birds eye view [m/o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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birds eye view [m/o]
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 20:19:28 GMT
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It felt weird not calling Slateport City his home anymore. It was his home for almost year and in just a few short months, it won’t be anymore. But just because it wasn’t his home anymore, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t help out whenever he could. The new gym leader got summon to take care of some pesky birds building next in bad areas. The man wasn’t entirely sure where, how many, or what species they were, but was told to meet up with someone in slateport city and take care of things before it gets bad. With that, the scarred male gathered his own flock and traveled from Rustboro to Slateport.

After the long travel, the man was standing off to the side waiting for his partner to take care of these avian creatures. Warm colored orbs flickered down to the watch on his wrist, big bold red numbers blared at him indicating he has only been waiting for about ten minutes. Maverick wasn’t sure the exacted time when he was suppose to meet the person here. Was he late? Was he early? Was his partner late? Either way, the trainer could wait for another hour or so before leaving. By his left side, an oddly colored Talonflame rested on her talons looking very impatient. On the other, an oddly colored honchkrow rested on his looking very bored. Both refuse to leave his side, but whether it was fear or loyalty was unclear.

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notes ☆ cuckoo in the nest mission hoping to poach oricorio if lucky

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POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 20:57:00 GMT
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Soup found himself in Slateport, once again at the League's call. He had just been passing through when he had received the notice that help was needed to deal with a nest of bird Pokemon in an inconvenient spot. It had seemed like a mission that was well suited for the kinds of Pokemon he had, and Soup figured that he might as well do it, especially since he was getting compensated for the work.

He was accompanied by the Pokemon that he hoped would be able to make this mission easier. Achlys flew beside him, the Crobat's four wings cutting through the air rapidly. Adonis was there, as well, but the Flapple preferred to be carried by Soup, tucked into a ball and making him look like an enormous apple. Soup didn't mind, knowing that he'd come out when he was needed.

Soup found someone waiting in the area, looking at his watch with a couple of spectacularly colored bird Pokemon at his side. Soup guessed it must have been his partner for the mission, so he cleared his throat.

"Hey, are you here for the birds?" he asked. His gaze went to the Talonflame and the Honchkrow. "Speaking of birds, your birds look... very unique. Are they shiny?"

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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 20:20:29 GMT
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It didn’t take long for his mission partner to show up. And for that, he was grateful. Although Maverick was a man of patience, he still didn’t like to wait that long. HIs warm gaze flickered up from his watch when a man called out to him asking about birds. His crimson colored orbs flickered from the trainer to his Crobat before returned to meet the man’s gaze again when he motioned about this pokemon. “Yeah,” Maverick mumbled in a bored tone, “They are shiny.” It was odd to think that a pokemon who possessed a specific different colorization was classified as ‘shiny’. Although the creature’s didn’t have anything different about them other than appearance from their normal kind, Maverick never understand why they gave this terminology ‘shiny’. His tyranitar wasn’t the normal color yet he wasn’t shiny.

Either way, Maverick offered his hand out in a firm hand shake if the man accepted it. “And yeah,” he replied, “They said some birds have been nesting in wrong spots. Not sure what kind or anything else.” He paused for a moment before introducing himself. “The name is Maverick by the way,” the man offered in greeting, “The Talonflame is Izumi and the honchkrow is Gulzar.” The talomflame stuck her beak in the air like a snotty teenager while honchkrow gave them a nod. With that out of the way, Maverick returned to the task at hand. “Did they tell you where we should look or what we might run into?” Maverick wasn't informed of anything other than to show up. It annoyed him but what can you do. Right?

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notes ☆ cuckoo in the nest mission hoping to poach oricorio if lucky

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POSTED ON Oct 17, 2020 17:37:06 GMT
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Soup nodded as he shook his mission partner's hand. He tried to commit the name to memory, and was surprised when Maverick introduced his Pokemon by name as well. That wasn't common.

"You can call me Soup," he replied in turn. "The Crobat is Achlys, and the Flapple is Adonis," he explained, indicating the apple curled up in his arms. At the sound of his name, Adonis stuck his head out of the apple curiously. "I have other Pokemon who could help, but I'm thinking we can manage."

Maverick asked about the kind of bird that they were here to evacuate, and Soup shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know much more than you, except that it's a bird and that I think it's some Alolan species." He shrugged again. "Even that might not be right. Sorry for not being a big help, but I guess we can find out soon enough."

Though, well, he did know where to look. "I do know that the nest was made in a power line, though. It should be pretty close to here, I think." He looked up, scanning the area, until he saw a power line nearby with... Yep, that definitely looked like a nest. "Yeah, I think I spotted it," he said, pointing at it.

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POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 16:01:16 GMT
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Soup. What an odd name? The man has never meet anyone with that kind of strange name. Then again, it could be a nick name or something. It didn’t matter either way. Mav would remember it for today bit it was unlikely they would meet again anyway, right? The man retreated his hands to his pocket after he accepted his firm hand shake, nodding to the creature’s as he introduce them. But when the man didn’t know much about the birds either, a slightly frown tugged the edges of his lips. “Hmmmmmm...,” he hummed, shrugging his own shoulders, “Well, at least its more than what they gave me.” For a moment, the man tried to think of all the alolan creature’s that it could possibly be. The only ones that came to mind was the rowlet line, pikipek line, and oricoris. He wanted a oricorio.

After a moment of thought to himself, the man mentioned more and soon pointed them in the right direction. His gaze followed Soup’s line of sight, spotting the next from a few blocks down. And to Maverick’s surprise, it was what he was kind of opening for. “Is that-?” He started, stopping himself before he got too excited at what he might come across. His gaze turned to Soup and motioned with a nod. “Let’s head over there,” the man suggested to him, waving for his creature’s to follow as well, “If they are in a power line, we either need to be careful of being electrocuted or hopefully they turned off the power to these line so we don’t have to worry about it.” He paused, thinking about being situation. “Let’s hope they turned off the power.” Both the talomflame and honchkrow hovered over Maverick, following close to him and waiting for commands.

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notes ☆ cuckoo in the nest mission hoping to poach oricorio if lucky. you can either reply and then summit to mod reqs or do it before you post. im cool with either.

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birds eye view [m/o]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 7:09:56 GMT
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has attacked!





male or female - dancer[break]
teeter dance / feather dance / revelation dance[break]roost / agility / double slap

THEY MUST BE CONCERNED ABOUT BEING BURNED AS WELL. the nest is home to baile style oricorio, and as the two approach, they dance to emit flames. flames that threaten to damage not only them, but the powerline itself.[break][break]


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birds eye view [m/o]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 19:00:42 GMT
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Soup nodded. It made sense that the city would cut the power to a power line that they knew was being occupied by a nest of birds, but it was best to err on the side of caution.

As they approached, however, they were greeted rudely by a tongue of flame. The Revelation Dance narrowly missed Soup, who swore as he jumped out of the way, dropping Adonis. The Flapple poked his head out of the apple again and hissed, taking flight.

"Alolan is right," confirmed Soup. "That's an Oricorio. This form is a fire type, but you probably know that."

Achlys had already taken wing, flapping up to the level of the nest and screeching at the Oricorio. She began to flap threateningly in the direction of the nest, but they were here to safely relocate the nest and its occupants, not destroy the power line with a battle.

The Oricorio had no such inhibitions, flinging repeated ribbons of flame at Achlys with its graceful dancing. The Crobat dodged swiftly, but she didn't respond with attacks of her own, and she couldn't dodge forever...

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birds eye view [m/o]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2020 20:28:24 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
Upon arriving at the power line in question, warm orbs flickered to the nest that rested up there. There was no mistaking that a birds nest was there. And by the looks of it, the town did cut off the power which should make this mission a little easier. But before he could asked his partner what should they try to do first, the bird who picked the wrong place to nest popped out. The fiery red feathered bird dances around up there, rubbing the ends of her wings together before she throws flames towards them. Maverick tucked, hands rose instantly to shield his face from the hot flames. He cursed under his breath, taking a few steps back as she seemed already pissed they were here. Did she know?

Taking a few more steps back, the man turned to Soup. “How do you want to tackle this?” His gaze flickered to the angry bird as it attacked Soup’s pokemon. “It seemed to be very aggressive already. We can try to catch it. See if there are eggs in the nest. If so, we can move the eggs safely out of it then destroy the next. Maybe see if the pokemon center will take the eggs.” The man really hoped there were no eggs in the nest just yet. If there was, this was going to make this mission much much harder to deal with. “We also have to think about if the male bird is going to come back. If so, we might need to try and catch both of them before we can handle the nest.”

While the Oricorio was being distracted by the Crobat, Maverick motioned for his Talonflame to go check out the nest. “Can you see if there are any eggs up there?” The bird soared up tot he nest, hovering over it before she returned to hover before Maverick. She chipped, head motioned in a yes. “Great,” the man sighed annoyed, “I guess there are eggs up there.” Turning back to Soup, he gave the man a shrug lost on what to do. “I can handle the oricorio if you want to start talking the next. Or if you want to handle that oricorio, I’ll start on the nest. I have other fliers that could help.”

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notes ☆ cuckoo in the nest mission hoping to poach oricorio if lucky. not the best but wanted to get this up.

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birds eye view [m/o]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2020 17:34:25 GMT
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Soup winced. "Let's hope there aren't eggs," he muttered. Not only would that make the mission infinitely harder, it would also mean that they were stealing away the Oricorio's children, which would leave a mark on his conscience. At least they could probably find a safe place to relocate them too, if they succeeded.

He thought over Maverick's offer quickly, because there wasn't time to contemplate. "The Oricorio's already distracted with Achlys," he pointed out. "It'll probably be easier if she leads it away, and you get the nest while it's distracted."

Adonis had joined the fray as well, winging up from the ground where he'd landed to confront the fire-type. The dragon was small, but his ferocity in battle was undiminished, as he spat an Acid Spray at the Oricorio. Soup flinched, thinking that the attack might accidentally hit an egg or the power line itself, but Adonis was precise, only stinging the Oricorio with his attack.

The Oricorio cawed angrily, wings fluttering as it dropped from midair, trying to regain altitude. Achlys was quick to capitalize on the opening, though, striking the Oricorio with a Venoshock.

"Now would be good," Soup called to Maverick. He was fairly confident that his two Pokemon would likely be able to keep down the single Oricorio until the nest was removed.

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birds eye view [m/o]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 20:00:40 GMT
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With the decision made that Soup would handle the Oricorio, Maverick gave him a firm nod. His warm colored orbs flickered to the next as his pokemon began to distract the creature. And as soon as the fire type was out of the nest, it was his time to do his part. Reaching into his pocket, he summoned salamence. The creature open her mouth to roar to life but Maverick was quick to silence her. He hushed her, pointing to the battle and then pointing to the nest. “She’s distracted. Can you bring me up there to take that nest down?” Honestly, he didn’t even know why the question come out. She would have to regardless. Was it out of politeness?

The salamence let steam puff out of her nose, upset she was silenced but let the human climb upon her back. Once on her back, one thrust of her massive wing span was more than enough to lift them to the nest. “Careful,” he whispered, mostly just out of concern she might just blow the nest out off the powerline. His gaze flickered down the the nest, spotted two eggs in there. He frowned, letting a silent sigh as he wiggled himself to the edge of his salamence side. This was a trick of balance. The man first snatched one egg rather easily, siting close to the edge of the nest. He careful placed the egg on her back for a moment while he reached for the other one. And after a few attempts, he managed the get the other egg safely.

With both eggs in his arms, he nodded to the dragon. “Bring me down so we can make sure these eggs don’t get hurt.” The salamence landed softly as Maverick slide off her bad and placed the two eggs on the ground. “Izumi. Keep these eggs warm please,” he told the oddly colored Talanflame. The fire and flying type landed next tot he eggs, using her warmer body temps to keep them warm. Not that the eggs were safely down, the man leaped back onto his dragon. “Alright… Nest time.”

Lagertha lifted to the nest once more. Maverick quickly disassembled the nest, letting the pieces of twisted branches, leaves, and feathers fall to the ground for clean up once he was done. He nodded when the nest was completely removed from the powerline. “Good to go,” he yelled to Soup, tapping the dragons neck indicating for them to land. She did, letting her trainer climb off of her. The man then gathered all the branches and other things that constructed the nest into a pile away from the lines. “Flamethrower,” he instructed to the salamence, pointing to the pile. A stream of flames erupted from her mouth as she set the crumbled up nest one fire. With the nest out of the power line and the remaining being burned, Maverick gave her a “thanks for your help” before recalling her back into her ball.

As the pile burned to nothing but ash, Maverick let his gaze fall upon the two eggs that they had to deal with. “I wonder if they would let us keep them. You know. One for me and one for you.” The Talonflame snuggled close to the eggs, keeping them warm while they waited. “I sure could use one of them.” It was only when Soup was done that he would looked to Soup for suggestions.

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notes ☆ cuckoo in the nest mission hoping to poach oricorio if lucky. you can put in mod req when you reply!

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 0:03:19 GMT
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As the aerial battle between the oricorio and Soup's own fliers continued, Maverick brought out a Salamence, of all things, using it to boost himself up and retrieve the nest. Soup was impressed at the surprising stealth the dragon displayed. 

Achlys and Adonis worked together effectively, wearing down the Oricorio with venom and acid until it fled, a pained cry emitting from its beak. Soup felt a pang of sadness. It was safer for the Oricorio in the long run to know that nesting in power lines was unsafe, but he still felt bad for making it leave its home behind.

Maverick's question shook him out of his trance, though, and he smiled. "That would be nice, wouldn't it? I'd certainly feel better about it if I knew I was raising the baby bird." He nodded to the man. "And you, too. It was good working with you."

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 3:31:34 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!




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