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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 3:29:55 GMT
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she had put a handful of her pokemon up for adoption when they were in their earlier stages of growth. it allowed her an ample amount of time to peer through an assortment of applications, interest varying heavily depending on species. the fennekin she had posted online had quite a few hits, but she had been particularly picky - flipping through the online applications one after another for what felt like hours. cait imagined that the pictures help, the young woman posing the kit on a baby's blanket. 

considered reputable after having acquired a breeding license, she utilized official sites to make sure her pokemon were given good homes.

'i feel really good about this one.'

a young woman had sent in her information, which cait had hovered over for sometime. after getting a second opinion, she'd excitedly click the 'accept' button; corresponding through email and sending in her in-town address. it was damned hard for most people to get to her cabin in the woods, so she decided to make use of her auntie's home that she had taken temporary leave of in the wake of the war. the space was neat and smelled faintly of lemon. 

cait came with her gardevoir in tow, both she and the petite pokemon carrying one infant each. the psychic-type was charged with keeping an attentive eye on what appeared to be a fennekin and a scorbunny, a baby bag filled with supplies and toys keeping them entertained as the alfric awaited a knock upon the apartment's door. 

"she should be here in thirty minutes or so," she said.

she turned on the television, which quickly captured the children's attention. 

[ time: 9:31 am ] 

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 4:33:49 GMT
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Having no luck finding a Fennekin of her own in the wild, Wren opted to adopt. With the safari boom, she missed her chance to buy a ticket and hunt one down. Besides, her Lycanroc had been a stray when she found him as a Rockruff. She was all for the adoption process. Looking to fill the hole her Krookodile left when he died against a more powerful Pokemon, she found a Fennekin's application.

Though to note, she hadn't cared too much about the Krookodile. He had been nothing but trouble - but she also didn't want him to die. She'd buy a nice plaque and send his remains to the cemetery, where she could visit him. However brief their time together had been, Wren wanted to believe she enjoyed it. He'd been a little shit, but he had been her little shit. May he rest in peace.

"H-Hello?" she knocked on the arranged meeting place's door - a modest house in Fourtree. She hadn't been really to Fourtree in ages... The woman named Cait said to meet here though. "It's Wren Baines, from the website? About the Fennekin?"

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 5:23:50 GMT
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"come in!"

cait had went to the door, an excited air about her as she warmly greeted the woman. her gardevoir remained seated upon the couch, though his gaze swiveled toward the blonde. the two pokemon at the tv's front remained utterly entranced, the program selected exceedingly colorful and filled to the brim with music. 


she nodded her head toward the propped up flat screen and her gardevoir promptly flicked off the electronic. immediately the pair blinked, as though they had been freed from a spell. 

fennekin? scorbunny? this is wren."

the pokemon remained as they were as they proceed to stare at the stranger, settled upon a soft blanket that had been placed for them.

wren, this is fennekin and scorbunny. they're siblings - and i'm sure the former is excited to meet you."

scorbunny blinked and glanced at his sibling, who shrunk a little beneath their combined gazes. cait gestured for wren to step forward, urging that that a proper meeting occur between the two.  

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 5:39:58 GMT
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Nervous and excited all in one. That described her perfectly. Wren took a deep breath before being allowed inside, peeking in like a startled and uncertain beast. Once the woman named Cait ushered her inside, she looked briefly around her new surroundings before her eyes fell on the little kit. The Scorbunny was also very cute but - Fennekin.

That's why she was here.

"H-Hi!" she tries to start, approaching but nerves shoot up like an alarm. She perhaps says it a bit louder than expected. Flustered, she clears her throat. Turning to Cait, she extends an arm first. It's just polite to do that for the hostess. "n-nice to meet you." Formally, that is. If the woman took her hand, she would shake it before letting go.

"Hello, Fennekin" there, she was a bit calmer now. The kit looked quizzingly up at the blonde trainer, still on his blanket. She shuffled a bit closer, dropping slowly to her knees so she could be eye-level. Possibly at the urging of Cait or his sibling, the little fox sniffed her outstretched hand before a soft trill of pleasure echoed.

He's so cute... Wren thought. If this was an anime, she'd have heart eyes.

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 15:48:58 GMT
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scorbunny observed as his younger brother interacted with the human, a glimmer of sadness present within his gaze. despite his young age, he understood that he'd come to part ways with the young fox on this day in particular. his mistress had been kind enough to allow him to partake in this meeting, though he still felt a tad forlorn. he's quietly wrapped his arms around his bent knees, propping his round chin upon them. 

here's his paperwork."

cait reached into the bag she had brought, revealing a few documents pertaining to the fennekin's health. additionally, this would inform wren of his abilities as well as the move set he had fostered thus far. she'd press the documents into wren's hands, her smile only broadening out.

"i was wondering if you'd be... interested in a short battle? a one on one, to be exact. it'd make for a nice farewell for these two."

her scorbunny's ears twitched in response to the word 'battle', his eyes growing comically round and excited. he'd quarreled with his brother beforehand on friendly terms, having developed a rivalry as they grew alongside one another. he'd hop up onto his feet, bouncing in place in hopes that wren would agree. 

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 16:01:04 GMT
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"A battle?" Wren blinked a few times, having accepted the paperwork. She stuffed them into her own bag carefully, eyes returning to Cait. The Scorbunny's movements made her look to him now, seeing how excited he was for the potential spar. "what'da'ya say, Fennekin?" she asks her new Pokemon. She'd have to get a cute nickname for him eventually but for now...

The fox kit eyed his brother with a determined look. Cait may be experienced in a fight, but he wasn't going to let the Scorbunny win that easily. He looked to the human, giving a confirming nod. Ah, youth... Wren chuckled before looking around. Two fire types might burn down the house. "Sure but... outside?" They may be young Pokemon but she worried about the damage.

Wren hadn't brought any Pokemon along except for her Lycanroc. But that was a given, considering he was her comfort animal. She felt better after successfully obtaining the Fennekin from Cait. Hannibal would watch for predators while she tended to the Fennekin's wounds after battle. Not that she thought they would be bad, but a scuffle was still worrying for a young Pokemon.

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2020 17:15:23 GMT
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cait laughed at the suggestion, giving their immediate surroundings a glance as she did so.

"my auntie would have my head if i even considered having a pokemon battle in her apartment."

she encouraged her gardevoir to remain within the living area, advising that he'd relax for a spell and dust up the place a bit in the wake of her family member's absence. once he gave a nod, she'd escort wren toward the space allotted for battles; which was a little ways away from the main apartment complex. a rubbery bottom painted a charmless gray and a chain link fence greeted them, the fairly space limited.

this should work," she said, opening the gate with ease.

cait was half afraid it was locked, especially considering it was a bit earlier than usual; and the remaining staff had duties aplenty nowadays.

i'll take that side. c'mon, scorbunny."

the fire-type and his mistress took their place, the young woman deciding to allow wren to make the first move. after all, she imagined the woman would want to glance over the pokemon's information. she'd find that the fennekin was quite talented despite his age, the young pokemon tutored by the large quantities of psychic and fire-types that roamed her property.

your move.

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 19:03:20 GMT
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Wren followed Cait to the allotted area, looking around and trying to form a few tactics by just glancing. She was the type to think outside the box, so this battle should be fun. Two fire-types against each other... she wondered what sort of match it'd be. Fennekin followed dutifully after his new trainer, happy to be adopted and have a match.

"Okay, let's do our best." The last battle she had was against a young man. He'd been so smug about the battle that he lost to her. In the end he couldn't even form a good sentence to admit defeat. But the Fennekin was young - not like her Lucario who was battle ready. She wouldn't be upset if they lost. Taking point on the other side, they faced Cait and her Scorbunny.

Her move.

"Scratch" Using fire moves against the Scorbunny wouldn't do it justice. She'd rely on psychic and physical. Quickly checking the moves from the paper earlier, she had a good understanding of Fennekin's set. Well-rounded was the word she'd use. Testing Cait's ability in battle might cost Wren the first move, but it could pay off.

The fox darted forward, the glowing aura of larger claws like a gauntlet. He aimed to strike Scorbunny on the shoulder, cutting close but not too close to his brother's face.

fennekin, blaze ability
scratch, fire blast, light screen
sunny day, lucky chant, psychic
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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2020 19:11:24 GMT
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the attack was precising and biting, the glowing claws successfully scoring the rabbit's shoulder. he'd give a wince, familiar with the move as well as its sting. he'd rely upon his spry nature to dance away, hopping from one foot to another. 

"by your leave, scorbunny."

'let's see how you do on your own.' 

the area above scorbunny's shining nose as well as the pads of his feet began exuding a great heat, the pokemon's eyes narrowing as he fixated on his younger sibling. without the need for instruction, the pokemon rushed forward in a rush. he'd close the distance, seeking to bodily ram into his quadruped counterpart with a harshly administered quick attack

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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2020 22:20:31 GMT
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This is different than the battle with the young man and his ego. Cait is confident enough to withhold orders, allowing the Scorbunny to do his own thing. Wren blinks in surprise, having not that strong of a bond with Fennekin yet. How was she going to win this? Wait... she didn't have to win. This was a playful wrestle between siblings. All she had to do was make sure to go out with a bang.

Scorbunny shot at Fennekin, colliding with the little fox. He'd cry out, recoil and flinch all at once.

"Psychic!" she called out, trying desperately to hold on for as long as possible. Once upon a time, she was a decent battler. But she only was in sync with Pokemon she'd owned for a long time. Wren didn't expect to win this. She expected to lose. Fennekin would do his best and she wouldn't hold it against him. The little fox trilled, his eyes glowing as he raised the stones around them. They rose into the air surrounded by purple light.

There had to be at least three of them. Small but able to pack a punch if thrown. Enough to dent, anyway. So the Fennekin thought to pelt his brother with them. One at a time. His psychic energy was young like him, and it wouldn't do much damage. But it could force the bunny further away from his body, at least flinch away... Or so they hoped.

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 13:41:12 GMT
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there was a strangely inquisitive look in scorbunny's eye as the stones were raised, the glow which surrounded each pebble and stone familiar. he'd hop experimentally from one leg to another, initially uncertain of his coarse. but a small smile soon twisted at his lips, the pokemon making a beckoning gesture before the psychic-imbued attack was launched in a flurry of stone.

"scor! scor!"

a double kick was wielded with a surprising amount of accuracy despite the pokemon's youth. and while a decent amount of the flung rocks pelted his form, a few were caught by his attack - the stones sent back with even greater force as his powerful feet sent them back toward the fox. 

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 18:33:43 GMT
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The battle was slower paced, but she didn't mind. Wren felt that a violent one would sour the relationship between Fennekin and Scorbunny. Cait didn't speak since commanding her Pokemon, allowing the young rabbit to do what he wished with what move set he had. It was up to her to find a tactic that stuck with her new Pokemon.

"Scratch again" she called out as the projectiles shot toward the Fennekin. The glowing claw returned, slicing through some of the pebbles. But a few got through - specifically one that smacked him right in the center of his skull. He cried out in pain, flinching and not keeping up the frantic swipes. A few more hit, causing him to go backward.

"Are you okay?!" she couldn't help but be worried. Should she call the battle a loss? Would Fennekin like that? Or was she worrying too much and unable to make a snap decision due to her protectiveness? The fox sniffled against tears but stood strong. He'd nod curtly, determination flashing in his eyes. "okay... your move, Scorbunny." Wren said, having used her turn.

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 18:54:22 GMT
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it was becoming increasingly obvious that cait had made the correct decision. there was something overwhelmingly genuine about wren, her show of worry offering the former gym lead the assurances she needed. despite the tentative bond the blonde presently shared with fennekin, cait foresaw that it would inevitably strengthen.

'she's a good person, i think.'

there were a plethora of lying types whom occupied all corners of hoenn; people who could foster facades that were convincing. but she felt that the woman wasn't one of them. of course, cait acknowledged that she could be wrong - that she could be casting her fennekin into the arms of a questionable trainer with questionable motives - but she'd sleep easier if she convinced herself otherwise. 


the pokemon peered at his brother, considering his expression and that teary-eyed gaze. the strike had been a bit harder than he had intended, but he wanted to toughen up the fox before they bid each other farewell. he wouldn't be around to stand with him, the distance that would soon separate the two preventing him from simply ending the battle. so he swallowed down his pity - his sympathy - and lunged

a flame charge was prepped, the pokemon rushing forward as his body blazed hotly. 

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2020 19:14:53 GMT
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"Calm" she uttered to herself, closing her eyes as she felt the heat of the battle field turn up "remain calm!" The Flame Charged Scorbunny shot toward the Fennekin. He heeded Wren's call, his ears drooping slightly and a worried look on his face. As his brother neared and collided with him, only then did the human let a command loose.

"Fire Blast!" Though the wind was briefly knocked out of him, Fennekin swallowed and found it again. He inhaled before exhaling a blast of pyro at close range. He aimed for the Scorbunny's face, knowing his brother's typing would protect him from the worst of burns. Besides, he couldn't aim for anything else this close. His neck would crane - every second counted.

Wren waited to see if the attack would do some form of damage, or if Scorbunny got out of the way in time. She was already planning the next move, trying to be quick on her feet like the rabbit was.

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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2020 1:06:02 GMT
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despite scorbunny's natural resistances, the raw potency behind the fire blast had successfully carved at their defenses. the blow was surprisingly critical, the accompanying flare of pain that came with it causing the pokemon to drop to one knee. though his round and alarmed gaze fixed upon the ground before it snapped toward his younger sibling.

'he wasn't expecting that kind of power,' cait realized, a hint of worry twisting at her own heavily freckled features.

she had naturally assumed the scorbunny's victory would be an easy one, but her judgement shifted as she realized that the fennekin was in possession of a sizeable chunk of power.

"stand up, scorbunny. you're not done. not yet."

her fire-type's eyes flared, the pokemon's focus quickly regained as he lunged forward; their buck teeth bared as they sought to slam their head against their sibling's in a headbutt

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