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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 6:07:15 GMT
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her pokemon kept a careful eye on her property, the tamed beasts ensuring that humans were strongly deterred from entry and the wild were forced to take their search for food or water elsewhere. the carnivorous remained at the outer edges of her land - while the herbivores were consolidated at its depths. it prevented any unfortunate overlap, with her pokemon free to hunt beyond her territory with ease. 

the area that the uninvited tamer would cross into was occupied by a collection of what appeared to be a curious combination of fighting-types, primates or creatures who appeared to formidable or athletic in body and mind. it was a lightly forested area, a rough path composed of bare earth cutting through it in its entirely.  

it was by chance that cait was found here, the girl dressed in a powder blue dress with her hair worn down as she sported a crown of grass that rested easily upon her brow. she was leaning against a tree, braiding what appeared smaller crowns of similar material with quick hands. she ceremoniously placed it upon a wide-eyed torchic before preparing another soon after - humming all the while.

the young woman appeared to be surrounded by lightly dozing pokemon, their sizes wildly varying. there was two nidoking here that watched over them, a graveler there that plucked at the earth, a slumbering infernape and vigorth someplace above, even. they all surrounded her in a loose circle, appearing to relax fully within their mistress's presence as she entertained the little ones among their number. 

"and one for you."

the stufful she'd turn to was gifted with her own prize, the dual-type releasing a soft and delighted croon as cait offered her a light pat. 

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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 2:17:01 GMT
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Traveling with his group of Pokemon made it hard to stay hidden most of the time but, considering that unless he was hunting he didn't try to hide, that never really bothered Hit. The man traveled with a group of 7 Pokemon, though it was hard to see some of them from the angle that he approached. There was a Blaziken that strolled with the group, near the front of the group, followed closely behind by a large Gogoat that seemed to be carrying three smaller pokemon and the sight was... Well, adorable to say the least. Leaning against the neck of the large Grass Type was a Tyrogue would was snoring loudly, a Skitty pressed against his back, and finally a Riolu that seemed to wrap his arms around them and helped keep them on the creature.

Walking next to the Gogoat was a Nidorina who seemed to make a few idle noises to a Pancham that was sitting on a large man's shoulders. The fact that a group of Pokemon were traveling together was surely weird for some but, perhaps even more weird, was the Pokemon Trainer that seemed to walk with them. The man stood at a towering six feet and seven inches tall with deeply tanned skin, long brown hair flowing down the length of his back and over his shoulders with the ends tied in various different spots. Strong golden hues looked out from underneath his hair, several black markings seemingly etched in his skin on his face and the exposed parts of his chest. The man wore clothing that was obviously handmade, pokemon skins that were turned into fur pants and a vest of sorts, leaving most of his fit upper body exposed.

As him and his Pokemon entered into the area the belonged to Cait, although unaware, Hit was acutely aware of the strong Pokemon in the area. But, with a few words to the conscious Pokemon, their stance as they moved through them changed. Hit was used to walking through hostile areas so, as he moved, he would take a casual and laxed stance so none of the Pokemon would see him as a hostile... Or that was his goal. Had it worked, it'd only be a few moments before he would spot the woman who was making grass crowns for her Pokemon. In that moment, Hit was curious and would talk first, looking around, "Are all these Pokemon your friends? Or are you a Poke-Master?"
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 2:39:55 GMT
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her pokemon were mostly caught unawares, their formerly lax states of being stiffening by a sizeable margin as the unfamiliar male human came into view. the mild wave of scents washed over them, causing her pokemon to stir and properly face the fellow. they appeared rightfully uncertain, their combined gazes fixing upon a man garbed in stitched together furs. 

he did not reek of the city, his stance lacking the edge that could be considered entirely human. but he didn't appear to pose a threat, the air about him putting them at ease - but only slightly. their mistress was visibly intrigued by the mere sight of him, remaining seated upon the soft grass that served as her makeshift cushion.

"they are mine - yes."

a pair of ursaring that had been formerly seated a stone's throw away rose, as did her nidoking - all four releasing low rumbles. cait raised a hand and gestured her dismissal, indicating that they were to relax. they did so with obvious reluctance, all of her pokemon continuing to peer at the guest with open displays of curiosity.

i'm their mistress," she said, correcting him somewhat. "but i'm no 'poke-master'. not a proper one, at least. i watch over them - and they protect me in turn."

the woman noted the man's appearance and his garb, realizing that he was huge - perhaps even taller than sénon.  his bulk was impressive, the man a picture of health but marred by a living that came about from occupying the wilds. 

may i have your name, stranger? i'm cait.

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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 3:56:17 GMT
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As a few of her Pokemon had started to rise and grumble, only one Pokemon would have responded to them, his Blaziken. The flames on it had increased for a moment but, in the same way that she had raised her hand, he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and she calmed down almost immediately. At her admitting that they were her pokemon, at least in some way, that caused his brow to raise a bit, "That's interesting, most people pride themselves on being trainers." Hit, like admiring someone's handiwork would give a small approving nod, "They seem happy."

The large man would have slowly shifted closer to the woman as she asked her question, "My name is Hit and I consider myself a Poke-Tamer, I've never had to use a Pokeball to befriend a creature." There was clear pride in his voice but no arrogance, simply stating his strength and moving closer. Hit would have come to sit cross-legged in front Cait, about five or so feet away from her. He wasn't on edge near her Pokemon now that they had spoken, even though he was clearly outnumbered. Without stating it, it was clear that he was confident in himself and his Poke-Friends.

As he sat down, his Gogoat had followed suit and moved to curl into a ball next to him. As it did, the three Pokemon that were resting on its back would have slipped by the stomach of the creature and it would quickly turn into a cuddle puddle of Pokemon. His Nidorina wasted no time trying to snuggle in, though his Blaziken was an odd one, moving to sit cross-legged with her back against Hit's. Finally, that left the Pancham to slip into his lap where he would scratch behind his ears, "I hope you don't mind if I join you for a bit, we've been looking for a place to take a reprieve."
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 9:33:41 GMT
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despite his fierce exterior she'd find that he was a combination of friendly and talkative. he appeared willing to remain in her presence as opposed to simply moving on, settling confidently before her with his legs crossed. she'd eye this stranger, though they quickly transitioned into becoming acquaintances as he offered his name.

"'hit'," she parroted.

he volunteered information, so there was little need to pry in an excessive manner. she hummed as she visibly mulled over his words, though she granted him permission to remain on her land.

you and your pokemon are welcome," she said. 

her gaze flitted toward his pelts. 

but if you're hunting i'd advise you to do it elsewhere. the pokemon who live here are under celebi's protection - so take care not to offend."

cait didn't appear disturbed by the sight of the pelts. the only time she took offense to garments composed of poke-skin was when it was used purely for decoration. but his clothing looked entirely practical; and with winter coming around in a short while she couldn't fault him. 

'he looks like some sort of tarzan,' she thought, stifling her own amusement.

anything to the immediate west is unclaimed land," she informed. "so you're welcome to it."

she'd eye his pokemon, easily identifying their species. 

so you don't use pokeballs? are you a traditionalist? not overly fond of modern conventions?

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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 21:34:23 GMT
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Hit was not blind to the fact of the woman's eyes scanning his form and taking in his details, or the way that they lingered on his clothing for a moment. As she spoke about the forests around them and mentioned the legendary creature Celebi, he offered a thankful nod, "Your warning is appreciated but we're not simply a group of hunters. I have no intention of aggravating the Pokemon in the area." Idly one of his hands went to the mane of his Gogoat, tangling into the grassy fur of the beast and getting a pleased noise from it in response, "But to hear there is also free wilds nearby is helpful, I can't let my friends here get weak and slack on their training." Hit spoke about his Pokemon like they were other people, looking at them the same way people usually regarded one another.

Seeing Cait make the grass crowns, the Pancham that was sitting on Hit's lap would slowly get up and begin to wander closer to the woman, curious in her creations. Did he want one? It seemed like it, inching cautiously closer to her, "You could say that, perhaps. Truth is, by the time I even knew what a Pokeball was, I was already locked in my own ways." He offered to her, not afraid to mention parts of his past but he didn't just go lore-dumping on the woman, "Finding out that these balls are mandatory for so many people was baffling, if I'm allowed a moment of honesty."

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POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 14:54:39 GMT
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cait appeared mildly amused as their conversation began to slowly breach into debate territory, though she gladly accepted the challenge. his ideals were reasonable, but there was a flaw to his perspective.

"are these all your pokemon?"

she'd beckon the pancham to step closer, a dim glow entering her gaze as she urged the growth of a small clump of grass. it sprouted before her. plentiful and healthy. cait gingerly plucked up the lengthy bits of greenery, carefully weaving it into a crown. 

if so, then i can see why you'd come to that conclusion."

cait gingerly deposited the accessory onto the little fighter's head, smiling fondly as she did so.

pokemon can grow quite large - or be bound by water or land. for example, how would you go about transporting a lapras? a gyrados? or something as small as a goldeen? or - if you needed to cross a large body of water - how would your ground-types are fire-types manage the trip in a comfortable fashion?"

she paused, allowing for him to ponder over this.

you'd have to leave them behind or simply limit yourself greatly on the company you can keep. pokeballs are a convenient means of travel and performing cost-effective medical treatments."

cait tapped her chin lightly and then gave a shrug.

if i could be transported without the hassle of excessive movement - i'd accept a pokeball."  

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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 1:46:44 GMT
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As the woman waved her hand around in the air and the grass seemed to respond, the man was tense in the coming seconds. He had seen her making crowns but the prospect that she was... Literally making them, hadn't crossed his mind. But, even as she did his Pancham had gotten closer and moved to plop into her lap, wearing a happy smile on his face. Hit trusted his Pokemon so, seeing that the sight didn't even alarm his comrade, the tension left his shoulders seconds later.

As she began to speak about the difference in his ways, the way they could limit him, his brows pressed together in that moment. He seemed upset as he went over the words at first, letting them get to him but not saying anything about the situation. Of course, his golden topaz hues scanned over his Pokemon, then the woman, and then the creatures that were hers. After a few moments of silence and a deep breath, he was calmed and spoke, "You may be right. I'd counter that a Pokemon shouldn't leave their biomes if they can't normally."

He let out a breath, rolling his neck a bit as he tried to find his words, "Not to say that it is expressly fair, to say that if a Pokemon is born somewhere they should be stuck there... But it means that place is, usually, the best for them. The type of ramifications from trainers taking more carnivorous Pokemon to peaceful habitats... Some things I've found are better left as is."

"It would suck to have to leave a friend behind, but I don't know if I could justify dragging them around the world just because I demanded their friendship. I'm not out here trying to forever change a Pokemon's life." Hit would look up at the girl and shrug, a soft grin on his lips, "But, that doesn't mean I'm ignorant to what you're saying. I'm stuck in my ways, not a hardheaded fool."
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 2:46:22 GMT
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she appeared greatly amused by his words. 

"you're a man, hit," she stated. "
that can't be helped.

her fondness for the opposite sex went beyond sexual attraction; cait finding that their temperaments varied somewhat from their fairer counterparts. though she pondered over how a man more in-tune with nature behaved - especially compared to a thoroughly civilized one.

and i'll concede to your point. i have quite a bit of land that's suited for the pokemon within my care. i invested quite a bit so they could live out their life cycles in a more natural fashion."

her hand moved to gently pet the pancham who  occupied her lap, her manicured and painted  nails gently scratching the little fighter's scalp.

certain breeds of pokemon can be invasive - and overhunting is something i monitor closely."

thankfully, there was a large population of normal-types that occupied their area. stantler and smaller game were in abundance - and her pokemon were too few to completely stamp them out. even their daily hunts effected only a small portion of the surrounding population. 

tell me about those pelts of yours," she said, gesturing toward him. "what pokemon are those? a pyroar? skins from a ursaring, maybe?"  

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 3:07:22 GMT
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Hit would give a nod of his head while watching the interaction between Daichi and the woman, though he was still cautious about the way she called the earth in this area to respond to her, "I hope to have an area where I can let my friends be themselves one day. A protected forest that is recognized by even the most destructive of Poachers." He let out a sigh, indicating he wasn't sure a goal like that would ever be possible but he wasn't trying to let it get to him. He's seen a fair of what poachers could do a location, even some protected areas, so his hopes of a fully protected area felt like a gutter dream. But he'd shake his head to get those thoughts away, "How are you doing that?" He asked while pointing at her ability to grow the grass and flowers at her fingertips.

At the question of his skins though, he would blink a few times before letting his eyes fall downwards, "A keen eye that you've got, Cait." Hit's face seemed to soften at them moment, his hands coming to run along the fur of his pants as he thought before speaking, "These skins belonged to an Ursaring, a friend of mine I knew while growing up. She lost her cubs when I was young, so I spent a lot of time with her." His eyes looked sad for a moment before he smiled at the woman, "So, when she was finally ready, I let her be strong and powerful one last time. We hunted each other for a few days before I finally got her." His fingers ran along the fur as though he was petting the Pokemon again, though he'd shake his head to keep his thoughts clear, "That was a couple of years ago now and ever since I've done my best to make sure I haven't needed any replacements. I'm grateful for her every time it rains, when the wind blows..."

The man let out a cough and then adjusted his gaze to fall onto Cait's face, "Sorry if that was a bit more than you wanted. I'm not used to talking to...... Well, just talking, actually."
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 21:14:00 GMT
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"don't apologize."

she was genuinely touched by the tale, her gaze remaining fixed upon the pelt. it was vaguely reminiscent of cubone - but only vaguely.

'the mother leaves behind her skull to protect her babe in her absence.'  

thank you for sharing it with me," she said, dipping her head. "i'll remember it."

cait blinked once questioned about her gift, a dim glow present within her strange gaze.

i told you this place was under celebi's protection. every creature who resides here serves as their ward - including me."

she stated this matter-of-factly, presenting him with information that carried value. 

consider it a blessing. one i'm thankful for.

with a subtle wave of her hand, grass replaced that which had been plucked. she'd weave another crown, gifting it to a petite sneasel.

are you a follower of a god, hit?"

cait speculated he was not entirely well-informed on the topic of theology, if one took him into consideration at a glance.

'i could be wrong. there are plenty of followers who maintain naturalist lifestyles.'

just curious," she continued. "i won't take offense if you're not."         

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 23:48:28 GMT
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Hit would listen to the woman as she explained how those in the area were protected by Celebi and granted them some type of boon. As he listened, he would raise a hand and attempt to call the grass to him by... Thinking about the grass coming to him, "Does that mean I'd be granted the same ability if I stayed here as well?" Although he asked the question, one could tell that he wasn't intending to actually do it and was filled with genuine curiosity.

At her question about God, Hit would turn his gaze to meet her own exotic one, raising a brow, "What an odd question." Was his initial response before he'd gently shake his head, "No, I don't personally. There are Pokemon capable of so many things, even supposedly bending reality, that the idea of a God existing seems... Improbably to me." He would then raise a hand to her, as if to try and apologize, "Not to say anything bad about those that do believe. That's just how I feel."

He couldn't help but let his gaze fall over her form again, brows furrowing together as a moment of intrigue passed through him, "Why do you ask? Do I seem like a man who needs godly intervention?" And although it was delivered with a straight face, that had been his attempt to make a joke.
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2020 0:47:16 GMT
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i'm afraid it doesn't work that way, hit.

cait tittered softly in reaction to his attempt at drawing out celebi's power. of course it proved a fruitless endeavor, for he hadn't been chosen by the fae god. her painted lips spread wide in an amused grin, though she'd sober slightly when she was confronted by his disbelief. 

"gods exist, yes," she insisted.

the young woman paused briefly, realizing that she was stepping into 'preachy' territory. it was something her family advised against, preferring a far more subtle approach to conversion. but cait found herself caught up in a mild fervor, her words flowing out of her in a rush. 

as my auntie so eloquently puts it - 'one need only choose a god and pray.' the chosen walk among us even now and arceus's children have made themselves known."

cait became suddenly excited, bubbly at the mere mention of the legends who walked the earth.

you need only open your heart if you draw their gaze."

she calmed, realizing her error before she produced a partial apology.

i'm sorry," she said, the young woman's facial features pinched with displeasure. "you don't need intervention. you already seem like a good man. i just - "

after mentally anchoring herself and taking a deep breath, air rushes out of her in a sigh. 

never mind."  

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POSTED ON Dec 9, 2020 1:36:57 GMT
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[attr="class","ren"]"I'll protect you, no matter the cost."

As the woman would become more enthusiastic about their conversation as Gods were mentioned, Hit couldn't stop from raising his brow but it was more from interest than any type of judgment. He listened to her words as she went on and would feel a soft grin touching his lips, it wasn't often that he saw people truly get excited about their passions in life. It was something refreshing about people that he didn't get often, it at all, from the Pokemon around him.

"I don't know how to 'open my heart' to them, I've never had someone to show me something like that." It wasn't like Hit was going to make a full blown conversion to something, but the truth was that he never really had the chance. His parent figure was a Hitmontop, not something that he shared with everyone. He would raise a dismissive hand at her as respectfully as he could, "No reason not to finish your thought, Ms. Cait. I was simply joking, I'm not actually upset or anything. Truthfully, you have me interested to some degree about this all. Gods being real?"

Hit would lean back and get a bit more comfortable while talking to the girl, placing his hands on the grass to prop himself up while looking at her, "Is your whole family as strong in their beliefs like you are?" He would ask, her mentioning her Aunt made him curious about the rest of her family. Not having a normal family himself always made him curious about others and their upbringings.

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POSTED ON Dec 9, 2020 10:21:40 GMT
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she brightened at the mere mention of her family, warmth flooding her as her attachment to them came to mind. with peace beginning to resettle, they'd find a home again in hoenn. their formerly barren properties filled with life, the voices of human and pokemon alike raised in celebration over the newfound peace. 

for generations," she said. "our holy book - the codex of time - has guided us for generations."

such a book had multiple versions - some which shifted its focus toward dialga while other published works had discussed celebi at length. due to her ancestors gravitation toward settings that resembled fortree or the ilex forest, they had naturally gravitated toward the latter. her ancestors had studied and revised their holy book, as a result. with dialga taking up several chapters, at the moment. 

i was raised to follow the doctrine of one god - but i acknowledge that all others are equal."

she omitted the fact that giratina, darkrai and hoopa were beings who had strayed too far from arceus's light. and while they were divine in nature, they were not to be followed.

i've seen them. groudon, for example. solgaleo, shaymin, articuno - even lord celebi."

cait eyed him, her expression growing serious.

it's why i say that you need to keep your mind open along with your heart. you never really know if you might be chosen.

a small chance of being called upon was still just that, after all - a chance.  

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