dancin' in the wild [bingo]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 14:17:52 GMT
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Sometimes, even Vi felt a little bit bad about what she did. Then again, was she really doing anything here? It was hard to tell. She’d run away from home about five years ago. Ever since, Violet had basically be lying all the time about basically everything. Who she was, what she felt, what she thought of others. It hadn’t all been lies, of course, especially since she was becoming more and more the person she pretended to be, wanted to be. But that just made it ever harder, even for herself, to separate truth and lie.

That was why, even then, she could not really tell whether or not she was currently playing the other woman or not. It was possible – she had already decided that she wanted some free drinks and diving lessons out of this – but whether that was just a nice bonus to something she wanted to do anyway, or the sole purpose? It was impossible to tell. And that thought made her smirk to herself. If even she could not tell, then nobody could. Thus, she might as well enjoy this, no matter how true it actually was. After all, she could tell that this was not like working a mark she disliked. That distinction was good enough.

As such, her own blush intensified a bit, both due to the proximity, but also for the compliment. Violet just liked being praised. For so many years she had tried to meet expectations of herself she just could not. Being praised for what she was good at, instead of being chided for being bad at something she had no talent in – that was just amazing. “I have a great many talents. I might show you some others. And who knows, maybe I am a natural diver, too.” The smirk on her face was definitely mischievous in that moment, though she was honestly still rather harmless. This certainly wasn’t the hardest she’d ever come onto someone. Though it was probably the most playful in a long time.

The other is slowly moving them to be just a tad bit more private. It was subtle, but someone like Violet noticed these things. After all, she wasn’t even remotely drunk or anything like that. And the licking of lips does not go unnoticed. “I am feeling treasured in a way I haven’t in a long, long while. And I find myself quite liking that.”

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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2020 17:49:42 GMT
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There are people around them, which is pretty much inevitable when one comes to a place like this. But they aren't dead in the center of the crowd, and so they can move more freely than before. The shadows that grow around them also lend an air of privacy, however illusory it might be. Then again, no one's looking their way - and if they are, they probably don't care. 

Skyler slowly weaves her way through the throngs of people with practised ease, beckoning Violet to follow her. The edges of her vision have grown slightly blurry in the last few minutes, and she feels her worries washing away like the tide. She's fairly familiar with the feeling, the weightlessness of it. The carelessness.

"What other talents are you going to show me, Vi?" The distance between them has grown as they moved, and Skyler doesn't make any motion to remedy that - not yet. "Please don't keep me in the dark." Feather-light circles are drawn on Violet's wrist with calloused fingers.

There's a challenge somewhere in those words, but they're said with a casualness that belies their meaning. 

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Violet Fairbanks
dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2020 18:00:31 GMT
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It seemed as if Skyler, in a way, already had enough of dancing. Though she did seem to be getting a little bit dizzy, that was probably due to other reasons than the beat and the moves themselves. The briefest tinge of guilt grown from knowing that the other was at least a little drunk, it was there for sure. But it was brushed aside just as quickly. After all, she wasn’t going to do anything other than giving her date for the evening a good time. Maybe even better than before.

That was especially true when the diver started to….well, it was almost like a presenting of herself. Even though she was the one asking her to do something, it felt like the other was, at least to an extent, relinquishing her lead on proceedings. To what end? Vio didn’t know. And neither did she truly care.
Instead, the smaller woman would reach up with her free hand, all but casually brushing some errand blonde locks out of that face. “Mhm, I guess I could show you,” she started, though she did not actually go through with it yet. Ironically, it was once more both something she would do to a mark and to someone she was genuinely interested in. But she’d ask the question anyway, leaning in to once more make herself heard in the other’s ear. “You are a bit drunk though. So, I’ll just make sure. Do you really want me to show you? You’ll have to close your eyes though, so I can properly lead you out of the dark…”

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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 16:36:19 GMT
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Violet's move makes a warmth spread all over Skyler's body. The young sailor had instigated this whole encounter by approaching the other woman, but she needed some sort of confirmation, a nod to the fact that she wasn't the only one willing to go ahead with this... whatever this was. Flirting? Teasing?

At any rate, Skyler can't help the shaky inhale when Violet's hand touches her face while brushing away some of her blonde locks. The woman's words only compound the effect, and Skyler's eyes go half-lidded, and she subconsciously licks her lips again, feeling the ever so slight taste of that fruity drink still lingering there.

"You can show me all sorts of things, Vi. In fact, I'm hoping that you do." She was tugging the woman closer again, the darkness in this corner of the nightclub lending an air of intimacy that had been lacking. "And I'll return the favor."

There is no mistaking the genuine interest in Skyler's eyes, the wicked grin that's slowly forming over her lips. Her hands twitch with the need to pull Violet closer, where she can whisper things into her ear - and do other sorts of things if Violet's amenable to them. 

And it seems she is. "Close my eyes?" There's a teasing edge to her voice, but there is also no small measure of desire lingering in the way her voice drops to a purr. "Vi, you're killing me here." In a good way, of course. Still, she gladly lets her eyes fall closed, and the lack of sight makes all this feel just a little bit surreal.

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Violet Fairbanks
dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 17:20:20 GMT
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“I shall, then. Though I guess you are less interested in my amazing math skills.” She didn’t have those, of course, but it made for a good joke. Although, she had learned some trivia in that field, just so she could sound smart in the right circumstances. Most people didn’t like math, so they zoned out immediately and just nodded, believing whatever had been said to be of some kind of profound wisdom. It was useful in such cases, but definitely not needed here. Since she did not want to cheat this gal out of anything. And because it wouldn’t be necessary anyway.
Instead, she chuckled softly at her own little joke, barely, if at all, audible in the loud club they were in. However, she deliberately paced herself opposite to the fast beats around them, moving carefully, deliberately, waiting patiently until the other finally did close her eyes.

And even then, she was not exactly in any rush. “I always only ‘kill’ those that long for it~” she notes, easily having noticed the tell-tale signs of this woman being quite into all this. Hence, she hand that had only a moment earlier brushed aside some bangs would now trail over the sailor’s face. Her cheek, idly drawing a circle of her own. Then, she moved a single finger upwards, tracing Skyler’s lips, indubitably drawing at least some attention. All part of her ploy as she used that moment to take a short step towards the other, fully invading personal space while slightly holding her breath. She only released it when she moved her finger downwards, lifting the sailor’s chin whilst she could feel said breath upon herself. Only then would she use that finger to lift the other’s chin and bring their lips together in the most gentle of kisses – all just to see how the other would react to it all.

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dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 17:44:22 GMT
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Skyler can't help the short burst of laughter that escapes her at Violet's joke. The young sailor knows exactly enough math to chart courses and other such things that made her job easier; anything outside of that is too much math in her opinion. "Well Vi, if you want to charm me with your amazing math skills - by all means, do so." She opens her arms in an invitation, though it is clear she is joking in the way her eyes light up.

Her expression shifts quickly when the other woman moves slowly closer, her intent apparent in the way she very clearly positions herself in relation to Skyler. To be perfectly honest, there aren't a great many thoughts going through Skyler's head at the moment, but those are that are, are focused on what's happening in front of her. 

She didn't expect the soft caress that drifted briefly over her cheek. The sudden inhale betrays Skyler's reaction to the move, but she still doesn't move, letting Violet do as she will. The finger on her lips and the sudden warmth as Violet steps closer - close enough that Skyler can feel the fabric of Vi's dress against her - are met with a shiver.

But when she feels soft lips upon her own, her reaction is a little less restrained. There are a couple of seconds in which nothing happens, and then Skyler responds in kind, teasingly moving her lips against Violet's. A hand rests on Violet's hip and it drifts up until it meets the back of Violet's neck, fingers splaying into her hair. 

The other hand beckons Vi closer as Skyler, the taller of the two, finally makes sure there is no space between the two of them.

"Your math skills are superb, Vi," Skyler whispers, grinning, when she finally moves away. "Show me some more?"

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Violet Fairbanks
dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 18:05:06 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
There was one detail that often differentiated Violet from the kind of person that she usually portrayed. Unlike most girls that would come to a party like this, she wore only relatively flat heels, instead of thinner ones that would give her more height. Her shoes were still fashionable, but not the kind that one could stab someone annoying with. Rather, they were made for walking, running if need be. It was not even a conscious choice born from a desire to be able to flee if she screwed up. But rather, she simply preferred them, having grown up with rangers in the mountain.

What did that have to do with anything, though? Well, without the aid of heels, she did have to go on her toes in order to properly reach up to Skyler’s head and find a comfortable position to kiss her from. The angle coming from below, especially supported by the other’s hand, was quite nice in and of itself. Their kiss did not go too deep, at least not as deep as it could be. Which did make sense. They were in the middle of a dancefloor still, after all. Once finished, she would return to the flat of her feet, deciding to rest her head against the other’s collarbone as they stood in embrace briefly.
The moment would break, but the magic of it did not. Vio made sure to keep her hand on Skyler’s in the process for a reason. Then, it was her turn to lick her lips, savouring the taste. “Well, you do look like you need a lot of tutoring. But that is not for standing on the floor, now is it? Want to find us a place to sit or….” She let that last part trail off. Nothing in this world was stronger than human imagination. And she wanted Skyler to imagine just what she meant with that, a mischievous smirk on her face once again. This definitely was just the beginning of the lesson.

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dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 23:15:23 GMT
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Violet has barely stopped talking when Skyler leans down to give the other woman a slow, lazy kiss. Their lips brush and the blonde nudges Violet's head for better access. She is playful even in her affections, and gives Violet's lip a small nip before withdrawing. "A place to sit sounds great." She tells Violet, fingers slowly running up and down the back of the other woman's neck. "Come on then."

She keeps her hand linked with Violet's and she leads them out of the dance floor and past the bar where they'd met a few minutes back. The music is still making her bones shake, but she can barely hear it over the pounding of her heart and the feeling of Violet's hand in her own. 

When Skyler sees a free corner, she's quick to claim it. There's a couch with fluffy pillows and a table, and quite a bit more of privacy. Not that people in here would care a great deal. The couch itself is sinfully soft and Skyler doesn't sit on it, she lounges. She'd then nudge Violet so that the other woman would have to sit very close to her. Hopefully close enough that Skyler would have the opportunity to resume - what was it, her tutoring?

"I believe you own me a tutoring lesson, Violet."

The words are said softly, but the look in Skyler's eyes is anything but.

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Violet Fairbanks
dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 23:43:24 GMT
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Her heart was pounding too, though a lot less so. Maybe it was the lack of drunkenness, maybe it was her having a tad bit more experience. Whatever it was, she was still excited, just less consumed by it. For better or for worse, really. That fresh playfulness the other put on display was rather intriguing and it seemed like a lot of fun. Sometimes, she wanted to return to that, too. But it wasn’t worth giving up her freedoms for, at least in her eyes.

Though, for today, she gladly let the other have a bit more of a lead. Their back and forth of initiatives was interesting, especially with how casually Skyler had taken the follow-up kiss there. Vi followed that, gladly.
And soon enough, they were on the couch. It wouldn’t take long at all for her to follow suit. In fact, she just come down with the other, even without being pulled. Only now, their hands and arms would stay connected, as she swiftly leaned against the other woman. It was a bit shameless, sure, but her rule was that once they kissed, skinship was perfectly alright anyway.

“Mhm….yes, though I can see that you already have a solid grasp on the basics,” she added, putting on her most seductive voice – only to immediately burst into a short laughter. “Sorry, I just had to. Though I can show you some things.” With that ominous warning, she would briefly plant her feet on the ground and turn towards the other. All so that in one fluid movement,, she was able to shift her position in such a way that she’d all but straddle the other, her knes to the sides of Skyler’s legs, carefuly to ensure that the dress didn’t get into the way. Only then would she pull up the other woman once more by the collar, in order to give her a deeper, more passionate kiss.

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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 11:17:59 GMT
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Skyler can't help but throw an amused smirk Violet's way when her seductive voice falters in the face of her laughter. It is, Skyler decides suddenly, a very infectious laughter and one that makes the woman's eyes shine in the most spectacular of ways. 

When the mood shifts, Skyler barely has any time to react before Violet has practically slithered into her lap, with her legs on either side of Skyler's. The blonde feels her mouth dry up at the brazen move. It is instinct more than anything else that makes her move her hands until they lie lightly against the outside of Violet's hips, lingering. 

"I see I still have a lot to learn." The hands on the other woman's hips move to her waist and then Skyler's suddenly shifting her closer, making sure there isn't a lot of space between the two of them. Might as well, right? 

Although she's been expecting something of the kind, the kiss still takes her by surprise. She feels her collar being pulled, and before she knows it there are soft lips on her own, demanding.

There are a few moments in which Skyler simply basks in the feeling of lips sliding against hers before she deepens the kiss, hand moving to the back of Violet's neck, her calloused fingers making small patterns on the sensitive skin there. The hand that still lingers on Violet's hip tightens its hold, the fingers digging in ever so slightly.

This was a very nice way to end her day. 

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Violet Fairbanks
dancin' in the wild [bingo]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 17:55:50 GMT
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Another one of these cases where she decidedly does not know whether it was natural or calculated. But the truth was, she still did not care. It was fun to make this girl laugh, so that was exactly what she did. In situations like this, only feelings truly mattered. And as long as she enjoyed herself, it was good. Especially when it did not hurt anyone. Definitely not Skyler, who despite being at the butt-end of her jokes of teasing, clearly also enjoyed herself. The way that she put her hands on Violet’s hips alone bore testament to that. If she had any issues with this, it would be quite easy to push the smaller and lighter woman off. Yet, naturally, no such thing happened.

If anything, Skyler was pulling her closer, allowing their bodies to properly connect during the kiss. Would that go even deeper, even more brazen? Maybe later. The diver certainly had a lot to learn, but she had all night to teach her if need be. Putting her own free hand on the other’s back, she pushes herself closer still, wanting to feel as much of her date for the night – and maybe more – as possible. That was the magic of places like this, wasn’t it? To be able to just enjoy things without them becoming all-encompassing serious measures. Just to do what one wanted in relative anonymity. That was the life, really.

This time, she would keep the kiss going for as long as possible still. Just to see where it would go, how long the other would continue it. And to see just what this night would still have in store for them.

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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 23:58:21 GMT
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