corvus' codes

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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February Eleventh
Lacunosa Town, Unova
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @sterling
sterling matthews
corvus' codes
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2020 19:06:40 GMT
sterling matthews Avatar



i'll do what i do, and you will look away


Welcome to the system. Here's the situation: It's a bit confusing. Welcome to the maze. Everbody sees what everybody wants to. Everyone avoids every other gaze. I will be your mentor, I'll be your adviser. I'll do what i do, and you will look away. Forgetting what you see has always been much wiser, but someone in the back is missing what I say.[break][break]

Welcome to the park, now. We supply amusements. Everybody rides, but everybody pays. What good's causing problems if no one's complaining? What good is a martyr if no one is saved? Everybody knows us, everybody sees us, every single child can tell you where we are. Every politician says that we are leaving, but in all this time, we haven't gone too far.[break][break]

You should understand it - it's not underhanded, it's really quite simple, you see. The right and the wrong of it, long and the short of it, black and the white of it, forget the sight of it. It is so much cheaper to be no one's keeper, trust me.[break][break]

In the dead of the night, you can stab with a knife, but it's rare you'll ever get anywhere. So we laugh in delight 'til you turn on a light, and we scatter for the darkness or the corners filled with blackness and we're there, there, there, there, there, there. Where, where, where, where, where, where? There, there, there, there, there, there. Where, where, where, where, where, where? There!


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February Eleventh
Lacunosa Town, Unova
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5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
24 posts
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TAG WITH @sterling
sterling matthews
corvus' codes
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 5:07:02 GMT
sterling matthews Avatar


Fruitcake ice cream donut dessert jelly beans toffee marzipan biscuit cheesecake. Biscuit croissant gummies cotton candy jelly fruitcake chocolate dessert. Ice cream lollipop liquorice. Liquorice sugar plum dragée oat cake chocolate bar liquorice pudding biscuit. Wafer gummi bears lollipop chocolate cake liquorice jelly beans sweet donut. Gummies pastry liquorice jelly. Jelly beans biscuit oat cake jelly-o dragée cake cookie. Tootsie roll soufflé ice cream muffin danish gingerbread. Dessert candy lemon drops icing pastry bear claw jujubes biscuit lollipop. Gingerbread gummi bears cotton candy tart.
Cookie brownie jelly beans cake tart jujubes. Caramels cake danish. Liquorice oat cake halvah soufflé cheesecake apple pie marshmallow cookie. Jujubes fruitcake tart gingerbread tiramisu carrot cake. Gummies caramels chocolate bar. Cookie sesame snaps gummies caramels gingerbread powder. Dessert biscuit lemon drops carrot cake pastry cupcake pudding.
Muffin dragée powder. Cake halvah tart jelly cupcake marshmallow.
Sweet toffee ice cream. Icing biscuit cake powder chocolate bar gummies danish tiramisu gummi bears. Gummi bears toffee powder chupa chups. Cupcake marzipan chupa chups. Croissant powder dessert. Cake jelly sweet roll halvah jujubes jelly-o.

[attr="class","ttlyric"]i'm like TT


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February Eleventh
Lacunosa Town, Unova
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
24 posts
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TAG WITH @sterling
sterling matthews
corvus' codes
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 5:14:50 GMT
sterling matthews Avatar
300 for @phix
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vulputate sodales accumsan. Vivamus dapibus sapien eu metus scelerisque ultrices. Praesent sodales posuere dapibus. Sed ante turpis, fringilla elementum nisi sed, porta tincidunt odio. Donec vitae ullamcorper erat. Morbi aliquam lobortis elit, vitae auctor nisl pellentesque a. Fusce mollis tincidunt nunc ac condimentum. In pellentesque vel velit at finibus. Quisque convallis, nisi in lacinia placerat, ipsum sem gravida libero, quis tempor est tellus in ligula.

Curabitur nec est dui. Pellentesque eget elementum massa, sed pellentesque ex. Nulla pellentesque odio sit amet erat bibendum, nec dapibus lacus dictum. Etiam rutrum, lectus eget consequat fringilla, sem urna mollis velit, quis porta augue lectus eget mauris. Curabitur eu fermentum metus. Maecenas volutpat libero nisl, ac tincidunt dolor aliquet a. In nibh odio, congue eget felis quis, cursus blandit nisi. Nullam iaculis, quam quis porttitor fringilla, purus odio eleifend mi, ut varius ex massa id.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 5:23:11 GMT
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[newclass=.ayab-container]--be-accent: #DEA02C;[/newclass]


[attr="class","ayab-lyrics"]be as you've always been

[attr="class","ayab-tagged"]for @selkie


when all the worst we fear lets fall its weight. when the gyre widens on and when the wave breaks. when st. peter loses cool and bars the gates. when atlas acts the maggot, makes his arms shake. when the birds are heard again in their singing. once atrocity is hoarse from voicing shame. when the earth is trembling on some new beginning, with the same sweet shock of when adam first came. be, be, be, be, be, be as you've always been. be, be, be, be, be, be as you've always been! be as you've always been. be like the love that discovered sin, that freed the first man and will do so again. and lover, be good to me. [break][break]

be the hopeful feeling when eden was lost, that's been deaf to our laughter since the master was crossed. which side of the wall really suffers that cost. oh lover, be good to me. when the man who gives the order, is born next time around on the boat sent back. when the bodies starving at the border, are on tv giving people the sack. oh, when the sea rises to meet us, oh when there's nothing left for you and i to do. oh when there's nobody upstairs to receive us, when i have no kind words left, love, for you. be, be, be, be, be, be as you've always been. be, be, be, be, be be as you've always been! be love in its disrepute, that scorches the hillside and salts every root. and watches the slowing and starving of troops. be there and just as you stand, or be like the rose that you hold in your hand, that will grow bold in a barren and desolate land. and lover, be good to me.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 5:27:18 GMT
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Listen to my voice, it's my disguise. I'm by your side

Post goes here talking break your paragraphs with [break][break]

[attr="class","dijitalccredit"]✭ dijit


[newclass=".whiteout"]width:360px; background-color:#EEEEEE; box-shadow:0px 0px 8px rgba(37, 37, 37,.4); padding:25px; border-radius:10px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top:20px; color:#858585; text-align:justify; line-height:15px; font-size:13px; font-family: 'Karla', sans-serif;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 5:37:58 GMT
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this is bold text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,
when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software
like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. [break][break]

this is text in italics. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,
when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software
like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. [break][break]

this is text in italics. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,
when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software
like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

this is beginning to feel like
[break]THE LONG WINDED[break]
blues of the never static explosion devoted to crushing the broken and shoving their souls to ghost—you set your sights









created by rascal

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