i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the volatile
August 15th
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tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 8:57:10 GMT
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They kept dancing.[break][break]

While all of the nonsense unraveled upstairs, Bailey kept her fingers laced with Daniel's as they slowly swayed. She had managed to find a rhythm, keeping each step in line with his. The stage of awkward fumbling had passed. Now, they could follow the smooth flow of the crowd–back and forth–in tune with the music.[break][break]

And it was boring as hell.[break][break]

She let her head rest on his shoulder, enjoying the proximity of their bodies more than the actual act of dancing. “Okay. Bad suggestion,” her voice would murmur against his ear. “Kinda overrated.” It was said in jest, but she sensed that he would agree. “I'm choking on the smell of everyone's perfume.”[break][break]

Bailey thought of the hotel room. They could enjoy the rest of the venue–see the gardens and find more ways to waste their time–but her mind kept returning to his earlier suggestion. The Ball was a chance for people to... schmooze with one another. It was a venue for conversations that the Officer could never picture herself humoring; maybe she had hoped for something different, something exciting.[break][break]

But it was okay. They could make their own fun. “Come on,” and she would take Daniel's hand and end their sway, leading him to the staircase and up to the second floor.[break][break]

tldr: dancing w/ and then realized "huh this is kinda boring," and heads upstairs. [break][break]

don't try it :gun: :coffee:


the winter's ball <3


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 9:06:47 GMT
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After Arthur fully enters, Chu-e follows. This place is plush. He feels dirtier just walking in, as if his humble upbringing and all the stains of his person are magnified here. He was never one for luxuries. That didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it when offered. Where Arthur sinks into a chair, Chu-e settles on the couch, leaning back to stretch out and lay on it fully. He leaves his shoes on as he settles, the animal.

"Sure, sure." He skips over the challenge bit. As fun as it would be to get drunk and raise some hell there are to many enemies here and not enough info. If he has to suddenly attack or someone recognizes him alcohol would not help. Down at the party he had been more willing. The encounter with the young woman had shaken him up. Despite all of this, his tone is almost playful, teasing even. "You don't have to act all coy, dude, I'm not some fancy bitch like you're used to having to impress. You're young, handsome, got cash in your pocket... I'm sure sure plenty of them broads down there would jump on it if you just turned your hand."

"Unless.... you bat for the other team or something?" The best thing to do would be to deflect. Arthur had learned too much too fast already. So Chu-e needed to keep focus off of himself and onto Arthur. It was usually pretty easy. Most people were eager enough to talk about themselves even when not prompted. He skimmed over the last part, ignoring it for now. He could pretend to be companionable for now. Arthur might have offered his room for trashing but even that wouldn't sate his frustrations. It would be better to keep those desires locked away and play nice for the time being.

i might have missed something orz

@ball, @arthurwright

➣ in the hotel room with arthur
➣ his personality seems to have done a complete 180- he's faking it
➣ trying very hard to prevent anymore talk about himself
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 9:11:29 GMT
the confusion only deepens on his expression. since when did she become so-- he doesn't have a proper word for it. his mind immediately turns to the worse case scenario. she's been compromised. the fear sets in and suddenly fernando back tracks every moment in the room. the same paranoia that leads him to create multi-layered solutions to situations that are near impossible, is what spurs his next course of actions. he's gotten too far to slip up now.

"evelyn." he pauses. he can feel his teeth grind as he thinks about his next words. they have to be tactful, and more importantly, they have to be convincing. "what happened in lavaridge was an accident. an unfortunate one but an accident nonetheless." his eyes drop to the floor as he recounts the far off memory. the rest is history.

he takes the insults at face value. a solemn silence holds his figure. her berating does nothing to shake his spirit. she isn't the first and she won't be the last. it's a lesson etched by his climb up the corporate ladder. watching her resort to such an action brings such disappointment. it's childish at best.

"are you done?"

› apologizes for lavaridge
› asks her if she's done being petty

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 12:22:48 GMT
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xxx for
there is a strange undertone in his words that makes arthur guarded, but he tries his best not to show it. chu-e is almost a bit too chatty, but the white-haired man is unable to figure out the reason for the shift. the comment about the bitches though makes one side of his lip curve to a smirk. if only he was attracted to bitches, he thinks, since they seem to be a lot easier to swoon. he has done it before, but he does not enjoy himself doing so. he is still not quite sure why his interests deviate from the norm, plus men are rather finicky and hard to strike a conversation with (especially about so and so things). yet here he is, preferring one over the other. back when he was younger he was...shamefully open and bold about this and his meanderings. he had been treated like a contagious disease when others find out, and while some would oblige, most would not. he had learned since then that it is better to judge the situation first before presenting such a trait about yourself. make it the last card he pulls, sometimes. yet he has moments of recklessness still.

ironically, when he thinks about it, chu-e is kind of like the fancy bitch that he wants to impress.

he chuckles a little, "what do you think?" his eyes are elsewhere for the time being, pondering about things. "i suppose the answer does not matter much to you unless you're somehow interested in me or my money. i've been there before." as far as he can recall, he has never told chu-e what his position is, exactly, so he does not know how rich he is. still, does it matter? loaded is loaded, and any amount of money can have a weight in gold if desperate enough. "i haven't figured out yet for which team you play for though. you seem like the type who could go either way, really." a lie, of course. he knows his past, though if his preferences changed because of that particular event, he cannot blame him. at the same time, he still plays on the hunch that they have the same preferences in gender, at the very least. not that he expects or wants to bed him--ah shit, who is he kidding? he sort of...he does, okay? he does. but obviously desire is only one player in the game of life and he has to be strategic.

bedding one of the four beasts is not strategic.

tl;dr - have some more chatter :U not sure when it'll end, but they'll get tired of each other soon.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 12:44:30 GMT
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As encouraging as Lucie intended to be, Noir found himself irritated by the notion that he was shy. Pokemon and humans alike had to prove they were worth his time before he would acknowledge them. His eyes narrowed as he turned his gaze toward Lucie until he noticed Sebastian's focus. His trainer was always studying other people and he had the same tendency to avoid the ones that he did not find to be worth his time. The fact that Sebastian did not seem to be losing interest meant that he may have seen something worthwhile in the researcher, so Noir decided that he should pay attention to their interaction.

"I see," was all that Sebastian would muster in response to Lucie's answer while his eyes focused a bit more on the details of her body language, clothing, and expressions. An incorrect guess never disappointed him, it merely meant there were more details that he should have considered. So, instead of sulking over being wrong, he sought out the information that he was missing in his initial analysis.

"I'm known as Bas," he responded while bowing to add some formality to his introduction. "I'm a bit of a drifter, taking any and all sorts of jobs I can find to get by while I travel. But I've been in Hoenn for a few years now, so maybe I should settle into something more permanent."

He shrugged.

"Are you from Hoenn?" This was another guess based on the fact that he himself was from Johto and how something in the woman's voice brought him back home.

→ noir is observing the conversation
→ bas asks if she from hoenn

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 16:18:03 GMT
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0000 words @anyone

The metal rail was pressing grooves in the soft skin of her forearms as she leaned out over the balcony or whatever it was.

She stood up only to be approached yet again by Kim. He looked quite breathtaking in his suit, and she lost track of what she was doing when he pressed a slim glass of champagne into her hand. The young woman blinked, looking down at the sparkling drink and back up in surprise.

"It’s a ball, try to have fun and live a little; don’t let some sour grapes spoil the vine."

Just as she began to open her mouth to respond, however, Kim had already finished his drink and was melting back into the crowd. She saw him briefly, maybe once or twice, swaying his body alongside another couple of pretty girls. He seemed to be enjoying herself, and she felt she needed to as well.

Sipping her drink, she took a deep breath and pushed her way back into the fray, looking for anyone to interact with, dance with, or grab food with.

> takes the champagne from kim
> bucks up and rejoins the party
> looking for someone to talk to/dance with/interact with
deltra of gangnam style
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2018 17:11:13 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

It was times like these that Ryusuke genuinely couldn't help but wonder why he'd never gotten his hands on a Pokeball for Grovyle. For the longest time it had simply been because he never felt the need for one - as a kid the Pokemon had stuck to him like glue, and as vague as it might've sounded they'd had something of a mutual understanding. Don't fuck shit up. Granted, that hadn't lasted after Treecko had acquired something of a taste for adrenaline rushes during their forays out onto Route 121 and the one time they'd tried to make it to the Safari Zone to visit his mother in their youthful stupid optimism, but even then the Pokemon had rarely gone far. More often than not he'd been content to simply sleep on Ryusuke's shoulder or curled up in the hood of his coat unless it was warm enough to warrant moving around.

Then he'd evolved.

The Pokemon had always had a bit of attitude, but it'd gotten ridiculous within the last year or so. Independence was fine, but Grovyle seemed to thrive off of causing other people problems, and as Ryusuke started to shoulder his way through the people moving up and down the stairs leading to the second floor he was seriously considering ways to solve the problem or at least curtail the Wood Gecko's more troublesome behavior. Even as all of that was going through his head Ryusuke never lost sight of that bobbing leaf in the crowd, the only thing that told him where the Pokemon was. Grovyle had to know it, too, but whether or not that was intentional or the Pokemon simply didn't care that he was being followed...

No, it was probably the latter.

Grovyle, for his part, had little of the problems his trainer was suffering from, small size allowing the Pokemon to rather effortlessly cut his way through the shifting jungle of legs - much as getting kicked by accident was a threat, he'd avoided faster and harder hitting in his time. Really, the only question on his mind was where that delectable smell was coming from... it was somewhere here on the second floor, but impossible to tell with all of the pink fleshies moving around. It was disrupting the air flow and by extension the scent, and beyond that the smell had been allowed to stagnate and perpetuate far beyond whatever room it was being kept in.

It was becoming a growing irritant, at least until the Pokemon picked out a familiar face from the crowd. He was quite aware that humans couldn't understand shit unless he literally spelled it out for them in writing, but... well, what the hell. Couldn't hurt to ask. Making his way over to the railing that separated the balcony from a steep drop to the first floor, the Wood Gecko would deftly hop up onto the metal surface, perfectly maintaining his balance as he approached and called out to the black haired woman - right about the same time that Ryusuke finally managed to catch up to the Pokemon's slowed pace.

"Yeah, excus- dammit. Grovyle, what the hell? Don't leave me behind like tha- oh." Ryusuke said, voice indignantly carrying over the crowd until he finally managed to step free of it - only to pause in surprise several meters away at seeing who the Pokemon had stopped to talk to. While she'd been the one to suggest it, given the sheer number of people present and what was intended to be a short stay the blond hadn't actually expected to see Stormy again after they'd parted ways in Oldale, at least not at the ball.

- Ryusuke following Grovyle
- Grovyle spots Stormy
- Approaches and calls out to her, intending to inquire as to the dining room's location
- Ryusuke catches up

made by duet of gs
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 2:24:34 GMT
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When it was food on the line Hina generally had no trouble following instructions. Unless of course she was the one expected to cook it. That never really went that well. But here she was just going to stuff her face and be merry. After all wasn't that what these fancy parties were for? So she followed the stranger who had decided that twirling her around without her permission was the absolute best idea. After all if he knew where the food was she could at least partially forgive the other transgressions against her. So she was pleased whenever she came out of all of this right in front of a large food of table.

Ignoring the fact that the man was scolding some Pokemon for piling up on some of the food Hina began to scope the table out herself. The fare was much different than her usual dried noodles microwaved until they were sort of soft. This food was the high quality stuff that you got for being a top tier member of the league. Something she wasn't yet but one day she'd get up there. Grabbing one of the plates she began to pile it up with sweets and whatever else her hands could grab onto.

in the ballroom
hina is dragged over to wherever the food is so that she can start stuffing her face full of it.
                           hina's dress

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 7:22:23 GMT
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"I think the question I should have asked is if you're a top or a bottom." He scoffs at the swerved accusation, though. Arthur looks elsewhere but Chu-e's eyes are all over the other. Half lidded, false relaxation, full of fight and fire just for the sake of it. He wants an argument and he will find one if he wants it bad enough. At the same time, Arthur seems the sort who would only frustrate him further instead of giving him what he wanted. Too composed for the thrill he craved right now.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Silver Spoon. I'm not a gold digger and if I wanted you bad enough I'd already be between your legs." It was clear who the one who really did think highly of themselves was. Chu-e shifted so he was on the couch on his side, stretched out, head resting in his palm. "I know you know more than you let on about me and who I am. I don't sleep with women or cowards."

Chu-e only made the first move if it benefited him. If it was someone he could get dirt on, someone who needed a knife in their throat, someone who could be useful later. He didn't like the chase. He liked being desired. A man who couldn't tell hi they were interested themselves wasn't worth his time. Only those who were brave got to tangle with 'the sluagh' of Rocket. No one who did ever came back for seconds.

i might have missed something orz

@ball, @arthurwright

➣ in the hotel room with arthur
➣ he's getting kind of rowdy again but there isn't any real venom behind it
➣ insert a foreshadow to their next thread where arthur is not a coward :u
➣ i like faeries so i made his dumb rocket nickname 'sluagh'
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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 7:22:43 GMT
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it was pointless. he was heartless to the core and unwilling to budge. this was getting neither her, nor him, anywhere. she tried, and utterly it failed. and so, she'd wipe her face, returning to her doll-like gaze and icy tone, and said, "i tried." pulling from her purse a tape recorder. she'd toss stand up, purse in hand, and handed it over to as it still played. "you're one step ahead as always." evelyn--no, songbird, spoke.

"he doesn't trust me, and if i don't give strong evidence of my allegiance...there won't be a place for me there." raising her head to stare into her, maybe, her furious brother's rage. she was ready to be given punishment for attempting to deceive him. "i'm sorry, big brother."

notes: the jig is up, .

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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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elijah gardner
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 8:16:13 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

"nice to meet y—"

the shrieks continue. fuck.

with every shriek and condemnation, elijah's suit shrinks tighter. it's like webbing being spun around him, and the voice from above shakes each confining thread with an icy resonance.

the pebble strikes the side of his head with a thud; he swears it draws blood— but it's simply a hemoglobic hallucination. from afar, his florges fidgets with concern.

"actually—" elijah returns to camryn. a swift reversal. the tails of his coat follow suit, whipping behind him. "i need you to trust me. the guy up there? has the biggest crush on me. i turned him down— now he thinks i eat babies."

he offers a look that seems to say, 'yeah, i know what you're thinking. crazy, right?' elijah leans forward, his convictions pulling him by the collar.

"trust me. pretend we're an item. we could've met in... kalos." elijah says. "he's just jealous i'm with someone, so he'll start to badmouth me, right?" he plucks a flower from the planter as if to kill the springtime of a faked romance. "don't believe a word he says."

@camryn & / elijah returns to camryn and asks her to pretend to be his gf while lying about victor

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 11:24:45 GMT
never trust your gut. that's some super natural feng shui astrology bull shit. only cold hard facts and probability dictate his decision. that's why he toys around the subject long enough for evelyn to break. she does quite early and fernando's found himself somewhat disappointed. "tch." he has no doubt that she'll never catch him slipping but this had been too obvious. it reeks of an amateur.

"you're still sloppy, eve." fernando resists the urge to crush the tape in his hand. instead, he pockets it, sure to keep it on him until he can dispose of it properly. "that's fine. you're better off here, by my side. you can come back home, evelyn."

the success, the triumph, the actuality of his position is what tempers his mood into something more productive. fernando is many things but above all he is a conqueror. and, to do so, he requires a legion. lashing out on the failure of his subordinates does not bode well for the lifeline of his empire. it's the reason why he had pampered after the regirock ruins despite his irate mood at her outright disobedience. and it's the same reason why songbird is given refugee under fernando's banner.

"bronwen is giving me enough shit as is."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 12:25:09 GMT
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xxx for
arthur is unable to resist a laugh. "it depends on the person." he replies truthfully, knowing full well that he is just a part of the food chain. there is always someone higher than him, and while he likes to be his own boss, he also finds that being the administrator of everything also has its constraints. somewhere in between appears more preferable, where he knows he has worth to those below, and also to those above. it's partially because he does not have the strength for it, he thinks. that's for others to fill in. chu-e is technically a rank above him. maybe ranks, he isn't certain on how the rocket hierarchy works, exactly, but when he imagines it, he does not want to take orders from him.

"is that pride i hear? at least that can be considered a shred of dignity." the beasts may be powerful, but that did not necessarily mean financially. and yes, technically their records are not hard to track down, so chu-e must've predicted by now that he had done some research on him. he is bold in more ways that arthur himself cannot mirror. he stands up and glances at the other for a moment. he is...too cowardly to do anything right now. he is unable to move any closer. "if you're still looking for that silph girl, all i can really say is that your rank won't mean anything to her family." he pauses for a moment. "you'll most likely be able to kill her, but making it out alive?" he lets out a sharp exhale through his nostrils. as much as he is interested in chu-e, he isn't going to risk his ass just to assist him in a petty scuffle. at least, not directly. "you do you, my dear. i think i'll head out so you can do some hunting." he does a mock bow and leaves a part of the suit so that he is just wearing a white collared shirt. he does not want to push himself too much on him, though admittedly the endearing nickname was a slip up on his end. the young man wonders if he would just ignore it.

tl;dr - if chu-e decides to let him out without a fuss he'll be able to interact with other people in the next post u w u

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 19:56:14 GMT
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[attr="class","twobeelyric"]NO ONE ELSE

[attr="class","twobeelyric1"]IN THE


[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]LEFT FOR ME





[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]THE ROAD GOES EVER ON


in spite of her shyness, lucie did actually enjoy meeting new people and was quite friendly once she got past the initial nervousness of a new encounter. deerling was that way, too - and though he was still wary of the sneasel that was in such close quarters, he trusted his trainer wholeheartedly, and watched with interest as lucie exchanged words with the sneasel's trainer.
lucie was much better at reading pokemon than people, but that was obvious based on her occupation. she was particularly good at reading moods, whether those belonging to humans or pokemon, but apart from that she couldn't guess much. was this person that mysterious, or was it just her lack of available judgment that disabled her from being able to figure out anything about him on her own?
she did notice the way his eyes roamed over her after finding out his guess was wrong, as if making up for missing a detail earlier. he must have been a very curious sort of person. it did not escape lucie, how he'd introduced himself saying a name he was 'known as'... so, was it his given name, or one he'd given himself? or one he had earned over the years? it was lucie's turn to be curious now. "bas..." she repeated, commmiting the name to memory. "it's nice to meet you, bas!" in spite of her curiosity she still completed the introduction with a cheerful smile. she returned the bow, not wanting to be impolite, and listened intently to the rest of his introduction.
"oh, i see. that sounds interesting! i have to do lots of little jobs often too. not everyone needs a researcher all the time. but i do like to travel. what kind of places have you been to, do you have a favourite?" she supposed that would be where he'd decide to settle down. at the next question, lucie shook her head. "i'm from johto! ecruteak city. are you... also from johto?" her head turned to the side- something about him seemed familiar but she hadn't been able to place it till his question. "what brought you to hoenn?"


# @max [break] ++ deerling observes quietly [break] ++ lucie becomes curious over bas' background









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stormy, bronwen
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 21:12:11 GMT
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0000 words@ryusuke

Something green flashed in between the legs of the crowd, and she took a second to squint. Was it that damned Whimsicott again? Why hadn't anyone caught that damn thing yet? Surely, surely Fernando's security wasn't just allowing it to cause more trouble.

The green flash stopped short though after it apparently saw her. She leaned back, clearly shocked to see this. She fumbled her champagne glass as it hopped up on the table or banister next to her. It seemed like it was trying to communicate, but she couldn't place where she knew it from. Had the booze really hit her that quickly?

Grovyle's trainer appeared not too long afterwards though to jog her memory. Oh, right. Ryusuke, the kid she had met several days ago near Oldale. She forgot she had invited him.

However, Ryusuke's response to seeing her leaves Stormy a little shocked and confused. His cut off 'oh' seemed rather.. dull. Like he was surprised or shocked or not happy to see her. The woman looked down at herself as if trying to figure out if maybe she was ugly or something; if her outer appearance had repulsed him.

"'Oh'? That's it? That's a little rude, don't you think?" she said hotly, her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment. She didn't look very well put together, admittedly. But that was only because her dress had been earlier stained by some clumsy individual and her Pokemon.
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