Monkey see [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
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John Sullivan
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 3:08:45 GMT
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He really hadn't intended for this to happen.

"I got outsmarted by a monkey, huh?" He said dryly as he looked around wearily, feeling its eyes on him... from somewhere inside the thicket.

The plan had been simple. Barely a plan, really. Find the monkey, beat his ass, take back the pokeballs, receive the sweet reward dosh from all the concerned parties, take Hideo back home before his parents got an aneurysm.

Instead, the monkey had found them, taken one of his pokeballs, and lead him in wild goose chase deep into the darkest parts of the park's forest.

If he hadn't already been fairly acquainted with this area, he might have been nervous about his chances of getting back to the city. As things were, he was just nervous about getting back his pokemon.

"We've GOTTA get that pokeball back before it tries to use her in battle." He said to his companion, gulping. "I've known her my entire bug catcher life, and-"

As if on cue, the sound of rustling leaves echoed near them- calling to them from deeper into the forest.

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 3:45:54 GMT
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You weren’t the only one,” Hideo grumbled.

He regretted trying to wear his Pokeballs on his waistband. “It’s how trainers wear them” his brother had told him, “They’ll think you’re just some random kid if you hide them.” And they did fit on there pretty easily and comfortably.

But doing so when he and Doug were going to track down a Pokemon that was known for stealing Pokeballs? He only realized his error when he felt one snatched off of him, and the thief ran off before either of them could get it back.

Hindsight was 20/20, and he hid them back in his pockets before the thief could return. Only one Pokeball was missing, but he was determined to get it back.

He didn’t even need Rocky (who, thankfully, he still had) to track the thief down; Hideo could feel its gaze on him, and he could hear its rustling stop not too far away from them. If it was trying to hide, it wasn’t doing a very good job about it.

We’ll get her back,” Hideo declared, brow furrowed, already approaching where he heard the noise, his cane brushing along the ground, “We’ll get both of them back. And all the others they’ve taken.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
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Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 20:35:25 GMT
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Hideo was more mature and reliable than most would give a blind child credit for.

He was glad to have brought the kid along. Reminded him to be a cool adult and not worry about what...

"Let's go." He said, adjusting his straw hat before gently laying a hand on the kid's back. "You bringing Rocky out?"

He didn't know how good would Hideo be at moving through such uneven terrain, specially one filled with so many roots. Even he occasionally tripped onto his face when getting too lax.

He would just trust his judgemnt.



As they approached the area where they could feel the monkey's presence, they could hear the rhythmic sound of clanging sticks and echoing drums. Almost ceremonial, it came from the tree tops above.

If he hadn't known any better, he would have thought they were in a jungle.

Pushing aside branches and bushes, the two finally managed to come... into surprisingly even, flat ground.

The grass had been torn at the roots from the soil, and the mud had been left to dry. Chalk had been utilized to imitate the basic rectangular shape of a pokemon battle arena, complete with a line dividing it at the center.

Only instead of a pokeball, a crude drawing of an Oranguru's face had been made.

And on the other side of the arena...

The thief who had stolen their pokeballs kneeled in front of a rotund Orangutan brandishing a fan, offering two pokeballs to it.

The orangutan, however, shifted its gaze from its servant to them.

And smirked.

The drumming abruptly stopped.

"There's a pokemon arena here." He said dryly, offering the only explanation he could give to Hideo.

He could feel the orangutan's eyes on him even with his eyes closed- so Hideo probably had no issues there.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 15:09:26 GMT
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Hideo shook his head at Doug’s question. “Don’t think I need to let him out yet. I can just kinda tell where it’s staring at us from. It’s kinda like with my Elgyem: I don’t really understand what he says, but I just kinda...understand what he means. Like if he wants me to come to him.

He had been told the thief was likely an Oranguru. A little bit of research told him it was a rather big psychic-(and normal-)type. Wouldn’t be too surprising if it could do the same kind of thing Elga could.

Traversing through the forest wasn’t too difficult for him; for the most part, he just followed Doug, using his cane to look out for anything he could trip over. Which didn’t stop him from stumbling over a few - he caught many, but not all - but he managed to get through without a faceful of dead leaves and dirt.

Even if he wasn’t following someone, it was hard to miss the drumming. Whoever they were heading towards wanted to make this a spectacle.

It wanted them to come to it.

He couldn’t miss the pressure this place exuded; the drumming and clanging from above them, the stares he could feel. Hideo wouldn't have known that an arena had been set up without Doug's comment, but he already had a Pokeball in hand. That just made it very clear what they had to do.

Then that means we battle,” he declared.

Hideo did not hesitate to be the first one to let out a Pokemon, his Spinarak coming forth. She was halfway towards turning to her trainer before she pulled a double-take on the Oranguru, turning back to face it.

The Oranguru smirked, pointing his fan to the side. The thief rose up and moved outside of the arena, taking a seat on the ground.

Six pokeballs laid in front of the Oranguru. With his free hand, he took one and tossed it, the Vanillite within appearing in line with Squeeze.

The Guru accepts your challenge!” the thief announced, “Defeat him in a battle, and he will return the Pokeballs gifted to him. Lose, and he will lay claim to the ones you still possess.

Hideo didn’t even have to think it over; “We are going to take them back!

The Oranguru picked up a second Pokeball, staring at Doug, his smirk ever strong. He didn’t throw it yet, but the implication would be obvious.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 17:20:21 GMT
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"Giving it exactly what it wants, huh?" He said, meeting the orangutan's arrogant gaze. He clicked his tongue, tipping his straw hat as his lips curled.

"Fine by me." He said, producing a pokeball from under his school's jacket. "Don't complain it was a 2 on 1 when you lose, ugly!"

"Goran, you are up!" He said as he threw the ball, a tiny yellow spider being released into the field, all four of his eyes glaring at the monkey on the other side of the arena.

The oranguru simply smirked further, before casually throwing the pokeball it held into the field.

A dark bird was released, its small wingspan revealed as it flapped its wings to land on the field. Its head was shaped like a hat, complete with a brim, and its red eyes seemed confused as to how it had gotten there- still, they soon set upon its opponents.

"Ah bugger." Said Doug under his breath as he stared the Murkrow, lips pulling taut. "Don't let it take to the air, Goran! Use Electro Web!"

The little spider leapt to action, unleashing a surprisingly large mass of electrified webbing in their opponent's direction!

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 19:57:24 GMT
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Hideo’s determination was unswayed, even if this was exactly what the Oranguru wanted. “Don’t care if it’s what it wants; I’m going to take her back! I’ll beat ‘em in a Pokemon battle if that’s what it takes.

Hideo’s reaction only seemed to amuse the Oranguru, who’d released another Pokemon in response to Doug’s.

Begin!” Sounded like the thief was going to serve as both translator and referee.

Doug sounded like he was the first to strike, ordering his pokemon to web down his opponent before it could fly out. Probably meant he was dealing with a flying-type; not the best opponent for a self-proclaimed Bug Maniac to deal with.

Hideo couldn’t give it much more through, though.  He didn’t know what Pokemon Squeeze was facing, but that didn’t matter too much; his planned tactic didn’t care much for typing. “Squeeze, I think he’s got a good idea: lay down a Sticky Web!

The spider reared back, before shifting forward as an ever-expanding web spewed from her mouth, covering the Oranguru’s side of the field. The two opposing Pokemon were easily able to avoid getting caught in it, but this wasn’t for them. This was for the others.

Their opponent wasn’t going to take that lying down: the Oranguru pointed his fan to the Vanillite, whose mouth glowed blue. An Icy Wind flew out, pelting the Spinarak, who let out a pained “Eeee!” as a bit of frost formed on her legs.

Hideo could feel a bit of the cold wind from where he was standing - thankfully far enough that it was harmless. That made it clear Squeeze was facing off against an ice-type. Or at least one that favored that type of attack.

Hang in there, Squeeze!

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
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Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 2:40:56 GMT
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Goran's target was faster than the bug catcher had hoped. It flapped its wings and managed to get out of the electrified webbing's path before it could be grounded and taken out of commission, sneering at them cockily as it began to fly above them, its eyes set on both bugs on their side of the field.

Either of them was prey, as far as it was concerned.

The Oranguru however, liked to keep things neat and tidy; with a flap of his fan, the Murkrow was suddenly into action once again, swooping down towards the Joltik as its wings flashed.

Doug recognized it as Wing Attack.

"Keep it at bay, Goran! Electroball!" He ordered, and Goran followed suit, jumping little ways off the floor just as a tiny, but seemingly solid ball of electricity formed underneath him- before growing larger and larger, thunder and lightning crackling about its surface in a way that gave the large bird pause.

Turning his gaze over to Squeeze as she laid a large web all over the field, Doug blinked, before grinning, reaching over to ruffle Hideo's hair.

"Hideo, yer a genius!" He said with a grin, before gesturing towards the tree foliage (uselessly). "Help out a dude, m'dude! m'noggin's got'n idea! Have Squeeze lay out a hanging spider's web from up on'em trees! Goran will look after her in the meanwhile!"

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 15:57:41 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo had to listen carefully for everything that was going on, not just on his side but on Doug’s as well. It sounded like Goran had managed to fend off an attack with one of his own, but failed to land one as well. A stalemate, but one that would give them more time to prepare.

But why would...oh!” It dawned on him what Doug was planning - to limit the mobility of their stronger opponent - and he was tempted to shout it out to show he understood, but held back; shouting plans out in a trainer battle (because that’s pretty much what this was at this point) wasn’t the best idea.

Squeeze, do what he says! Shoot a Spider Web up in the trees! He’ll cover you!” Too vague of a direction for her to understand where to fire, but a quick glance at Doug’s pointing finger made up for it. A thick white glob shot from her mouth, flying straight into the air.

The Vanillite wasn’t just going to watch; its mouth opened, glowing blue. Its head cocked back for a second, followed by it thrusting forth, several thin shards of ice flying out. The Icicle Spears were aimed straight for Squeeze.

Just as the white glob was starting to fall, it exploded open. Strings attached to the trees around them, all connected in a single structure. Her web was laid.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 18:28:42 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Knew you would get it! Goran, Intercept them!" He said, swinging his hand for (unconscious) dramatic effect.

Still standing atop the charged up Electro ball, Goran squealed in effort as he gripped tightly unto it and rolled back, launching the ball towards the many icicles thrown at Squeeze, coming into explosive contact with the first.

A wave of electricity and ice dust blew over the center of the arena, sending the rest of the icicles flying in random directions and forcing the enemy Murkrow to not so much as tow the line on their side of the field... The electrified field of ice dust had become a temporary barrier between them.

And to make things worse for the flier, there was a dangerous web right atop its head now. It couldn't afford to go too high, it could't go low.


"This is almost too perfect!" Doug said as he had pointed skyward. "Just needs a finishing touch! Goran! Link 'em up! ELECTRO WEB!"

Goran's eyes flashed in delight as it leapt atop the bottom webbing laid by Squeeze and reared his bottom back, before spewing a long jet of string straight to the tree tops above, the single strand seemingly growing and spreading as it pulled away from him- and attaching itself to the webbing above.

It was a pity Hideo could not see it- the way the dramatically lighted arena became washed in a yellow, crackling light, from top to bottom.

The murkrow stared in abject horror at the utter electric trap that the arena had become.

"They've got nowhere to run, Hideo! Throw another web ON them!"

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 21:55:32 GMT
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Although Hideo wasn’t able to see the massive display their Pokemon had created, he was definitely able to hear the crackling electricity running through it. His mouth was open in awe at how it seemed like it was coming from everywhere.

But he couldn’t let that distract him for long, his focus once again with the battle. He nodded as Doug gave him another direction to follow. “You got it! Squeeze, make a shocking sandwich out of them with another Sticky Web!

This time, it took Squeeze a moment to charge up before she could spit out more web. It was enough time for the Vanillite to pull its head back again, charging up more Icicle Spears - but with a wave of the Oranguru’s fan, held on to it. Once Squeeze’s web was flying out, the Vanillite let loose - towards the web.

It was able to make a few holes in the web, but couldn’t stop it completely. The Spider Web fell upon it, and it tried to rush towards one of the openings - only to be caught on the one already laid down. Restrained by the web and the electricity coursing through it, it was caught by the new one as well, pinned down and shocked from both sides. It let out a pained “Viiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” as it tried to struggle through the webs and convulsions, until its consciousness faded and it stopped moving.

The Oranguru drew it back into its Pokeball, a frown on his face.

While he was riding the high from KOing one of their opponent’s Pokemon (how else could he call it back?), Hideo could hear Squeeze’s breathing grow a little heavy. He wasn’t sure how much she had to fire to cover so much of the clearing, but if this arena was the same size as any other battle arena, it had to be a lot. “I think she’s used up all the webs she’s got,” he said, facing towards Doug.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 23:35:55 GMT
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Despite the Oranguru's efforts, the ice cream pokemon fainted under Squeeze's net, leaving him with only one pokemon left.

Unfortunately, it left the poor Spinarak spent; there was no more gas in the tank for webbing.

"Don't worry! Only one left- And it ends now!" He said, turning his gaze back to the Murkrow as it deftly flew through arching lightning and hanging webbing.

The Oranguru made a sharp wave of its fan, and the flier swiftly gained speed, flying through the many openings in the webbing as smoothly as butter, it's impeccable flight a sight to behold.

Aerial Ace- and it was making a beeline for Goran.


"Thunder Wave." He said, and Goran followed suit. His yellow fur bristled and spiked up as the lightning crackled around him, before it suddenly pulsed outwards in a wave of static just as the bird came dangerously close.

It ran into it like a wall of electricity, it's skillful flight immediately put to a stop as its wings spasmed and it fell, taking a rough landing across the floor- and the electrified web.

A deafening squack tore out of its throat before it fell limp, fainting after several seconds before being returned to the Orangutan's pokeball.

They were done here.

"Awright, we played your game. Time to pay up." He said, adjusting his straw hat to glare at the Oranguru from under it.

It bristled in response, swiping harshly towards the thief, who sprang to his feet, mouth opening wide.

"The battle is of the 6 v 6 format! You've not yet defeated the Guru, impudent brats!" He said at them, waving his fists angrily.

The Guru snorted at them roughly as he picked, yet again, another pair of pokeballs, before glaring at them.

Doug clicked his tongue.

The electrified web was fine for their arachnid's- but Squeeze was spent. And he doubted the next partner would be able to traverse them nearly as well.

Time to switch tactics.

"Goran, return." He said, returning him to his pokeball before pulling another ball. "Mothra! Yer up!"

He threw the new pokeball into the field as the electricity on the webbing began to quickly ebb away, flowing into the soil just as his Larvesta landed on the field.

The Oranguru snorted at the sight, smirking as he casually threw the pokeball-

and released a massive, stone snake onto the field.

Doug paled.

"Onyx, Seriously?!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 5:37:40 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo couldn’t resist throwing his hands up, cheering as Doug announced their decisive victory - only to be brought down when the thief announced this was a 6v6. “Dang it,” he muttered.

They at least had a moment to prepare for the next pair. Squeeze sounded like she needed a break. “You did great, Squeeze,” Hideo said, taking out her Pokeball, “I’ll let someone else take over. You’ve earned a break.” No argument from her as she was drawn back into her Pokeball.

His hand went back in his pocket, finding Rocky’s Pokeball immediately. But once he heard there was an Onix on the field (both from Doug, and the Onix itself), he hesitated; he knew Rocky didn’t have a good shot against a Pokemon that tough.

His hand moved to the other Pokeball he (still) had. Taking it out, he pressed the button to release the Elgyem held within. The short, big-headed psychic type landed on the field, unflinchingly staring ahead at the Oranguru. The two locked eyes, the buttons on Elga’s hands rapidly blinking. Their staring contest ended once Elga’s gaze moved away, towards his side of the field.

The Oranguru threw the ball he had in hand, releasing a bug-like sandy-yellow Pokemon with large green wings and thin limbs. Its wings buzzed, but as it tried to take off, it found its legs stuck to the web Squeeze had laid out.

The Onix would also find itself limited by the webbing, though it would barely take any effort to break out of it.  Yet it would still take effort.

Hideo knew he had to act quickly.  “Elga, Split Guard with the Onix!” The Elgyem wordlessly obeyed, its body unmoving as several bright blue orbs appeared from him and the Onix, flying from their source to the other. It wouldn’t become apparent just yet, but his body became much more resilient to any physical attacks, while the Onix lost much of its resistance.

(As for nonphysical attacks, Elga had made himself very slightly weaker and the Onix very slightly stronger)

Defenses swapped, Elga walked from his side of the stage to the other, standing in front of the Larvesta. His body was tensed, ready to hold his ground against the Onix and the Vibrava.

His plan would need a little explanation. “Doug, Elga here’ll do his best to keep Mothra safe. He won’t get hurt by anything Mothra throws out, so don’t hold back!

Risky to use a Pokemon foot-tall Pokemon to guard a three-foot-tall one? Against something as huge as an Onix? Maybe. But it was the best plan he had.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
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Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Monkey see [m]
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 18:15:07 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"A Vibrava?!" Said Doug, though he sounded more excited than anxious this time. "That damn monkey's is lucky! Been looking for ages for one o'those!"

Unfulfilled ideal team goals aside, things were not looking great for them. A rock/ground type and a Dragon/ground type were both terrible match ups for Mothra- and he knew the rest of Hideo's team wasn't ideal to balance things out; not when he was bringing the scales down this much.

And yet, once again, he was reminded that he really needed to stop underestimating Hideo.

"Dang, Hideo." He said, tipping his hat with a wide grin. "Keep that up and your bro ain't gonna be the only one jealous. Hooey!"

He had his time to shine before- it seems like Hideo was taking his moment into his own hands.

"Let's see if we can soften up that snake some'ore! Cover your ears, Hideo! 'Bout to get REAL loud!" He said, telegraphing his next order to the child as he swung his arm dramatically. "Mothra, use Screech!"

The tiny bug sprang forward, leaping over Elga and using jets of fire to hover in the air as she reared back her head, breathing in deeply before releasing a mighty, booming bellow at the giant snake.

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Blue Star

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Hideo Kino
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2020 17:48:28 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Vibrava?” That one, Hideo knew nothing about; considering Doug seemed to know about it, and wanted one for his own, that could only mean it was part bug-type. Not good.

But he had Doug’s encouragement to bring him back up. He shot a thumbs up towards his partner. “You know it!” he said, riding the high.

His high was cut short with Doug’s warning. Hideo was quick to listen, covering his ears with his hands, Elga following suit (covering the sides of his head one could only assume ears should be).

The Oranguru caught on as well, covering his ears, but his two Pokemon were either too restrained or too limbless to follow along. The Onix visibly cringed as it got the worst of it.

With the screeching over, it was time for the counterattack.

The Vibrava still struggled to free itself, its wings beating furiously. With a wave of the Oranguru’s fan, it turned its attention towards its opponents. A bright blue light shone from its maw, firing forth in a beam once opened, the Dragon Breath aiming straight for the pair.

Elga intercepted the beam, pushed back by the force. There was no scream of pain, no pained flailing; he took it head on, and was still standing once it finished. He was hurting, but he didn’t show it beyond the scuff marks on his body.

The Onix broke out of the webbing very quickly, and was already charging towards the two. Once close, its body turned as its tail flew towards the pair. It Slammed into Elga’s diminutive form first...and went no further.

The little psychic-type held his ground, holding the attack back with his arms - wobbly as they may be.

Hideo wasn’t sure how much damage Elga had taken from those two attacks, and he had it in his mind to order him to heal. But no sooner did the thought cross his mind, that it was quite literally pushed out; he was familiar with that sensation, of Elga objecting if something he thought wasn’t agreeable.

So he’d help set things up more for Mothra. “Elga, weaken that Onix some more! Simple Beam it!

Innumerable purple rings flowed from Elga, straight into the Onix. The once-Sturdy snake was now much more vulnerable, yet it cared not for the sudden change. It was still trying to make the Elgyem budge.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2020 18:27:07 GMT
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Doug winced as Elgyem took not one, but two rough looking hits, and still managed to stand his ground without giving an inch. He couldn't let that pain go to waste!

"Simple beam? Ya really are something else!" He said with a grin, tipping up his hat before he punched the air. "We are gonna knock that lump of rock out without throwing a single punch! ... Damn it! Mothra, get in there and Screech it down!"

Mothra took the order to heart, the fire jetting out of her pushing her towards the Onix while she defiantly screamed, her tiny body splatting against the snake's face before she reeled her head far back-

And unleashed yet another massive bellow.

She didn't know if Onix had ears, but she was certainly trying to shout them out, screeching right next to his head as the effects of Elga's simple beam took place.

Its entire body trembled and quaked, all sense of balance, left and right, up an down, thrown for a loop as its own thoughts were drowned out by the little bug's screech.

"Mew above, the lungs on that girl!" Said Doug while holding onto his own ears harshly, only barely keeping the screams from throwing him on his ass.

Just when it seemed like Mothra would run out of air, the Onix's eyes rolled to the back of its head and it pitched forward, head clanging against the soil solidly, the proverbial spirals visible in its eyes as it moaned on the floor, the vertigo too strong for it to remain upright.

"Awright, it's down! Let's put it to sleep!" He said with a grin- which was quickly wiped away when the sound of ripping webbing disrupted the beautiful silence left in the wake of the screech.

The Vibrava soared across the air- though not too high, what with the webbing on the trees and all- its wings flashing as it sent currents if cutting wind at the Fire bug!

"Fu-uunnn!" He said through grit teeth, barely catching himself. "Dodge it!"

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP