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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 4:53:57 GMT
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cait's relationship to the sea was a complicated one; her family possessing a lasting bitterness toward the vast body of liquid. such feelings that endured generations originated from when they had traveled here by boat, quite a few of their own having been lost and reluctantly surrendered to the ocean. bad weather, scurvy, lack of nourishment and poor hygiene only allowed for the fittest to manage the trip.

it was a sad story, cait having read and re-read the brittle journal of her ancestor who had served as a pilgrim. it was one the few pieces of inherited literature that she had brought into her household, the woman greatly cherishing the story that had been told. 

'i don't know how they managed it. two months on a water-bound vessel. i couldn't - '

despite trying to keep up appearances in front of her boyfriend, cait leaned over the side of her lapras - opened her mouth and vomited noisily into the liquid. thankfully the corsola were granting them a wide berth, her bile failing to splash them. 


she slumped somewhat dramatically against her lapras, the pokemon craning her neck and offering her a gentle nuzzle.

"i'm dying, larpas," she moaned, her eyes fluttering open and shut. "remember me. okay, baby girl? tell everyone i loved them. and tell... tell senon... that i... think his taste in horror movies is - is... shit."

her eyes fell shut for - perhaps - the last time as she probably died. her lapras followed her lead like a good pokemon, craning her neck back and releasing a unnecessarily noisy wail.  

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POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 11:16:41 GMT
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Her performance was lacking, although it did require real talent to be able to vomit on command. "Boooooooo." He did voices to add levity to his mockery. "You only got the part because you're sleeping with the director." It was him; he was the director.

How dare; his was a taste in horror that would make most connoisseurs of the genre blush.

As much as he enjoyed having his fun picking with Cait it was plain as day she was having a rough go of it.

It made sense thematically; Cait was basically a plant herself and too much water would sooner kill a plant than nurture it; seawater just furthered the effect. She would be fine just as soon as the mission was over but it was still selfless of her to be out here at all with such a travel sensitivity. She knew he could do this alone.

Meanwhile the Corsola seemed to be high spirits as their migration was going successful; his own Corsola captured in Pacifidlog Town leading the herd.

Occasionally a branch of one of the herd would snap off and on back of Ranton, Sénon would swing around to grab the nicer and longer head branches. "Maybe you should lie down Cai." He yelled out to her patting Ranton's now red scales, silently he offered that the dragon curl up enough to be a make-shift bed at sea and himself guarding over her slumber.

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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 2:51:20 GMT
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she was sorely tempted to accept his offer, blinking at him for a moment as she soon met lapras's clear gaze.

mind going at it solo?"

the water-type didn't appear bothered by the prospect, perfectly capable of doing her part to protect the gathering of corsala. 

i'm comin'."

with sénon's  assistance, she climbed onto the gyarados's solid back. the pokemon was a remarkably beautiful specimen, sporting a rare coloration that had initially captured cait's gaze. there was far more room for her upon the serpentine's solid back, allowing her to stretch out more comfortably.

'i still feel sick,' she thought, mournfully. 

she'd arrange herself to lean against the man, sobering slightly as she relied upon him as her eyes fell shut. it was strange how safe she felt within his immediate presence, the former gym lead happy to play the part of the damsel if it meant he'd keep everything else at bay.

'this is nice.'

she thought for the umpteenth time. 

"i don't wanna throw up on you," she murmured, her eyes fluttering shut. "but i think my stomach's too empty at the moment."

it was painfully so, the girl having forced out her light breakfast during her earlier display of sickness.

i didn't think it'd get so bad so quickly."

her energy had depleted itself rapidly within the hours they had been out here, which was unsurprising.

'mm sorry."    

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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 4:04:10 GMT
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With careful orders Ranton would curl her tail into a spiral rolling up her side to a flat circular 'padding' where Cait could sprawl out. Although when she mounted she only seemed to want to lie against him.

She was his gorgeous little mess.

It made him feel like a superman to be her escape from discomfort and protector from what ailed her. Running point on the mission and medicating Cait into a relative sedation were droplets in the bucket compared to the oceans of joy and peace she brought to his life.

Her cute little apology made him kiss her template.

He rummaged around in the pocket of his vest to find a sandwich bag of muffins he'd stored away. A bit more tricky was how he unzipped and felt around for a water bottle from the backpack he was still wearing. The fact that he could have easily taken it off to search it properly meant he was somewhere between lazy and aware; the crossroads of clever behavior.

Taking it from the baggie he took a bite out of one before giving her the larger remains. "Eat this." Capable as she was in the kitchen Sénon had long since proved his culinary dominance, and it was another little benchmark of their love; of her trust in him and his intentions for her, that if he asked her to eat something, she would comply.

What was the point of being in love with a stove jockey if you didn't want them sneaking you food?

She knew how edibles worked. "It'll settle your stomach and give your body a nice 'haze' of a feeling." But it was part of a good "doctors" bedside manner to remind even a knowledgeable patient of what the prescription would do to them in their current state. "Stronger than what I brought to the island and on your empty stomach it should kick in a lot faster." If she could keep it down for about twenty minutes, she would be fine.

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● notes: Ranton ate a buzzwole in lilycove,
it made her "shiny" red.

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POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 6:06:03 GMT
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cait almost denied the sweet-smelling edible. on any other occasion it'd look exceedingly appetizing, her mind and body eager to partake in his cooking. but her sickness caused her stomach to lightly roll at the mere sight of it. but his gentle coaxing motivated her to take her time with the edible, the girl beginning to take tiny mouthfuls at a time. 

as usual, it was soft, light and sweet upon her tongue. she almost impatiently waited for its effects to come into play.

'i've been smoking more often,' she observed, silently. 

it was a small blessing that any adverse effects were quickly remedied, celebi's influence allowing her to recover from mild damage that had the potential to intensify with time. but she felt as though it was needed, especially when she wasn't preoccupied by work, her pokemon, her hobbies or sénon. she'd always smoke when there was naught more to do in the day. 

following her poisoning, her mind had grown fond of conjuring ill thoughts. it was a sickness that festered within the depths of her heart, but was temporarily remedied by distraction. she had spoken to sénon about this, for he was the only one who knew about her infliction. it was a miracle he remained supportive - attentive, even.

'mama always told me communication was everything when it came to a relationship,' she thought, peering down at the crumbly remains of the baked good.

still she loathed the idea that she was burdening the man with a knowledge that she had requested remain secret. cait wanted to feign normalcy, especially when she felt like it was manageable.

'there it is.'

her worry began to gradually evaporate slowly but surely, the heaviness of her feelings turning to brighter thoughts. she released a relieved sigh, the sea's sickness ebbing away somewhat. 

i'm buying you a coat.

the declaration came out of no where, the girl reminded of one of their earlier conversations.

it's getting cold out nowadays. you're going to get sick," she persisted, her eyes still shut. "you always take out the garbage without it."

cait yawned a little, mumbling something nonsensical before continuing onward.

something black or red. those colors look so good on you. with jeans. tight ones, preferably.

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 0:21:42 GMT
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He stroked her back as the haze fell over her. "Dressing me up now are you?" If she went through the trouble of buying it for him and he didn't wear it, her feelings would be hurt and given those hurt feelings wouldn't be enough to make him wear clothes he hated he opted to meet her halfway while the idea was still fresh in their minds.

"Monotone colors are your best bet; Blacks, Whites and Grays." Although for most part he found he looked good in many dual color schemes; grey and mint, purple and yellow, khaki and red.

"I prefer my clothes form fitting instead of pre-cut to be skin tight." The last thing he needed was for her to bring him some crazy tight sweatpants to wear around the cabin so she could turn around and fuss about him going out in public with them.

Of course she was worrying over nothing; he owned coats. His closet was in Slateport was varied enough but unlike the beautiful vinespawn that Cait was Sénon had body and will that thrived in the extremes. Like any plant not only was too much water bad for her but she also seemed to dislike muggy tropical climates from the island trip, no one like overheating arid areas and given how bad she wanted to keep him warm she definitely hated the freezing cold too.

Still if she wanted to spend a little to show her love, he wouldn't get in way of that. "You didn't risk seasickness just to spend the day Ranging with me did you Officer Alfric?"

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 12:13:29 GMT
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she was entirely guilty of volunteering herself to tag along for this mission in particular. it had been avoided beforehand - but when sénon had become a valued component - she'd offered her name without much thought. 

'i should've stayed at home. but - '

but leaning against him now almost made it worth it, the girl taking him in - enjoying the faint scent of his cologne and what lay beneath.

i jus' - "

he'd find in the midst of her seasickness and high her accent deepened hilariously at the drop of a hat, something which only occurred when she was in a comparable state.

- wanted to see ya in action, is all. i like seein' ya work."

her eyes fluttered shut, the girl humming a little. she soon slipped into song, filling the silence with music that was surprisingly somber

"stand tall for the beast of hoenn."

the woman's ditty eventually ended with a another yawn, her arms wrapped loosely around her man's waist.

"ya smell real nice."  

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 19:14:32 GMT
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Of course she came for him. This was someone who had already lived a action packed life fighting off Team Rocket over assets and activists in the Hoenn region's war or terror. Young as she was she was a veteran of that war; he'd seen it with his own eyes after being barrelled through time with a host of others.

She was essentially a college girl in love for what might have been the first time and yet also an established hero living in pseudo-retirement. If he was the most dynamic and eclipsing thing in her life it made sense given what she'd already lived through that she'd follow him to the ends of the earth; her next big adventure.

He rubbed at her back to soothe her feeling the vibration of her harmonizing as his fingers caressed her bare skin.

If she liked watching him work so much he would be mindful to showoff his skills for her every now and then. Officers making their living working with people and sharpening their social skills, rangers relied less on people and more on pokémon and Sénon had only waited his entire life to show off his training and taming skills to a lady.

"This is light work, the team could have done this without me." He very literally could have sent Dose and Jūken in his own stead with no qualms on them getting the job done without his direct input and supervision. "Is there a reason you went the officer path with the League?"

He stopped to question it himself. "You are an officer now right?"

He didn't poke her about the twang her speech took on, accepting it as normal and a part of her in the few instances when it did seep out.

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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 10:32:07 GMT
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"ah'm still an officer in the local reserve unit. it lets me keep my security clearance and grants me access to missions if ah decide to partake."

she cozied up to him, unsurprised that she was in the mood for a bit more intimacy. he had quickly transitioned into becoming a personal weakness of hers, the woman transforming into putty beneath his touch. disciplined enough not to get handsy or too bold, she merely relished that she could touch him lightly and with reverence. 

"officer was the more educated route. my initial contract offered to pay for schooling, the paycheck was bigger and the responsibilities differed. our work's real bland in comparison, ya know? paperwork - paperwork - ordering folk around - and even more paperwork."

she paused, positioning herself so that she could move to press her lips against his.

"gimmie a kiss."

cait refrained from a deep one, aware that her flavor was slightly bitter from previous incident. so she'd make do with a light and innocent peck.

"when peace time really hits ah'll focus on making new products for the shop. ah've been experimenting with lotions and soaps."

he'd seen her work before, and following their adventure on the tropical island; she had even revealed her crop of marijuana plants, producing just enough for family and friends.

"ah'm really lookin' forward to a nice, long and boring life when everything settles down."

'with you, preferably. if you'll have me.' 

there was a pause, a hint of concern tugging at her features.

"but ah fear that most folk won't fancy me livin' normal - with me bein' an avatar an' all."    

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 5:24:27 GMT
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As she made him her makeshift couch he relished the feeling of her letting her guard down. If he wanted a knife at her throat she would have never seen the knife coming. It was only because he himself was just as vulnerable that he realized any of it in the first place. Such was the nature of letting someone in, only those closest to you were close enough to hurt you unawares.

His heart had become a greenhouse for a single plant and he'd shed blood before that plant ever came to harm.

When she asked for a kiss, he obeyed; compelled beyond himself to give Cait whatever she wanted.

He swept deep and wide, around teeth and about her tongue, searching, (re)familiarizing, and forcing open what she'd have otherwise kept narrow.

At his leisure he filled her with his lust and his loving or whatever combination tingled inside him that morning, the least he could do here and now in turn was receive a bit of her in himself.

He spat what was bitter into the waters and kissed her once again for what was sugar. In a bid to keep himself from becoming too "handsy" he let go of the chest he was already kneading with a tender but firm grip. He let his forehead kiss hers; a telltale sénon sign that he was only a couple of raw impulses away from trying to get into her pants, and unto her hips.

There it was, he couldn't even kiss her in a romantic setting without wanting to take her down.

His body shuddered from how terribly he wanted her. To keep it at least semi-professional he focused on what she focused on before his onslaught of a kiss.

Her quandary of being a demigoddess and if that meant she wasn't allowed to ever live a quiet or simple life because of the power that had been afforded to her. "It's not their choice." He went back to rubbing her back as his lust subsided.

"It's not Celebi's either. You'll live the life you want to live and if that god of yours sees fit that someone else should wield that power, you'll obey." Either way, Cait would keep her faith and the life she'd built. It was win-win and it was what she deserved.

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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2020 7:35:01 GMT
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she pondered over the idea of a life where celebi no longer lingered at the far corner of her mind. it felt like an age since she had went without, the young woman suddenly realizing that it had been a year since she had first encountered her chosen god.

'i'd be alone.'

cait immediately realized that such a statement was ludicrous. she had to take her friends, family and lover into consideration. but the woman feared she'd feel empty if her god moved on - forced to wrestle with feelings of abandonment once the tether which bound them was cut. 

"i will."

she'd clutch onto sénon, suddenly fearful that he'd be lost to her as well. she struggled to tamp down her own expectations, but he had wormed his way into her heart. 

'please, arceus,' she said. 'let me have this.' 

the world could continue on with its discord, as long as she had someone who she could claim as her own. and she wanted sénon so desperately - he could be her ideal mate - the man she'd seek out whenever she was in need. 

'just this one thing. please.'

cait had fallen silent, unwilling to speak as she sunk into the depths of her own mind. but she still remained pressed against him, relishing the feel  - unwilling to remove herself from him.

"ah'll be alright," she murmured.

she gave a quiet little laugh, her eyes falling shut.

"mm. imma nap. wake me up if the corsala combust spontaneously."

one thing she was excellent at when high was impromptu naps, dozing off lightly within mere moments as though a hypnosis had been cast. 

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2020 5:59:22 GMT
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He kissed her neck as she slipped into her daytime slumber. His promise to guard her and keep her safe made in silence.

The previous thought of the two of them at each other's necks sent a vile echo through his gut. He couldn't think of anything worse than to be at odds with her. Cait wasn't just his peace, she was becoming his home.

There was a serious lack of pondering on Cait's behalf in regard to losing her status as a demigod. Perhaps losing her stature and power was something she had already made peace with. Or, maybe it was something she was so weary of that she would dismiss the topic just as fast as it was brought up.

He couldn't blame her even if it was the latter of the two options that she leaned into. Who could go back to being a regular human in the face of having power just short of divine. In empathy he found himself just as weary of the idea of Cait losing favor with her god. Unsure of how much of her worth was tied to be Celebi's chosen one, Sénon made it a point of intention to continue to build with her based on who she was outside of her connection to the time deity.

Even if Celebi turned her away, she would still be the host of Sénon's most pure, if not carnal, intentions.

Rubbing her back the ranger would finish the mission guiding the Corsola onward to their final destination. Happy and cheerful his own Corsola returned to his side swimming along with Ranton feeling the accomplishment of the others of her species equally happy and saying their goobyes. "...."

Carefully while she slept, he arranged the corsola branches into a bundle tying them up with an extra t-shirt from his backpack.

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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2020 21:23:13 GMT
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the woman stirred at the tail end of their mission, her head clear and her stomach settled. she was unsurprised that she was still within sénon's hold, nestled comfortably upon the back of his gyarados with lapras at their flank. cait lifted her head, her strange gaze sweeping their surroundings and noting how picturesque it was.


she'd adjust herself, insistent on remaining in physical contact with the man for a little while longer. a hint of worry touched her mind as she savored his warmth, the female aware that she hadn't contributed much to the mission.

'i've learned my lesson,' she thought. 'no more water-based missions. not unless it's taken as a direct order.'

"thank you."

she sat up with a quiet grunt, reluctantly peeling herself off of him. her hand reached to run across the smooth scale of his great water serpent - the woman appreciating the pokemon's willingness to bear her slight weight.

'with scales as beautifully colored as her master's hair.'

they were a fitting pair.

"thank you, ranton."   

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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2020 22:43:54 GMT
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As they floated along on the setting sun, it hung in the sky leaving the clouds and the river alike in its wake of oranges and indigos.

Ranton snaked smoothly down the path from which they had come, accepting the graceful touch of the woman she'd once regarded with caution. Sénon had 'flyers' with him big enough to take to the skies but the water routes had become so mystical reflecting the colorful sky he couldn't be broken away from it.

He saw a couple of marill scampering on land along the river's flow and a toucannon squawking about in the trees. As Cait stirred he only let go of her as much as she forced herself away. Just as romance itself had fallen into their laps, this romantic scene of floating peace seemed to just happen on its own and like their coupling it wasn't something the redhead would take for granted.

To be in the untamed wilds with his loving woman, for a ranger it was picture perfect.

From his camera he stole a quick selfie of himself and his belle with the cooling river beneath them and the sky on fire above. The still was him kissing her temple, her flowing crown of green blending in perfectly with the lush the greens in the backdrop of lands on each side of the winding waters they rode on.

As she sat up he rubbed her stomach as if feeling for a baby bump. "Feeling better?" The flat he felt was par the course, when Cait was ready to make a baby, she'd tell him well in advance. "That song you were humming." From his position behind her he rested his hands atop her thighs, rubbing softly as if trying to warm her up. "Do it again for me."

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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2020 0:04:37 GMT
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"i'm fine."

her face warmed as he asked her to sing again, the flush one of pleasure. his hand was settled over her stomach, the touch lightly pressured as he rubbed soothing circles into the clothed flesh. it made her consider what they could possibly have, vivid imagery overwhelming her field of vision.

'how lovely.'

a future that she desperately wanted, with a home full of the laughter of children and the love shared between their sire and dame. in this particular vision she imagined no less than three little ones, their features a thorough combination of their parents. it'd be around this time where she'd be shopping for gifts for each, debating with sénon which prize would be best suited for each. 

"okay," she murmured, demurely.

her imagination dissipated and she refocused on reality, her gaze shifting toward the sunset. though her song of choice was different, her eyes alight with freshly stirred passion. 

"we could be the king and queen if you want to.
we could find a getaway if you need to.
i do it all for you. 
i do it all of you. 
the sun and the moon won’t know what we’d be up to."

she'd lean against him once more, her hand settling over one of his own. cait marveled at how much larger his paw was in comparison to her own, appearing to be delighted that he fit the stereotype of being 'big' and 'strong'. she liked that in a man - someone built to protect. 

"the gods are wrong if they won’t let me love you.
with all i have.
with all my faith."

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