i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
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sooner or later the fire will die.
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alexander silph
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 9:14:36 GMT
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the nearest source took hold.

it was a distinct voice upon the soft mutter of the chilling breeze and charming tunes. alex looked over, curiously eyeing the other with a still bound trouble wavering in his bright eyes. "y-yes?" he fumbled with his words, partly by being touched with the affirmation that he could not escape what was bound to come.

"actually, i really need, uh--" tugging on the embrace of unfamiliar hands, it was slight and gentle, just as faint as his voice. "shouldn't you ask someone else for help, you know, like an officer?" potential scolding or a record for simply not showing to the task hovered over his mind. now the involvement of a man that wanted to assassinate?

who even was ambassador mom-- something?

familiarizing himself with important subjects should've meant the name would be recognizable. although-- mishaps could happen, at least, he thought so.

allowing the movement to happen with an obvious amount of doubt pooling against his pale features, alex veiled the world around him in closed eyes. getting hauled into a suspicious dilemma was not the only thing worth worrying about. just what would happen if he were recognized?

the couple that had previous fell beneath his momentary sighting now stood before them. bold in nature even startled alex who had simply been an onlooker to this assault. slow blinks continued before he glanced over at the clinging victor, then back to the risque pair.

"hello.." shyly the crown tilted into a greeting.

> alex played along with despite his hesitation, plus said hello to @camryn + ,,,,,, o boi where is dis goin

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 20:51:01 GMT
fernando is surprisingly okay with her outward defiance. he had never expected slateport. the tragedy that came from those events pushed his plans forward months which allowed some slack time for less pressing matters. evelyn is one of them. at this point, whether she lives or dies is of no consequence. while he would prefer the former, he loses little should her cover be blown and her life taken. she knows nothing substantial - not because he distrusts her allegiance but rather her competency.

"so be it." he can barely edge out anything more before she makes for her departure. so, he grabs her like he did before. just as forceful, just as demanding. his grip is a shackle that represents their relationship. so long as he can get his hands on her, she'll forever be bound to him.

"just be careful, evelyn." his words are stern and solemn but the content of the message shows a deep consideration that's reminiscent of their childhood. moments like these are an easy reminder for why she stays. his rise to power has made him warmer, softer, if only as a front. conducting himself in a manner contrary to his intentions is a honed talent. he lays it on thick. "i worry about you."

› lets her go
› warns her to be careful like a good big brother

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 23:16:21 GMT
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[attr="class","twobeelyric"]NO ONE ELSE

[attr="class","twobeelyric1"]IN THE


[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]LEFT FOR ME





[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]THE ROAD GOES EVER ON


johto... in spite of the difficulties that lucie had experienced with her hometown, hearing it spoken of so fondly was making her miss it, too. "that sounds nice... it's an incredible city! but it must have been hard, given everything..." in fact, it was difficult even to speak of it. lucie had been lucky enough to have escaped most of what happened as she moved out of johto when she was still young, but it didn't mean that the effects hadn't followed her anyway. "it's strange to think that now i might not have a home to return to," she admitted. who knew what had happened since she'd last seen ecruteak, or since team rocket's power continued to spread along? she might not have seen a lot of the damage first hand, but it still affected her more than she was ready to admit out loud.
but here she was, speaking to a stranger at a fancy ball instead of searching for her father. what was she doing? charity was important, but shouldn't her family have come first? lucie did her best to shake the thoughts away - they wouldn't do her or her father any good now. besides, maybe this would be a good opportunity to meet other members of the league that could have had intel. it wasn't like lucie was very high up in the ranks herself, after all.
the slight change in topic lightened lucie's mood a bit, and she smiled at bas' answer to her question. "that's admirable of you. it's great to meet trainers who are so close with their pokemon." lucie met a lot of trainers and pokemon in her line of work. sometimes they were not very good matches and other times they were to such an extent that lucie was beyond impressed. "it seems you take care of them very well." lucie smiled down at the sneasel briefly then, who seemed to be doing his best not to react to anything going on around him. cute. to the researcher, the wellbeing of one's pokemon was of the utmost importance. it made her happy to meet people that seemed to follow that system of belief, too.
"i came here with my father a few years ago for research. as it turns out, things... well, it didn't quite go to plan." her insinuation, given the tone of their earlier conversation about their homeland, was probably enough to let on that team rocket had affected their work to a significant degree. after all, why else would she be here now, or in the league? but before she could put much more thought into it, a large gust of wind burst many of the windows open. it startled lucie's poor deerling, who jumped and made a small noise of surprise; lucie knelt down and carefully picked the pokemon up, holding it in her arms and petting its small head comfortingly. her eyes cast down to see how noir had reacted, even if she partially believed that the sneasel would have maintained its cool aura; it was, at the end of the day, still her instinct to care for any and all pokemon within her vicinity, whether they needed her to or not.


# @max [break] ++ lucie reminisces a time lost;; ++ deerling was startled by the wind and is now held by his trainer;; ++ lucie checks to make sure noir is all right too









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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 4:48:34 GMT
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Nero's training kicked in through the method of instinctive movements. As collided into his shoulder, the agent took a power stance with his leg, using a fluid leg sweep to widen his feet. The tray wobbled lightly thanks to the weak grip, but his movement saved a potential disaster. The younger man seemed genuinely apologetic, so his intuition kept him from dividing attention to him as he fled further into the complex.
What caught his attention as he floated from patron to patron was a more stoic looking male that exuded a tension—a suspenseful aura. And as that man neared Nero's inconspicuous body, he became perceptive to the tightness of his face. His intuition had led him to believe that he'd be worth tailing—or at least watching for now. And so as he started past him after retrieving the treat, Nero floated cautiously over, careful to appear as if his attention was absent from anything but the time.


NOTE: [break]
• Nero is following secretely
[break] • this post sux
insert the icons for his 6 pokeballs here...

내겐 힘이 돼





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 5:39:01 GMT
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He was relieved how quickly this newfound honeymoon was into accepting this unusual arrangement. The guy wasn't even that bad looking - if anything he and Victor made a decent looking pair. Of course, they where nowhere near Pimplijah and Mistress Blondie over there. He nudged the guy and whispered in his ear. "Fam, whats your name? You know what nevermind." It was too late, they were approaching the villains too quickly.

And then Victor squinted. Wait, what the hell did he just fitness? His confident smile turned into a bit of a cringe as he watched the woman visibly and aggressively nab at a piece of Elijah's bottom. Oh god. This was not the kind of thing he was expecting. Maybe this woman was more of a mistress than Victor had originally thought. The ball was nowhere to reenact the movie Pretty Woman.

Victor shifted awkwardly as he greeted the other two. He was still recoiling from what he witnessed earlier. "Uh yeah hey...friends." He coughed into his fist and continued. "Fancy seeing you here. Have you met my, uh, Alex...ander." Nice. That was a great name, real eloquent and shit. He nodded to Elijah and his lady. "Who's that?" Victor's eyebrow raised in annoyance. Ugh. Who was this woman? For security's sake of course. Victor had to sell this story! What if Elijah sniffed out his lies?

Quickly he took "Alex's" hand in his and held it tightly. Then afterwards he proceeded to stare at Elijah intensely. Then he narrowed his eyes. Then he remembered to smile. "Boy I've dreamed about this day with my whole life. My good friend with his woman and me with my..uh...fam..."  He laughed nervously "I mean uh my HUSBAND! Yes. HUSBAND."

: read green and last paragraph 
@camryn : read green and last paragraph
: alexander read all

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 5:47:53 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


dreaming of[break]black & white


Is it a bad thing that she can spot several Rocket Grunts, with ease, spread all around the ball?

Does that not mean that they aren't, perhaps, nearly as inconspicuous as they assumed they were?

She doesn't dwell on it. It's not as if they really need to be afraid - they had control of the entirety of Slateport. It wouldn't be long before they ruled all of Hoenn.

Emma makes her way down the steps before she is stopped by a handsome stranger. Except.. he's not a stranger. It's Dominic Sinclair, one of the underbosses. There's no fear or submission in her eyes, and not because she doesn't respect him, but that she respects herself more.

He seems to be body blocking her in some way, a perfect coconut snowball treat pinched between his fingers. Her eyes lock onto the yummy treat, and she reaches forward to pluck it from his hand.

"How thoughtful, Dom. You're too sweet," she said, a small smile gracing her lips. While a little bit buzzed, she is not intoxicated nor showing obvious, obvious signs. She's merely a little bit friendlier.

Emma rolled the desert between her fingers, breathing in the sweet smell of coconut.

The music in the room changed from whatever it had been before to a very romanic slow song. It also seemed to come with a very intense gust of wind that opened up the windows. Taking this as an opportunity to move to the dance floor, she offers her superior her hand.

"Care to dance? It'd be a shame to pass up an opportunity like this."

> greets
> casually takes the coconut snowball from him
> asks him politely to dance with her





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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 7:53:09 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar
damn him. damn those words. why did he have to say that? the back of her head, as well as the back of his, faced one another--you could say it was as if they, both, had eyes within the back of their head. so that was enough to make it feel as though he were peering into her eyes through simple, loving words. though, luckily he did not possess x-ray vision or else would've saw the girl's anguished face as she bit her lip. "damn you," was all she could think.

but then she remembered. she was seen going away by with , and if there were a chance he'd been outside watching her..."big brother," evelyn stated, having yet to snatch away. "i hate you so much...for making me love you..." evelyn stated. he held her by the grip of her right wrist, his masculine strength possessing her with all his might. though she were a woman, she was not weak.

she apologized in advance.

unaware as to what for would be.

she'd raise her right leg, heel falling off, and, like a horse, she'd release a jolting kick at the back of fernando's left knee-pit. her physical defiance, unexpected, was enough to incite a surprise attack. such a thing was impossible to calculate, but who knows? anything went with , but that's okay. for it would be enough time for evelyn to continue her assault, in front of his pokemon at that.

had fallen in height for but a mere moment, never releasing his grip upon her right wrist so that she wouldn't get away, it was enough time for another strike. evelyn rotated on her right frontal foot, bringing her left fist in pursuit, to deliver a single, bare-knuckle punch to the back of 's head; hopefully, if successful, she'd deliver a second one; afterwards, she'd swing that said left arm around 's neck in an attempt to choke him, should that arm of hers gather around his neck? she would not be letting go like a vindictive snake.

ooc notes: i'm the first female to disrupt the 3 kingdoms, my head's going on a platter.

:hairywrists: :hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists: :hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists::hairywrists:
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 8:03:55 GMT
had he expected this? hell fucking no. for a man so devoted to preparation, to being cautious, to being ready to face the unexpected and triumph with nothing but utter victory, fernando had made the baseless mistake of trusting in what he knew of evelyn. like , he had expected nothing but the most steadfast loyalty. the strike to the knee unraveled that all too quickly. the pain teaches him a lesson he won't ever forget. what's left of his heart is burned at the stake. what's left in the ashes is that of a cynic.

trust no one.

the best lessons are the ones taught with blood, sweat, and tears. fernando takes this to heart as he feeling of her foot against the back of his knee puts an immense pressure that causes it to buck forward. the extension of his knee brings him into an involuntary kneel. in that split second, his pokemon are poised to react. the surprise to fernando is given to them. it takes a moment for the action to digest, for the intentions to be realized, and for them to react. in this time frame, evelyn goes unopposed, if only for seconds.

what was supposed to be a fair, if not a tense conversation, became immediate chaos. kirlia feels her hands buckle as her CALM MIND is brought reeling from being a mere observer. a faint azure hue takes over her eyes as the psychic power starts to manifest, just as evelyn laid a solid punch to the back of his head. all that pain, all that hatred - it returns tenfold as the pokemon musters all its psychic power to retaliate.

by now, fernando's dazed, dizzy even. his mind if still caught in a state of shock and unable to react in time to avoid or stagger himself from the blow. still, he knows what comes next. his pokemon aren't there for show. despite the betrayal, he doesn't wish what's to come after upon her - not without his consent. "don't," is all he manages to wheeze out but it's too late. his pokemon aren't robots. they have their own subjective will and kirlia's intent is nothing more than to exact revenge for her master. if this twerp thinks she can lay a hand on fernando then she's got another thing coming.

oh no, ma'am.

the kick and first punch is the most evelyn will get to execute. now it's time for her execution. as apparent by the deep blue aura that emanates her being, she'll lose direct control over her actions as the PSYCHIC binds her. it won't last for long as kirlia intent on more than just holding her down. a kinetic force will pull her away gingerly, before flinging her in the opposite direction. but it doesn't have the force of one PSYCHIC. riolu is right there too, not too adamant about taking charge, but COPYCATS the kirlia's lead. the impact of two PSYCHICS will pin evelyn toward the door at a ludicrous speed. it's enough to have her crash through the door entirely and spill outside and into the view of everyone else on the second floor.

"fuck," fernando's finally picked himself up. he realizes the extent of their actions and the consequences that'll come. a tap of his earpiece is all he needs to cement the order.

"we have rocket activity."

the next words pain him to say it but it must be done.

"get her."

he grits his teeth.

"get her ass."

› gets surprised attack
› his pokemon flings evelyn away with psychic
› calls his pokemon for back up

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October 13
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 8:57:54 GMT
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another cold wind courses through the hotel. frost crawls up the windows, shrouding the corners of the panes. the wind is stronger, and with it, another gust of snow. this time, actual snow falls from the skies—not the fabricated weather produced for the festivities.[break][break]

eventually, the blustering breeze calms... it's beautiful outside, but the night's tension is speckled by snowfall.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 9:23:14 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

The night had been going so well, too.

After everything that had happened down in the main lobby and the near fist fight in the dining room things had largely seemed to be calming down, and while Elinda hadn't lowered her guard... it'd been nice, a change of pace. An opportunity to simply enjoy the atmosphere of the event, although one eye had been kept on Stormy from a safe distance. Close enough that she could immediately intervene if something happened but not enough to interrupt the girl's evening or appear overbearing. Still, the fact that Fernando was no longer down in the main lobby was a concerning observation - she hadn't forgotten Stormy's mention of threats and immediate attempt to change the conversation when Elinda had inquired further, and that she didn't know where the snake had disappeared to remained as a nagging thought at the back of her mind.

At least until a door on the balcony across the lobby seemed to explode, a woman thrown clear through it.


Considering the immediate stillness that followed as many of the other guests were shocked by the sudden disruption of the night's festivities, Elinda wasted no time as she broke into a brisk stride and eventually sprinting around the edge of the balcony lining the lobby, straight for the disturbance. The entire way she took the time to slip on her gloves and would then keep one hand in her pockets, Pokeballs brushing the tips of her fingers just in case they were needed and gait only slowing to a cautious approach once she'd managed to close within a handful of meters of the woman. While Elinda wouldn't allow the woman to leave her sight, edging along the edge of the walkway to remain just beyond reach, the blond would position herself opposite the door to both block potential escape and to allow a peek inside the room at the woman's assailant just as he'd finished speaking.


".... there's such a thing as restraint. I see no Pokemon of hers out, Rocket or not it seems rather excessive to send her through the door. You know there's going to paperwork, more if it looks like we're being excessive." Elinda said after a moment as she looked the Silph dead in the eye before turning her attention back to the woman on the ground. All things said and done, though, the blond would finally pull the hand free of her pocket, Metagross's Pokeball held at her side just in case, other hand holding her 'Nav and already pulling up the local police number as her thumb danced over the touch screen.

"Due process and all, we'll wait for the police to sort things out. Much as I might like to see them looking into his affairs the last thing you're going to want is to wind up in the hospital if he gets twitchy." Elinda said, looking down to the black haired woman and hoping it wouldn't go further than that. She honestly doubted that anything illegal had transpired, and even if she was a Rocket without proof it'd be hard to actually hold her - the moment the League went around and just started rounding people up on mere suspicion was the moment it failed as an institution. And whatever Silph might've thought they weren't his personal attack dogs.

"So, what happened? She say something you didn't like? I find it far more likely this was self defense on her part considering you're the one with the Pokemon out. Hardly befitting of a council member at the very least, especially if we're handing it out to someone from outside Hoenn instead of a Stone. We're not your personal attack dogs to call on if someone hurts your pride."

-heard the commotion
-rushed over
-Metagross's ball at the ready should try to get up or move
-police being called rather than allowing matters to get out of hand

made by duet of gs
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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 10:03:37 GMT
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"gah!" slammed through the door that led toward the entrance of the room, she'd open her purse quickly to toss out--no one. for, due to 's inability to control the childish temperament of his pokemon, caused a commotion for those who were in view of the scenery to butt in. "i see his pokemon have adapted his personality, coward..." she stated, holding her arm with one hand and her purse in another. she'd begin to cry the moment @elinda made way.

she was an actress, and this was where she shined. thankfully her disguise was still on, covering her mouth and no longer holding her arm. she'd begin to cry, "i-i feel so ashamed and disgusting right now." she was practically in disarray from what had just occurred. as she tried to stand, she winced, "n-ngh, ah!" she held herself again, unable to get up. "i-i need help," she stated crying hysterically, pointing toward the inside of the room.

"he and his pokemon assaulted me...i'm so frightened!" she exclaimed, crying as she'd relinquish hold of her purse and covered her eyes. "i was forced by a rocket member to come here tonight, they're holding my little sister hostage and this was the only way i can save her!" she explained, still attempting to get up and acting as though she were in pain, "m-my name is laurie lake, and they said that if i didn't come here tonight and obtain dirt upon a man known as , something bad would happen to her." she stated.

continuing the waterworks, "i told the truth about my situation, but he became enraged due to my betrayal. i begged, pleaded for his cooperation, trying to admit to him that i wasn't lying--that i'm not a rocket member, i'm just a civilian who" 'laurie' pleaded, "i thought this was a chance encounter for someone to rescue me--no--my little sister! oh please," she continued to cry, crawling shakily toward @elinda , "...get me away from that monster, i don't want anyone to see me like this right now." she begged @elinda .

ooc notes: smfh.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 10:21:17 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

Despite her earlier statements, something would immediately seem off as the situation continued to unfold. Fact of the matter was that when people were told to remain still after being assaulted they didn't tend to disobey, all the more so when told that the police were on their way. Many in such situations were usually quite happy to hear such news as it often meant safety and medical attention, both things that were typically seen as good. Yet.... that wasn't the case here. Elinda was set immediately on edge as the girl not only didn't listen but did the exact opposite of what she'd been told, starting to get up despite being thrown through the door and into the hallway.

And then she said quite possibly the last thing that she should have.

"Don't. Move. The police will be here in a few minutes and you can sort it out with them." Elinda said, voice suddenly taking on a much sterner tone as her eyes flicked to Silph and then back to the woman. An open admission of being tied to Rocket? That was as good as a jail sentence with a confession, or at the very least a prolonged holding period while a plea bargain was worked out in exchange for protection. Elinda didn't understand why she would admit to that, but it put her immediately on guard. Too many things didn't add up now, and moreover the girl was still getting to her feet - and disconcertingly moving towards the trainer. Already on edge, the lack of cooperation when Elinda had explicitly made a point to position herself a fair distance away from an unknown factor suddenly brought another unpleasant thought to mind.

If Rocket had one person here, who was to say that there weren't others? They'd be idiots not to keep an eye on such a liability if there was even a chance of them defecting back to the League, and Slateport had proven they weren't incompetent.

"I'm not going to say it again. Sit tight, wait for the police to arrive. You're safe as long as you cooperate - he can't and won't do anything to you as long as I'm here and other League members in the building are watching." Elinda continued, allowing the Pokeball she'd been holding to drop to the floor next to her - bouncing once before popping open in a flash of light, Metagross suddenly beside his trainer and crimson eyes locked onto the perceived threat as the balcony buckled and threatened to crack under his sheer weight. Hand quickly dipping into the same pocket to find a second Pokeball, Elinda would glance around, looking for any unwelcome or unusual movement in the surrounding crowds while the Iron Leg Pokemon kept his attention on the situation directly ahead of him, blocking access to his trainer.

-told not to move again
-Released Metagross, Pokemon blocking her from getting closer to Elinda
-Aggron's Pokeball now in hand
-Watching the crowds for unusual/unwelcome movement

made by duet of gs
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 10:33:00 GMT
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Even with the chill on the wind Isra was thankful for the rose gardens that had offered her a hidey whole from the rest of the event. She was not one for the crowds like this, they were off putting. Not because of the amount of people but because of the sort that it collected. The place reeked of normalcy. These sorts of events only served to ensure that she was reminded of how out of place she was, how not normal she was. Especially after her late arrival.

She huddled closer to herself, the black shawl around her shoulders nearly drowning her in its warmth, the parasol hanging loosely from her arms helped to keep the kicked up snow from speckling her much the same as it did everything else. She was enchanted by the view. It was beautiful in a way she had only seen sparingly in her life and that a part of her wanted to enjoy more of. There was a wonder to be had in the cold of her hands as she clasped them together under the shawl. She was oblivious to the rest of the world and what ever troubles were unfolding in the rest of the event. both by choice and by sheer distraction.

Isra continued to wonder through the rose garden, stopping every so often to enjoy the sight and think for a moment. How likely was she to get to see this again? She didn't know.

-late arrival
-hanging out in the rose gardens and totally enchanted by the snowey view

[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #9ed480;[/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 10:41:57 GMT
"tch." by now fernando's on his feet and back to normal. the adrenaline fills his veins in a manner that can't be said about the gaping hole in front of him. the temper of his kirlia has been sedated but at what cost. rather than reprimand his pokemon for a job well done, he turns to address the new situation in front of him.

"stand down, officer." fernando doesn't remember her face which means she can't be too important. the fact that she's here is enough. what he needs is to restrain her, capture her. the added attitude he's given, he can do without. "this is above your pay grade to be questioning your council member. i have the situation under control."

the call over his earpiece is directed at none other than his pokemon. sure enough, several of them move from their position. the faint outline of a red strip is the first to arrive, tailing elinda and keeping to itself on the opposite corner of the hallway. the next closest would be his gardevior which appears after a brief TELEPORT. the grace of the pokemon is lost upon the thick tension that permeates the air.

"i'll handle this matter personally. i appreciate your concern but if @devon is your candidate of choice, perhaps we should reconsidering our criteria for critical thinking requirements for league members."

the betrayal, being berated by a nobody, it all comes back with an influence that makes fernando... snappy at best. he's in no mood to negotiate, even less for explanations. as for the police? he is the police - the judge, the jury, and in this case, the executioner. with a mild limp, he exits the room with riolu in front and his kirlia behind him. his eyes focus on metagross at first, flirting back to elinda, and finally evelyn who is both his primary target and threat. her lies do little to influence elinda, and for that he's glad. sure, it puts him at a bad spot but he'll navigate around that with ease. and if she refuses? fernando's accustomed to dealing with insubordination.

"if you're really feeling patriotic, make yourself useful and secure the first floor. i have no doubts she's not alone." he clicks his tongue. "cadet."

› demand elina steps down 
› shit talk shit talk shit talk
› tells her to defend the first floor  


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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2018 10:50:28 GMT
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well, how unfun. to talk to a victim like this? this woman truly had a cold heart. she only showed just how much the league members were corrupt, and from this little interaction? it was enough to warrant hatred from evelyn. she must have been new--understandable, she's just emitting her own sense of justice; though, little did she know, she was the type to easily be swayed by her superiors; one of those superiors, or possibly more, were nothing more then a monster in evelyn's eyes,

way to cause an unnecessary commotion, big brother. just where the hell was during all of this? it didn't matter, had to fix the situation he created; although, this was the result she wanted. hopefully this would bring in more trust her way as she grew in the ranks of team rocket--becoming one step closer to . for now, she merely watched the show unfold without a care in the world, uttering underneath her breath, "monsters." she called them.

ooc notes: smfh, i'm tired of getting gangbanged. someone better get her out of this shitshow. pull the goddamn fire alarm.

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