haul away [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 4:19:53 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"Well, ya comin' or what?" Plank calls to her partner, body hanging over the back of her beat up boat. One of her arms lays across the edge, supporting her body, while the other dangles into the water. Every few seconds the water under the latter breaks and a Carvanha surfaces to rub against its hand.

Her ROUGH SKIN has rubbed off a layer of skin from the back of it and left it bleeding, but Plank doesn't seem to mind.

"I figure they want us joinin' up with 'em sooner rather 'an later! Not that I care, but if I'm gonna waste a damn day on this I might as well do it right or whatever," she calls again, turning her hand over to rub the Carvanha's head with her palm now. This time Plank does wince a little when her skin splits on her scales.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 4:46:00 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar
”Hold on a minute!” Hendrix calls back, tugging at the skintight suit from neck up. Exiting out from the helm, he calmly looks at the young girl with an arched brow. ”Considering we’re going to be going deep under water, you may want to bring along some diving gear.” he gently chides.

Unclipping a Dive Ball from his waist, he gently tosses it into the water and with a bright white light and a loud pop, a Sharpedo emerges beside the Carvanha.

Approaching the edge of the boat, he looks down at both the Carvanha and the Sharpedo before his red eyes lock onto the girl’s hand, a frown quickly forming from his lips as a result. ”Where’s your first aid kit? You’re going to get an infection like that.”

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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 5:04:33 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"You may want to bring along some diving gear," she mockingly echoes the older man's warning, voice high and nasal, before tugging at the collar of her much-too-large t-shirt. Doing so exposes a bit of the one piece she's wearing underneath. Its collar sits just below the shirt's and its edges reach over to cover her shoulders and the tops of her arms.

A second later she whips the shirt off over her head before casually shimmying out of her basketball shorts as well.

"My tank is under the bench, but thanks for the heads up dad," she carries on childishly, rolling her eyes before reaching down to pick up the tank in question. She slips it on over her shoulders while the man releases his Sharpedo. It's greeted by a low grumbling from Plank's Carvanha, who backs away instinctively from her evolved counterpart.

"Who's ever died from a few scrapes?" Plank counters the man's reasonable advice that she do something about her bleeding hand, "Hardly the first time I've scratched myself up on Baby, the water'll clean it out."

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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 5:20:25 GMT
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He holds himself back from rolling his eyes and simply nods. ”Sure, no one’s ever died from a few scrapes, but there are worse things out there than the Carvanha and Sharpedo in the water.”

His mind trails quickly as he flashes back to the reports of Slateport’s sudden destruction and the sudden war that broke out between Hoenn and the man-eating cannibals from ultra-space. He shudders at the thought.

Hendrix doesn’t mind her sarcasm or insults though as they’re simply the reactions of a young child. Sometimes he wishes he still had his adolescent ignorance, but life is unfair in this war-ridden region.

Despite its menacing appearance, the Sharpedo seems happy to be near its unevolved kin, giving it an almost gruff-like bark of a howl. The redheaded man grins at the sight as he slips into the boat. ”Well, since you seem like you’ve got a handle of things, why don’t you lead the way?”

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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 5:43:12 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]The put-upon rolling eyes and sneering lips on Plank's face are temporarily put away and replaced with a much more smug, self-satisfied expression at the man's words.

"Baby will take care of anythin' else dangerous lurkin' in the water," she says in a proud voice before looking down into the water, "Won't ya, Baby?"

At her call the Carvanha surfaces again, momentarily abandoning the task of side-eyeing the excited Sharpedo to make the closest thing to a cooing sound she can in response to Plank's question. Absolutely! To whatever Plank asked! Admittedly the Carvanha hadn't heard, but her answer to Plank is always yes!

"Of course ya will, my tough girl!" Plank coos back, reaching down to rub at her head fins -- one of the few structures that can be rubbed without causing even more lacerations to her hands. Said rubbing proves to be incredibly distracting, to the point that she doesn't realize the man with her has asked her to do anything until a few seconds after he's finished speaking.

"Oh! Well yeah. Sit your ass down and I'll take us out to the divin' point," she orders before sitting down herself and reaching back to start the engine behind her. Once everyone's seated she gives the throttle a twist and they're on their way out onto the open water.

Baby trails behind close by, easily spotted on account of the yellow fins splitting the water above her.

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pokken rider, hendie
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hendrix emmerson
haul away [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 19:53:23 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar
Finding her antagonistic attitude to be quite endearing, Hendrix shrugs his shoulders and simply relaxes. His red eyes momentarily glance back at the Carvahna and the Sharpedo following behind them, briefly recalling her affection towards the unevolved shark. ”Alright, alright.” Hendrix says in compliance to the girl’s demands.

He’d be lying to himself if he were to say that he wasn’t impressed by the girl’s independence and smooth handling of the boat. The redhead leans down towards the floor and pulls a plain-looking beige satchel up towards him. Rustling through it, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes, casually placing one of them in his mouth.

”So, you native to Hoenn?” he casually probes as he lights the cigarette, trying to spark some kind of conversation between the two. Pulling the cigarette away from his lips and hovering his hand overboard to keep the ash from falling onto the boat, he peers over to the ‘captain’.

Figuring that she’d find his question annoying, he trails on, shifting the topic to himself. ”Personally, I’m from Galar. It’s a cold place, truth be told. I’m Hendrix, by the way. Pleasure to meet you.”

sorry for the late reply!

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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 21:11:55 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]First impressions of this man are low for Plank, what with his nagging and all, but at least he can listen well enough. A good thing for him! She won't entertain insubordinate persons on any ship she's captaining.

For a little while she just basks in the feeling of being on the water. The cool air on her now bare arms and legs, the occasional splash of water droplets on her skin. It's good. It takes the antagonism right out of her.

"Mm, yeah. Pacifidlog," Plank responds simply, eyes on the water instead of her shipmate.

The cigarette smoke in the air only softens her up more. The way it mingles with the smell of salt from the sea . . . it's nostalgic. It's hard to keep from grinning like some kind of idiot at the memories it dredges up.

She lets herself soak in them though, mind somewhere else while her body steers them on autopilot -- making little adjustments to the rudder here and there as they move.

Plank almost misses his follow up, only realizing he's speaking again when he's halfway through his introduction. Where he's from is lost to the wind, but she catches the important bits: Hendrix's name and his pleasantries.

"Folks call me Plank," she replies, "Keep actin' pleasant like this and maybe you'll be a pleasure t' meet yourself."

As she speaks she looks past Hendrix instead of at him, taking in the sight of coral through the water in the distance. That's probably where they're meant to dive down and watch for the Corsola. Shouldn't be too long before they're in position.


ooc: don't worry about it!

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pokken rider, hendie
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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haul away [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 0:05:15 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar
Uncaring about the lack of attention he’s receiving as the two are talking, the man simply looks up towards the clouds and blows out a puff of smoke from his lips. He casually drops the cigarette onto the floor of the ship, promptly stepping on it to put it out. Grinding his foot for a few seconds, he lifts it up to pick up the crushed cigarette and discards it into his back.

He can see the coral beneath the clear waters out in the distance. Lifting his body up, he approaches the wheel, and leans his forearm against the cabin window. ”Well, Plank. Seems like we’re pretty much here.” he states the obvious.

Not missing a beat and not waiting for a confirmation, he begins placing his diving mask over his head and starts sliding on the air tank onto his back. Pulling out a pair of waterproof earbuds, he slips them into his ear before placing the diving suit sleeve over his head. Pulling out a second pair, he places it against the window counter.

”Here, these’ll make it easier for us to communicate in the water. You can keep it if you want as a commemoration of working together.”

Hendrix slips away and sits at the edge of the boat, his back facing outwards as he preps to dive into the water. The Sharpedo shifts away from behind the boat to swim alongside it, using its ability SPEED BOOST to keep up with its pace. It patiently waits patiently for its trainer to drop into the depths below.

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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 1:54:10 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]For all the nothing Plank paid attention to Hendrix while speaking to him, she's intently watching him from the moment he drops that cigarette to the floor of her boat. It's only once he's snuffed it out and put it away that she lets her eyes trail back to the coral.

"Was 'bout t' say that . . ." she grumbles petulantly at his observation, turning off the motor as she does. Following his lead (by pure happenstance! He's not setting the pace or anything!), Plank slips on her own mask and gets her regulator in place. She refuses to remove the mouthpiece, and so accepts and puts on the earbuds Hendrix offers silently.

He will not be getting them back, permission or no.

As Hendrix gets set up to dive, Plank places herself on the edge of the boat as a counterweight. Once he's gone over she shifts some stuff to the other side of the ship as the counterweight for her own dive before slipping on her flippers and dropping in herself. The moment she hits the water her body relaxes.

She takes a breath in through her regulator before removing it and speaking into the water.

"I dunno how these damn earpieces work," she speaks, puts her regulator back in to breath, and then continues, "So if I'm doin' this wrong, tough."

She kicks her way deeper into the water, looks around a little, and then speaks again.

"You got an eye on the Corsola?" God, she sounds ridiculous with the pressure pitching her voice up, but nothing for it.

As she asks the question and puts the mouthpiece back into place her Carvanha joins her. Baby does a few loops around her, bonks her goggles once, and then settles at her side. Plank runs a hand over her headfins while she waits for an answer -- scanning the water for her partner.

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hendrix emmerson
haul away [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2021 7:07:13 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar
Thoroughly amused by the young woman’s grouchy behavior, he lets out a small chuckle wondering if this is how it’s like to have a younger sibling. He doesn’t mind that she’s staring daggers at him as such looks are the norm for him – especially when he’s moonlighting around at night under his alter-ego.

Seeing and hearing the young girl speak underwater and without her regulator causes him to chortle slightly. He briefly stifles his laughter, giving the girl an okay symbol with his hand. ”Relax, you’re doing fine.” he retorts cordially through his face mask.

He pauses for a moment, giving the girl some time to speak again, before nodding in affirmation. ”Yeah, I’ve got an eye on them. They’re not too far.” Waving over his Sharpedo, he briefly mounts onto it with an arm, letting it lead him down deeper into the reef.

”Let's just hang close. The Sharpedo and Carvanha should be enough to keep preditors away.” he says, making sure to keep some distance to not startle the school of Corsola. "So what's a girl like you doing far out from pacifidlog?" he casually inquires, trying to make small talk.

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haul away [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2021 19:05:07 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"I am relaxed," Plank replies with a sneer. Bubbles rise from her mouth to the distant water's surface as she puts her mouthpiece back in place. This guy is such a pain!

She wraps her hands around Baby's head fins as Hendrix does the same with his Sharpedo. They follow the pair reluctantly. What can she do but follow when he's the one with eyes on the charges?

Watching the mass of Corsola move takes some of the heat out of her frustration. They're really beautiful, especially moving through the natural, multi-colored coral reef around them. It's a breathtaking sight that would be all the better were she here alone.

Hendrix's attempt at small talk initially earns only a side-eye, but eventually she sucks in air through her mouthpiece and temporarily removes it from between her teeth.

"I needed money, so I took this job," regulator goes back in place for another breath, "and I don't stay in Pacifidlog often either way."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 31, 2021 18:48:53 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar
The need for money is life’s common issue. Hendrix can only nod in agreement towards the girl’s plight. ”Well, seems like you can chalk that as a job well done then.” he quips back, eyeing the school of corsola as they’ve swim about.

Seeing as they’re generally safe thanks to the Sharpedo and Carvahna swimming about and scaring away any would-be predators, Hendrix begins to descend up with the swift shark.

”Well, no need to hang around, I can get back to land pretty easily. It was nice meeting you, Plank.” he says rather warmly, still finding the young woman to be like a little sister.

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2021 0:04:28 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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