[c] emergency response

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 20:41:06 GMT
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"do you ever shut up?"

the words were initially said in her head, but did she care? nah. it was better to think them aloud, anyhow. the question of who she thought she was lingered in the air, and the woman crosses her arms with a scowl of disgust on her expression. "i'm a doctor. i did my job. what other shit do you have with me, now?" she pauses "don't answer that. it was rhetorical." but with how daft he seemed to be, maybe he wouldn't have picked it up on his own. maybe he lost some common sense when he got hit in the head.

"you have a problem with my mannerism? well then suck it up. i don't know who the fuck you are, thinking i should treat you any differently."

she didn't even know his name.

the doctor waves her hand dismissively, pulling out the wheel chair at her desk to sit herself down. her eyes turn back down to some documents, as she pulls the gloves off and quickly fills them out. with that finished, she slips them into a folder and makes way to the door, with the intention to leave.

"get out of my sight."

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 1:25:59 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Gavin waits, a spider poised at the edge of its web.[break][break]

As Wendy rises from the desk, folder in hand, Gavin's foot kicks the door shut. It slams loud. It's the only warning the doctor will have before she finds herself up against the wall with Gavin's arm pressed hard against her throat. He applies enough pressure to stop her breath, render her unable to speak or scream. There's a gun in his other hand; the safety clicks off.[break][break]

"You know who I am." Yet she'd been stupid enough to push him even after he'd offered several warnings. He increases the pressure on her neck. "And if you didn't, that's something you should've asked before you ran your fucking mouth."[break][break]

(He's been in her position before — back to the wall, gun to his head, life in someone else's hands.)[break][break]

"You think I'm soft because it was Cadis who promoted me? Think again. Unless your name is Walsh, I don't take my orders from you." He's conscious of every second that ticks by. Gavin remembers what it's like to drown. It's similar to how she'll be feeling now — lungs screaming for air, head swimming, vision spotting. "But you sure as hell better start listening to me."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 2:32:44 GMT
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she knows the feeling.

not the alter, of course. wendy herself. she knows the feeling of being held to the wall, knife to her throat with the scars of a scalpel littered across bandaged arms and legs. she knows well the sting of surface cuts. she knows the agony of simple and subtle torture - so gentle that it'll leave anyone screaming for mercy.

so when she's suddenly pinned to the wall, arm on her neck with little time to breathe, the pokemon stationed out immediately take an offensive stance. they weren't fond of the man suddenly attacking their trainer - with the espeon already having her eyes glow a light blue to try and freeze the man's movements. at the same time, the espeon casts a glare to the metagross who'd come in earlier. unfortunately, it was the sylveon who came in to try and soothe the espeon's attempts. at least, so the original trainer would have a chance to regain her body.

speaking of which..

the woman glares up at the man, lavender eyes burn through him with near murderous intent, which is held back only by her position. there was a contract she had made with father, and she wasn't willing to break it over something so trivial over a man being limp over her lack of respect. ultimately, she gently lowers her hand to her side to signal a stop to her pokemon, and let darkness take her with little response. yet even while the darkness swallows her whole, she gives an unwavering smirk, as though to taunt him.

then closes her eyes, losing her consciousness for only a moment until he let go.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,425 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 4:27:35 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Gavin's Metagross is a large, imposing figure. It has not moved since setting Mcflurry down upon the hospital bed. It does not move even now, as Espeon's glowing gaze telegraphs her psychic assault against its trainer. It remains perfectly still as the metal bands around it begin to glow with blinding energy — a clash of the minds that prevent either Pokemon from action.[break][break]

Wendy remains smug until the last, a resilience Gavin might've admired if it weren't so foolish. As soon as he feels her go limp against his hold, he eases up on the pressure; enough to breathe, though with a difficulty that would doubtless keep her lightheaded and and remind her of who was in charge.[break][break]

Her Sylveon, should it attempt to sense his intentions, would slip past his veneer of cold fury to the conflict roiling within. He aims to frighten, not to harm, but there is a ruthlessness that suggests he would kill if it came to it.[break][break]

"You know what I call someone who can't follow orders, Wendy?"[break][break]

No hint of sympathy or remorse in his tone, no kindness, but a Sylveon's senses go beyond. A whirlwind of desperate energy, she's really going to make me do this, isn't she?, chest constricting around a racing heart—[break][break]

"I call them a liability. Rocket's got no room for weak links. If I've got to put a bullet in your brain to strengthen the chain, then that's what I'm going to do. Do you hear me?"

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 7:02:15 GMT
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she wasn't going to obey. were not for the fact that she had temporarily passed out from lack of air, she would have gladly put her strength into kicking the man straight in the stomach, even if it meant a bullet in her skull (now wouldn't that be interesting? her brains spilled out in front of the audience of pokemon they had. how would they try to clean the scene? she would die to see the image of her corpse wriggling like the bug it was). but that's the thing: the moment she passed out she wasn't her anymore.

rather, being knocked out for a bit pulled wendy, back to herself. the darkness that had swallowed her, from the point of witnessing blood (the persona that grasped at over her lips and around her neck, pulling her into an abyss she could only hope to survive). imagine her surprise, when the only thing she sees after her lapse in memory was gavin, standing before her with the imposing growl in his voice.

she finds herself short of breath, holding her chest while trying to fill her lungs once again. her sylveon senses her emotions, just as she felt gavin's; though from her trainer, she felt unbridled fear. fear of gavin. fear of herself and most of all, fear for what could have happened to that other trainer who came in with the life threatening condition moments prior.

"g-gavin--" she starts, tears welling in her eyes while bringing her arms u to her face. once again, the meek doctor that most people were familiar with. "wh-what did i do..? i-is mcflurry okay..?!" she's confused. she's concerned. she just remembers blood. he said something about not following orders and, her not knowing what he was referring to, immediately tried to pick herself up. "d-did i do something to her..? d-did i do something wrong..?" the tears well again, this time in fear that she had caused some kind of harm. god, she hopes that she didn't cause her harm.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 8:00:32 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Like a switch being flipped, her cowering persona returns.[break][break]

"No," says Gavin coldly, "that shit's not going to work on me again. Drop the act."
His arm remains pressed across her throat. The ridges of his veins betray tension, fist curled and knuckles white. Emptiness trickles into him like sand through an hourglass — her time, his patience, dwindling.[break][break]

"You know what you did."[break][break]

Merciless. He must be cold to be cruel, closing himself slowly to his conscience. He has done this before. He will do it again. Another face to haunt him in his sleep.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 20:30:15 GMT
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she's lost.

she doesn't understand. why was he being so hostile to her? did something happen? she frustrates herself with her inability to remember, or pick up the pieces. he was upset at her. mcflurry was nowhere to be seen. he didn't even answer her question about mcflurry and knows next to nothing about her current predicament. her anxiety spikes, enough for her to cower further while the tears well up. "p-please let go.." her voice lowered into a whimper, hands trembling and hesitant to even lay on the arm.

the sylveon slowly approaches, wrapping its ribbons around the anxious trainer's arm to try and soothe her rampaging emotions. at least so that she could think straight. at least so that she could clear her mind. "i-i need to make sure if she's okay.." her voice is quiet, as her body instinctively leans closer to the wall. she wishes she could phase into it and crawl into a hole.

"i'm sorry.. i-i'm sorry.."

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,425 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 5:08:34 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


With a hard shove against her neck, the pressure becomes unbearable before it relents. He steps back and lowers the gun from where he'd been pointing it at her chest.[break][break]

He pulls the trigger.[break][break]

The gunshot is loud, even with the muzzle meant to silence it. He never takes his eyes from the doctor even as he reaches for the phone, heart thundering in his ringing ears. His grip on the gun remains steady and firm. He has done this before. He will do it again.[break][break]

"This is Merlino. We're going to need urgent care for a gunshot wound."[break][break]

He gives the ward number to the confused voice on the other end of the line and cuts it before they can ask further questions. He shakes his head, jaw clenched.[break][break]

"Next time there won't be a warning."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ask and ye shall receive, nano. left it up to ur discretion which leg/where.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 7:57:17 GMT
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her leg was shot.

it was fucking shot.

the bullet pierces through the thigh of her leg, sending a jolt of pain and soreness throughout her body. she wants to scream. she wants to cry (but she knows that if she does the former, nothing will happen and no one will come to her aid. it's a difficult reality that her father has taught her long days in the past). instead she gently bites her lip and sharply inhales, holding her hand against the wound while trying to cope with the pain that came afterwords. she tries to regulate her breath.

all while keeping her eyes away from her leg, with eyes desperately shut closed like her life depended on it. the tears ran down her eyes, both from the earlier confusion and the pain that she tries desperately to endure. she can't look at the wound. if she looks at the wound, she won't know what she'll do. if she looks at the blood, she won't know what she'll say.

all she can do is stay on the ground, whimpering quietly as strands of lavender fall over her eyes and tearstained glasses are fogged up from her breath. "i-i'm sorry.. i'm sorry.." she quietly repeats, now only waiting for the man to leave. her pokemon quickly run to her side, trying to soothe and ease the pain the trainer was feeling.

the gengar on the other hand, never lowers his smile. still, he approaches wendy and opts to let her rest her body against his chubby body, until another nurse arrives.

thread end

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October 13
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[c] emergency response
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2020 0:51:15 GMT
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