i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2020 3:17:25 GMT
A Fire Punch knocked down Franz, and the little Phantump winced in pain as the Hypno tossed him out of the way. Meanwhile, Bramimond clattered to the ground, its eyes suddenly and inexplicably closed. The secrets of the future were locked in its unconscious body, and Amber had no access to them.
Not for the first time, Amber fought the urge to scream, but out of frustration this time. She reached for another Pokeball, releasing Nino. The Petilil looked around, blinking sleep out of her eyes as she took in her surroundings.
"Nino, I'm gonna need you to use Aromatherapy," Amber directed. Nino hesitated for a moment before closing her eyes again. Amber thought for a moment that she'd fallen back asleep, but soon a pleasant aroma drifted through the area.
Bramimond's eyes snapped open, and it surged up off the ground once more, healed by Nino's Aromatherapy.
And then, of course, some random Cinderace showed up, slamming the other guy's Drapion. And another guy--
Calling all these people "guys" was getting confusing. She'd call them... ally, and cloak.
Ally's Drapion attempted to slow the Cinderace with a Scary Face, and Rath picked up on that. He joined in the effort, shooting out tiny Cotton Spores at the fire type that would rapidly expand and stick once they made contact, hopefully hindering its movement more.
Amber flinched, as much as she could in the Hypno's telekinetic grasp, as Bramimond's strange mind made contact with her own. From it, she received a disjointed image of red, sleep, and the sea.
It made no sense.
Then Cloak said some other cryptic garbage, and Amber wanted to slap him. She was sick and tired of not understanding what was going on.
She took a deep breath. No use getting worked up. She needed to avoid detection here, as much as was possible with Cloak and the Hypno already seeing her.
"Bramimond, Franz, stop that person up there," she said quietly, hoping that her adversaries wouldn't hear.
Bramimond went for a repeat of its earlier performance of Hypnosis against the Hypno instead, directing a soft pink glow at the Hypno that had attacked Franz with Fire Punch to try and put it to sleep.
Franz, on the other hand, went for a more aggressive approach. Vanishing with Phantom Force, the Phantump would attempt to reappear right behind Cloak, hoping to knock the mysterious figure right off the very rooftop he was perched on.
SUMMARY - Amber brings out Petilil to use Aromatherapy and wake up Bronzor - Cacnea uses Cotton Spore on Cinderace to slow it down - Bronzor shares the nonsense vision with Amber - Amber gets triggered at not understanding shit - Bronzor uses Hypnosis on the Hypno - Phantump uses Phantom Force, appearing behind the hood guy to try and shove him off