hell ain’t a bad place to be [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 26, 2020 23:08:52 GMT
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the pub’s demographic was rugged, to say the least. this was the sort of crowd she’d been used to, especially in the prison in galar. many of the patrons were likely ex-cons themselves, and others well on their way to becoming the same. one particularly grimy man leaned towards her from his stool, sniffing her shoulder. ’hey there.’ his voice was gravelly, and the breath in it wreaked.

“gross.” she snorted haughtily and raised a leg, kicking him off the barstool and onto the ground. laughter erupted, and the man scrambled to his feet as best he could, despite his inebriation. when he righted himself, she’d already turned away again, disinterested in the scene they’d caused. taking the opportunity, he launched a punch to her cheek. it landed, and she gasped.

lulu maintained her seat in her chair, face angled away for a moment, spitting. half a beat later, before anyone could descend on him in her defense, her gun came down with a hard smack of justice against the man’s head. it dropped him, and after some brief drunken cheering, someone moved to drag him out.

without further ado, the bar went about its business. she, too, carried on with her drinking. despite the whelp, she had a pleasant look on her face. a glass clinked with a neighbor, and she downed a shot. the night was still young. her cheek felt hot, and so did the burn of the tequila swimming down her gullet. she felt alive.

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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 17:51:30 GMT
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If asked, Skyler wouldn't be able to tell you how she'd ended up in this place. One minute she'd been talking to her fellow sailors and fishermen, trading funny tales after a hard day's work, and the next the scenery had changed all around them and Skyler was laughing outrageously with a drink in each hand in a skivvy bar, halfway to drunkeness.

The barkeep raised his eyebrows when Skyler slammed the shot glasses down onto the counter and she raised her eyebrows back at him, a challenging look in her eyes. The move must've amused him because he only snorted and filled up the empty shot glasses. Hard to tell with the scars, really. Nevertheless, Skyler winked at him and turned away, downing one of the shots as she walked back to her - wait, which one was her table now?

She was utterly oblivious to the commotion going on around her, failing to find her buddies when she looked around. Instead of growing worried, Skyler simply shrugged and turned in time to see a woman down a man with the butt of her gun. Cheers rose up around her as she stared at the woman, struck dumb for a few seconds. 

Before she knew what she was doing, her foot was poking the unconscious man on the ground. "Idiot," she muttered, before unabashedly sitting herself on the chair opposite the woman, lifting her shot glass up in the air as if in a toast. Her eyes found the woman's and she grinned. "May all the idiots get what they deserve." She didn't wait before she downed that shot too, the heat making her gasp for a second. 

"Hey, captain! Ye promised me a rematch!"

Skyler scoffed, shifting to face the tattoed sailor that appeared by her side. "You lost the last ten times, Anders. Fuck off."

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 3:43:05 GMT
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lulu grinned at the woman next to her, the red on her swelling cheek only becoming aggravated by the booze. ”a slow death to them all.” she added, showing her darkness. almost immediately as they’d guzzled down the first, she was patting her hands on the bar for another round. two more shots were set before them and she quirked a brow at her neighbor daringly, reaching to hand her one without asking if she wanted it.

lulu looked over at the man interrupting, and then back to a corner where a bunch of leathery sailors sat around a table, slamming each others fists into each end of it. it was an especially rowdy, especially drunken bunch. she beamed at them like a child would a playground.

she turned back to the bar and leaned over it. ”i’m buying the bottle, thanks.” she grabbed it with no fear, eliciting one hell of a look from the barkeep, but it was clear that it was too late in the evening for him to care enough to protest. it was impossible to keep up with the shenanigans.

with that, she clinked her shot glass with the blonde again, downed it, grinned at them both widely and headed off in the direction of the chaos, bottle held high, beckoning them to follow if they wished.

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 16:51:03 GMT
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Skyler nearly choked on her drink at the woman's words, the shitty liquor stopping halfway down her throat for a second before she forced it down - because damnit, she was not about to cough her lungs out in front of this woman. Who said things like that anyway? A slow death to them all?

It definitely didn't help matters that her libido apparently decided that it liked psychopaths. 

All former thoughts were quickly banished from her mind, however, when the woman quirked an eyebrow at her, and slid a drink her way. Well, well, well... Skyler's lips slowly widened into a wild grin that definitely reached her eyes. That particular dare didn't go unnoticed and she was quick to down the drink, locking eyes with the woman while she did it. 'You need to do better than that.'

The blonde threw her head back in laughter at the barkeep's face when the woman just grabbed the whole bottle for herself and walked away. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she leaned against the counter. "'Scuse me, do you have more of those?" The look the barkeep sent her was a whole other level of annoyed, but she kept at it until he sighed and slid a bottle her way. "Thank you, sweets!"

She didn't stay to see the barkeep's reaction, hopping over to the table where some of her buddies (so that's where they'd wandered to!) were having an arm wrestling contest. There were two guys going at it, sweat running down their faces as they tried to best the other. Skyler sidled up to the woman's side, observing the contestants. "Ten on the ginger," she said, fishing a bill out of nowhere and waving it at the woman.  

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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hell ain’t a bad place to be [c]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 5:48:17 GMT
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while lulu was a smart cookie, it was situations like this one in which her perceptiveness fell short. perhaps it was the booze, or the adrenaline, but she hadn’t noticed the intensity of the woman’s eyes.

by the time she’d reached the table, the blonde and her tattooed friend were making their way over. lulu noted the bottle in tow, and smirked impishly. well-played. she’d taken the bottle to share, but this woman had other plans. to it a mind like lulu’s, it felt like a challenge. this time, it was her stare that locked with the blonde stranger’s. it said ‘you’re on.’

as the bill was waved in front of her, she cackled, “hey, i’m no sucker!” she looked back at the meaty sailors. “my bet says you know these jokers better than i do!” she grinned, raising the bottle in hand and taking a heavy swig of it. she would not be primed for gambling for another nine, ten ounces.

a few moments later, a fist was finally slammed into the table, dominated by the red-haired gentleman. some more cheering commenced and lulu raised her bottle in a pointed gesture to the blonde as though to emphasize her good decision. “what’s your name, captain hardass?” certainly the pot calling the kettle black, but she had heard the man say he’d lost to her arm ten times.

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dross, captain
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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 13:56:33 GMT
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The young captain caught the woman's look as she approached and the corners of her lips quirked up in a lazy, almost indolent grin. She shook the bottle so that it caught the dim light in this hovel of an establishment, making the liquid inside glow a steady amber. Whisky, most likely. Maybe rum?

Anders was still following after her like a puppy, probably waiting for her to eventually give in. Usually Skyler couldn't say no to a challenge, but this was just sad. It wasn't her fault that Anders' stupid masculine pride couldn't take the fact that a woman was stronger than him. 

At the woman's response to her bet, some of the sailors around them laughed, and one patted Skyler on the shoulder. "Good luck tryin' ta swindle this one, Cap'n Dross." She frowned at him, then shrugged off his hand. 

"Don't listen to them, they're all a bunch of filthy liars," she said, nonchalant. Some protests arose at these words, but Skyler ignored them, taking a swing of her recently acquired bottle and licking her lips at the taste. At least this one didn't taste like piss.

She extended her hand at the woman (the one that wasn't holding onto the bottle) for a handshake. "Captain Skyler Dross, professional diver and treasure hunter." The words were almost automatic from the countless times she'd said them. "And who might you be?"

Unfortunately, probably seeing that the table was empty and primed for new contestants, Anders chose that moment to pop up behind her and annoy her some more. "Anders, I told to fuck o-" She stopped and inhaled, a brilliant (in her perspective) idea taking place in her mind. "You know what? Challenge her," she said, pointing at the woman behind her.

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saoirse quinn
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 23:45:01 GMT
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lulu raised her brows at her, the apples of her cheeks round (one of them noticeably more so than the other now) as she smiled and gave a hm, sure’ sort of noise. was this her crew, maybe? sailors were a fun crowd.

a treasure hunter? lulu was a treasure hunter sometimes, she supposed. work, for that fleeting moment, stepped into the forefront of her mind, and she took a hard mental note of the name. she’d likely forget it by the end of the night, though, all things considered. she put out her hand. her shake was firm, as her father had taught her. it contrasted with the looseness of the rest of her. “lu.” she answered simply over the commotion, eyes still smiling.

as the so-called anders approached again, lulu watched the interaction with amusement, downing another gulp from her bottle and standing by. then, she was swiftly thrown into the mix by dross. lulu’s eyes widened at her presumptuousness, but she was nonetheless thrilled at the idea. “come on, anders.” her voice was mocking as though there was some joke only she was privy to, and she took her place at the table, swinging a leg over the chair and pulling it up. another glug, and the bottle was slammed down on the table for dramatic effect.

her eyes bore into his for a moment. “ya fuckin’ ready?” there was yelling all around, and they clasped hands. someone hollered ‘go’ and the struggle began. her teeth bared, corners of her mouth curling up in a mad joyousness that was both drunk and primal. several seconds passed, and lulu growled, and anders’ hand sunk down with a thud on the wood. the surrounding men howled, some laughing, some cheering. she looked up at their blonde captain, raising her bottle to her with a grin. “what do you think, captain?” who was next? was it her?

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dross, captain
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POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 9:10:27 GMT
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The name, Skyler quickly decided, completely failed to encapsulate the character that firmly grasped her hand for a handshake. She made sure to keep her grip firm, and a corner of her lips quirked up in a lopsided smile when she felt Lu do the same.

Truth be told, the young captain had no idea how the woman would respond to being thrown under the bus, so to speak. She hadn't quite thought that through, which was also true for many of Skyler's decisions, alcohol or no. She wasn't the best at thinking ahead. Why should she, when the present was so much fun?

Fortunately, Lu seemed to take the whole thing in stride, even going so far as taunting Anders, which made Skyler throw her head back and let out a short bark of laughter. "Off you go, Anders," she said, giving the suddenly pale man a small shove before he humiliated himself by running away.

The sailors closed ranks around the two of them and soon the cheers and the taunts began. Money from bets was quickly collected, though Skyler herself did not participate. She felt a thrill run down her spine at Lu's apparent careless attitude, and took a swing of her own bottle to wet her suddenly dry mouth.

The end came quickly enough, with Lu smashing Anders hand against the table. Cheers rose up around her and Anders was quick to slink away from the table, looking absolutely dejected. Served him well.

Skyler's head snapped to Lu when her words reached her - and a wild grin took over her lips. 

She kicked a sailor that was about to sit on the chair Anders had just vacated, taking the seat for herself. The sailor fell to the floor, probably too drunk to get up right away. Skyler ignored him as she took a long swing of her bottle and positioned herself. "My turn now." Adrenaline was coursing through her veins - that, and alcohol. The grin she sent Lu's way was all bite, although her eyes were amused.

Skyler put her arm on the table and grasped Lu's hand with no hesitation whatsoever. "Ready?" Before the word was fully out of her mouth, Skyler was already tensing her muscles and doing her utmost best to shove Lu's hand onto the table. 


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saoirse quinn
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 10:50:35 GMT
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another came to sit, and lulu was not expecting him to hit the floor a moment later. she laughed heartily, clearly just as concerned as everyone else when he stayed down. the skyler was sitting in front of her, gazing with the sparkling eyes of a strong challenger. lulu received a toothy grin that contained a kindred spirit. this woman was the good kind of trouble.

she clasped hands with her firmly, teeth bared as well. “let’s see what ya got.” the two began, straining, growling amidst cheers. the struggle went on for a considerable amount of time for an arm wrestling match. each of them came close to pinning the other, and lulu’s eyes stayed locked on her opponent’s, glossy, bloodshot, joyous.


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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 14:26:38 GMT
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Skyler's arm strained with the effort, and she grit her teeth in an approximation of a wild smile, openly taunting her opponent. Lu's eyes were fixed on her, and Skyler saw in them the same sort of fire that belied how much the woman was enjoying this. 

The match went on for some time, neither of them managing to pin the other down. But Skyler was getting tired, her arm betraying her as it started to shake ever so slightly. Before she knew it, the back of her hand was being slammed onto the wooden table, causing an explosion of cheers from the sailors around them. 

The foul curse that followed the impact was automatic. Her eyes found Lu's and there were a few seconds of silence before Skyler all of a sudden burst out in good humoured laughter. She clinked her bottle with Lu's and took a hearty gulp of the liquid within. "You beat me fair and square. Fair warning, I'll want a rematch."

Skyler was about to say something else when a nearby commotion caught her attention. Her eyes narrowed, but she couldn't see much beyond the crowd around her. The young sailor frowned and jumped onto the table gracelessly, peering above the heads of her pals.

She had to dodge a flying bottle as it smashed against the wall behind her, staining the wall a burgundy red. "Well, that's a waste." She looked down at Lulu, her eyes gleaming with something fierce. "Guess we'll have to fight our way out of here." The effect was slightly spoiled by the burp that escaped her mouth right after.

A second bottle flew right past Skyler's head and she cackled, climbing down. She took another gulp of her drink and charged forward.

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 8:29:31 GMT
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it was a very close, but finally, lulu was able to slam the captain’s hand down on the table. she grinned widely, even when the other woman didn’t immediately react. she wasn’t one to pity sore losers. but, then skyler’s face lit up, proving otherwise. hearty, drunken laughter ripped from lulu’s chest as she met the bottle with her own with a loud clink, downing another ounce of tequila. “any time!”

she was busy lighting a cigarette when skyler climbed the table, and the flame hadn’t even touched the end before a bottle flew past the table and into the wall with a loud shatter. lulu’s eyes went wide with momentary shock, before she scrambled to her feet, finding herself in the sudden midst of a pub brawl. she glanced up at skyler. apparently they were leaving together. her look of surprise subsided, replaced by another grin as she fought through the crowd at the captain’s side, grabbing cups out of hands and smashing them on heads, throwing punches with her free hand, cackling.

there was no paying the tab. they spilled out on the other side, into an ocean breeze and significantly better smelling air. she was still laughing hysterically. “guess i found a good bar.” she raised the bottle, taking another swig before reaching in her pocket with her free hand and retrieving a pack of cigarettes, thumbing the top open and grabbing one out with her teeth. she lit it with an old zippo she’d finally located in her belongings before her trip out.

she inhaled, exhaled, and looked up at skyler. her grin faded to an inebriated smirk, and she swayed on her feet just a hair, dizzied by the woman’s eyes. “where’s your boat, captain?” she hiccuped.

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dross, captain
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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 17:37:14 GMT
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Against all odds, Skyler was still holding onto her bottle when she was spewed out of the fine establishment she'd been getting drunk in. The oceanic breeze was a nice change from the smell of stale beer and unwashed bodies that had permeated the pub, and she breathed deeply.

There still was a feral look in her eyes that subsided only slightly at the sound of Lu's laughter. She licked her lips and took a quick swing of her bottle. Adrenaline was still coursing through her body and it made her feel reckless - more than usual.

Skyler watched as Lu took a cigarette and lit it up, the smoke drifting up into the night sky. She couldn't help but think that the smoke looked strangely inviting coming out of Lu's mouth - and it probably showed on her face. Truth be told, the captain had never had a cigarette in her life. 

"My boat?" An eyebrow quirked up. "I usually leave my boat for the second date, but if you insist." They weren't that far off the docks anyway, and Skyler was pretty sure she could walk mostly straight. "I reckon this'll last us 'til we get there." She shook the bottle she was holding. "I have more booze in the boat anyway." A flash of a mischievous smile, and then the captain was moving down the street.

The path to the boat was thankfully short, even if Skyler wasted most of the time trying to correct her path. A bawdy sailor song slipped past her lips, one she most likely learned from her sailor pals. 

The Mariner 2 was a beauty, the speedboat almost glowing in the moonlight. Or perhaps that was the alcohol.

Skyler approached the boat and swung aboard, her movements suddenly much less hesitant once she was aboard.
"Welcome," she told Lu with a flourish, "to the love of my life." Her eyes flashed quicksilver with some unknown emotion, and she nodded to the cabin. "Booze's in there."

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saoirse quinn
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2020 5:13:04 GMT
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second date, huh? it almost slipped without notice, but her eyes acknowledged the flirtation with a glint. “it was a good first date.” she reasoned back humorously. then, at the mention of booze, she grabbed the bottle and tipped it up. handing it back, she wiped her lips with her wrist and belched, following.

coming from a place of snow, lulu enjoyed oceanic excursions. the idea of feeling the breeze out on the water appealed to her, especially in her drunken state. the excitement was all over her face, bright and lively.

when they got to the speedboat, lulu swung a leg of the side and then the other, following the captain’s lead. “she’s beautiful.” lulu confirmed. she knew nothing about boats, but this felt cool, and she was thoroughly enjoying herself already. she explored the deck, her gait unsteady, until she reached the door that descended into the cabin below.

lulu squinted around, her vision doubling for just a moment. “where are you..” she muttered under her breath. “ah!” she located a bottle and went back up to the top deck, waving it at skyler. “found it.” hiccup. another swig, coughing. rum. “oh fuck, that’s not tequila.” sputtering, she then took another sip, clearly not minding too much.

zig-zagging back over to skyler, she leaned against the side of the ship and handed her the bottle. “ya know,” hiccup. “i always wanted to be a pirate.” it wasn’t true. she was a retired gangster. she’d gotten her share of kicks. drunken lulu was convinced it was a deep thought from the heart, however, and stared off into the sky deeply.

“how’d you get into this line of work, anyways? you are a pirate, right?” she didn’t quite remember. lulu eyed the woman suspiciously, putting her cigarette to her lips and raising a finger in warning. “don’t lie to me, blondie.”

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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2020 12:14:52 GMT
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Lu's comment about her boat made Skyler's grin turn into a soft smile. Her hand brushed the railing of the boat. "She is, isn't she?" The words were nearly whispered, and it was clear in the captain's voice how much she loved her boat. "She also goes very fast." She gave it a small pat before she stumbled back and headed to a small seat at the back of the boat. 

When Lu exited the cabin, waving a bottle of liquor in her hand, Skyler gave a loud cheer, eyes bright with drunken glee. She'd taken the time to drape herself over the seat, arms thrown over the railing while one of her legs was propped up. She looked entirely relaxed and more than a little self-indulgent. 

"You don't like rum?" One eyebrow was quirked up, but then she let her head fall back because it was becoming too much of a hassle to keep it up. Still, by some sort of supernatural sense Skyler managed to grab the bottle when Lu handed it to her and took a few gulps, smacking her lips together at the taste. Way better than that swill in the pub. "Now this... This is good. Pity I'm too knackered to 'ppreciate it."

Unrestrained laughter filled the air around them following Lu's accusation. "Hmm, I'm a pirate alright. Gettin' all sorts o' booty." She attempted to wiggle her eyebrows, but wasn't sure she'd done it right. She was sure she'd wiggled something. Oh well.

Skyler was feeling weightless, her limbs relaxing further into position. Oh wow, the stars were beautiful tonight. They were moving too much though. Huh.

The nickname caught her attention, and she shifted her eyes to look at Lu. "Blondie?" She sounded surprised, as if she'd never realized up until that moment that she was actually blonde. She tilted her head to the side and took a few seconds give Lu a once-over. "Y'know, you looked hella badass back there with the gun." Her eyes shone with a mischievous gleam. "You're a pirate too, Lu?"

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Sept 4, 2020 3:40:07 GMT
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lulu wanted to go fast. always. she had half a mind to say it, but then the stars were spinning for both of them, and the topic had diverted to pirates.

she snorted at the woman’s response, the look of suspicion breaking in the creases of her laughter at the strange thing skyler was suddenly doing with her face. “oh, gimme a break.” she shook her head at the captain and pulled another cigarette out, slouching back against the other end of the seat. she opened her hand at the air and flexed it, grasping for the bottle.

about the 'blondie' thing, she responded drunkenly, “you are what you are.” lulu the philosopher. she brought the cigarette to her lips and lit it with the zippo again. smoke wafted above them until it was carried away on the sea breeze.

having been staring up at the sky with her, lulu found herself startled by the blue eyes looking back at her when she looked down again. she watched them travel, quirking a brow at skyler, grin narrowing into a smirk. “maybe.” she responded ominously. then, she pulled one of her guns from its strap, pointing to the jolly roger emblem on its cream-colored handle. “see? wasn’t gonna tell ya, but i’m the real deal.” she eyed skyler through the smoke of her cigarette. “bad call letting me aboard.” the words were heavily slurred and comically sarcastic. she spun the handle on her finger like she was in a western and sheathed it back in its strap.

the breeze passed, and she bit her lip, a smile with something different and secretive behind it. “yeah, i’m a real hard criminal.” the alcohol emboldened her. she was having too much fun.

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