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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 4:13:41 GMT
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It had never felt such a feeling before.

The big ones with no furs or scales or feathers, that changed skins, he avoided them for so long. His insides told him to.

It was cold and dark for so long, but then one of the big ones came for him. The tunnels kept him safe, the tunnels made him strong, but it was cold and dark for so long.

"There's some special training you and I have to do." He remembered the big ones words, he couldn't speak back with those words but he understood. "There's something I need that only you can do."

Having only been part of Senon's team for a week or so Drillbur never experienced the anxiety of being left behind that he'd felt when dropped off at the daycare.

How long would he be alone and what could he do to make the hurting stop?

● tags: @open
● notes: pokémon PoV seems like a challenge
I hope i do this well enough

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professor o, professor oak
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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2020 0:36:44 GMT
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the spray of water had been made by the tympole. it was so great that it practically reached all the way toward the drillbur who had seemed to hav been lost in thought. the tympole, like a child, merrily shouted, "hello!" it greeted, nodding his head vertically due to the lack of appendages. "did i get ya, did i get ya?!" the hyperactive tympole asked.

"you looked lonely and sad, so i thought water would cheer you up!" the tympole wiggled with glee, "everyone likes water! you should come on in and play!" the water-type insisted. little did he know, there was a potential chance the drillbur wouldn't like that. but only its response would determine that.

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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2020 9:12:29 GMT
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The hairs on its thin fur stood up at the moment it realized it had almost been doused in water.

Narrowing its brows the Drilbur raised a claw to retaliate until it noticed the warm and innocent nature of the fish-thing that attacked him. It talked a lot, which made him uneasy. The others from the tunnel didn't talk. They only fought, they only came to Drilbur to fight.

It was strange to have an opponent and not fight. Was the fish-thing really an opponent if they weren't fighting? Having won just as many fights as he'd lost his grounded claws were sharp and Drillbur just couldn't bring himself to attack; not while his fur was still dry. It was a little thing that didn't know fights. If it was here it had a human and humans shared battle. Drillbur knew fights and now with a human of his own Drillbur would know battle too.

The human with fire on its head and the pokemon with fire on its tail had beat him but they didn't finish him. This one had a tail but spit water; creatures outside the tunnel were strange.

Turning its back to the smaller pokémon Drillbur burrowed into the ground but instead of leaving it poked its head from the earth as if to study the tympole without risking its fur. "No wet fur."

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● notes: i've assimilated your pkmn PoV style >=D

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professor o, professor oak
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 20:46:04 GMT
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 "no wet fur?" tympole copied. he was confused, bobbing his left and right. trying to get a read on the drillbur. "my trainer taught me that there were certain pokemon who hated water! i'm guessing you're that kind! he showed me a lot of pokemon that preferred dry, rocky areas! especially the ones who enjoy digging, hey!" with realization, it began to flaunt about with glee.

like a child the tympole giggled with enthusiasm. "i think i know you, you were on the picture! you're one of them!" tympole uttered with amusement, "hey, hey, so what's it like being able to walk on land!? oh boy i wish i could walk on land, i'm so jealous. you're so cool! i've never been outside of the water before." the thought of being able to touch the earth filled tympole with curiosity, and yet hesitation.

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Thirty One
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 20:59:47 GMT
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For a ground-type Drillbur was properly withdrawn.

There was something in the openness and naivety of the fishy-pokémon that made him less mean to it. So long as it didn't get him wet, there was no harm in talking to it right? "drillbur is drillbur." Coming out from its hidey-hole to expose half its torso and its arms it clanged its arms together hard enough to make sparks.

It was a strange thing to consider that this one couldn't walk on land, it seemed cruel.

For Drillbur, feeling the ground under its feet and moving through the earth made him feel whole. Water was anger, panic, offensive. Dirt was peace, happiness, home. Suddenly the fishy-thing made sense to Drillbur; its 'earth' was made of water.

He looked to it for a time understanding it better, and now understanding himself better. Waddling over to the water with apprehension it followed a new calling in it's head, sticking its arm into the water. It was so afraid its arm trembled but it didn't flinch and it didn't run away. Until...

"Bellsprout." Before Drillbur could turn around to see the new pokemon he was whipped hard across the faces with vines running from the arms of the new arrival. "Bellsprout."

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● notes: not all children at the daycare are behaved

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professor o, professor oak
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 21:27:51 GMT
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 drillbur, so that's their name! "and tympole is tympole!" the pokemon responded merrily. watching the drillbur emerge from its withdrawn space. tympole eyed the creature slowly, carefully. enamored by what would happen next.

he touched the water.

but before tympole could say anything, a bellsprout suddenly offended the drillbur by hurting it. tympole was very confused, honestly in shock of what had just occurred. "well that wasn't very nice." it responded in place of the drillbur. "maybe that's their way of saying hi?" tympole tilted in confusion. just what was that all about?

"are you okay, drillbur fish buddy!?" tympole asked with worry.

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Thirty One
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 21:30:48 GMT
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It hurt, eliciting a suppressed growl from the Mole Pokémon.
Why did it hurt so much? "Drillburrr." It shook off the lingering pain still trying to figure out why it was being attacked by a plant. "Bellsprout." Once again using its Vine Whip to strike at the ground type.

The big one with fire on its head, his "trainer" as "tympole" called them. His trainer told him daycares weren't for fighting, he was supposed to behave, no hurting, no being hurt. "Bellsprout." Before Drillbur could take guard a flurry of leaves shot at him with force and precision cutting at him and knocking him down again.

In its excitement the grass-type began to dance and wiggle in pride and then... it began to glow so bright it hurt Drillbur's eyes.
Behind the glow it twisted and turned changing its shape and its sound and when the glow went away, it was different.

"Weeepiii." Using a now thicker and faster vine to whip at the Mole, it turned its attention to the small water-type; hungry and without restraint.

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● notes: the 1 before the first 48

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professor o, professor oak
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 21:55:18 GMT
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 "drillbur!" tympole shouted with fright. his new best fish buddy was in trouble. he needed his help, but what could he do? he was just a simple fish in the water. but his friend was in trouble. what if he was seriously injured? drillbur needed him!

"help, help!" he cried, "somebody help!" he'd squirm in the water, splashing for assistance. but no one came. there was no one there to answer his cries.

and that's when the playground bully turned to him. with a huff and a puff, tympole stared back. this time with ambition. his fish buddy needed him, and dammit all to hell he would abandon the drillbur. so he was going to do it...he was going to touch land for the first time. "with all my fishy might, i move!" he'd jump out of the water and onto the grassy land.

squirming about, the tympole would gasp for air. it felt as if it couldn't breathe, but that's when it would halt to take a deep breath. in and out, in and out, in and out, when suddenly...he began to glow! the tympole started to shift, his shape becoming something anew. upon touching land for the first time this would cause a sudden reaction within his evolutionary dna: tympole was evolving.

"haha, palpitoad!" a new form bestowed upon it through evolution. with a glaring stare palpitoad would say, "step away from my friend or prepare to get h2-hoe'd!" he heard the professor once say that before! palpitoad wondered if he said that right.

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Thirty One
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 22:15:34 GMT
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So many things were changing about the world and the way Drillbur understood it.

He was learning things, his mind was changing, his feelings were changing.

How much time had he spent in the dark for only a few days to have such profound changes in him.

Losing the battles he'd lost hurt his pride.
Being captured by his trainer hurt his freedom.
Being attacked in this place so helplessly hurt his peace.

But, watching his new friend die as it struggled to defend itself...

There was no pain worse than that.

He'd seen things die before, in the tunnels from trainers passing by, it was always water that killed. But water gave tympole life, water made tympole happy. It left the water to save itself but if Drillbur couldn't live inside water, Tympole couldn't live outside water. It was nice to him and made him think new things, it shouldn't have had to hurt and that made Drillbur hurt too.

It was all too much, and something inside snapped. Down to its bones it could hear something talking to it. Close to passing out from the whipping it spoke a final goodbye to the feelings it couldn't hold in anymore. "exca.. EXCADRILL!"

It screamed digging its claws into the soil it unearthed a boulder making a very small crater in the ground.
With a strength it had never felt before it threw the boulder with the intent to destroy; smashing it into the over-aggressive plant.

In a screaming rage it began to clang it bigger claws together so rapidly the sparks rained down on the grass and soon enough, a fire began and it began to spread. The growing fire scared the weepingbell away, but for the pokemon who was no longer Drillbur; it was powerless to calm itself and too angry to care about the fire.

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professor o, professor oak
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POSTED ON Sept 11, 2020 3:58:35 GMT
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 "fish buddy, you have to calm down!" palpitoad began to panick. dancing in place as pattering feet showcased rising anxiety. what was he to do? what could he do? and that's when a memory invaded his mind. this memory was from his trainer, "water is bad for fire, water is bad for ground." and that's when a plan had been concocted.

quickly palpitoad ran to his fish buddies who were unable to leave the water. calling upon them, it would plea for help. "fire bad, put it out with water!" directing half to deal with the raging flames. palpitoad would direct the others to conduct a unison HYDRO PUMP upon excadrill. "fish buddy, you need to cool off!" and leading the charge, together, they would utilize a synchronized water move directed toward excadrill. would it be enough to "cool him off" had yet to be determined.

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Thirty One
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POSTED ON Sept 11, 2020 7:39:37 GMT
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When Drillbur awoke the first thing it seemed to take in was that it wasn't Drillbur anymore.

It was bigger, stronger, arms more prominent and a horned growth on his head. When it spoke aloud what came out didn't sound like "Drillbur" anymore. He was confused and worse yet, he was alone.

Even surviving its own loneliness, it remembered.

It remembered the plant one that attacked it, and it remembered Typole. It remembered the bright lights that took them in one by one changing them from one thing to another. Then it felt shame as it remembered what came next; its claws clashing together so hard that it caused sparks to shower down over the battlefield.

Before the sleep came to him he remembered the water-ones using water to stop the fire and then stop him. He saw the water coming at him but didn't care to move; the water didn't scare him anymore. He wanted to fight the water too.

Would his trainer be angry at him for changing? For not being Drillbur anymore?

The thought of it made him want to hide and so he did. The worst part was he didn't get the chance to tell Tympole he was sorry. So inside his hold of hiding, having made so many mistakes today, not-Drillbur began to cry.

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● notes: [END]

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POSTED ON Sept 11, 2020 22:43:10 GMT
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