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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
whispering me away
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 5:02:56 GMT
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the air smelled like rot and deleterious chemicals. the stench radiated from an abandoned, crumbling two-level factory nestled in an overgrown nook on the far side of town, where the usual vagrants had been unceremoniously removed by crooked new residents.

“look at them… the carving looks so natural. and this one,” a man held up what appeared to be a water stone, awestruck. “it’s so real.”

the counterfeit mogul and his cohorts smirked at their approval. team rocket’s blessing was one they were certainly better off with than without, and they’d been promised a fat stack. little did he know, the appointed guard was just as much to keep him in that room than to keep anyone out. he'd want to leave soon.

amber eye stared down the thermal scope of an m4 carbine from a high corner, looking down into the gut of the building; a dilapidated obstacle course of conveyer belts and rusted heavy machinery—none of which could clearly be seen amidst the smog pluming out of various koffing, and a single large weezing that patrolled amongst them. lulu watched the stark white shapes of cratered bodies as they exchanged positions over and over, wandering about, hers the only vigilant one in the pack.

“fuckin’ worthless.” she sighed, almost silent through the respirator of a tactical gas mask. she could hear her breath in the duck cloth hood, a charcoal shadow pulled over her burgundy hair. she was especially disguised today, mostly because of the location. rustboro was the last place she needed to be, especially around these types. she did her best not to think about the risks.

( pretend there's only one respirator )

crouched in the dark, above the clouds, she waited for a different shape in the scope, if it might ever come.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2020 22:18:33 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

League reps notated in the mission dossier that he'd been best advised to wear a respirator and gas mask.

That wasn't really his style though. If you relied too much on tech and equipment you'd make a weakness in yourself the moment you didn't have that necessary equipment. For a ranger, using what was available was paramount to field success. In example; he didn't need a gas mask when he had a gust-maker on his hip.

Straight from its pokéball and not even needed to be told, the Murkrow instantly went about using WING ATTACK to disperse the smog building in the immediate area. It didn't clear the whole building but it kept their vicinity quite thin with noxious fumes, so much so that with a scarf just covering him nose and downward he couldn't smell anything but his own scent.

Of course than meant as he moved from one side of the building to another, the smog would become thicker for those not in proximity to him.

Allegedly the building had just become a chance breeding ground for koffing and wheezing; like the pkmn mansion back on Cinnabar, where he'd captured old Gan as a boy.
( )

The plan was simple enough, Gan would explain to the smoggy so-and-so's why they couldn't nest here and they would leave.

If they didn't, they'd be knocked out one by one and removed by force, which he certainly had the pokémuscle to do.

● tags:
● notes: doing some liquid-time shenanigans here,
this post is on assumption i captured the murkrow in my wilds thread

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 1:39:18 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

dakota by stanton warriors

she’d seen them as soon as they’d entered: two white shapes, one human, one bird in a hat. her brow furrowed, and her heart skipped a beat. fuck. here we go, rustboro. little did she know.

the smog got thicker around them, pluming opaquely as the wings flapped. they were just going to push their way through. they were here with a purpose—no one would have just stumbled in to a building full of noxious fumes. this thought only served to make her heart race more.

shouldering her gun closer, she exhaled sharply and willed her legs to move, eyes scrutinizing the person’s edges for any shape of a weapon.

weezing had also taken quick notice of the disturbance, and went to confront the duo. lulu’s rubber boots carried her softly across a track that ran high around the building as she tried to get a better view, still out of sight. she soon made her presence known, however.

“weezing, GYRO BALL!

the pokemon barreled forward out of the smog at the intruders, hoping to sucker punch them, man or pokemon, or both, whatever it ended up hitting.

the meeting in the foreman’s office paused for just a moment, hearing a faint commotion, before shrugging it off and continuing.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 3:13:19 GMT
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It almost seemed to come out of nowhere. "Wheezing!" It proclaimed as it crashed into his shoulder spinning him around and where he stumbled through dry wall into a room that had only had the one wall built thus far. Groaning as he got back to his feet, he was ready to tread softly if the pokémon in the building were going to be so hostile right away.

Then playing back the sneak attack he realized it was a human voice that ordered the attack.

Why another person was here in all this crud muk'ing up the air was beyond him but they'd attacked first, which meant by rights he the last attack was his; as was the next attack. Keeping the Murkrow on the ground and under heavy cover it continued to stay close to its new trainer while not over exposing itself and occasionally using its wings to clear their area of smog.

From the forth pokeball on his hip came the teams most froggish fighter; so toxic by nature this warehouse waste wouldn't affect it straight away. "There's another trainer in here. Find them and report back; do not engage." With a dismissive wave the croagunk hopped the stacks of materials careful not to stay in place too long as he sped around the area.

Meanwhile Senon waited for any noise or attack on his team that would give away the enemy position. His shoulder really really aching, and sure to be bruised by morning.

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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
blinded [tt][m]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 5:00:54 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

sorry steve by great dane

the weezing righted itself after the impact, assessing the damage and then squaring up again.

however, a command never came, as lulu was on the move even quicker now. catching the sight of a pokemon heading through the smog, she went to intercept it before it could get any closer to the office.

sliding to a stop and throwing out a hand to the ground to balance herself, she wound up crouched in front of the croagunk with the gun pointed straight at it from a short distance away. dust fell around her. she was quick on her feet. “lookin' for me?”

the devil on her shoulder and her empty wallet told her to shoot it down, but she didn’t. in battling more lately, she’d developed a sort of empathy for pokemon that she hadn’t previously possessed. bullets were for people.

growling at her own bleeding heart, she dodged around the croagunk and ran in the direction of her weezing and the rest of their unwelcome company, hoping the croagunk would follow. her team was not equipped to battle in thick smog. perrserker was immune to the poison, but its eyesight wouldn’t cut it.

ordering the koffing to fall back on her way across a long conveyer belt, she eventually hopped off of it on the other side and broke the smog. her gun was then aimed at sénon, her eyes looking up from the scope as she no longer needed it.

what was potatohead doing here?

“you lost?”

the gun didn’t move. she blinked, shocked, and hoped it wasn’t apparent; hoped her identity wasn't either. who was this guy? ’i don’t like to guess at strange behavior’ he’d said. no shit.

unable to bring herself to shoot him, either, for whatever reason, she reached in her pocket and pulled out a couple of pokeballs, throwing them out. it still wouldn’t bother her to rough them up a bit if they insisted on staying.

a perrserker and golisopod appeared. the galarian meowth had been born ready for a dual, and it showed. it looked crazed, staring down what it could see of the murkrow, out for blood.

“you should leave.” she warned sénon, still not knowing his name. she'd only say it once.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 6:21:27 GMT
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It was new to him, all of this ranger stuff. He didn't feel like a league dog with a leash on his neck.

He chose his assignments, he protected people, he protected pokémon and the coexistence the two shared.

When he was lucky the enemy was time or nature ran rampant. When he was a little less lucky it was pokémon that had lost control or was afraid. When he even less lucky than that, the threat was another hostile person.

It was nothing to take lightly, taking on other people with the destructive potential trained pokémon brought to a conflict. He didn't know why there was human opposition here, league intel wasn't fully reliable and that was usually just part of the job but to not have enough juice in their intel-gathering to not give him a heads up about people with assault weapons was seriously a problem.

He'd felt less blind walking through the smog.

Seeing her didn't make things any more transparent, although it did begin to paint a picture. A hand was already reached into his jacket when she broke through the visibility barrier of the pungent fog. It was customary not to move when someone had a gun trained on you, no matter how much it pissed you off. Stepping before her were two pokémon he'd never seen before although one was particularly gnarly. "What the fuck is that?" He mused silently, not fully taking his eyes off the other red head.

The crested metal on its head was a taletell sign; it was some kind of meowth evolution. The other one was a bug type maybe? It didn't matter; she'd pulled a gun on him and implied using it along with her pokemon. She might have thought she was giving him a warning but really, she was just twisting his arm.

If you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen. Unless you worked a kitchen for a living.

From behind his jacket a pokeball hit the ground and in the time it took for him to dive the pokémon cramped the space between the two humans. Big, scaled and angry for anger's sake the Gyarados took very little stock of the circumstances before it lost its cool.

"HYDRO PUMP!" he yelled as he picked up the Murkrow. With the woman being the only target she's seen so far the Gyarados didn't hesitate to attack. It didn't leave her much room to counter attack. A human being hit with a HYDRO PUMP would be like a human being getting hit by a wet tornado. If she didn't dodge she would be crushed between the wall and an unyielding amount of water pressure which gave him room to maneuver. "TAILWIND!" Calling up a focused aura of wind Senon's team through Murkrow gained a noticeable speed boost.

Putting the the crow on his head as he got to his feet it gripped in his hair ready for a bumpy ride.

● tags:
● notes: why is this post so long?

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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
blinded [tt][m]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 17:42:33 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

random utterances by local group

she watched the pokeball drop behind his feet and glared at him flatly. ballsy son of a bitch.

lulu lowered her gun and backpedaled at the mass of the gyarados as it appeared before them, matching perrserker’s aggression and trumping its size by five or six meters. it didn’t take a beat for her to realize she needed to move.

narrowly evading the water, she caught a glimpse of the brick moving next to her. she supposed that was fair. shot for a shot. should’ve killed him when she had the chance. should've taken his money, first off.

“hit it with shells!” she pulled herself up.

the golisopod reacted with RAZOR SHELL, sending jagged exoskeletons hurling towards the back of the gyarados that had attacked its trainer. she pointed at the viking cat, “perrserker, get in its head!”

the galarian brawler emitted a swirling purple aura that grew from a rippling black abyss on the floor. red sparks scattered around it, and it took on a possessed look, using DARK PULSE. its horrible, maddening energy spread towards their opponents, doing whatever damage it would, but focusing on the gyarados.

“weezing, go find that fucking frog!” she didn’t know what they were here for, but she hadn’t forgotten the creeping ninja he’d set loose in their house of business.

it groaned enthusiastically and set off into the smog.

back in the office, things were also heating up. a rocket-owned gastly neared the face of the counterfeiter, who sat as far back in a chair as his body would allow him to, turning his head away at an uncomfortable angle. his cohorts had been similarly subdued.

“thank you for bringing these to us, gentlemen.” a voice purred. “you’ll be staying here while we take our leave.”

his hand placed a still-burning cigarette in an old ashtray as they turned their backs, loading crates onto a dolly to move to the loading bay. the pokemon remained guarding their assignments.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 1:13:47 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The more the woman used her voice the more familiar she became.

He'd ignored it at first but now it was coming back to him.

She ordered her savage meowth to "get in Gyarados' head" and with the accent he couldn't place geographically, it called to memory of the redhead that had called him "potatohead". Then for the first time he pulled up the memories of that night while comparing her, Lady Luck, to the shooter here he'd just had the stand off with.

There wasn't much to compare but the two women had the same accent, seemingly the same voice, even if the gasmask muffled the voice a bit. There was also the auburn color of her red hair; a detail he couldn't forgot as a fellow red. Another detail he couldn't forget were their identical body types.

Lean but not lithe, muscular not bulky and a chest an adult film star would have killed her for.

"You gotta be shitting me." He thought quickly in passing as he ducked a corner and found a fresh set of stairs, taking off to the upper level.
Leaving Ranton ( ) to fend for herself.

She'd be okay; even two on one the two attacking pokémon were too small to kill her in what little time they would have, not without their trainer to coordinate them. As for their trainer, if there was something happening 'upstairs' she would have to pursue him and leave her team to fight for themselves, or coordinate them against the Gyarados leaving Sénon free to find out what was happening here.

With no time to look back he moved abstractly, never in a predictable line to be shot at cleanly. Given how protective Ran was of her male trainer, Dark Red would probably only be able to get one shot before the Gyarados was on her ass again, even if that meant taking a beating from the cat and the bug-thing.

With the Murkrow still occasionally flapping away the smog was no problem for him as he found his Croagunk speedballing around the building.

He'd found something he wanted his trainer to see given he pointed to a corner office in the building the moment they saw each other.

Her Wheezing got in the way looking to attack the Croagunk face to face; which left it vulnerable to an attack from the back. "FEINT ATTACK" he ordered calmly to his crow which hopped from his head "BULLET PUNCH!" and loudly to his croaker standing its ground.

● tags:
● notes:
 BULLET PUNCH: The user strikes the target with tough punches as fast as bullets. This move always goes first.
 FEINT ATTACK: The user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. This attack never misses.

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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
blinded [tt][m]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 0:55:09 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

shards of rhythm by dev/null


she eyed the gyarados for a hair of a second before her boots slapped the dirty ground after him, watching in her scope and hoping the devil would grab him by the heel and trip him up somewhere. it didn’t happen.

“handle it!” she called back to her pokemon. the perrserker didn’t need to be told twice. an alien-sounding, metallic battle cry ripped from its core, and it launched itself up and forward towards the serpentine body, delivering a hard THROAT CHOP. the golisopod, however, true to its nature, took a step back without its trainer to witness its cowardice. it used IRON DEFENSE instead of attacking, a silver sheen flashing over its shogun arachnid body.

as they were running, with her scope on sénon for the sole sake of tracking him, she didn’t notice her weezing until it was sailing past them, the force of a double blow sending it into a crumbling wall to the outside. it went straight through, light suddenly filling the dark and clean(er) air filtering out the smog. lulu’s mouth gaped behind her mask. fuuuck. [break][break]

in the office, the sound of the wall being blown out was finally enough to alert the oblivious group that something was amiss. everyone looked up, caught off guard, except the dragon, who had been waiting for his chance. he was used to loud noises and unforeseen destruction, and was not startled easily; desensitized.

taking his chance as the haunter in front of him looked away, he grabbed the briefcase leaning against a chair leg, and slipped out of the seat. in a second, an uzi was in his fingers, fitting perfectly with the callouses of his hand. with a gleam in his eye that made it clear it wasn’t his first rodeo, all four other men found themselves switching off staring down the barrel of the gun. he moved for the crates and proceeded to collect everything that would fit in the briefcase and left out the door, leaving the rest for whoever managed to take it. noticing the weezing on its way back in the hole, heading for him, he began running in the opposite direction, deeper into the factory.

poking their head out the door after him, the rockets quickly made their decision based on the trajectory of the gunman.

“leave her. she’s not worth it.” the other nodded, not hesitating.

they headed out the hole in the wall created by the weezing before sénon or lulu could get there, wheeling the dolly out quickly with what was left of the stones and leaving the pokemon behind to watch the counterfeiters, only calling to them “time to go!” when they had reached the truck. the pokemon faded through the walls, leaving the remaining men to then bolt out the hole themselves, leaving lulu, sénon, and a dragon.[break][break]

in the chaos, focusing on sénon, lulu hadn’t noticed her superiors leave. she did, however, catch another man running past with a gun.

suddenly, lulu changed directions, deciding sénon was less important than a man with a briefcase running for the door.

the first gunfire left lulu’s gun, hitting various things as they moved through dystopian looking machinery. bullets were returned in a dramatic exchange.

around a corner, a koffing was headed to TACKLE the man, but with unfortunate timing, it collided with lulu as she came out of a blind spot. her hood having blown back during the chase, her mask, cracked loose, was knocked from her head. she slid across the floor and made impact with a wall—again. she was not unconscious, but she didn’t get back up. her gun was more than an arm’s length away. she glanced at it, and then back at the gun that was still pointed at her, feeling her mortality.

but the bullets never came.

instead, she was met with a sick smile. it was the face of revelation. her heart sunk.

“lulu!” he exclaimed, in a similar accent, far enough away to project his voice, but close enough to see her face. “what a surprise! you just can’t quit fuckin’ up, can ya?”

she stayed put, not blinking, looking dead in the soul.

he grinned. “i’m getting a promotion.” he’d leave her, knowing someone else that would relish in the opportunity to pick her off. he slipped out an aluminum door that shut behind him.

suddenly ripping out a scream that held a lifetime of rage, lulu willed her body across the floor to grab her gun and emptied the rest of the clip on the door, swiss-cheesing it, but there would be no body falling on the other side. he was already gone, like a ghost, escaping on a corviknight.

and then there were two (in addition to a group of confused, aggravated pokemon). she sat there, her processes frozen in panic suppressed under a mechanically blank expression. the gun dropped out of a loose wrist. her body hurt. she didn’t look up for sénon. she wouldn’t have noticed him if he was meters away. time had stopped.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 2:19:15 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It all went down so fast he had a hard time processing what was what.

Too many moving pieces.

He hadn't heard any gun shots just yet so he could at least be sure that he himself hadn't been shot yet. Breaking through the smog in the upper levels were two men in suits scrambling out the door a bit behind them, a haunter; nostalgic. He took off after them but only got a few feet before he saw another man appearing the exhaust trying to exit another way.

The later didn't seem to have pokémon but he did an auspicious briefcase and to protect it, a goddamn sub-machine gun.

Sénon wasn't bulletproof but if he moved swiftly enough he might have been able to get the drop on the other man, the only notable thing about him was his the glaring fact that he had as many tattoos as Sénon himself had.

Without missing a beat he returned Murkrow to its pokéball whom flapped back to his head while he sprinted, its agility and the agility of the team still boosted for the time being. Croagunk he kept out the ball it was not only fast enough to keep up, but battle tested just enough to be trusted not to get hurt in a goofy way. Probably.


He rounded the corner to see the man with the briefcase with his uzi drawn and a smile on his face. Somehow he must have gotten the drop on her, probably while she was looking for him.

“what a surprise! you just can’t quit fuckin’ up, can ya?”

Sénon knew he wasn't bulletproof and SMG's were just spray and pray. He didn't have a team or individual pokémon who could stop a loose stream bullets, not with Ran off fighting two pokémon herself.

“i’m getting a promotion.”

He stepped around the corner and into the gunman's peripheral vision. Whatever he was trying to do he'd done it, so he now he was just done. Running out the door he was flying off on his superbird before the Ranger could make it out into the sunlight. She didn't make it any easy to go after him when she filled the door with shells.

The rage she expressed was primal; he could appreciate her transparency.

He didn't understand what was going on but it seemed as of now the league issue of the Wheezing 'tox'ing up the building was solved but the Crimsen issue of what the fuck he'd just stumbled into was just getting started.

He didn't have much to go on just now but context was everything. In what minimal context he had, it was clear she was in deep shit. "Looks like I'm not making you Dinner or Breakfast, Lulu."

● tags:
● notes: fun skirmish mad <3

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2020 21:06:32 GMT
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!




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