Sandy Sighs [SW]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 8:00:41 GMT
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I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere...

What will you do once it's over

Syviis closed up shop for the day. [break][break]
She'd like to think that her little side business was booming enough that there would actually be a significant drop in numbers should she take a random day off. But she was still generally unknown and she supposed that should be a good thing. She had came out here to Hoenn to be a nameless somebody so she got her wish in some way. There's frantic scribbling beside her and she can only assume that J.T had, as usual, picked up on her dour mood. She glanced over to the Lopunny scribbling clumsily on the notepad she had given to him. His pink tongue sticking out in concentration as he fumbled to correctly write a 'e'." He peeks up from his writing, as usual flustered whenever she caught him faltering and turned away to finish his sentence. "I'm alright, you know?" By the time's he's done writing, they'd be done with their walk. [break][break]
She almost snickers when she hears the frantic sound of him erasing what he had write before finally deciding to flip to another page. What he wrote was a little faster since they actually only took a good eleven steps before he was done.
ah u sure?
Oh look at him, he's getting better at spelling! She actually manages a small grin as she rubbed the top of his head which of course makes him pull away indignantly. Look at him all grown up and too tough to have his trainer pet him anymore. They grow up so fast. "We needed a break anyway." Sitting around by the same bench slaving away on an artificial limb that didn't want to stay together did that to a girl. Especially when said limb was one that she had to modify several times because the trainer downright refuses to have her check out the Pokemon in question she's making it for. Just a note with a handful of specs, what they expected out of it, then gone. She had half a mind to tell Iggy to not visit that particular client anymore but... Ugh she needed the clout! [break][break]
The last thing she needed was a furious owner spouting nonsense online about how much her precious Glameow meant to her and how she, Syviis, the terrible terrible person in question wouldn't make the appropriate prosthetic for it. "You don't want to run too?" Iggy, her ever rambunctious Cinderace, was already out there terrorizing the local wildlife with his high pitched trills. She would have been afraid to lose track of him but he was down by the coast, kicking up sand as he powered jogged from one place to another. "Sand won't get into your leg. I made sure of it." One would be surprised the amount of trainers out here that used sand attack and manage to incapacitate her Lopunny with it. She sees him inspect his newly upgraded leg uneasily, testing the semi-metallic limb with a careful kick. "Enjoy yourself. I'll be fine." Also someone needed to watch Iggy before he got eaten by a Sharpedo and she definitely wouldn't be able to catch him. A little stare down and another pet attempt later, J.T finally decides to join Iggy in whatever game he was playing down there. Be careful."

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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 8:30:30 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SOLROCK APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] GENDERLESS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] LEVITATE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FLARE BLITZ
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]MORNING SUN
[attr="class","wildtabox"]ROCK POLISH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @syviis

[attr="class","wildnote"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 20:35:13 GMT
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Syviis ignores the Solrock.

What will you do once it's over

The sun felt nice.[break]
She'd been cooped up in her workshop for so long that she had almost forgotten how nice it felt to enjoy a nice sunny day. Syviis stretches her arms up, letting out a satisfied groan as she stretched her back. Yeah, this is sort of satisfying. Perhaps it would have been more so if she didn't have to worry about sending money off to Unova in a few weeks but it's still... Better. 'And I've got... That to worry about.' They haven't requested anything of her yet so should she worry about it now? It'd happen eventually, she knew that and they had warned her of what would be expected of her once they needed her. She should enjoy the quiet while she still could. Yeah. Let's just... Let's just worry about that long list of bad decisions once it finally bites her in the ass. She's got a place, got a small business and she isn't swimming in debt. She can afford to work on her side hobby and perhaps even impress her new bosses once her little project kicks off. 'I'm not supposed to be thinking about it.'[break][break]
Loppua! Lop![break]
J.T's worried cries thankfully broke through her brooding and she finds herself realizing that her Pokemon weren't running along the coast anymore. When had they gotten on the main path with her, she doesn't know. What she does know is that Iggy seems to be antagonizing something that has a clear type advantage over it. "It doesn't want to play with you Iggy. Leave it." Iggy's disappointed chirp has her rolling her eyes. "I want to relax today. Not drag you to the Pokemon Center."

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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 2:46:53 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SLURPUFF APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SWEET VEIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"]COTTON SPORE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]PLAY ROUGH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FAIRY WIND
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @syviis

[attr="class","wildnote"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 4:59:42 GMT
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These be the notes tho.

What will you do once it's over

And just like that Iggy found another victim..[break]
The plan had been to at least climb up the upcoming ridge blocking their path but nope, Iggy's victim detector seemed to be locked on 'Local Menace' mode and had quickly veered left the moment he caught something. "Seriously? Iggy..." There was an interesting cave she had read about near by and she wanted to at least check it out. Not go in it, mind you. There's no way in hell she would willingly venture into a void in the earth. There's no light, no windows, nothing to really help you should one venture too far. There's owning a ground type yes but guess which who's lacking in that department? "What are you doing?" He was halfway in a bush, tail waggling up a storm in delight thanks to whatever he just discovered.[break][break]
"Hm?" There's was a sickeningly artificial scent coming out of that bush.[break][break]
Did... Did he find candy? In the middle of a route? In a bush? She feels like she shouldn't be surprised that he had found something like candy in the middle of nowhere considering the world they lived in but... "Want to show me what you found?" Finding the occasional rogue rare candy was just one of those things that happened in the world. Nothing awfully out of place with finding one off the beaten path like some of the random crap a trainer can find. But were they ever this fragrant? She had seen at least one rare candy in her time and they never gave off a scent this strong. Iggy made a sound that sounded suspiciously close to him heaving something. Why in the world would he need to lift a rare ca--[break][break]
[break]"God-- Iggy-- Why-- DROP it! Now!"[break][break]
Iggy had his face buried deep into the fluff of a petrified Slurpuff. The poor thing was staring at her, no, beyond her wide-eyed. It's long mouth somehow quivering more than it's squishy little body. And Iggy, the tyrant, had lifted his head up just enough to look pleading. What? Did he want her to say 'Oh, right, I'm sorry buddy. Go ahead and eat the candy creature!' Like she needed a Pokemon like him chocked up on sugar. "I'm giving you 'til three." Come to think of it, where did J.T go? [break][break]
He stares at her as though she had proclaimed that he was going to release her back into the wild. His eyes were wide, glistening with genuine tears, as he continued to clutch it's puffy body against him.[break][break]
There's a few strands of the Slurpuff's fluff are sticking out of his mouth. Her Pokemon had tried to take a chunk out of another Pokemon and doesn't seem the least bit remorseful about it. Did he even see this Slurpuff as another Pokemon? There's a good chance that he thinks that she's making him miss out on a free treat. Oh gods it looks like it's about to cry and Iggy made the tiniest of efforts to put it back down.[break][break]
"Thre--" [break]
She had to reach into her pocket to actually have him drop the Pokemon and a heated glare to have him take a few quick leaps away from it. Should.. Should she apologize to it? Would a Slurpuff care about an apology? Figures that the first one she'd get to meet would be traumatized by her own Pokemon. "H-Hey..." She starts awkwardly as she kneels down to its level. Rubbing her wrists she uncertainly continued, "Are... You all right?" It blinks out of its thousand yard stare and seems to take a moment to confirm that it is indeed free. It seemed happy for a second until it noticed that the human that was clearly associated with the demon was still nearby. She couldn't blame it for running away as fast as it did. She would have too.

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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 6:06:43 GMT


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD BARBARACLE APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] TOUGH CLAWS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SHELL SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]CROSS CHOP
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]STONE EDGE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @syviis

[attr="class","wildnote"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 2:15:46 GMT
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Haha man she's gonna burn her place down.

What will you do once it's over

It's hideous.[break]
Syviis silently stared at the abomination that currently had attempted to murder her saner rabbit with a slightly inaccurate Stone Edge. She had never seen a Pokemon quite like 'sentient hands attached to a bunch of rocks' in her life and she sort of wished she hadn't. It has this sort of nightmare fuel energy that Syviis knows that she should be afraid of but just can't It's a bunch of hands attached to some rocks. Even as it glares at her bumbling Pokemon menacingly, she wants to laugh at it. Why does this thing exist? What good does it do for the ecosystem aside from probably giving the meanest high-fives this side of the ocean. "Are you seriously letting that bully you?" Why hadn't he kicked it already? Don't Lopunny kick everything indiscriminately when they feel like they're being attacked? "High Jump Kick it." The command has J.T instinctively bounce from toe to metallic toe, eyes narrowing in concentration. [break][break]
'Oh... This'll be a good test.' J.T had lost his will to battle ever since losing his leg as a Buneary and had been skeptical of it ever since he had evolved. There was a clear discomfort in the way he balanced on his artificial leg. When he pushed himself back to his other leg, there was a wobbly jerkiness to it that would gradually lessen as he continued to hop. It'd take another Stone Edge for the Lopunny to jump high enough in the air to avoid the attack before coming rapidly back down for devastating blow with his metallic limb. [break][break][break]
Only to miss.
'Figures.'"Iggy! Double Kick!" The Cinderace was far too happy to come barreling towards the rock hand thing at top speed, already in sailing in the air mid-kick at his opponent. 'Do I not battle with him enough? Is that why he's so stir crazy? The rapid succession of his kicks were strong enough to have it pushed backwards. Not far enough to have him avoid what she recognized to be a 'Cross Chop' but it was much better than having it instantly knock Iggy out with a Stone Ed-- Oh there is is. Iggy fairs better than she thought though he's considerably less jumpy after taking the brunt of it. With her Lopunny holding onto his leg from the sting of missing a High Jump Kick and a not very happy Cinderace shaking rocks off himself, she figures the best way to avoid anymore trouble is to throw ball.

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Sandy Sighs [SW]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 3:20:18 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]YOU CAUGHT BARBARACLE!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] TOUGH CLAWS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SHELL SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]CROSS CHOP
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]STONE EDGE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] @syviis

[attr="class","wildnote"]YOU RECEIVE 5 PD!

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