Hold Your Breath [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 5:21:11 GMT
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He was standing at least thirty feet away from the warehouse, and yet he could still smell its noxious odor. Smoke billowed from the warehouse's windows, a fairly obvious sign that someone was up to no good. The smell got so rancid that Oscar had to spit out his lollipop and put on his hazmat helmet early. 

"It smells like death a thousand times over. What's going on in there, a koffing orgy?" Oscar made a tsk sound as he secured his helmet, but even with it on he could smell the gasses. This little block of abandoned warehouses was Rocket territory, and since they rarely used them they would frequently end up homes to wannabes looking to start their own crime syndicate. And then they had to be cleared out; Oscar was pretty positive the higher ups only kept this place relevant so that they could keep grunts busy beating down petty criminal losers during slow months. 

This particular case was troubling because the smoke could probably be seen from miles around. If they couldn't take care of this quickly, it was very likely the police would come snooping around. 'They' in this case being Oscar and his partner for the mission: Rex. Oscar hadn't met Rex until today, but he was sure they would have a grand ol' time wading through toxic gasses together.

Oscar looked to his partner, his expression strained. "We better get this over with. Doesn't matter how long we put it off, we'll never get used to the stench."

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 19:05:36 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Rex had long since put on his mask, unable to tolerate even a bit of the stench. "Pfft, can't be." His voice mumbled out from the stifling mask, which was unsurprisingly doodled on, a toothy smile drawn on, "It smells too much like hate." How could something smell like hate? He didn't know but it was certainly this. [break][break]

He had two new partners, human and Pokemon, and he only hoped they both lived up to this mission. Oscar and Eleven...he probably expected more from the sleepy Venomoth dozing on his back, if only cause he never heard of this guy and Eleven couldn't be poisoned by this. Whatever, they'd get this done and then he was gonna throw himself into bed, Eleven was making him sleepy. [break][break]

"I got it." Rex spoke up as he shrugged his shoulders, getting Eleven into the air, "Go get 'em, tiger." The Venomoth hovered briefly, shaking sleep out of its movements, then fixed its eyes on the poisonous gas. Stupidly enough, it could trace that a low window was opened to allow the fumes out, a perfect entrance point, even for the humans. As a bug, it didn't make that much noise, but flew around Rex urgently before flying towards the chosen entrance. "Huh, she got their number, I think. Come on, she's gonna mess them up and I wanna see!"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex~


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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 19:59:03 GMT
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Oscar made a grimace as he watched the venomoth. Not out of distaste, but rather out of envy. As a bug connoisseur, he had always found venomoth to be rather beautiful creatures. Alas, he could not find one for himself. They were an elusive species, and every time Oscar had encountered one they would slip through his fingers. His luck would change on day, but for now he jealously watched Rex command his venomoth companion.

Oscar let out his own pokemon at this time, the Salazzle Sama. Sama stretched a bit, examined her surroundings, and then slowly recoiled as the smell of the noxious fumes invaded her nose. She let out a series of coughs before glaring at her master. How dare he subject her to this? Oscar noticed and rolled his eyes, "Oh get over it, this is nothing to a poison type." Sama growled, secreting an extra amount of oil on her skin to create a perfume-like smell that blocked out the stench of the smoke.

When venomoth found an entrance into the warehouse, Oscar and Sama followed right behind Rex. Oscar watched as the venomoth and Rex entered the building before looking to Sama, "You go first, just in case they know we're coming." Sama nodded, elegantly crawling up into the open window. Oscar would be close behind. 

Oscar landed boots first onto the warehouse floor with a splash. The damn place was covered in some sort of disgusting gunk, on top of the smoke that took up every inch of Oscar's vision. Oscar groaned, "They don't pay us enough for this shit, alright where to ne-" Oscar walked forward and immediately tripped over something. He splashed onto the floor, biting his tongue as not to scream disgusted expletives. He slowly got up and looked back at what he tripped over.

It was an adult male, laying face first in the gunk. Oscar lifted the man's head by his hair, revealing that his face was covered in a shabby gas mask. From the looks of it, this guy was trying to escape through the same window they entered. Was he apart of this? Oscar clicked his tongue, "Well, looks like these assholes weren't as prepared as they thought. I doubt he was alone though, and whatever is making this smoke is nearby though. What's your venomoth see?"

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 15:52:09 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



It was unfortunate that Rex possessed the desired Pokemon, because in all honesty, Rex could care less. Yes, a Venomoth was scarier than most other butterfly Pokemon...but it still looked like a butterfly. So, with no idea what he had, Rex sauntered in the path of his Pokemon. [break][break]

It was even more unfortunate that Oscar tripped when he entered the warehouse, as Rex offered no sympathy but a grating laugh, "They pay me enough, I'm not so sure about you...might have to replace everything later, huh?" Even with a suit on, he felt dirty, he could only imagine tripping...but it sure was fun when it happened to someone else. [break][break]

Speaking of somebody else, they had some poor smuck on the ground here with them. "Huh...heard these masks don't last forever, guess he proved it right." He snickered, seemed the source of the stench was powerful, a fight it was. [break][break]

Eleven fluttered back smoothly right on cue to Oscar's question, fuzz on end as it circled Rex's head, smoke and sludge floating before its eyes as Confusion held it up for a few seconds before it plopped to the ground. "Guess we found where both this shit came from." Eleven, however, refused to fly back without Rex nearby, forcing him to take out another Pokeball, though with some excitement. "I guess whatever Eleven took from ain't so happy to be taken from. If they're around, we'll have to smack down those idiots too." He jerked his chin towards the fallen form of one of the gas masked men, "So let's go and tear this place a new one...might even smell better once we're done."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex~

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 17:46:31 GMT
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Oscar pulled out another pokeball as well, just in case whatever awaited them was too much for Sama.  Sama noticed the gesture and narrowed her eyes, insulted by the implication. Oscar ignored his diva and nodded toward Rex. "Lead the way, let's fuck up some assholes."

Following the venomoth, Oscar observed through the smoke walls on either side of them. They must have entered through a hallway, probably where the offices sat. If Oscar had to guess, he'd wager the bulk of the offenders were on the main work floor. It provided the most space after all. The venomoth flew through and open set of of double doors, from which most of the smoke was billowing. Oscar gave Rex one more look of confirmation before going through.

The sludge was thick here, making it hard to walk through. As Oscar entered the massive room beyond the double doors, he immediately assumed it to be the work floor. Through the smoke he saw abandoned machinery, rotting and slowly sinking into the gunk. He also noticed multiple bodies, each wearing the same model of gas masks as the first one. Oscar couldn't help but chuckle at the macabre sight, "Look, a whole party of idiots."

Whatever their plan was went horribly wrong, or perhaps horribly right based on the circumstances. Oscar looked up, noting a cloud of smoke so thick that he couldn't see past it. Yet it looked strange, as if it were all flowing like a series of fountains. Oscar would not have time to wonder what was up there, as a koffing would soon descend through the cloud.

It was bloated, most likely from gorging on all this sludge. It was also not alone, as multiple koffings soon appeared, glaring at the intruders. They were joined by a massive Weezing, who let out a strained noise upon seeing Oscar and Rex. This was apparently an attack order, as the army of koffing soon descended upon the duo. Oscar winced, "Well at least it isn't an orgy."

With that the battle began.

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 21:13:51 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Eleven was so lucky to be a poison-type. Even with the mask, he feared that he might become just another smuck on the ground. At best, his eyes were starting to water, and that was no good. [break][break]

He looked upon the scene with some bemusement, and even Eleven was chittering as if in laughter. A sense of humor, this Venomoth might just endear itself to him yet. He called the moth closer as the Koffings plunged towards them, voice cracking from the stench that emanated from the Pokemon, "Blow 'em away!" [break][break]

Gust unleashed a blast of air, blowing away some smaller Koffings and, as a bonus, blowing away the smelly smoke. "Get some out!" He barked, waiting precious few seconds so his favorites wouldn't be released in the poisonous smoke, "She got them, don't ya, girl?" A chirp of confirmation came from the Venomoth, who paused in her Gust briefly to unleash a Confusion before resuming the flying-type attack. They weren't attacking the Weezing, trusting Oscar to it.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex~

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2020 0:07:03 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Rex and his Venomoth took on the koffing hoard, the weezing would indeed hone in on Oscar. He scowled, holding his second ball aloft in preparation to open it. Sama noticed this and glared, unwilling to share the spot light with one of its teammates. She sprang into action without input, much to Oscar's surprise. He allowed it however, relaxing the hand holding the ball. Perhaps she will know what she's doing.

Sama jumped at the weezing as it came into range, claws outstretched. Latching onto the smoking behemoth, she unleashed a point-blank Flamethrower onto its slack jawed face. The weezing yelled out, spewing an immense cloud of Smog to choke the salazzle. Thing is, Sama was a poison type as well. With the smoke having no effect on her resilient lungs, she continued to grapple her foe while unleashing an intense stream of fire.

Eventually the weezing just couldn't stay afloat, slowly falling to the sludge covered ground from beneath Sama's onslaught. She hopped off as it began to sink into the sludge, its massive form making horrible sounds as it struggled to breathe. Sama smirked, swiftly spinning around to slam the bloated mess with her flaming tail (Fire Lash). The dire blow tossed the toxic balloon aside, it landing face first into the sludge. 

Satisfied with her performance, Oscar nodded toward the koffing hoard. "Cool nice job, now get the others." Sama tsked, diving into the koffing fray without hesitation. 

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2020 21:19:11 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Rex shifted as he could see the poisonous lizard coming, yelling out to Eleven, "To her! Put 'em down!" Eleven chittered thoughtfully, wings flapping harder as she suddenly unleashed a Sleep Powder over the group, already winded from dealing with Gust, then flew to their other side. [break][break]

With nary a warning, she used Gust once more, pounding the now sleepy group to be destroyed by the Salazzle, "Incoming, man!"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex~


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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 4:38:14 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As the collection of koffing was blown their way, Oscar decided to intervene. "Sama, Flamethrower." Sama nodded, letting loose a stream of flame toward the koffing storm. The blast of fire of large, but not large enough to take out the whole group--though it quickly became apparent that it had a different purpose. The flamethrower connected to a small cluster in the front, and immediately ignited their over-bloated bodies. The koffing blew up, and those explosions caused a chain reaction that would lead to the others blowing up as well.

Oscar watched as the koffing went up in flames, the explosions dispersing the smoke in the room. The explosions were so numerous that for a millisecond Oscar thought he miscalculated and was about to fucking die due to a math error. Yet not a single ember reached his pretty little head, though fuck was it loud. 

The last of the koffing blew, and soon all was still. The warehouse walls creaked slightly, Oscar assumed that eventually they would give out and bury this horrific little misadventure forever. Good, no one needed to see this sludge filled mess. Sama limped up to Oscar, and he only now realized she probably got brushed by a few of the explosions. Oscar patted her head, though she seemed less than appreciative--considering the circumstances. 

Oscar returned her to her pokeball, and was suddenly reminded he wasn't the only person in this warehouse. He looked for Rex, "Hey, are you alright? We gotta get out of here asap." While concerned for his partner's safety, Oscar did not hesitate to turn for the exit. This job was done, and he was eager to leave this disgusting experience behind him.

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 13:30:03 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Thankfully for his livelihood, Rex never left home without a trusty protector. In this case, Two. The Armaldo knew enough about what Rex got himself involved in to immediately set up a Protect the moment she left her Pokeball, snarling in exertion as the explosions battered her barrier. [break][break]

He realized two things as the smoke cleared. One, Eleven had managed to dive to him and now clinged stubbornly to his back. Secondly, he was pissed. [break][break]

"What the hell, not even a warning!? Are you messing with me? What if you killed me!?" He chided and snapped, stomping after Oscar...quickly now, he didn't want to be trapped in this dump when it finally collapsed.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex~


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Hold Your Breath [m]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 2:46:37 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


