i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
30 height
30 height
sooner or later the fire will die.
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alexander silph
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 1:51:03 GMT
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lateness-- it is unlikely of him.

traffic, getting stopped, losing his pokemon.

the night is young, maybe it is that at which leaves alex feeling frantic. dazzling lights, beautiful gowns and the rise of music shudders in the distance. like a faraway star that blinds him in spite of being so out of reach.

when the target for destination settles upon him, he takes in a breath. it is cold outside in the gardens, yet, the fumbling pace in order to get here quickens the race of his heart. alex is clueless to the company that resides within and maybe, just maybe that is for the best.

he cannot focus with these distractions. no matter how much he may adore them. it is their own strife that leaves him watching, wandering aimlessly in the back of his mind. with what is right, and what is wrong.

a pair-- seemingly a couple enraptures his blue eyes. alex continues on his way however, intent with getting to work. there are other instances that will not allow that to happen.

not that he is aware.

> short post i'm sorry,,, i'm rdy for this chaos

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 3:24:50 GMT
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Chu-e is quiet, eyes following, head tilted back, watching Arthur as he leave. "If I die, I die." Is all he replies to him. The other is handsome but clearly not his type. It's a shame. He would have liked for Arthur to try and ravage him. He finds himself disappointed even though the run in down stairs had dredged up things he didn't want to remember. Maybe if Arthur had tried he would have put a pin in it for down the line.

Chu-e waves him goodbye more like a master dismissing a servant. He turns to lay back again, stretch himself out and sigh as he stares at the ceiling. He had never been good at being alone with his thoughts. It was why he liked to wander so much; if you pushed people away you still had to fill that silence, so finding distractions was a way to do it.

i might have missed something orz

@ball, @arthurwright

➣ in arthur's hotel room on his own
➣ shortie post
➣ he doesn't make a fuss and let's arthur leave
➣ will probably leave after a few posts to go get into some more trouble
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 4:47:35 GMT
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abel would make his way into the lobby, being extremely late to the ball. he gave a small sigh, looking down at his feet and up his body to make sure everything on his suit was fixed all prim and proper. the man would then slowly greet random strangers as he made his way through to where the drinks are. he figured this would be the best spot to be in.

he wore a normal black tux with black shoes. the only "fancy" thing about him was the blue scarf he wore around his neck. come to think of it, he always had the thing on and no one in rocket could figure out why. it wasn't new. it was rather old and stained, obvious he had had it for a while.

giving a small sigh, he moved to take a drink from the table before lifting it up to his lips to sip it gently.

tags: @ball @arthurwright
attire: here
notes: abel has entered and went to the room with the drinks and shit! yay!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 5:25:08 GMT
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"I haven't seen much outside of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn but I would definitely settle in Johto," he responded softly. Sebastian thought back to an atmosphere polluted with the echoes of the most active city in the Johto region, where pokemon and people alike came and went as they pleased. He recalled the massive department store, the great underground tunnel, and the luxurious buildings that lined Goldenrod's streets. Most important to him was the sanctuary of home, which somehow completely filtered out the commotion of the city that surrounded it. While Sebastian had only wandered between Kanto and Johto before his arrival in Hoenn, he was sure that no other region could change his heart.

"I grew up in Goldenrod City, before everything." As a fellow Johto expatriate, Sebastian had the feeling that Team Rocket's assault on the Kanto region had just as much of an impact on Lucie. In truth, he had come to Hoenn because of Team Rocket. The only hope of ridding Kanto of the criminal syndicate was through the aid of other leagues, and he could not expect much growth as a trainer while stifled by their oppression. Hoenn was the closest opportunity to better himself while also gaining the allies he needed to reclaim his home. Of course, Sebastian dare not state his grandiose schemes in the current climate. But he would not lie to the girl, either.

"I think my pokemon have a lot of potential that we wouldn't get to see back home. I know they're counting on me to take them far, and I'm curious about what our limits are." He looked fondly to Noir, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact altogether. Sebastian chuckled, knowing that his sneasel was doing its best to avoid an emotional moment. His eyes returned to Lucie as he recalled what she had mentioned before about researchers. While he feared this talk of the past may trigger some unwanted emotions, he would carefully navigate his interest in the researcher.

"And what brought you to Hoenn?" He would have guessed that it was a career move, but Lucie seemed like such an earnest person that Sebastian wondered if there was more to her story.

→ bas continues his conversation with
→ noir maintains composure

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 12:23:27 GMT
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he is unexplainably disappointed at chu-e's response. arthur is confused by his own emotions but decides not to linger on them the further he walks away from the hotel room. he tried to offer advice, and if he is going to go against it, well, that is not his problem. there is still a ball to be enjoyed and he is not going to let one man tie him down the whole night. still, he leaves the key with chu-e. either way, he has no valuables in there.

he wanders down the steps this time around, thinking that perhaps there are some new arrivals that he could maybe touch base with. the place is still crowded and it feels suffocating that he is alone in the midst of it, so he gravitates towards the tables to the side to avoid getting smooshed. as the people thin around him, he sees a familiar face, and he immediately recalls the past encounter he had with him. ah, this is going to be a huge change in pace, he thinks. he hasn't been able to keep his composure very well with this man, and he expects to be teased. nonetheless, he supposes that it would keep his mind off of what happened earlier, and he hates feeling alone amidst the sea of strangers.

"fancy seeing you here." he greets; his hands in his black pants pockets. he looks much more plain now that he had left the coat upstairs in the hotel room, but out of habit he lightly adjusts the collar of his white undershirt. "you do not mind company, do you? after all, this is a ball." so far so good, he thinks, but he half expects to be a blushing mess fairly soon. somehow this innocent looking man has a way of getting under his skin, and not in the bad way, per se, but it catches him off-guard that it exposes him, and he does not want to appear weak.

tags: @abel
notes: tagging chu-e even if he's not interacting with him anymore, but he's still gonna react to his dismissiveness lol. arthur is already expecting the "worst" with abel, even if we're not sure how their first and last encounter was resolved lol. he's in the lobby, by the way!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 14:39:25 GMT
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Two delicate hands held a grip around the fabric of a bowtie before separating to tighten. It was the final embellishment on his latest disguise—something that has become frequent of late, but nothing he particularly enjoyed. Undercover work had its benefits and draw of appeal at times; this was not the case when you were pushed to the bottom of the barrel to serve as waiter or host for the event.
However, he buttoned the blazer once and tossed in the signature rose at his chest as per hotel staff was designated, and Nero soon came to appreciate the look. Unfortunately, he would cap his style and squash the full potential of the debonair with a pair of spectacles, they had become his undercover gimmick.
With a deep breath, and mental reassurance, he opened his eyes to take the role of Peter Manderly, a native from a small town just on the border of Lilcove, and an aspiring actor that lacks restraint when it comes to the performance. A hopeless case.
Nero stepped into the hotel lobby, just past and employee's only entrance, and stacked a tray of coconut snowballs on his hand to blend in. And with a forced smiles of nerves, he began to listen into the chatter and distribute the treats.


NOTE: • Nero looks like one of the waiters/hosts working for the hotel.
[break] • Is under the identity of Peter
[break] • Currently in: Hotel Lobby
insert the icons for his 6 pokeballs here...

내겐 힘이 돼





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 20:06:55 GMT
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Erinn wasn't expecting them to let her in with a baseball bat so she hadn't even bothered to bring it. Security wasn't exactly tight but that didn't mean they weren't keeping a close eye either. This was a League event and a member of Rocket just waltzing in was an absolute gas. And an ode to how stupid the members of League were. That's what happened when most of them were idiot meatheads. A drink in hand that she had lifted off of a waiter's tray kept her busy as her eyes roamed around the room.

There had to be plenty of easy marks in here after all. No one was expecting someone to rob them blind at an event like this and even if she didn't manage to get something good now they would always be marks later. Though with so many people renting their dresses and coats it was hard to see who actually had cash and who was just pretending. But the champagne was at least nice. Better than the cheap shit she'd had before.

Despite hating a good chunk of people and things what always got her was the expensive shit. Now that put her in a mood. Monika crawled up and over the walls to give her an extra pair of eyes. It was helpful to have such a wide variety of Pokemon...

> erinn is starting out in the ballroom so that she can scope out the place
> pretending to play nice and looking demure by a window while monika crawls on some walls             

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 21:47:52 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


dreaming of[break]black & white


So she was fashionably late. It wasn't like it mattered, anyway. The ball was an extravagant show, built to impress the Hoenn citizens and inspire a false sense of security. It was child's play, really.
Emma Wolfe was merely joining the fray to observe. She had no real reason to be there, other than to mooch off the expensive wine and hors d'oeurves.
But, instead of arriving on time when it would be more opportune to join in on conversations, get to know people, she sat back and reclined in her fancy hotel room. They had been a bonus to attending such an expensive event. She was quite enjoying taste testing the samples of fine wines, allowing the expensive, smooth chocolates to compliment the drink.
By the time she finally left her room, she was probably a little bit buzzed, but otherwise content. She wore a stunning to the floor black lace dress that hugged her form nicely.
Emma Wolfe left her hotel room, not likely to return - as those wines and chocolates she had sampled probably would be added to the tab.. and chances are the hotel room wasn't hers to begin with.
She clicked closed the door, her gloved hands slim and dainty.
It was time to join the ball.
emma's outfit
> late to the parade [break]
> a little wine drunk from all of the samples in her room[break]
> ready for a good time[break]
> just left her hotel room for the ball





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 22:06:04 GMT
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When he finally made his way down the stairs Victor stuttered. Gosh there was a lot of people at this thing! Carefully he managed to squeeze his way through the crowd, apologizing to anyone he had to shove aside. Halfway he bumped into a classy looking member of the staff @winter . Victor apologized profusely before continuing his advancement, leaving the smartly dressed waiter behind.

"God dang it..." Victor struggled but eventually he stood at the exit of the party and the entrance to the heathen that was the rose gardens. His eyes narrowed when he saw Elijah still where he was. It was no surprise that this man didn't even bother to run. He was so cocky! Who did this man think he was? Victor frowned as he watched momentarily. What was he saying to that woman? Had he been wrong when he was screaming on the balcony earlier? Was this woman really his...mistress?!

Anxiously he pondered his options. It wasn't like he was about to cause a scene right here in front of everyone. But as Victor's eyes landed on a fair haired boy, he knew what he had to do. Two could play this game Elijah was doing. All he needed was tag team so but Ami was still going through her bi-monthly poop. This innocent looking guy was going to do.

"Hey! Hey! Hey hey you you...I don't like hey." Oops he almost got carried away there with memories of his childhood. Victor beckoned to before making his way over and pulling on the boy's arm, stopping him from getting away. Now that Victor was looking at this guy he couldn't help but think he looked kind of familiar. Weird. "Hey fam, you look like a chill guy. Could you do me one favor?" Victor pointed at the lovey dovey roly poly couple nearby. "Those guys? They're here to kill Ambassador...Mombasa." He cringed at himself for saying that. "So we need to keep a close eye on them yeah? So I'm Victor, you' And now we're going on a double date."

He turned and squinted at Elijah and his wicked Mistress. If he could keep track of them all night, then he'd be able to stop them before they did their dastardly deeds! And then after they'd arrest him on the spot. It was the perfect plan. Victor straightened his collar. "Okay partner, let this night commence."

Smiling he waved to the couple and pulled his newfound love along towards them.

: !!! metal gear exclamation mark
@camryn : i wait for your post yeah fam?
@marsh1 : you're still pooping
hey babe

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 3:09:22 GMT
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The smile balms the heat in his chest and Drake can already feel himself melting at the edges because of it. Izekial was so warm and handsome and- he was really gone about this. He chuckles softly and shakes his head. "I'll spend the evening with you as long as you want. Don't let me overstay my welcome, though."

Then he nods to Algae, since it would be rude to ignore the pokemon. That type of pokemon is one he's never seen before. And, well, he's a scientist not a trainer, so he doesn't have the skill set to pick it out and know much about it.

"I'm surprised to see you." He starts, then pauses and quickly tacks on. "It's a good kind of surprised. It's just so far from Petalburg, is all. Have you been here long? Would you like a drink?"

@ball, @verbatim

➣ outside in the gardens with izekial
➣ he is very awkward

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 4:37:15 GMT
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"O-oh... oh. So he's, like, a stalker? Ohmygosh." She hadn't expected him to come back but Camryn totally understands why he had ran off now. She would probably freak out if someone was stalking her. Did that guy even belong at this party? It seems like the kind of thing a stalker would strong-arm their way into. Maybe sleaze his way in. Weirdo screaming balcony guy must have been a super freak. He probably yelled at retail workers for free stuff and was proud of it.

"I'm from Kalos! This'll work, like, really well, okay?" Because that was pretty much all it took to get Camryn gun-ho about anything.

But they needed to be ready. Camryn had never had a boyfriend before but she had seen lots of movies and read lots of books. She totally knew how this went. For now they would be really cute and then later she would touch his pillar of steel in a velvet glove. Or something? She hadn't really understood what was going on in that scene.

"Here he comes! W-who is that?" She whispered, hushed, as she stood up from the bench to join him. She had just been expecting Balcony Guy, so who was Blue Hair?

With this new obstacle she panicked. A flower wasn't enough in her opinion, as cute as that was, to really sell that they were a couple and this weirdo was bringing backup!

So Camryn solved this the best she could, by wrapping am arm around 'David' and slapping a hand firmly on his ass. Couples did that all the time, right? Like, touch each other's butts? Oh, fuck, this was going to end badly.

@ball, , ,

dress inspo

➣ in the gardens still
➣ is 100% into this story that 'david' is selling her
➣ is gunna be the best actress she can be
➣ to bad she has no idea what to act like
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 4:54:18 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

he's getting restless now, impatient and unable to hide his scowl as he glowers from the ballroom doorway.

as fascinating as the reunion between his subordinate an their former ally is, he expects it to be shallow at worst, carnal at best. that's just how he's known nikolai to operate.

dominic returns to the hotel's lobby with a dismissive roll of his eyes. having to keep his expression and movement neutral is a conscious struggle because time limits always turn him sharp with apprehension, even if they're self-enforced.

eyeing the stop of the stairs of the second floor, he sees another beast lurking, as striking as she is no doubt deadly. he moves forward to speak to her before she reaches the center of the lobby proper, his brows furrowing after observing her movement for several seconds. was she intoxicated?

he clenches his jaw tight and begins to walk toward her to intercept her before she says or does anything stupid. idly, without so much as a second thought, plucks a coconut snowball from a waiter's tray.

≫ hi
≫ thanks for the coconut snowball @winter
≫ 2/3 posts until dominic gets the key card to 's weird torture room

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 5:20:14 GMT
shiv Avatar



a cold wind flies in, piercing through the walls and slamming windows open. a flurry of snowflakes follow the scarf of wind before the renegade gale settles with a chilly embrace. the festivities continue as usual.[break][break]

after picking up their scattered sheet music, the symphony shifts their previous arrangement to a romantic waltz.[break][break]


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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 7:12:34 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

"i have no idea who... that other guy is." elijah says, voice drooping low. "fuck— what's this guy up to now?"

florges spectates the ass-slap— and shrouds herself in the heads of roses. nothing alarming for now. just absurdity.

and the absurdity hurts. it's cold. the strike is like lava splashing against his ass— and elijah, not used to such a forward advance on his glutes, digs his heels in and rams the pebble hard into his foot's arch.

he almost yelps.

elijah grits his teeth. hard. such an expression morphs into an awkward smile as the other couple enters the floral stage. under the hushed beat of a grunt, elijah whispers to camryn through the jail of his teeth:

"what the fuck was that for?" his shoulders relax. the pebble digs deep. "hello... boys..."

the cold wind cuts across the garden like a tumbleweed.

@camryn, , / elijah's booty gets bopped - greets the boyz

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph DOLLARS
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 9:07:12 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

"come back...?" once the tape was taken, she'd whip her head to the side. "i can't." she disobeyed, hesitant eyes and rose-colored cheeks followed, "not yet. not right now...we may never get another chance like this." though, were those her actual thoughts? there was something else holding her there, but what? could it have been due to the fact that she originally ran from rocket of her own accord? still afraid to return to, what she believes, is nothing more then a hellhole.

"if you just give me a little more time, i can do this." she implored, head jolting toward the front. she refused to feel like a failure, but why...? why did she care so much whether she disappointed him or not! fernando was a monster. evelyn has continued to tell herself that, and yet she hesitates half the time. was she that scared of him? "i need to leave," and she wasn't going to wait for permission. she began to make her way toward the door, bypassing him with nothing more then a cold stare. "i can only be around you for so long before it becomes suspicious...." grabbing her purse, she made her way toward the exit. would he stop her or allow her to continue leaving?

notes: the jig is up, .

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing