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TAG WITH @carolinefoster
caroline foster
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 3:22:07 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



namecaroline foster
agetwenty five
played bycitrus

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK ranger

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM haruka, pokemon

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Caroline Foster doesn't remember much, if anything, of her birth mother. No memorabilia. No photographs. Not even a hint of her perfume. It's not that her mother died or any such thing, but the origin of these lack of memories arises from the fact that Caroline was put up for adoption as soon as she was born. Not that Caroline ever thinks about her initial birth. Andrew and Melinda Foster are, as it is, the only family she has ever known. They went through all the typical adoption procedures to bring her into their home. They desperately wanted a child, but Melinda's infertility made that difficult, resulting in adoption as their only option. In a sense, the adoption of Caroline was just another rescue performed by the family of rehabilitators. They never hid the fact from her, but by the time she was old enough to understand the situation, Andrew and Melinda were the only family she knew and wanted.[break][break]

Caroline's home was on a massive ranch filled with Pokemon of all types, sizes, and personalities. Her adoptive mother and father both worked as well-known rehabilitators for lost, injured, and abandoned Pokemon, while also running the workings of a normal farm such as producing food and breeding for income. It was hard work and every day they worked busy as bees, but the adoption remained a choice without regrets. That said, as it turns out, Caroline was someone designed perfectly for life on her adoptive families ranch.[break][break]

Much like her adoptive father, Caroline was always rushing headfirst into trouble and showing a complete disregard for her own safety. She always wanted to hug the poisonous Weedle and pet the grimy Grimer. Her father was the type that would put his daughter, who couldn't yet talk, on a huffing Tauros and gleefully exlcaim "look Melinda!" with a big grin on his face, much to the horror of his wife. Meanwhile, Caroline was thrilled to be so high up and squeed with excitement, kicking her little legs in joy. Luck was likely the only reason Caroline was not killed by one of the many Pokemon residing on their ranch.[break][break]

When Caroline was three, her father gifted her the very first Pokemon she could call her own, a Rockruff that she affectionately named Echo. The two quickly grew inseparable as time passed until the Echo evolved into a Lycanroc. By that time, Caroline was 12 and being homeschooled by her parents due to her insisting on helping them work at the ranch. She learned everything about their jobs and absorb knowledge like a sponge. When she wasn't being forced by her mother to study, Caroline would go with her father in search of lost and abandoned Pokemon, or help her mother rehabilitate wounded Pokemon. She also assisted in breeding and caring for the eggs of both her family and other trainers. It was needless to say that every day was a new adventure waiting to happen.[break][break]

By the time Caroline graduated from high school (years of which were spent at a public school, rather than through homeschooling) she was volunteering for several Pokemon rescue and rehabilitation programs. She worked closely with the Pokemon rangers and often traveled outside of her hometown to assist in difficult encounters. She easily incorporated her helpful efforts in these programs with the work she did at home, housing hundreds of Pokemon on the multi-acre ranch over the course of the year. It was her joy and passion to help protect Pokemon from both nature and humans alike.[break][break]

Following the completion of high school, Caroline choose to take a gap year during which she would focus exclusively on working with her parents and the volunteer organizations. Near the end of this gap year, Caroline became the unlikely parent to an abandoned Ponyta she would eventually call Daisy. By no fault of anyone's but the fate of nature, the Ponyta's mother died shortly after her birth. Motherless, the Ponyta became the work project of Caroline, who cared for the egg through the hatching process and the initial child-care process. Once the baby had hatched, Caroline took up the task of hand-feeding and caring for the young Ponyta as she grew and matured. It wasn't an uncommon process, but something different this time resulted in the Ponyta developing an unhealthy attachment to Caroline. The breeder couldn't go anywhere without being followed by the Ponyta and efforts to ease the developing separation anxiety were futile.[break][break]

This resulted in complications involving Caroline's future college plans. Years prior, she'd made plans to attend a well-known veterinary school near her hometown and major in Zoology and Veterinary Technician. Even with the help of Echo, who did his best to soothe the anxiety-riddled Ponyta, she couldn't remain apart from the Ponyta for long. Caroline was never angry, merely frustrated. She jumped through hoops and signed countless forms allowing her to attend classes with the Ponyta in tow, despite the class rules opposing non-service Pokemon to attend classes. Things eventually worked out and, as a result, her Ponyta became somewhat of a novelty on campus. Everyone who didn't already know Caroline through her parent's company or Caroline's volunteer work learned about her through Daisy. During her graduation, the school even decided to give Daisy a faux diploma, much to both Caroline and the other students' amusement.[break][break]

However, upon graduation, news of chaos in Kanto traveled across waves and reached the shock of Hoenn residents. In haste, Caroline began preparing to travel to the Kanto region and offer her assistance to those within the Pokemon rescue groups who may have been struggling to deal with the chaotic outcome of Team Rocket's new reign. There she traveled to and there she lived for almost a year with Daisy and Echo as she aided Pokemon who's homes were terrorized and lives threatened by the new invaders. It was within the Kanto region that Caroline began stepping beyond her duties as a rehabilitator and rescuer. Rather than waiting to clean up the pieces of their chaos, she began an effort to face them before they could cause any problems. Her encounters were few and far between, but when news of Team Rocket's arrival in her home country rang across the news, she knew what she had to do.  [break][break]

And to home she returned, although at home she rarely resided as she aided those within the League to fend of Team Rocket until, at last, Slateport was reclaimed and she returned home to aid her family in caring for all of the Pokemon misplaced by the devastation of Team Rocket's control. With her free time, she worked effortlessly with her Ponyta, building her confidence and easing the anxiety of separation, until she finally evolved. With her new evolution came greater confidence, though she still struggles to be away from Caroline for long periods of time. Both her new Rapidash and Lycanroc trained effortlessly around Caroline's busy schedule as they yearned to help and defend against Team Rocket. [break][break]

Now, as strange things begin to happen once more and drawn by her determination to keep her family and the Pokemon of Hoenn safe, Caroline is departing again to assist the League in keeping her home safe.



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TAG WITH @carolinefoster
caroline foster
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 5:34:06 GMT
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[attr="class","leaguecardname"]Caroline Foster











[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]caroline foster




[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]pkmn type, etc.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vehicula quam nibh, eu tristique tellus dignissim quis. Integer condimentum ultrices elit ut mattis. Praesent rhoncus tortor metus, nec pellentesque enim mattis nec. Nulla vitae turpis ut dui consectetur pellentesque quis vel est. Curabitur rutrum, mauris ut mollis lobortis, sem est congue lectus, ut sodales nunc leo a libero. Cras quis sapien in mi fringilla tempus condimentum quis velit. Aliquam id aliquam arcu. Morbi tristique aliquam rutrum. Duis tincidunt, orci suscipit cursus molestie, purus nisi pharetra dui, tempor dignissim felis turpis in mi. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu sit amet mauris egestas egestas. Vestibulum turpis neque, condimentum a tincidunt quis, molestie vel justo. Sed molestie nunc dapibus arcu feugiat, ut sollicitudin metus sagittis.


Aliquam a volutpat sem. Quisque id magna ultrices, lobortis dui eget, pretium libero. Curabitur aliquam in ante eu ultricies. Quisque vitae tincidunt purus. Vivamus feugiat bibendum erat, nec interdum urna porta sed. Nunc lobortis neque orci, ut suscipit nisl congue feugiat. Vivamus feugiat tellus quis cursus sollicitudin. Curabitur dolor massa, dictum ut ipsum in, porttitor pellentesque ante. Aenean egestas cursus tempor. Maecenas semper tortor sit amet egestas cursus. Mauris porttitor quis nisi ut tincidunt. Curabitur adipiscing eleifend nibh. Praesent mauris leo, consequat vitae orci eget, vestibulum bibendum nisi. Aliquam tempus diam ut tortor cursus, eget sodales augue adipiscing. Nulla at dignissim libero.



[attr="class","leaguecardbigname"]CAROLINE FOSTER

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 5:53:06 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WELCOME TO HOENN!


congratulations on being accepted! ensure that you have read the site rules and view the getting started page should you require some guidance for the beginning of your journey. we hope you enjoy your stay in hoenn![break][break]

your character will begin with 50 pokedollars & 5 pokeballs,[break]which you can add to your personal computer (PC).


[attr="class","omacceptedlinks2"]FACE CLAIMS