a foggy day [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 0:38:08 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]Rocket's always looking to occupy new hidey-holes. Abandoned buildings make for easy secret bases or safehouses, especially in a place like Slateport too busy growing to look back at where it's falling short. Unfortunately sometimes those buildings are abandoned for a reason. Like this warehouse out in the bumfuck of the city just crawling with Weezing.

As she walks up to the great skeleton of what was once no doubt a vital part of many a poor-man's lives and watches the POISON GAS billow out of it and into the night sky she can't help cursing the lot she's fallen in with. She should have stayed in Nacrene pushing drugs. The bump in pay that's come from moving to Hoenn those years ago just isn't worth this rise in bullshit.

Whatever, maybe it's just karma for that job in Lilycove.

Either way she slips a mask from her bag and pulls it into place on her face. It takes some fiddling with her eyepatch to make sure it seals the way it's meant to, but she manages. She pulls out a much smaller mask and does her best to affix it to her Pikachu's face. Peanut is only just patient enough to let her. With that done she looks to her partner, her phone visible in her hand by the way the light bathes her shifting thumb.

"You ready?" the phone drones in a robotic voice as she quirks her one visible eyebrow at the man beside her.

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october 25th
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POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 17:01:07 GMT
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 as heinous gas permeated the air. the ravenette inquired as to whether the cajun newbie had been ready to dive into filth. with his gas mask on, he'd examine the building that emitted literal toxicity. "by any chance, is dere a reason we clearin' this out, cher?" he'd look to his female companion. trying to remember as to what was their reason for being here again.

zane didn't understand fully the scope of their job. did those of rocket really want a building as old as this? had there been something valuable inside? "mon ami, i jus' can't seem to understand as to wha' one could gain from dis." it seemed wasteful to risk their life in securing a building. "if dere's some content the bos' wants you to fetch, i'd understan'. but if it's ta claim some ol' building, he best be trying to gain some profit." zane had little interest in risking his life as though he were some lowlife grunt.

this woman on the other hand. he didn't know her story and, for now, he had little interest. "i just need you to make it make sense, cher."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 22:41:56 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]Oh, her partner today is chatty. Great. While he complains Klara takes a moment to recheck her mask, adjust Peanut's, and generally try and think about her approach to the job ahead of them. None of his questions or requests for explanation properly take root in her brain. In fact, she's forgotten most of them by the time it's her turn to "speak" again.

She taps at her phone for a few seconds and the robotic voice pipes up.

"You ready?" it repeats, before continuing briefly, "We've got a job. That's all the 'sense' you should need it to make."

They've been given a mission from the higher ups. It pays. That's all the explanation Klara ever needs, and so long as someone's working with her that's all the explanation they need. Something tells her that won't be enough for the man droning at her on this particular night, though.

Good thing she doesn't care. Regardless of his reaction to her reply Klara starts making her way into the gas-filled warehouse. She'll do this job by herself if she has to.

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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 0:09:57 GMT
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 the grunts of rocket were all, in their own way, complex. each with their own goal and reason for being. this woman had a deformed feature from what he was able to see. her hair hid an eyepatch. had he been standing in front, or had little attention to detail, one could probably ignore it.

and then there was the device. her way of communicating. was she, too, a mute or did she just despise talking? either way, zane could only assume she didn't exactly have the most prettiest of backgrounds. what did his mother get him into by coming to this region, honestly. zane had to admit it though, "a dangerous woman stands before me, and i don' particularly hate it." he'd follow the woman and her pokemon behind.

"we could easily end this with a simple match," zane suggested as he followed the dominant woman. "isn't blowing things up the rocket way, no?" their job was to exterminate what resided in the building. zane didn't sign up to be a custodian, but this was his chance to see what it was like being on the field. to see what his mother had been investing herself into. he was a representative, after all. plus, he had nothing better to do back in almia.

"mon ami," he spoke through his mask, grabbing the rocket soldier by her shoulder. "we can end this in one go if you're willin' to be the grease." and by that he meant the "bait". "you lure of all dem in, and i take care of the rest."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 1:49:41 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]The POISON GAS that has made the air lethal also obscures the inside of the building. The purple haze settles over everything, keeping its sources hidden from plain sight. It is an imperfect but effective smokescreen. Klara walks tentatively further into first floor of the warehouse while listening to her partner's continued prattling. She sighs silently into her mask at his suggestions.

God, she hates fucking using her phone to communicate but in the dark night and now in the thick gas there's just no other alternative. She pauses for a second in the middle of the room, doing her best to pound out a message quickly while keeping her eye open for any surprise visitors.

"Blowing this up is dumb," the tinny voice on her phone echoes off the concrete walls, "Wastes the building. Alerts the League."

That said, she doesn't want to be too hard on the guy so she throws him a bone.

"But, I can still group them up."

At that she taps at her phone a few more times. The text to speech application is replaced by a digital image of a pitch pipe. Instead of a robotic voice, this time a couple notes ring out from her phone speaker: a short middling tone, followed by one lower note and one higher note. Peanut perks up on her shoulder for a moment before darting off and vanishing into the POISON GAS -- protected from the fumes by her gas mask.

AGILITY allows her to begin quickly scoping out the floor without issue. Every once in a while she's visible even through the mist as a flash of light. Her body crackles with electricity, ready to strike any enemies should she find them.

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october 25th
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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 2:18:44 GMT
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 guess he wouldn't have the chance to live out his desire...this time.

it was then the sound from her phone emitted a strange noise. in a flash the yellow mouse would disperse into the thick fog of poison. observation allowed zane to assume this was some sort of telegraph messaging. the pikachu moved without hesitation while @klara remained close by with her device. rumor had it that the trainers of hoenn were unique in their own way. it was an intriguing skill that must have took time to develop.

"you're just full of surprises," zane commented, "if you keep dis up i may just have to steal you myself, cher." his mother would be happy to pay for a female bodyguard. her strong belief that the women of today could change this world had rubbed off on her son; the same way his fathe's cajun accent had rubbed off on him. "oh, and one more thing mon amie," he'd shout loud enough for her to hear, "you may wanna recall your pikachu back, unless you don' mind it getting caught in absol's crossfire." he would hold the dark-type's ball in his hand, preparing to release the devil's song.

"i wanna finish this as quick as possible, i've got a banquet to attend in the morning." hidden behind his gas mask was a half baked smile, "even man needs his beauty sleep, cher."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 2:36:08 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]Peanut, all of Klara's pokemon really, are trained to corral and bring low wild pokemon. They're skilled hunting partners with herding practically in their blood. The Pikachu scans the room quickly and finds only a couple Weezing. AGILITY allows her to go the next floor and find a few more, and then the third and find the last stragglers there. Along the way her body surges with electricity. Every time she passes near one it flares up -- NUZZLE slows and irritates the crowd.

The thing about using small pokemon for this is that big pokemon almost always treat them like easy prey -- an annoyance to be chased and subdued. That's usually perfect for this kind of work, and today is no exception. The Weezing (some nursing wounds from Peanut, some not) float through the air after Peanut. In under a minute she's got the Weezing from the upper floors chasing her back down to the first.

In the meantime Klara does her best to both keep an eye out for her return and weather her partner's continued conversation making.

Mostly she's just baffled at his comments. They feel all over the place, and for the most part they either don't make much sense to her or she doesn't care to make sense of them. She doesn't care to know what he means by "stealing" her, she doesn't know why she needs to know he has a banquet to attend, and she can't believe she's in the company of someone who unironically talks about their beauty sleep.

At least the comment about the Absol is clear enough.

Peanut flashes with STATIC as she returns to the first floor and the moment she sees her Klara plays out a few more notes on the digital pipe: the Mankey chased the Sneasel. Peanut suddenly does a big lap around the room. The Weezing find themselves in one big herd chasing the Pikachu, and then in a flash of red light she's gone.

A few quick taps on Klara's phone.

"You're up," she looks at the man as the voice rings out.

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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 4:57:14 GMT
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"engage, snow white!" releasing snow white the absol into the fray. the pokemon stood tall amidst the smoke, but once inhaled it would come to realzie the situation. "let's play them a little song, perish song!" with a snap of his finger the pokemon would come to unleash a displeasing harmony. whether the pikachu would come to be inflicted wasn't of his concern.

as the cursed melody echoed, the gathered poison-types fell to the dark songster's harmony. had there been more in hiding they, too, would come to befall before death's song. "return," zane ordered as a red beam of light would pierce the fog and return his now poisoned absol. "you did good, snow." now it was just a matter of what to do with the group of weezing.

"now, cher, with our job done. let me add a payment on top of declan's." it was no secret that altru incorporation, among those of rocket, was currently in cahoots with the researchers of rocket; declan himself had also been aware of this, but that's a discussion that was held between he and zane's mother. "we need to gather these pokemon and bring them back to the lab, i'll make the call for some assistance." he'd wave his cellular device toward @klara . "they'll help our scientists back at headquarters with the research that's happening." such acts the scientists were carrying out on pokemon were deemed illegal, but it's not like they haven't done worse.

after all, the shadow lab is practically full of inanimate corpses.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 7:01:55 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]A PERISH SONG in cut-time. Despite the pain on her ears he's been for this entire mission, Klara has to give it up. That was marginally impressive. And it was definitely a good thing she listened to him and returned Peanut. It would have taken a lot of coddling to keep her from pouting after a screwup like that.

With the Weezing gone Klara can already see the air clearing up bit by bit. She doesn't remove her mask but it's good enough in her eyes to mark the job as a success. Which means she can leave! Finally. Or at least it should. In the way he's been wont to do all night her partner pipes up for one last interjection.

Like most of his comments in their one-sided conversation, the words go in one ear and out the other for Klara. A few snippets catch her interest (Something about adding to her pay for the night?) but none well enough to warrant spending too much more time here with the man. Out of fleeting curiosity she decides to give him one last chance to earn her attention, though.

"You can add payment?" her phone asks in its stilted cadence, "Do I have to stay for this?" She gestures at the dropped bodies of the Weezing that become more and more clear to see by the second. It sounds like he's already getting others to help, but if it means a bit more money to keep her wallet warm she guesses she can spare a bit more time.

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october 25th
almia region
altru inc.rep.
every man has a price to charge and a price to pay
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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 15:40:26 GMT
zane hall Avatar
 money really did talk, all while being the root of evil. zane eyed the woman briefly. unsure of whether he saw her as pathetic or inspirational. he knew not the tragedy of poverty. only that it brought out the worse in you, it made you unable to ignore even the most heinous of acts. such feelings were all done out of desperation.

he felt sad for the woman, he thought.

he wasn't sure though as, again, this was something he had little experience. he didn't know of her circumstances, so he wouldn't judge too harsh. but he was very curious to see as to how far she'd be willing to go. someday he'd toy with this thought, but for now zane would merely release a sigh. a half cocked smile worn, "let's just say i'll pay you decently for a simple job. you'll have the money in your account by the time you're home."

as zane went to make another call, he'd halt. his body would turn back to the woman, "ah, and if you're interested in another job, with proper pay, give me a ring." zane had interest in the woman. interest full of curiosity.

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a foggy day [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 1:14:14 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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