Get back in your cage [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Get back in your cage [M]
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2020 1:32:47 GMT
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What should have been a relatively easy job became much more tedious thanks to the incompetence of some grunts they were going to be here much longer.

The job was to capture some Slowbro and then transport them to another facility where they were going to be “de-evolved” so someone could run some scheme where they then evolved the slowpokes into their Galarian forms.

Samuel didn’t think it was going to work but hey he wasn’t getting paid to think just get the damn Pokémon and move them. Unfortunately, the Slowbros escaped their captivity and now it was his job to get them back.

”Well aren’t you a good boy for staying put!” Samuel said as he pets one rather especially dimwitted looking Slowbro on the head, the only one that didn’t run away when they were set free from their cages.

”How many did you say there were? And which direction did you see them run off to?” There were six in total, so five out there roaming about and they all seemed to go in separate directions, which was just wonderful.

Samuel sent his partner for his job to make sure the cages were set up properly and once that was done they could start this job.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2020 14:46:04 GMT
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It was slow goings. Get it?
Wren was back. She was back with no outward malice or vengeance to speak of. Why was she back? Who the hell knows. This old grunt was here to tango, do her job and do it well enough to slip under the radar from time to time. She didn't care about being promoted. She didn't care about rank and new leaders. She needed cash to get out of this life - and maybe one day she could run away. She didn't have any emotional ties to this Rocket life. Not yet anyway. "Six in total" said the young woman to the higher up, not glancing from the cages "minus our dimwitted friend." 
They didn't pay her enough to crack jokes with strangers. With a flash of light, she released one of her Pokemon. Hannibal the Lycanroc stood there before a quiet order was given from Wren. "Pick up the strongest scent you can, boy" which would either be the closest Slowbro or several of them at once. She grunted softly, pushing off the ground she had inspected and whipping around to see her wolf bark. "he's got a scent" she informed the other Rocket "and the cages are ready." Hannibal waited to lead the two humans to the Pokemon. But Wren waited for the guy. He was the senior in this situation.

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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2020 21:56:42 GMT
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Samuel looked over to the grunt that was part of the group handling these Slowbros, crossed his arms and raised a brow.

”And how the hell do your group manage to lose track of five Slowbros?” He then gestured to the one next to them.

”It’s not like they move particularly fast or anything.” The grunt was clearly flustered which was what Samuel wanted in the first place.

”Forget it. Your answer won’t be great anyway.” He shrugged then turning to the other Rocket as she released her wolf and got the scent.

”Alright then great! Let’s get going! Lead the way.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2020 23:11:02 GMT
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She resisted pointing out she had been sent to relieve one of the grunts in 'her group' within ten minutes of getting here. It wasn't her job, but she volunteered to help look for the things. Which was more than this hot shot thought he was doing. Wren shoved her hands into her pockets, ignoring the older human being. He seemed to figure something out on his own and let it drop. Good. She wasn't here to make friends or yap stupidly at someone else because of their seniority. If she had stuck around, she knew she would have at least gotten promoted by now.
Point was, she was the wrong lowly grunt to ask about how someone lost five Slowbros.
"Go" Wren ordered the Lycanroc. He grunted, shooting the other human a narrowed look before taking off. Hannibal was protective of his trainer, and didn't much care for that guy barking shit at her. But if she didn't react, it wasn't worth biting someone over. After making sure the remaining Slowbro was secured before marching off, Wren followed her Pokemon east. If she was lucky, this would be a cake walk. How did cake walk? She wasn't entirely sure, unless it was some fancy fairy-type Pokemon... 
Hannibal's barking alerted her they had found something. Quickening her pace, she saw he had cornered two of the Pokemon. "Good boy, so..." the young woman said, giving him a pat on the head. "the hard way?" she shot over her shoulder at the man, readying herself in case he wanted to punish the dimwitted Pokemon before rounding them up. If there was gonna be a fight, she might as well know about it. The Slowbro didn't look like they wanted to go back into the cage.

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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 18:54:21 GMT
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”The hard way? Oh heavens no! I’d rather avoid any sort of violence if we can. Little quick on the trigger to get violent, huh?” Samuel responded, not sure if he should be surprised or not by her readiness to take things down that road.

”I’ll take care of this part so don’t worry about it.” He’d tap a Pokéball that had been clipped to his belt, the capsule then opening and releasing the Klefki that was inside.

”Fairy Lock.” He’d order, then tapping on another on that would release a Ralts.

The key ring Pokémon did as commanded and launched a multitude of magical chains and locks that wrapped around the two Slowbro and kept them in place.

”Now for part two.” Samuel smiled, walking over to the two constrained Slowbro while he carried his Ralts.

”Time for a nap.” Samuel’s Ralts would use Hypnosis, putting the two Slowbro to sleep. And to wrap things up he threw two empty Pokéballs at the escapees to make transporting them easier.

”Aaaand all done!” He’d pick up the two capsules and then turn to his younger counterpart.

”Easy enough right? Let’s get moving to the next one shall we?!”

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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 19:47:32 GMT
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He... didn't want to be violent? Wren raised a brow, saying nothing. Did she encounter Rockets who didn't want to pull the trigger all the time? No. Excuse her for being quick to tackle a problem the 'hard way' because that's what she was taught. The organization was a tough cookie to crack. Even the other grunts were trigger happy in the best of times. She watched as the man rounded the Slowbro up, quietly impressed with how he handled it. She resisted saying 'good job' to him - he was her boss and that was a bit unprofessional, wasn't it?
"Fine with me" instead, she was quiet still "Hannibal, go." Wren ordered. The Lycanroc barked, sniffing around to check for a scent. It took a few seconds but he picked a fresh trail up. The young woman figured either this Rocket was putting on airs or being sincere, but she couldn't figure out which one. Her wolf took off at a steady pace, leaving her thinking maybe the merchandise (Slowbro) didn't need to be damaged. And here they came again, to a similiar scene soon enough. When the Slowbro were cornered, they looked nervously at the two Rockets.
As the Lycanroc rounded them up, snarling and backing them into a corner Wren noted there were two of them again. That left one Slowbro to wrangle after they were done with this one. "Do you want to get these guys too?" she deferred to Samuel's judgment again. If ordered or asked, she'd get them but she didn't have an easy way to capture them. Not like he did.

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Get back in your cage [M]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 21:38:12 GMT
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”Yeah sure I can take care of it.” Samuel responded right after he let out a rather loud yawn.

And much like before the man used his Klefki/Ralts combination to make capturing the Slowbros rather easily, all they had to do was find one more. That’s when an idea popped into the man’s head.

”Oh hey you want to make this more fun?” He’d ask the young rocket, a friendly smile hiding the scheming that was going on in his mind.

”How about we make this last one a race to see who gets to it first? This job has been rather boring, hasn’t it? Figure this way we can make it a lot more fun.” He returned his two Pokémon and put their capsules away.

”And to make it a bit more interesting I won’t use these two, figure it wouldn’t be fair if I did. So how does that sound?”

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Get back in your cage [M]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 21:58:13 GMT
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He was an odd little duck wasn't he?
Wren stared, mouth half-way open as the Slowbro were taken care of and he instead presented a challenge. "Uh" yeah the job was 'boring' but at least it had been easy. She could go with a lull over breaking a sweat. She wasn't very experienced yet despite taking so many missions... it seemed like she'd never catch up to anyone in Rocket. The man was suspicious though. She didn't trust him as far as she could throw him - and that wasn't far at all. "sure?"
If he wanted to make the last round 'fun', she'd humor him. Wren didn't know what he was planning but it couldn't be good. "Go" she turned to her Lycanroc, who darted off. He'd been watching the exchange closely, having already picked up the trail of the last Pokemon impatiently.  She also turned on her heels, making sure to book it right after her Pokemon. A race, huh... at least he wasn't practicing any moves or abilities on her or her Pokemon. She heard some horror stories sometimes. But she also didn't know to believe them or not.
In the end, she'd just try to get through this in one piece. Win or lose, Wren didn't care. Long as the job got done.

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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2020 3:47:57 GMT
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”Well, well, well!” Samuel chuckled as he watched the younger rocket take off.

”For someone who seemed rather uninterested in it at first she’s definitely taking off!” He smiled, taking out a Pokéball and releasing the Dragonite that was held within.

The dragon then took its master into the air where they’d be able to look down and spot the last remaining Slowbrow which was currently making a run for it.

The Pokémon was too far away from Wren so she and her Lycanroc should catch up to it soon. Sam wasn’t sure what to do in regards to if he should rush it now and make it harder for their friends on the ground to catch up or wait till the last moment to dive-bomb.

He shrugged, deciding it was better to go now than wait for it so with a point and a command his Dragonite would descend from the skies and straight down for the Slowbro, planning on getting in front of it.

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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2020 15:03:28 GMT
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She wasn't going to win.

The Slowbro was leagues ahead of her despite Hannibal's attempts. She wasn't looking above but knew that something was circling them. There was a large shadow on the ground - did that jerk really cheat? Why wasn't she surprised about that? He was in the air where he could easily find the Pokemon... so why wasn't he doing anything?

Suddenly she saw him. He was biding his time. On a Dragonite. And she saw the Slowbro as well. It was wandering around in a stupor ahead of them. Hannibal would get there first before Wren, but would he get there before the Rocket? "Go, Hannibal!" she called to her Lycanroc, not wishing him to worry about her. He sped ahead, getting there -

just as Samuel and his Dragonite descended.

The wolf tackled the Slowbro while the dragon landed. They rolled in an array of fur and skin. "Got you!" Wren called, feeling oddly smug about the whole thing. As she slowed to a halt in front of the Rocket and his dragon, she caught her breath before doing anything else. Her hands went to her knees, her back doubling over with a huff.

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POSTED ON Nov 1, 2020 2:19:11 GMT
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The Slowbro had been caught, the Dragonite had landed and the younger rocket was out of breath!

The whole thing was quite a sight for Samuel and was enough to make the man burst out laughing.

”Well you definitely got way more into this than I expected!” Honestly he was surprised, she seemed so against the very idea of being here that he didn’t think she’d put much effort into it.

Either way, Samuel could say that he had his fun and that they could wrap things up.

”Congratulations! You managed to win! I didn’t think you had it in you! I was sure I was going to win easy!” And he probably would have if he didn’t wait above.

He’d step off his Dragonite and walk over to where the Lycanroc and Slowbrow were.

”Excuse me Mr. Hannibal I need to put that Slowbro in a ball for safekeeping.” And once the Slowbro was captured he’d turn to Wren, a smile on his face.

”And now since you won our little race it’s time for a prize! I’m a pretty generous guy so you can name it as long as it’s something reasonable; I’m not made of money. So something like a fancy meal, shiny jewelry, what’ll it be?”

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POSTED ON Nov 1, 2020 15:32:36 GMT
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She didn't expect to win, nor did she expect to be handed a prize. Wren managed to sit up, huffing one final time before swallowing. Catching her breath, she eyed the man. He said she could have anything reasonable. It was time to think - since she didn't want anything fancy anyway. Wren was a simple young lady.

"How about your name?" she blurted out, having nothing to call her mission partner and superior. He never gave it, and she never gave her's so "I'm Wren" the woman stated, extending a hand. There was more to this lady than the eye could see and her frustration could perceive. She may have been exhausted with the guy but

and a big but here; she warmed up to people. Eventually. Expectantly, she waited for him to deny or accept her simple little prize. A name was all she wanted, just in case she had to tell someone higher than him who she had worked with.

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Get back in your cage [M]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2020 16:13:02 GMT
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Now that wasn’t a request that Samuel had expected, not in the slightest. But it nonetheless brought a smile to his face.

”Well now that’s a surprise! But a pleasant one!” He responded, taking the young woman's hand.

”It’s nice to meet you, Wren. My name is Samuel.” Honestly he was expecting some sort of monetary prize but this was nice and good for his wallet.

”But you can just call me Sam if you want!” And now it was time for them to get back to the cages and get these Slowbro where they need to be.

”Alright let’s get moving! Don’t want to keep those back at the cages waiting!”

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2020 4:10:18 GMT
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