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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dominic sinclair
hounds of zaroff [m]
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2019 14:56:35 GMT
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he cocks his head to the side, his long gaze narrow-eyed and almost contemplative as he watches the figure run, stumble, rise and move forward again. dominic can almost smell the desperation; blood-slicked and covered in cold sweat.

to think someone would have the audacity to attempt an escape without pokemon. stupidity or bravado, he's not sure. he's even less sure about what to do with escapees. he's confident that between the pair of them they could run down almost everyone. the real problem is that his pokemon are trained to go for the jugular.

you can't really ransom a dead body.

at zacharias' words, dominic's lips quirk into something like mockery of a smile that doesn't quite displace the scowl; just a flash of glinting, too-pointed teeth.

"let them run," he says eventually, laconic, as he accepts the binoculars and peers at the figure with great interest.

the prisoner seems to be heading in a specific, pre-determined location. he makes the inference based on how the prisoner actually seemed to actually pay attention to street signs and markers, pausing their breakneck run to survey their surroundings and what vaguely looks like it could be a slip of paper.

"let's go meet their friends. i love reunions."

@zacharias +

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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and it speaks [ duo/w ]
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2019 6:00:18 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
he blinks.

there are many things about hoenn's native species that dominic isn't familiar with, but this isn't one of them. this is one of the few things he's actually pretty certain of. surely it's not that unusual for a pokemon to shed or gain typings on evolution. if that alone was the error he wouldn't be surprised — but a steel-type?

"huh," dominic manages eventually, his surprise giving way to a mischievous smirk, and he gives an exaggerated shrug. "weird creatures."

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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and it speaks [ duo/w ]
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2019 4:35:01 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
dominic cocks his head sideways, watching with great interest as she makes quick work of the graveler. roused by the commotion, apparently, a rhydon lumbers down from one of the crags, but it never gets the opportunity to draw closer. the skarmory flutters awkwardly close and rakes its steel talons across the wild pokemon's hide, dipping slightly out of reach any time it tries to retaliate. he tosses a second empty pokeball out lazily.

maybe it's a personal short-coming; mastery of one specific type meant that his team is lacking when faced with foes with more diverse set-ups. dominic has always brushed it off because this is more than sufficient for what he wants or needs to accomplish. and he'll happily play dirty and call it pragmatism, typings matter little at that point.

"got into them to spite my parents," he says casually and flashes a grin, showing pointed canines.

dominic's eyes settle on an immobile, cocoon-like creature resting against one of the trees behind the woman. he juts his chin at it to draw her attention to it.

"won't you look at that? as if on queue." his eyes narrow at her, but it's not unkind — part challenge, part encouragement. "go on. you might grow to like them too."

+ rhydon capture attempt

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he / him
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saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 12:14:23 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

with precise and very obvious movement, dominic retrieves the phone, but doesn't stash it because that would mean going dangerously near his pokemon capsules. he studies fernando's face for a moment longer, as if there's a question he can't quite formulate despite it begging for an answer.

"you know how to reach me."

his parting words promise a favour and dominic doesn't know why. maybe he's got a mercenary heart, a desire to serve a winning master. for a moment, he's disgusted with his own pragmatism, but the feeling is short-lived.

dominic rises, turns on his heel, and disappears among the sea of faces.

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 11:47:21 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

this is the foreseen outcome, sort of. leaving the way they came had never been an option so he had two potential escape options per-prepared; scolipede with rock climb or hydreigon's ability to fly.

the second the rock underfoot begins to give away, dominic is pushing, dragging, pulling, shoving boris atop his hydreigon. if memory serves, the defector should have his own, but prompting him to ride his own raises the risk of him doing some other stupid thing on top of the stupid things he's already done. best to keep him close.

the scolipede is swiftly returned to its capsule as he walks backwards for several steps, sending one final sweeping glance from (goodbye) to (goodbye) to the remains of the two boys (i'm sorry).

can't save them all.

and besides, some lives are worth more than others.

no psychic is able to disturb the hydreigon or its passengers; immunity from psychic-type attacks means that the mere slow batting of hydreigon's wings pushes back whatever invisible waves are sent their way. if the jirachi does shift in boris' hands, tugged away by the "second psychic," dominic is quick to push it securely down with a prod in its plump belly.

for the sake of his own peace of mind, dominic latches a free arm around boris' neck in a loose but clear shadow of a choke-hold.

the tag dances in the air and dominic follows it with his eyes for a moment. his head says to flee the area, but his heart is greedy. he urges the hydreigon forward, dodging debris, cutting through psychic and reaches for the paper slip. the pokemon's three heads all roar in unison to control any competition that might come for the tag alongside them. unsure as to whether he caught it or not, he doesn't wait to find out.

the hydreigon and the figures on top of it whirl away.

team rocket is blasting off again.

≫ bids farewell to emma and nikolai
≫ returns scolipede
≫ pushes boris and jirachi on to hydreigon
≫ goes for the tag + dips out of there instantly if he misses
≫ hydreigon roars for the 100th time at any pokemon that get close to the tag
≫ doesn't stick around to fight
≫ sort of relates to noodles' post so i'm also responding to actions taken there instead of making a second post
≫ hydreigon totally negates all psychic attacks bc of its typing
≫ :byeguys:


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
and it speaks [ duo/w ]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2019 10:03:35 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
he watches her watch him; narrow-eyed, but otherwise remarkably relaxed. he takes a drag of his cigarette and lets the smoke coil from his lips, something languid and draconic about it. yes, it is the middle of nowhere, and yes, he doesn't belong here. doesn't belong anywhere in hoenn, really, the kanto dialect of his voice gives away as much.

dominic raises one shoulder in a half-shrug but makes no move to explain himself further because, in truth, there's absolutely nothing he can say that isn't overwhelmingly suspicious.

commotion a short distance up a craggy cliffside moves his attention from the bike to the gathering dust. yowls, rumbling of rock, he's reaching for a pokeball in spite of himself before the source can reach them. his hand forces him to hesitate and shoot a cautious glance to his present company.

the choice of released pokemon is selective only because if she is spooked at him, the blood-soaked maw of his houndoom will do little to assuage her any more. skarmory is the most neutral pokemon he has, and the bird swoops in quickly with an air slash that brings the two fighting pokemon apart. grabbing the smaller of the two in its talons, the pokemon tosses it to his feet.

weavile. cute. the species seemed so exotic when he was a small child in saffron. that figures, the world felt much smaller back then.

dominic glances briefly at the young woman and is almost self-conscious when he throws a pokeball to secure the capture.

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2019 2:56:06 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

he feels the sting, and then nothing. blood soaks the fabric of his sleeve.

his eyes slide from the weavile to fernando. familiar with the dark-type, he isn't even a little surprised. it really is his fault for letting down his guard. dominic stares at the wound and quietly laments that he'll have to go back to slateport to get a replacement jacket from the deceased ellery's apartment.

"my mistake."

honestly, he's glad for it. the thought that a councilman would allow his pokemon to attack him it's like a character reference.

"of course i'm happy to answer any more questions, but otherwise, i'll be in touch."

he has to ask for permission to leave, and he knows it.

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Mar 1, 2019 16:14:27 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

call it paranoia or call it some trained instinct resulting from a hundred experiences. dominic sees silph look at a point behind him for a second too long, but when he reaches into his chest own chest cavity to grasp for an emotion in response he finds nothing.

his mouth tightens at the corners in something resembling amusement.

"that's not why i played the game, councilman, that's the difference between you and me. i'm just a loaded gun. my tastes are simple," dominic says, gesturing to the unfinished, cold yiros in front of him as if to make a point.

stay or flee. his left hand traces the garchomp's pokeball at his side.

"one last question before i take my leave; what's special about hoenn for you? kalos would suit you well, i feel."

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
open-eyed, still blind [ s/w ]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2019 8:02:35 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
upon release, the pokemon sounds like he's crying. a grating, horrible noise that makes dominic's shoulders go tense. so the skarmory knew, then, that his trainer is dead even before he got to see the body.

dominic stands by, narrow-eyed and watching, as the pokemon folds its legs to lie alongside caspian ellery, long neck curled to rest its head on his chest. he wonders if his pokemon would grieve for him the same way, and returns the skarmory to its ball before he allows himself to find the answer.

he holds the capsule to his face to murmur something that can be construed as a reassurance.

""wild"" spawn + capture attempt

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
and it speaks [ duo/w ]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2019 7:42:11 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
dominic freezes in his tracks and the surprise kills his scowl. he blinks once, twice, confused as if she had struck him.

"who does what?" he says slowly, raising the hand with the lit cigarette innocently while his eyes dart to follow the way she reached to her side, undoubtedly for pokemon capsules. honestly, he can't resent it, it's a rational response in these times.

"go for a smoke near the lake and enjoy the sunset?" it's not, strictly speaking, untrue.

dominic looks past her to the bike, inclining his head with sudden curiosity because it looks potentially kanto-made. he juts his chin at the bike.

"what's wrong with it?"

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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POSTED ON Mar 1, 2019 6:56:08 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

is he guessing? how much does he know to make such a detailed approximation, especially when it lines up with his suspicions? dominic keeps his expression a practiced and neutral mask.

"you're saying it's an egomaniac's outlet. how selfish." he let's the words hang for a second before continuing.

"my rocket is like an extension of me. and what do you do when there body has infected or dead tissue?"

he's not smiling.

"you cut it out."

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
and it speaks [ duo/w ]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2019 6:28:40 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
in hindsight, dominic could hear was something wrong by the sound alone. something with one of the wheels, mostly probably.

his contact is meant to be a red-haired young woman — rosemary. from behind a tree, dominic watches the motorbike come to a stop, watches even more intently as the rider takes off her helmet and sighs into his cigarette when he sees brunette.

unsure whether to be exasperated or not, he sends a quick one word message to rosemary — "reschedule" — and approaches carefully. dominic has enough self-awareness to know that he cuts an imposing silhouette for the unsuspecting, and he has no interest in getting in unnecessary confrontations on a country roadside.

"lucky you're not far from town."

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
and it speaks [ duo/w ]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2019 5:42:17 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
dust and ash, fallarbor town reminds him of kanto. it's cast in all shades red and grey, long shadows cast by the dying sun.

the only difference is that the buildings are intact. there is no screaming. there is no smell of burning flesh.

dominic closes his eyes, lights a cigarette to smell the nicotine and to give his hands something to do, counts to ten.

somewhere there's the rev of a motor and he comes to his senses, peering against the road. his contact, presumably, with information about the rustboro mission. dominic sets his jaw and scowls as if by instinct.

+ duo wild

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Feb 25, 2019 15:44:06 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

dominic tenses for a long moment, growing somber to study fernando. he's right, as much as it pains him to admit it. with a casual ease, the councilman voiced the thought that has gnawed at him.

silas is a tyrant, and tyrants can't be replaced peacefully; after all, kings aren't made by divine right but by those who crown them.

he raises his chin in part acceptance, part defiance, a half-nod.

"yes. blackwell will kill us all treating everyone in the ranks like cannon fodder. just most of the organisation doesn't know it yet."

dominic leans forward an inch as if to share a secret. "you're from kanto councilman, you can see that this rocket is nothing like that rocket. i want to know why."