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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2020 0:07:40 GMT
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Just how far has the world fallen in the past week or so? His arm was far from recovered. The cast held it together but the real kicker was the fact he couldn’t feel his fingers, even with the pain meds he should have been able to feel something, but here he was realizing his right arm was doomed to fail him early in life. Tentacle scars wrapped around his body, and the badges trying to keep his core strong so his cracked rib caged could heal properly, The doctors told him that the toxins were removed but they had caused some untold nerve damage that he’d be unable to tell for how long or how to recover from it

The blonde still walked like normal, and smiled like normal, even if the events haunted his brain. Buildings were being repaired by mankind and pokekind, trying to bring back Lilycove. Sadly enough…...everything was sad. Billi could feel the grey energy that hid behind the hope and glory of those rebuilding it. None of them would come to understand the suffering the soldiers on the front lines went through. Hell he was pretty sure most people didn’t know of the man eaters, but he tried to keep to himself. The footage he had he kept to himself. Avoiding releasing it to the public to prevent panic and chaos.

Yet there he was smiling at everyone, shining like the northern star. After all his endorsements left him somewhat known as a hero to the city, even though he viewed it as nothing but false honor. He had no pride in it, but somewhere it felt good to be known as what some called the Insect King, or Spider King, really anything to do with webs bugs or spiders. Though no one cared to see past the war events. They more so cared about the symbol one stood for, the endorsements these people held from the league, as if it provided everyone around them security, and Billi was okay with that, it just…..was hard to not be himself, but even when he was himself he’d suffer with a smile.

Even his corviknight didn’t get the love he deserved, even if the pokemon didn’t care at the end of the day, because he did his job, and that was protecting Billi. Billi appreciated him, more than everything because he fought to save him every time something went wrong. Today was just a day out on the streets, looking around to find something to occupy his brain, and Yamper was his pokemon of choice, to keep by his side, and it was fun. The chubby butt pokemon wagged his bum at everything. “Hahaha” he gave a half full laugh, the smile half forced, but only because eyes betrayed him.

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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2020 21:22:10 GMT
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kyle doesn't really have any responsibility as elite four besides being called upon on when crises happen and take challenges, but with officers either recuperating from injuries or reassigned to other facilities, minor tasks are often redirected to him.

kyle patrols the streets of lilycove as one of the less injured members of the frontline with his mightyena, with bruises he earned from the three-day war having healed for the most part. with lilycove being one of the most damaged cities in the region, it was up to kyle to make sure none of the renegade megalopolan forces find their way to the civilian areas.

he spots someone from a distance, clearly unfit to be walking around. he hails him, raising a hand as he approaches with intent to send him back to an infirmary or something. his mightyena sounds a bark, one that wasn't released in public unless he recognizes something.

"are you even fit to walk out--" he judges hastily before getting distracted by something else. "hey, i know you!"

he honestly did not have enough time to judge him based on a short encounter on slateport before, but he knows well enough that he doesn't seem like the type of person to be up there in the front lines of the war, where kyle assumes the injuries are from.

"man, are you okay? that laugh didn't sound natural at all."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2020 22:37:27 GMT
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The familiar bark, perked up the Yamper, catching his attention, tongue out, the dog instinctively ran towards the source with it’s stumpy little legs. Good for Billi, he had the blue eyes of twenty twenty vision. He watched to find the source, where he found the source from a while back. The cop who had the power of a ptsd mightyena. And Kyle, the cop that made him look like a common criminal because of some plusle that he had at home.

Billi’s smile peeled up, because he was happy to the same, he just had other things on his mind. Like you know a fucked up arm, a horrible memory, but that was all to be pushed aside as he tried to bury that from the man. “Naw I’m fine I just got released a little bit ago! Hahaha” the fake laugh again.

Yamper barked at the mightyena wanting to play, “Oh well you know the war and stuff! I protected home so I’m content,” the wrong word to describe how he felt, like a drug fueled bender, “just gotta work on my arm it got kinda crushed but other then that I’m fine” he lied again.

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POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 19:40:21 GMT
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the mightyena looks at kyle after the yamper's invitation. a dismissive wave of his hand is all he gets from his trainer, albeit enough to answer a question he had wanted. the dark-type starts to interact with the yamper, pawing the air in front of it.

his other hand goes to the back of his neck, rubbing his nape as he tries to come up with something to say. he knows people have different ways to cope, and kyle starts to wonder if he's a sociopath not to be as fazed as other people do during these times.

at least he got his answer with how bad of an act the person in front of him is trying to pull off.

"you're forcing yourself with the wrong audience, buddy," kyle bluntly points out. "just say you got fucked up or something. no one's really fine after all that."

kyle veers around him, finding no eyes on them. he accounts the lack of attention thrown at him that he's not as flashy or recognizable as an elite four based on appearances alone.

"come with me," he smiles teasingly before he leads the way, his legs pacing faster than they did during his patrol.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
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Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 21:03:36 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Filler things here

Yeah...he was forcing a smile, but even so he felt like he needed to force it. Like it would assist him to feel happy. But at the same time no one wanted to be around a Debby Downer and Billi was a social person so he needed people around him to make him happy. Then again...Kyle could clearly tell something was wrong. Maybe it was the energy Billi was giving off. He wasn’t his normal Yamper like self that he could pass off this sobble energy. Taking a deep breath Billi paused, “yeah I guess,” he shrugged, making himself appear smaller then he originally would have thought.[break][break]

“But I am really fine. Just….adjusting,” he gave a half lie, because he was still getting used to his arm injury but it hurt like hell when it didn’t work inside. “okay I’ll follow you.” he more or less just aimlessly walked around as one would think when a friend would guide you. But damn he walked some bloody fast! He must had been excited, and it made Billi give a faint smirk, “you’re like power walking,”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 2:35:00 GMT
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perhaps his wishes of getting away from the views of the public manifested itself into power walking. he needs to anyways since what happens next wouldn't be the best sight for the victims of the previous war.

kyle leads them to an alley way that ends in a small, abandoned lot. a few local wild pokemon scurry away and imb up the walls as soon as they show. kyle's mightyena chases after them, only to be stuck on the base of the wall.

a pokeball is tossed to billy as soon as kyle reaches the other end of the clearing. his hand passes over a bag on his belt, sighing of comfort when he feels the shape of a dose of antidote inside. it won't be needed, but precautions were nice.

"come on. open it," kyle urges. "let me know what you think of that?"

it is only when the words left his mouth that kyle realized that he failed to consider that triggers from civilians might be worse for volunteers.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2020 20:38:20 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]WATER BUBBLE

Walking into an alleyway was very….strange. Kyle didn’t seem like the kind of guy to take a shady walk and take a detour that only gave shady vibes. And even if he was depressed, he could feel slightly uncomfortable, especially when he was given a pokeball, “Oh?” Billi asked, raising his brow, completely confused for a moment. Then he stared at the pokeball. “okay…” he did as suggested.[break][break]

His finger poked the button, releasing what was inside the pokeball. The purple hue appeared in front of Billi. Eyes opened wide as he saw the familiar terror of the raid. A Poipol floating there, staring him down, curious. Something made Billi want to run away, or fight it, but it just started curiously at him. As if it was feral or could understand him. The more he looked at it the more he noticed the scar that sat above it’s eye. “is it okay,” Billi asked as he reached out to touch the scar.[break][break]

“How...did you even get one?” Billi asked the man as the poipol flipped upside down and spun laughing to itself. And Billi gave his genuine smile.

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki
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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2020 1:34:32 GMT
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it's okay in a sense that it shouldn't be harming them anymore. kyle isn't sure if this was a poipole's natural state of mind though, or if the antidote affected it in some other way psychologically and physically.

"i don't know the ethics concerning things like this since they've been only made to turn docile with this," kyle plucks out a dose of antidote and turns his attention towards it. kyle then shrugs. "but it's fine for now, i guess."

skepticism remains in kyle. he's not quite sure if he should mention the uncertainties concerning an unknown species might induce another instance such as the type:nulls going berserk. he doubts it though, writing off the megalopolan arc as shelved, like a discontinued manga series, for now.

he scratches the back of his head as he recalls the origins of the poipole.

"mauville. those that got left in the battlefield. there's only a few that survived since i think everyone went ham on the others. league got hold of them since they're dangerous, found out you can tame them, and well, there's gonna be a giveaway, but i heard it's pretty exclusive."

the explanation ends with a shrug. as much as he's heard of the details, most of them were pretty vague. there's only so much he can learn while he's trying to distance himself from the heat of politics.

"you can have mine though. i'll get another one later." he grins. "e4 privileges."

it wasn't really a privilege, but more about him knowing his value in the organization, bending rules and making solid excuses to warrant him an advantage about league related things.

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Spikemouth, Galar
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2020 2:59:12 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]WATER BUBBLE

The Poipol turned and twisted, living it’s free life. Normally such a pokemon would be a danger to society and would remain viewed that way. Even worse that if the brood were to meet it, Billi feared they’d kill it on sight. Then again, they never disobeyed Billi, yet…. As the purple pokemon spun upside down giggling to itself, it’s playful nature keeping itself entertained, “Oh… the league rounded some up,” Billi had some questions, but...he didn’t want to question how they managed to tame one.[break][break]

“Why me?” he asked out loud and figured that the elite four powers were reserved for sneaky underhanded tricks. Not that Billi was going to look into it and he was grateful for the pokemon, but he wanted to know why. Surely the league was careful with who was getting one and who wasn’t. “just...I don’t understand why me….not like I’ve done anything to prove I can raise one to not be….a killing machine,” yet he did because his spiders were pretty tame.[break][breal]
[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2020 14:05:11 GMT
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the question gets kyle to cover his smile. his reason was petty

"i'unno. i was planning on giving it away to someone who took part in defending the home turf during the war anyways. you just stuck out like a sore thumb on the streets, so i guess you're the lucky one."

his checklist was basically nonexistent since it only has three boxes to tick: they participated during the war, it's someone he doesn't hate, and it's not someone who looks like he'd hate them. billi passed everything.

"if you want the reasonable answer, it's to spread the power to people who'd defend the region. everyone else that would've been in line to get one already was considered strong anyways so they probably don't need more."

kyle shrugs afterwards.

"real reason though? i'm just itemizing someone so they're better equipped for next time and i don't have to do much to compensate. the thing you said earlier about being happy with protecting hoenn kinda suggests you're doing this again if another one happens- which is kinda fucked up, not gonna lie- so i told myself, why not?"

he still was pulling back with his explanation though, trying to prevent explaining that some people that participated in the war did not really deserve getting one. it wouldn't necessarily prevent them, but at least it lowers the chances of getting picked if supply is lower.

"you probably saw some special or very rare pokemon being used, right? would it be more impactful if this pokemon went to one of them or to someone who doesn't have one yet?"

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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2020 19:01:15 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart



Billi’s eyes turned to the man as he explained his reasoning. It seemed rather intelligent, and like “let's protect more people” vibes. There really isn't anything wrong with that frame of mind, and to be honest it was a great idea. But the issue came in that type:nul all freaked out over the war. So there was that constant fear that the poipol would achieve the same results. Then blue eyes drifted towards the pokemon, it seemed to be rather passive in nature.[break][break]
“Yeah...that makes sense,” he grinned, “But for’s not about scaring someone. I mean spiders are pretty scary to most people,” he paused again, “But…..these guys changed everything,” he reached out and rubbed the poipol’s head and it spun laughing to itself once more.[break][break]

I don’t think it’s screwed up to protect your home,” he stated glancing back at the figure, “I’d be willing to do it all again, but maybe I’m a Martyr. I don’t know, and it’s not so much happy as….maybe contempt with it. I don’t know what the emotion is that fits but you get what I’m saying. So thank you for thinking I’m a good choice. Though they seemed to be,” Billi stopped.[break][break]

Taking a deep breath, “A victim of war. Just like us they fought for something they believed in. Friends, family or something. We don’t know much about the aliens….but companionship is what matters right? So why hate a species that was fighting for what they believe in?”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2021 17:05:50 GMT
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kyle appears surprised by billi's response. he clasps his hands together before pointing an index finger towards him.

"ooh, you get me!" he exclaims. "people got so aggressive towards them during the war that they went overboard on them! it felt like some just used the war as an excuse to go wild too, to be honest."

he crosses his arms. while he doesn't want to admit that he revels in chaos as well, he knows the difference between self-control and indulgence. that, and he still has morals that dictate his actions regardless of where he gets his adrenaline.

"i don't blame people getting vicious though. cannibalism is pretty fucked up." testimonies from people abducted by megalopolans suggested dread and torture from sounds of their compatriots being consumed.

kyle scratches his head as he blurts out his thoughts. "i kinda wanted a different resolution from the war, but it's the unpopular opinion so there's nothing much i could do." the people he trusts do not share his eccentric views after all. "don't think of this as a bribe, but do you think you could, uh, get your cooperation next time something like this happens?"

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
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Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
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POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 19:07:13 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

Apparently Billi did understand what Kyle was talking about! Even though the inside of him didn’t understand what they shared, but maybe it was a pacifist way of war. Preventing it before it could happen. But from this conversation, the blue eyes dug into something aloof in the aura of the words. Someone…..was hiding something about the war. From what most of the region knew, it was a sudden attack they knew.. But were there efforts to stop it before it happened?[break][break]

Taking the deep breath as the poipol found home with Billi’s hands, poking with the unfamiliar hand. “Hmmm well...I’ve seen it,” he paused again. “But….soldiers aren’t citizens. Just like us on the front lines. What one person does….isn’t the complete view of the people,” but….it did influence others.[break][break]

The blonde perked up, staring at the officer, “ you mean?” he raised his brow wanting to know more, “If you need help...all you gotta do is call me. I’m….always willing to help,”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

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POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 19:37:24 GMT
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"hm, how do i word this...?"

he's not a wordsmith like everyone else in his circle of friends. even compared to them, the variety of vocabulary he uses does not equally relate to the manner of piecing them together. it takes him a while to think, before coming up with a more concrete sentence.

"something something prioritizing lives before everything else. includes yours, of course. it's kinda common sense, but it's hard to work with people who go all out regardless of the consequences of their actions."

he takes a deep breath and clasps his hands together.

"that's all i got. any other questions about the poipole or something?"

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 21:56:32 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

[newclass=".punkiwof"]width: 500px; padding-bottom: 38px; margin: auto;[/newclass]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]Pick Ur Pokemon

It made sense but Billi, even if it wasn’t explained well, but it certainly wasn’t an image that was far from grasping. Though...saving himself well, that may have been an issue he’d struggle with because in the lilycove raid other’s saved him and he couldn’t save anyone. “I makes sense,” Billi paused and rubbed the poipole, as he looked over his shoulder. “I don’t have really any more questions….then you probably do about the poipol,”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki