the league thought it was a grand idea to stick Adam with some rookie who needed to be showed the ropes. Alright that was fine but this time he was going to have a bit more fun with it. Their first outing would be a mission and a simple one at that.

Some farmer’s sheep were all over the place in a nearby route and they had to wrangle them together and get them home which was easy. Too easy and in fact and Adam didn’t have much intention on actually doing much during this job, that’s what the rookie was for.

”Alright rookie this job should be pretty easy! Get the Mareep and bring them back here. I think there’s about 6 of them or so out there, no biggie for a tough cookie like you, right? I’m going to stay here and watch your progress.” Adam leaned back against a pickup truck, ready to drift off to sleep once the kid got out there and started Mareep wrangling.

”Oh and once you get them back here just throw them in the back of the truck. This is your first test, do good and there’ll be a good reward for you at the end!” He was most certainly, definitely, actually factually, lying to her.

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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
she who had her wings torn
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2020 14:55:48 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
and @eileen

Alright here’s what I was thinking with these two. I think their pairing would be interesting as Eileen seems more likely to want to find a peaceful solution while Adam is more of the fuck it let’s just punch the damn thing type despite his best efforts to not be that sort of person. With that, in mind, things might be a bit rocky at times between the two of them but ultimately I think they’d get past that and be good friends. Friends that’d listen to each other’s problems and help whichever way they can, real supporting like.

This is just what I’ve got in mind so far so let me know what ya think and if there’s anything you want to do please feel free to let me know I’m down for whatever. Oh and if u want u can just DM me on discord if u don’t feel like replying here or his plotter.

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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Lost Woods [M]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2020 14:57:47 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
”Yeah let’s do that.”

Kyle had a point, and Adam wanted to get the hell out of this weird forest. He pulled out a pokeball, ready to release one of his flyers and get the hell out of here but right before he did Kyle spoke up again.

”Huh?” What was he talking about? Adam looked up cursing under his breath as he realized what Kyle was referring to. First, they were walking around in circles and now this? Was this place haunted or some shit? Adam let out an annoyed groan, trying his best not to cuss up a storm.

”These woods never get this thick.” Adam replied. ”Been here plenty of times and not once during any point of the year have I seen it get this bad. At this point, someone has to be fucking with us.” The idea of just burning the place down was extremely appealing right about now.

He’d sigh and calm himself down, kicking a rock a good distance away to let out a bit of frustration. And that would be it if it didn’t sound like the rock hit something and there was a grunt that followed after.

Adam paused, thinking hard about what just happened to make sure it did actually happen. ”Did you hear that?” He’d turn to Kyle. They weren’t alone in this forest.