dancin' in the wild [bingo]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 17:34:04 GMT
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Ask anyone who knows her and they will tell you that Skyler Dross, captain of the Mariner 2, is married to her job. The woman wakes up at dawn and does her morning walk to her boat, setting sail and only coming back when the sun is sinking into the horizon. Sometimes she only comes back a few days later, and only to sleep. She's barely ever at home.

Still, that doesn't mean that she's always working.

The bass-heavy music seems to sink into her bones as Skyler makes her way through the crowds of people in one of Lilycove's nightclubs. She has to elbow a few people out of her way before she reaches the bar, seating herself in one of the few unnocupied seats with a huff. The bartender is quick to let out a question she can't hear over the loud music, but it doesn't take a genius to guess. She points to a random colorful cocktail somewhere in her vicinity and before long she's holding one like it in her hands.

Her blond curls are going everywhere, but Skyler has long since given up on taming her hair. She blows a few curls away from her overheated skin and takes a sip of the refreshing drink.  

She's itching to go and dance again, but she has to finish her drink first. Her eyes study the throng of people in the club, looking for any interesting characters. A bit of flirting couldn't hurt, could it?

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Violet Fairbanks
dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 17:47:51 GMT
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Oh, the universal conundrum. As a proper lady, she was obviously one of the most popular people in a party like this. At least she was convinced of that. However, she also couldn’t just up and go grab someone random, either. No, no. Vio was the kind of person who was asked, who never had to ask herself.

Yet, so far, nobody had. It was annoying her to no end as she leaned against the counter casually. Maybe the blue dress she’d gotten was looking a bit too much like money? It had cost her a pretty good sum, after all. Well, not her, but rather the guy she’d strung along. But still. Others could probably see that it was made of the finest materials, even if the cut was just a tad bit old-fashioned in a way. Certainly not as revealing as what some other women here were having. Loosely cut with a slight slit for the legs, sleeveless, but not backless, and with ornate flowers in a deeper shade of blue embroidered on it. Just something she really liked to wear.

And judging from some of the looks she’d gotten, it was also liked by others. Yet no one had come onto her yet. Some mysterious benefactor had the barkeep bring her a drink, sure, but that was fifteen minutes ago and no one had claimed responsibility yet. Which was pretty lame in and of itself. Truth be told, she wanted to dance, but doing so on her lonesome was for losers, like the person she’d been long ago. Yet Vio was a winner. A slightly bored winner sipping on the remnants of her drink idly while waiting for something to happen, but a winner nonetheless.

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 18:56:53 GMT
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Before long, Skyler decides that the dance floor just isn't the right place to people watch. First of all, the whole nightclub has - at best - dim lighting. Colorful strobe lights illuminate random people's faces as they go through the crowd, but they're too fast to let Skyler study the faces. Second of all, the dance floor is too packed to let her actually watch people. From where she's sitting, the crowd just looks like - a crowd, faceless and amorphous.

She sips her drink, noting in the back of her head that she'd already consumed half of it. In her defense, the nightclub is hot and she's been dancing. Skyler already wants to go back in and lose herself to the music, but something holds her back - she can't quite put her finger on what it is. 

There are a few people sitting close to the bar, but most of them are just there for the drinks, quickly abandoning their spots after they've gotten their poison - except for one woman.

Skyler leans back slightly over the countertop to peer at the woman without people in her way. She looks - for the lack of a better word - despondent. Unlike the cheerful, most likely inebriated people surrounding them, the woman is like an island of pretty blue fabric. 

'Hmmm...' Interest piqued, Skyler slides off of her own stool, colorful drink in hand, and unabashadly makes her way to the woman. There's an empty seat right next to her, and Skyler is quick to claim it for herself. 

"A drink for the lady, please!" She shakes her own glass and finally turns to face the woman, a corner of her mouth quirking up in a lopsided grin. "You looked like you needed it."

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 21:30:52 GMT
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Finally. Someone showed some guts around here after all. No one else had claimed that seat for a reason, yet this lady just took it for herself. Assertive, quick on the draw. Violet liked that. A slight smile easily crept upon her face as she craned her neck slightly, half turning towards the newcomer and taking a closer look. Blonde, wavy hair. That meant she took at least some care of it, probably held at least a little pride for it. But it was not overstyled, either, implying a less narcissistic person beneath the locks. The tan looked like it was natural, from time spent outside in the sun, rather than some kind of booth. Probably a girl working a job that included copious amounts of outdoor activities. Probably not that well-off, but certainly not poor either.

Not bad.
Violet gladly took the drink offered to her. The girl definitely didn’t look like one to spike it. “My, thank you.” Honest gratitude, albeit more for what the drink represented, rather than the beverage itself. Briefly smirking, the faux Fairbanks gives a court little nod before taking a sip. “Though I do hope that I am not yet at a point where I need drinks. I will admit to wanting them, however, hah.” Giving a brief laugh, she decided some slightly self-depreciating joke might be appropriate. She would offer her hand for a shake though, in a manner that was both a little awkward, but not hesitant. Like that was a gesture she knew was appropriate, but not one she used often. “I am Violet, though most just call me Vio or Vi. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 22:19:59 GMT
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When the lady in blue turns her head to look at her, Skyler is momentarily startled by the molten shade that stares back at her, sharp and focused. She'd been expecting a sad person, perhaps someone drowning their sorrows, but the person she is met with doesn't fit any of those categories -and although Skyler is pretty much rubbish at reading other people, she feels the intensity of the woman's gaze on her. Her curiosity had been piqued before, but now it has become an unstoppable tide.

"You're more than welcome," she answers, taking her own drink in her hands and raising it in a mock toast. A mischievous grin blooms on her face, and she takes a small sip herself. Her eyes, however, don't leave the woman. 

A small chuckle slips out at the woman's next words.
"I should hope not, I don't think I am that unbearable to be around that you'd need to drink yourself into a stupor." There is a definitive aura of good cheer around Skyler and she leans ever so slightly against the countertop, turning so that her back is to the bar. 

Skyler's handshake is firm and clearly something the young woman's used to doing. Her hands are calloused from her job, but it's clear they're also well-cared for.
"A pleasure to meet you, Vi. I'm Skyler Dross, professional diver and treasure hunter." Skyler's so used to saying these words, they feel almost automatic as they leave her mouth. 

"What are you here for?" In her experience, people usually come to these places for a reason. "A bit of reckless fun? Drowning some sorrows? Looking for some company?"

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dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 23:43:25 GMT
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Definitely someone doing physical labour. The hands told as much. They were a lot like those in her own family. Vio’s, too, had at least some callouses, though they were a lot less pronounced these days. She’d always been the most delicate one in the family – much to father’s dismay – but she had helped out quite a bit in the past, which still showed to an extent. However, it was still quite evident that she was not, currently, too much the physical type herself.

Fortunately though, their senses of humour seemed to align at least to an extent. Her previous line was quickly picked up and extended by the diverette. That probably was not the correct term by far, but she found it nice regardless. “Far from unbearable, if you ask me. Quite pleasant from what I can tell so far. A lot better than most of the people in this establishment, at the very, very least.” Which, admittedly, was a very low bar to clear right there. Most of the others assembled there were little more than white noise at that moment, not really caring for them, so they wouldn’t care either.

“A professional diver? That is quite impressive. I personally like swimming, but I have actually never gone under to any extent. In fact, you could say that most of my efforts have been focused on keeping my head above water.” Another little joke, hopefully not too offensive. However, she did reckon that it took a peculiar kind of person to just up and dive beneath the waves voluntarily. Though the profession did already explain a lot about this woman.

Violet smiled again, though a bit of reddish hue crept onto her face regardless. Skyler was certainly a direct one indeed. “Hmm, a combination of things, I reckon. No sorrows to drown, really. But I am looking for fun. You offering? After all, I am not just looking for ‘some’ company. A woman such as myself does deserve quality entertainment, wouldn’t you agree?”

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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 8:34:28 GMT
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The young sailor briefly looks around at the crowds moving in tandem with the bass-heavy music and the few people walking or stumbling by. She's always loved the feeling of strangeness in these places, as if she's stepped into another world devoid of the worries of real life. Of course, that illusory screen is a slippery slope to fall into. Still, it's good to lose herself for some measure of time and dance the night away with people she would never see again - probably.

"I'll take that compliment for now," she says, making a show of looking around, "not that the competition is very tough to beat, to be honest." Given that Skyler couldn't even see most people around her, she was feeling pretty confident, and most of them always went for the 'can I buy you a drink?' strategy anyway. Boring.

She takes another sip of her drink, feeling the cold beverage make its way down her throat with a sigh of relief. Her eyes immediately focus on Violet as she speaks and Skyler can't help but throw her head back and let out a peal of laughter at the woman's words.
"I think that keeping your head above the water is an admirable goal, hah! It was never enough for me though." She waves her hands around as she speaks, her voice growing ever so slightly hushed and betraying Skyler's passion for this subject. "There is a whole other world beneath the waves just waiting to be explored - if you're brave enough. There's nothing quite like being alone with the immensity of the ocean around you." 

The empty cocktail glass makes a clinking sound as Skyler places it on the countertop, and it is quickly whisked away and replaced by a new one. The young sailor flashes a lopsided grin at the bartender before turning back to Violet, grin widening at the sight of pink-ish cheeks. "The very best quality entertainment," Skyler agrees, not missing a beat. "I will do my best to please, ma'am, though I cannot promise anything." There is a mischievous spark in Skyler's eyes, there and gone the next instant, and she leans forward. "Are you a dancer, Vi?"

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Violet Fairbanks
dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 12:05:13 GMT
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Heh, she hit a nerve there. In a good way. Professionals were always quite passionate about their work, after all. And usually, the more passionate someone was, the better at their job they were too. Well, most of the time at least. Still, hearing her talk about the suboceanic world like that was quite entertaining in its own right. “Hmm, maybe I should try one day. I guess I just never got around to it, or had it cross my mind proper so far.” Well, that was one roundabout way to getting a trip to the bottom of the ocean, but Vio brought that up very deliberately. This girl obviously had at least some interest in her – otherwise they would not be talking right now – and she quite casually gave her a hook for a potential second date right then and there. And if that ended up getting her a free diving lesson? All the better!

It did sound interesting, after all. She just never had really considered doing it, mostly because she definitely did not want to do it on her own. Speaking of: “Though I guess I should consider myself fortunate that instead of enjoying the world below alone, you decided to enjoy the surface world with company today.” It at least sounded smooth in her mind and she took another sip from her glass. She, too, would probably get a refill if she emptied it, but Vio was a measured drinker. It was always helpful to be the most sober person in a conversation, even if it wasn’t by all that much. Plus, she just preferred it that way anyhow.

The faint blush intensifies a little, but she decidedly does not even try to move back when the other leaned in like that. “I’m sure you will do just fine. As for me? I like dancing, though I probably am not that good at it. At least this kind of dance. At home, we had other styles, really.” She paused briefly, before looking up. “But I can follow your lead just fine, I am certain.”

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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 10:43:03 GMT
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Hook, line, and sinker. Skyler is rubbish at reading other people and the alcohol she's already consumed only heightens her natural sunny disposition and willingness to help. Before she knows it she's grinning down at the other woman and issuing an invitation. "I have a boat here in Lilycove if you ever want to go for a dive or for a swim in the ocean. We won't be able to dive very deep because you're just a beginner, but there are a couple of cool spots around Sootopolis." She waves her arms around as she speaks, a sort of excited energy bubbling up in her. "Coral reefs and all."

There's a second in which Skyler processes Violet's flirty words and then a slow, roguish smile takes over her expression. "A person has to come up for air eventually." Her grin widens. "And sometimes treasures can also be found on the surface." She makes sure to keep her eyes on Violet's, the meaning of her words umistakable. She'd nearly forgotten how fun flirting is, especially with someone who's willing to play along. 

Skyler isn't usually a serious person by any stretch of the imagination - except when it comes to her job, of course. Her second drink is halfway gone and Skyler feels a pleasant tingling in her fingers when she smoothly slides off of her seat. She stretches her hand in Violet's direction in a courtly manner, a playful smile lingering on her lips. "May I have the honor of this dance, m'lady?" The formal words feel wrong and foreign in a place like this, but Skyler doesn't hesitate before she speaks them, waiting. 

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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 11:26:33 GMT
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Briefly, Vio clasps her hands in a bit of excitement that wasn’t exactly feigned either. “You have your own ship? That does sound amazing indeed. I will certainly take you up on that offer.” And that was that. As far as she was concerned, they now had a contract of sorts. One that she wouldn’t just let the other weasel out of easily either, if it came to that. The faux Fairbanks had hit jackpot with this girl in more than one regard, and she was not going to let go of that anytime soon. Especially since they seemed to hit it off rather well.

Speaking of: she was already being compared to a treasure, feeding into her already inflated ego nicely. “I guess it does take someone with an eye for treasure to recognize some of them, when others do not,” she noted, referring to her own situation. It was not exactly subtle, but they had moved past that by now. Hence, she rather just complimented the both of them in one fell swoop.
Violet measuredly finishes her own drink, feeling fairly certain that she would leave it behind soon enough anyway.

Then she softly separates from the counter she’d leaned against, only to swiftly spin and turn towards the other – fluidly transitioning into a proper courtesy of all things. Then, she took the hand offered to her. “You may. In fact, there is no one else I would like to share this dance with more in this very moment.” Again, a low bar to clear. But she liked to lay it on thick, regardless. As was often the case, she did only take the hand. Vio would allow the other to lead from there on out. “Let’s see if you can navigate the dance floor as well as you these reefs, captain~.”

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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 16:28:25 GMT
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This is not the first time Skyler has invited someone to her boat and it probably wouldn't be the last. She's generous when it comes to sharing her passion for the ocean with other people, as long as the person seems decent. "Nothing as big as a ship. A speedboat would be the most accurate description. You do know how to swim, right?" It would be a bit awkward to try and teach someone how to dive without the person knowing how to swim. Impossible, actually.

"Hmmm." Skyler tilts her head to the side and studies Violet - the flowers stitched into the fabric of her dress and the way her hair shines under the nightclub lights - with absolutely no fear that she'd be caught staring. In fact, she even invites it in the brazen way her eyes fix on Violet's own. "I'm used to fishing treasure out of the ocean." And to bring it home. The words swim in her brain, but they don't make it past her lips. The amusement's there though.

The smile that blooms on Skyler's lips when she takes Violet's hand in her own is warm and inviting. The following words turn the previous smile into something a bit more predatory. 

Skyler can't say no to a challenge. They're her own fatal flaw, and the reason she sometimes gets into trouble. Nevertheless, it's clear she accepts the challenge (there is no other option, not when the other woman is looking at her like that) when she beckons Violet closer and leads her to the dance floor.

One of her hands rests on Violet's waist and the other attaches itself to the woman's hand, and Skyler's uses the beat of the music to close the distance between the two of them. 

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dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 17:58:28 GMT
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“I am not great at it, but I can swim well enough, I think.” Her father hadn’t thought so. But then again, to that man, swimming didn’t just mean being able to traverse bodies of waters without drowning, but being able to carry at least one full grown man or pokemon to safety with you. And that was something she’d always been bad at, much unlike the prodigal son of his. However, such annoying memories were very easy brushed aside when someone – and almost complete stranger – continued to liken her to a treasure. Sure, that was probably one third the drinks talking and one third the non-committal nature of a place like this. But Vio liked to think that it was also at least one third completely honest, that the other factors only emboldened the woman to try and do these things.

Things like pulling her to the dancefloor as brazenly like this. The slight blush on her face intensified of course, but it did not debilitate Vi at all. She clasped her hand tightly around the other’s mirroring the movement for the time being. There were a lot of people around them, barely giving them enough space to move once they did find a partition for themselves. But at least no one was bumping into them or anything like that. While none were specifically making room for the two, no one was bothering them, either.

“This is a lot like diving then, in that sense. I know how to dance in general, but not to this beat. So I guess you will have to teach me a little today as well. Though I do wonder if you aren’t wrong about one particular thing….” Naturally, she left a pause there. It was difficult to converse like this, so she had to lean in a bit to begin with in order to talk at all, almost whispering into the other’s ears. Only, of course, she had to use more than a whisper to begin with. After that brief pause, however, she would not make the other wait too long there. “Maybe you were the treasure of the sea the whole time~.”

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 10:50:02 GMT
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The beat of the music becomes stronger as they make their way deeper into the dance floor. Skyler likes to immerse herself in crowds like these, losing herself in the dancing bodies, the warmth, the music that makes her blood pump faster. In this case though, she forces herself to focus on the one person in front of her. Skyler grins and uses the hand she has on Violet's waist to gently nudge her forward and bring the two of them closer. The fingers linger, making a dance of their own.

"It is kind of like diving, I suppose." Skyler had never thought of it that way, but now that the idea is in her head, she guesses it makes sense. "When you learn how to float, the most important thing to keep in mind is to let go." She starts moving her body in tandem with the music, nudging Violet to do the same. "This is the same. You have to let yourself go, feel the music in your body and just let it take you." Although the nightclub is dimly lit, the flash of a grin is visible in the young sailor's face.

She can't help the shiver when she feels Violet's words against her ear, the other woman having to lean in her direction in order to make herself heard. Although she speaks at a normal volume, to Skyler it feels like a whisper, something intimate and playful. She can feel her cheeks warm at the gesture. The words don't even register until later.

Skyler throws her head back and laughs, eyes gleaming with mirth.
"That's the first time anyone has ever called me a treasure." She leans into Violet, thinking that she might as well return the flavor and talk/whisper into her ear. "You see, I'm usually the hunter."

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 11:16:09 GMT
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It was a tad bit of a lie, really. Violet already knew how to let herself go a bit in a place like this. Though when she had been in such establishments before, she had always just winged it, imitating those around her without much understanding, blindly following the lead of others. No one had yet bothered to give her a lesson that she’d danced with. Probably because most of those people had had preferred her to be ‘stupid’ or something along those lines.
Hence, this was certainly different. For once, words said to her were not just white noise but rather something she wanted to internalize altogether. With this woman, she was secure enough to allow herself to give in to the music, at least a bit, her free hand now creeping onto the other’s back idly.

Using that for leverage, she briefly but gently pulls the other swaying body in a little closer, while adjusting to it until they are properly in sync. That way, she didn’t have to whisper quite as intrusively, but did so anyway. “Hmm…did you ever consider the possibility that maybe these two things are not mutually exclusive, Sky?” She had already decided on that nickname for the other. It was the most obvious one, maybe. But it was also quite fitting. Despite all her insistence on being a hunter, the girl oozed freedom, rather than implied captivity.
“You can be a hunter and still be treasured by your prey. If you ask me, anyone caught in your net can probably consider themselves lucky.” Maybe she did, too. The grin she displayed afterwards seemed to imply as much, after all. But she didn’t even remotely say it to make this all more fun. After all, a young woman with secrets was always more enticing than one without.

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 13:49:23 GMT
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When she was small, Skyler's mother would tell her all sorts of fairytales, as parents are wont to do. When she feels the other woman casually pull her closer, the young sailor is reminded of a story about a Spinarak who spun a web of silver. Dazzled by the gleaming strands, prey would flock to the Spinarak's webs, willingly putting themselves in the bug-type's way. That was, of course, until a brave hero slew the Spinarak, which Skyler had always found a pity.

Skyler lets herself be pulled into Violet's embrace, reading nothing but honesty in the woman's face. Fingers drift over the woman's waist and lower back, and Skyler gulps at the warmth of Violet's body as they dance in sync with each other.
"You're learning rather quickly. I think you're a natural," Skyler nearly whispers, her voice dropping an octave. She can't help the shiver when she feels Violet's hand creep onto her lower back. 

"Hmmmm... Did you know, Vi," and as she says this, the hand that had been secured to Violet's own drifts up briefly to roll a lock of pale hair around her finger, "that the most beautiful water-types are also the most dangerous?" There's frank appreciation in her eyes as she rolls the word dangerous in her mouth languidly, savouring it. "If I thought you were just a gem to be caught in my grasp, I wouldn't have made my way to you."

There's that curiosity in her eyes again. Skyler's clearly enjoying the feel of the woman's body close to her own, the brief touches that inevitably happen while they dance making her heart pound in her chest. She'd be lying if she said that she was not enjoying Violet's closeness and the flirty words being breathed into her ear. Yet...

"I'm feeling very treasured right now, Vi." She licks her lips, stepping back and gently getting Violet to follow her, so they aren't exactly in the middle of the dancing people. "I can only hope you are too." Implying, perhaps, that she isn't the only hunter in this duo.

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