i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 10:59:03 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

"Last I checked free thought was a basic human right, and questioning the actions of our superiors is something I'd argue to be our responsibility. The League is a democracy for a reason, and corruption has a habit of running rampant if people are too afraid to speak out against what our leaders are doing." Elinda said, completely unfazed by Fernando's tone - if anything it pissed her off more than anything else. And under control? He'd just sent an unarmed woman through a door with little apparent provocation, at least nothing worthy of being assaulted by multiple Pokemon at once. No, Elinda wasn't going to leave her alone with him, Rocket or not and consequences be damned. There was an order to these things for a reason.

And.... orders? Oh, that was rich.

She wasn't here on the clock, nor was she under any obligation to obey him. Furthermore, she didn't respect him. The whelp had done nothing whatsoever to earn it, and if he really wanted to get into a pissing match that was more than fine as far as she was concerned. She may not have been there in an official capacity but there were plenty of statues in place allowing League members to act if they felt another's life or safety was at risk. If he wanted to attack her, he was free to - councilmember or not he wouldn't escape that scandal nor the consequences that came with it. The League was a peacekeeping organization first and foremost, one that worked with the police and judicial system. The police were already on their way, and after that it was out of their hands. His role in this was finished.

"Don't think so. You just assaulted this woman, and fact is I'm not leaving you alone with her. Pretty sure there are rules in place that say you shouldn't be the one she's left with. And you can shove it with that order, that's your job if the duty roster is to be believed. I'm off the clock, and merely exercising my obligation as a League representative to protect an individual from a perceived threat to her safety. You want to attack me or try to force the matter, go ahead. I can guarantee you're not going to hold that council seat for long, corporal punishment tends to be frowned upon in the League. Not like you can demote me, either, and I'm not getting paid so feel free to kick me out. I'd like to see how assaulting a civilian will go over in the news." Elinda continued, clicking the button on the second ball to release Aggron as well, saurian taking up position opposite Metagross at the blond's other side.

At least one other council member was here, and while Elinda didn't particularly trust him... well, she could only hope that enough of a disturbance was being made to draw him to the scene. Once he was here there'd be at least one less thing to worry about just because there'd be a pair of eyes here that Fernando couldn't silence or blind.

"And if there are other Rockets here? That's your fuck up handling door security, don't ask me to clean up your mess."

-told to shove it
-Released Aggron just to be safe

made by duet of gs
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 11:11:06 GMT
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even dancing would be better than waiting. he sighs and accepts emma's offer with an incline of his head, taking her hand and allowing her to lead him back to the ballroom. perhaps thankfully, the venture is cut short. a waiter passes by and dominic feels the cool, hard plastic of a keycard in his palm.

instantly, dominic stops in his tracks and drops emma's hand. "actually, this isn't my scene. enjoy yourself," he said with a shadow of a smile, turning on his heel and heading up the staircase without further explanation.

he's at the foot of the staircase when the commotion occurs, something like a door being blown out of its hinges. of course, it can never be simple. a woman races past him on the way up, and he lets her, slowing his pace momentarily. even from here, through the marble railing, he can see songbird's movement. at least she's alive.

reaching the top of the stairs, he watches momentarily, suppressing the ghost of a smirk at seeing the other man somewhat battered and limping away from the confrontation. at least he seems to be occupied with the meddler. dominic quirks his eyebrow at her claims. he did take the precaution of gathering intel on notable officers and rangers of the league prior to attending the event, and her face was not one of them.

he catches songbird's eye and with a sigh releases his own pokemon, a click of his tongue enough to command his pokemon to give a roar that casts back the summoned pokemon to their pokeballs. a second motion to indicate to songbird to join him.

"enough of this," he says, voice like velvet.

he turns to songbird. "we're leaving." something like an order. he doesn't wait for any further response. dominic stalks up, takes songbird by the forearm with a force that is markedly more gentle than what the councilman had used.

the pokemon doesn't need his instruction to use smog, masking them in a veil their exit. it wasn't noxious intentionally - he didn't want to poison, only to misdirect. the pair disappear in the houndoom's smoke.

≫ bails on
≫ 3/3 posts done and he has the keycard but it's pointless now :pepehands:
≫ @elinda passes him, he's being cautious
≫ observes the confrontation
≫ has houndoom get rid of the pokemon with roar
≫ attempts to engage and @elinda in dialogue but barely
≫ takes and they're out
≫ uses smog to conceal their exit

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 11:30:05 GMT
"it's a good thing no one asked for your opinion, cadet." tempers rise and their little spat is only buying him time. the very time he needs for his pokemon to convene on their location. the long it goes, the more he'll have and from there raw might will allow him to enact his will. "this is a direct order, cadet. stand down."

his fingers twitch and his instincts scream at him to reach for a pokeball. only thing is that they're already out. he waits for the rest of them to convene on his location, several of them scampering throughout the first floor and towards the stairs. several of them still stay their positions. the magnetons maintain their spot at the entrance, as well as the pokemon in the courtyard.

"failure to obey a direct order. breach of the peace. obstruction of justice. you won't have a very bright future after this." the second pokemon she has is as intimidating as the first. steels types are a pest but still manageable with the proper numbers. to be safe, fernando reaches for his own phone. there's a number on speed dial. he's ready to send the text if needed. in that case, he's prepared, ready to call upon the troops.

"this isn't the same league that accepts disobedience, cadet. that's what lost you slateport. i will not tolerate an undermining subordinate directly impacting league business."

something out of the corner of his eye catches his attention. from behind elina, fernando spots a dark, black canine. it isn't his and the penchant for dark pokemon to cause havoc is a red flag. it's already too late to call out an order when the ROAR sounds off. his riolu is already in motion, springing forward to attack when the sound of the pokemon's attack sends it straight back into its pokeball. four flashes of light and four pokemon are sent back. fernando can feel the change in weight when the sudden impact of it shakes his belt.

"goddamit, cadet," is his initial response.

unrelated, kaeor is a bitch.

› demands her to step down for the last time
› all his pokemon get returned by roar
› holds elina responsible
› kaeor is a bitch


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 12:01:03 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

Threats? Really?

"Bring it up with an internal review if you want. They'll be looking at your actions as well as mine, and I've done nothing wrong. Can you say the same?" The trainer countered, slight hint of a smirk coming to her face in response. Her earlier statements stood, and Fernando had sorely miscalculated if he thought that was her motivation. Elinda didn't give a shit about a career in the League. She was only there because and old friend had asked it of her, and if he wanted to demote her... well, what was lower than cadet? She wasn't getting paid any money for her service, nor did she give a shit about any threat this asshole could throw her way. The only ways he could do anything to her was by abusing the system and his position within it, and any such action was going to get him the boot. Hell, she welcomed the prospect.

The rules, the law was currently on her side as far as the current situation went, and while she'd originally been brought on to make sure someone else didn't go off the rails... they'd said nothing about the other council members, and from where Elinda stood it was this one that had already plunged far off the deep end. She could see that twitch of his hands, and was well aware that there weren't any Pokeballs visible on his person despite the well recognized desire to reach for one - combined with the girl's earlier trip through the doorway it was probably safe to assume that they were already out somewhere.

Fine. Let 'em come. There were plenty enough witnesses and if he wanted to turn this into a fight it'd be on his head, not hers, and Elinda would merely shrug in response to the Slateport comment.

And at that moment Elinda's other fears would be quickly confirmed as a fourth individual showed up, Houndoom already out and the sound of his Roar returning all of the other Pokemon present to their Pokeballs. Fernando's, predictably, were sent straight back to his belt, as were the two that Elinda had released. This wasn't the first conflict that Elinda had fought in nor the first time such a thing had happened, though, and rather than plucking the orbs free of her belt again a practiced hand would deftly swipe over one almost of its own accord, clicking the button as it passed over. A second flash of light appearing literally a moment after being sent back to her ball, an annoyed Aggron would immediately roar back at the Houndoom in response, Taunting it to prevent further uses of the move. Beyond that, though, the Steel type made no further attempt to move, no facing the Fire type as Elinda calmly plucked Metagross's ball free of her belt again and stepped forward to get a clear look of the man around the Steel type.

"Friend of yours, Laurie?" Elinda started, glancing the man over. Another Rocket wasn't unexpected after what the girl had said, but the Roar had been a good move. There was no telling how many Pokemon Fernando had let loose, but between the two Magneton at the front gate and the four Pokeballs now on his belt... that appeared to be all of them. While there was no love lost for their employers Elinda had to at least award him a begrudging respect - rather than escalate the conflict he'd defused it rather handily. Not that it was a permanent solution as there was nothing to stop the other trainers from letting their Pokemon back out, but points for effort all the same.

All the same, Elinda still has her PokeNav in one hand, and given the presence of one previously unseen Rocket... there's plenty chance of shit getting out of hand, the woman raising the device to quickly snap pictures of Laurie and then the man only to have the second one largely obscured by the sudden outbreak of smog to cover their exit.

Smart boy.

As for the other one, though...

"Before you open your mouth, pin this on me if you want but know that anyone with half a brain stem will know different from witness reports. That guy would've sent all of your Pokemon the same as he just did even had I not been here. Only way you were going to hold that girl in custody is starting a larger fight or crossing the line with killing her." Elinda said, almost hoping Silph would confirm that'd been his intent. Pocketing the Nav, Elinda waved the smog away as she glanced over the railing to the lower floor - plenty of confusion, but no outward signs of violence or panic.

"Besides, not a complete loss. I've got photos of their faces, and I'll be sure they get to the police for circulation. Unless you're going to try and confiscate my personal property out of spite?" The trainer continued, turning an eye back to the Silph heir. There was a lot here that didn't make sense. Why was he alone in a room with a Rocket? More to the point, why had he abandoned his post on the ground floor when that was supposedly his job here tonight? He'd been awfully insistent on being the one to take her into custody, enough that he'd been quite close to starting a battle over it. That wasn't business - that was personal, although exactly how so Elinda could only guess at.

-Aggron sent back out, Taunt used to prevent Roar again
-Aggron kept in a defensive position as Smog is used
-Photos snapped of and faces

made by duet of gs
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august 12th
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 12:24:27 GMT
internal review? what kind of back watered-- fernando pauses, eyes narrowed as he glares at the cause of his frustrations. her flawed understanding of hoenn's current political climate will be her undoing. the fact that she's already delved this far in is asinine in itself. the headache that comes is a reminder of his predecessors. slowly but surely, fernando is coming to grasp the cause of @yiannis 's abrasive demeanor. dealing with subordinates, especially the trifling ones, is an irksome task, one that fernando prefers to be left for the others to clean up after.

"shut up, cadet! your direct interference is the only thing that stopped me from personally apprehending her in place. those precious seconds would have been enough to cuff her." the flare of his anger is enough to get him walking upright again. a heated march into the staircase, SMOG be damned, is enough for him to feel out that they're long gone. the presence of smoke filling up his lungs does little to help his temper. what he needs is something more, something satisfying.

"i won't need to confiscate your property," is the only time he sounds relatively rational. the calmness that comes from the claim is followed by the satisfaction of petty revenge. "because you're under arrest. any struggling, any attempt to fight back will add resisting arrest to your glowing record."

with a long sigh, fernando starts his descent down the stairs. his pokemon are at the base of the staircase and ready to meet him. before he goes off, he takes one last glance back, eyes like daggers. "just try me," the last part is muttered, right under his breathe. "bitch." before he goes off.

another tap of his earpiece and he's on a different channel. this time it's to the hotel staff, the other party responsible for the event as well as their own security. "we have rockets on the premises as well as a rogue league member. be careful." another tap and he's back to his party. "priorities on the rockets but don't let any league members interfere. two already got away."

› scolds elina for interfering
› marches through the smog 
› starts heading down stairs to chase after them


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 14:13:33 GMT
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they don't go down the spiral staircase, and nor do they leave through the main entrance.

covering his mouth, squinting through the smoke and gesturing for her to do the same, dominic pulls songbird with him to the end of second floor corridor. he knows there's a second set of stairs for the hotel's workers, designed for ease of access between the service areas of the hotel and the rooms.

he has a set of keys for that set of doors because he came prepared. after all, some of the hotel workers are his own ilk. he swings the door open to a set of stairs that looks more like a fire-escape and ushers songbird in. ladies first. the steps lead down to a series of twisting corridors, past the kitchens, out to the rose gardens.

that's where the pair head at a swift, purposeful gait, slowing when passing clumps of people to alleviate suspicion. the houndoom has long since been returned to his capsule, and the underboss and songstress are soon lost among the faces in the night.

≫ uses service stairs and corridors to leave the hotel
≫ dominic and more or less make an exit from the thread
≫ although i'm not excluding ducking back in heheh <3

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 0:59:50 GMT
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when he heard the commotion behind himself, he did not dare to spring up. he thought, fernando’s security can handle whatever it was that was going on. but as things escalated further, a mix of raised voices and ten ton stomps permeating the air along with a chilling wind, he couldn’t just idly sit around anymore.

the sudden snowfront occuring was of no concern to him, it’s not like he can’t control the weather, but he could at least go and take a look at whatever the hell was going on, on the second floor.

by the time he had reached the entrance, smog began its descent down the stairs, along with one who looked perfectly comfortable within it, fernando.

kim’s expression would turn neutral, bordering on anger, as he watched the man give orders through an earpiece; hearing the important pieces of the update. rockets and a rogue league, what the hell went on up there?

as he walked forward he would lock eyes with the silph, staring him down as he silently moved past his colleague up to the scene. he had just as much of a right to be up there as the other man, and if he dared to stop him, kim was more than happy to show him who he was picking a fight with.

his aim was to scope area out and see this “rogue league member” for himself.

ღ planned to let handle whatever was going on upstairs himself, until it got to be too much

ღ ignoring the sudden cold weather; went to go see what the problem was since it didn't seem to be deescalating

ღ overheard bits of fernando talking while he made his way to the stairs

ღ stared dead in the eyes as he walked past him and up the stairs to go see @elinda

ღ goithorita is with him, i'm just too lazy to write her in
-gothorita's dress-

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 1:20:37 GMT
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If figured that as soon as she got her hands on some sort of food there would be a commotion in the party. Circulating quickly that rockets had been found and that they may or may not have gotten away wasn't something that she was expecting to hear. After all with the very leader of the organization here it was hard to believe that anyone who came in here would get away from the League. After all this was kind of their show wasn't it? They were supposed to be able to apprehend them with no issues when it came down to it.

Whoever had screwed this up would be in for a world of trouble. But that also meant that she might be able to lend a hand. After all she was a member of the League and helping out might end up putting her in some good graces. Eventually she wanted to rank up and all that jazz. After all there was only so much that a cadet could do. Word traveled fast in that sort of place especially among the people who wanted to hear it. And Hina was definitely someone who wanted to hear it.

Data had open ears and an open mind to let her know when the commotion really started around here. The psychic type being a lot more useful than most people would have guessed. So instead of stuffing her face full of more food she followed the little alien looking fellow towards where she needed to be. Data led her towards the staircase and far away from the food. But she felt as though this could be a chance to help out, at least a little bit.

That's when she saw him, someone she'd only really ever seen pictures of and met in passing. But that was enough for her to recognize him. Not that he would know who she was but that wasn't the point right now. "Sir! Is there anything that I can do to help?" Data stopped in front of her and stared up at the man. This was the first time that she had stood in front of but if she made herself useful enough then maybe it wouldn't be the last.

> she followed data towards the commotion and she's here to try and help out to get some clout
> or just you know, make herself known a bit

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 2:21:36 GMT
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Okay, that was enough brooding.

Chu-e sighed and sat back up. Sitting in here wasn't doing him any good. There were people to scope out downstairs while he had the chance. Standing, Chu-e straightened himself up and smoothed back any frayed ends to his hair. Not that he cared, really, but he had to look the part.

A once over of the room found him the drink cabinet. Anything missing would probably cost a pretty penny. Snacks were laid out on platters, too, tempting but he knew how this game worked. Still, it wasn't his hotel room and he was sure that Rich Boy could foot the bill. Even with that in mind, he really only swiped a few candy bars and a fancy single person bottle of sparkling apple cider. It didn't even have any alcohol in it.

A little notebook pad and pen caught his eye as he was about to leave. Hotel provided by the look of it, smiling wailmer on the edges and the name of the place on top. Chu-e should have just left, it was easier, yeah, but...

He pulled the stationary over and uncapped the pen.

"Dear Piss-ant,"

Chu-e paused. Scribbled it out. Moved down a line.

'Dear Silver Spoon,"

Yeah, that felt better.

"Thanks for the grub. I'm not paying for it."

That was enough, right? But.... ugh, no. He sucked on his lower lip.

"I'm heading to Fortree after this."

Why did he tell him that? It's not like he wanted to see him again. This is why Chu-e preferred to communicate in texts or ciphers. This was... ugh.

"You're not terrible. Don't get fried.

"- xoxox


"Ugh." It was... pretty shitty. For good measure Chu-e scribbled a terrible doodle of Sweetness to fill in some of the white space before he ripped it off. Folded, he walked back over to where the other had left his jacket. It just took a moment for him to shove the note in his pocket for the other to find later. Then he headed out.

Or, Chu-e was going to. There was a crash and yelling, followed by smoke seeping under the door. Yeah he was... not getting involved in whatever had just happened outside. So he waited for it to clear enough, covered his mouth and opened the hotel door. This stuff stung, jeeze, but one end of the hallway was clearer. He thought he caught the backs of two people vanishing around a corner and followed; not on purpose but because it seemed the option that wouldn't leave him with the smell of that stuff in his hair worse than it already would be.

He didn't see them as he found the stairs, headed back down to the party at hand. This was led out to the lobby and it looked like even more people had crowded inside. Ugh. The pokemon here seemed to be in a tizzy so he moved to find his three rogues and return them back to their balls. This left him in the ball room.

A romantic song was playing, something soft, but he didn't have anyone to dance with and was mostly just in the way. The couples sectioning off to press close and giggles between themselves disgusted him in an equal amount as it made him jealous. Grabbing a fruity looking drink off of one of a passing tray, Chu-e moved outside to stare out over the gardens.

A soft snow had started. It wasn't collecting anywhere yet but it was.... really pretty. So he sipped on his drink and stared out as he leaned on the railing.

i might have missed something orz

@ball, @arthurwright

➣ leaves the hotel room after leaving arthur a note
➣ catches the very tail end of whatever the hell happened up there
➣ nopes out and just leaves
➣ collects all his stray pokemon back into their balls and is currently in the ball room, on the balcony, all by his lonesome
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 2:42:51 GMT
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Izekial appreciated that Drake was willing to spend time with him. He was sure that he was probably busy and probably had other things to do, other people to see... But as long as he was willing to spend some time with him he would be happy enough. "I don't want to keep you from anyone else if you need to go though." He completely understood that there were plenty of people that Drake probably knew that would want his attention. It wasn't long before the sky seemed to have other plans for anyone who was outside though with the snow and cold starting in quickly.

"Oh, is it just me or is it colder now?" It seemed strange that the weather would change all of a sudden. But instead of fighting with it he carefully stepped just a little but closer to Drake. "Perhaps we should all move inside for a bit? If it starts to snow much harder we might get a cold." And he was worried about Algae. Sure he wasn't a water type or a grass type but that didn't mean he wanted to keep the poor frog outside. "Perhaps we can find a nice quiet spot and get a drink together?" Would that be a good suggestion... Izekial wasn't really sure. But at least maybe they would be warmer than they were now.

>> still in the gardens
>> concerned about the cold and snow
>> suggests they move inside for warmth and a drink

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 2:47:47 GMT
fernando has no time for distractions. the fact that things have digressed this far is enough of an annoyance. kim can bite him. their mutual eye contact is noted but otherwise ignored. "be careful. we have an idiot vigilante that let them get away," he whispers in passing. and, just like that, their positions are swapped. kim continues his climb as fernando finishes his descent to the first floor.

to greet him is none other than hina. he almost dismisses her from his sight until she offers her services. in a night filled with debauchery and defiance, the sight of eager obedience is a sight warm enough to dissuade the chilled stings of the wild winds that pierce past the hotel's windows. "did you see a houndoom, dark haired man and lady leave here?" he doesn't wait for her answer. he's already marching off and toward the ball room. he doubts they fled straight through the front. the magneton's would've stopped him. it's up to hina whether she follows or rescinds her aid.

› warns kim to be careful upstairs
› asks hino if she saw either of the rockets


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 4:09:42 GMT
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Drake is embarrassed, just a little, of Izekial's reply. He wasn't really here to see anyone in particular. It had been suggested that he just be seen even if not that many people knew who he was. It would probably be best to go and fraternize with his fellow League members, but...

"I would rather stay with you." Which was maybe a bit more honest than he had anticipated. May as well move forward. Couldn't take the words back now even if they made his face warm up. "Yes, it is colder..." Was it just him or was Izekial closer now?

"I think the music changed. Maybe we could warm up with a dance, too?" His voice was a little thin when he said it. Drake had two left feet so he didn't really know why he had suggested that, but.... somehow it seemed okay if he was doing it with the other. Maybe he would know how to dance and could lead him.

@ball, @verbatim

➣ outside in the gardens with izekial
➣ agrees to move inside
➣ asks izekial to dance

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 4:20:24 GMT
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Finally she had a chance to do something useful. Sure she didn't have any idea where they could have gone but that didn't mean she wasn't going to give it a go to try and find them anyways. Not when she could get herself in the eyes of someone a bit higher up. Sure it probably seemed a bit selfish but there wasn't a big deal when it would all be up for the greater good to be honest. If she got higher up she would be able to do even more work to stop rocket from coming along and destroying Hoenn like they had Kanto.

So she followed behind him as he moved. It seemed like he wasn't in the mood to sit and chat so she would follow along until she got certain orders. "No sir, but Data is the one who heard the commotion so he might be able to help you get some leads." She dipped down slightly and lifted the Elgyem up into her arms. She wasn't sure if would want help from the psychic type but it was better than nothing. "I had him keeping an eye on things just in case."

While her mind had been focused on food her Pokemon had been on the lookout. She didn't exactly want to mention that she had been more concerned with food herself but that wasn't the point for now.

> she followed furby and explained that data is the one who gave her the information and offered to help search

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august 12th
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 6:24:09 GMT
"i see, an elgyem." fernando gives her a curt nod as they enter the ball room. attentive eyes demand answers. they scan the ballroom for their intended targets and take note of those dancing. he can't memorize all of them but he can differentiate them from his targets. from the crowd, he can make out , but ignores her in stead of more pressing matters. regret is bitter sweet but power requires sacrifices.

"what do you know?" time is fleeting and their window for capture dies with every second. fernando circles around the walls of the room, avoiding going straight through the middle of all the swarming bodies.

› scans the ballroom
› asks hino what she knows


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 17:05:52 GMT
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He had acknowledged her, or rather he had acknowledged her Pokemon. But that was good enough for now. If nothing else they would hopefully be able to help. Data's eyes lit up just a little bit as he scanned the room for himself. might have been able to scan the room with his eyes but Data had felt the insides of the perpetrators brains for a moment. It wouldn't be enough to really read their minds but there was an imprint that would last for a little bit at least. A week from now it wouldn't be quite as fresh.

"Data says that there were two, he got a small imprint so it should be good for awhile to track them if they're still in the building." But honestly what were the chances of that sort of thing? "He says that they aren't in here for sure though." His abilities weren't really used to read minds or anything like that. He hadn't ever really used his psychic abilities for anything other than feeding himself pizza without having to use his hands.

"If you would like sir, Data and I can go to scan the perimeter?" It would be faster if they split up. With him knowing what they look like and Data having an imprint they might be able to find something of interest.

> erinn translates for data to give the information he's gathering
> suggests that data and herself go to scan the perimeter so they can cover more ground

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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing