I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 18:51:07 GMT
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Having left behind most of possessions when coming to Hoenn meant that Noelani found himself doing the oddest jobs and just grabbing opportunities in general as well. Not what he usually liked to do but at least most things ended up amusing and interesting enough to not distract him too much. Hell, he had even gone as far to make cards that had “Odd Job Workers” printed on them that he had started hanging out to people. The company wasn’t exactly made yet and well all four employees it had were technically all him under various disguises but he was liking the idea of it. He knew an abandoned building he could claim for the company hq that and well it could serve as good front and alibi later on.
Of course, the reason Noelani was thinking about that more because he had taken a job and was currently waiting for a customer. It was actually the card paying dividends already as he had been contacted by a local pokemon taxi services to help. The owner only had a few pokemon good enough to ferry people and one of the corviknights had fallen ill. Now that wouldn’t have been a problem but only having three dedicated flyers it meant they couldn’t cover for the ill pokemon. That’s where he came in and why he had been called. It would be up to him and Haku his corviknight to carry the client.
Noelani had flown extensively before and had also made sure to study the map of Hoenn but the weather was a mystery to him and well sometimes you need a trial by fire so to speak.


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — tag , tag2

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 20:40:46 GMT
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Chloe was still new around these parts so she found herself often getting lost. It didn't help that she had a terrible sense of direction to begin with. Chloe didn't even want to think about what had happened earlier, Lilly her vaporeon had caused trouble yet again. At the park Lilly managed to snag an entire couples picnic meal, the couple didn't seem to be very angry instead they were were interested in the vaporeon. Around these parts they weren't seen very often was what she was told. Though Chloe still felt greatly embarrassed with what Lilly did. The couple was kind enough to forgive her, but if they weren't nice people. Chloe wouldn't have had any idea how to handle that type of situation. 

In any case, she was ready to leave the Upper District. The only reason she came here was to do a job, otherwise you probably wouldn't find Chloe in such a bustling city. She preferred the nice quiet country side instead. She stayed a little longer then intended, only because her taxi got delayed. The company told her that they were in a tight spot, but promised that one would be arriving to her location soon. Chloe wasn't really one to get angry over such a thing, they did promise her that one would come after all. 

She managed to finally found the location where the company said that the taxi would be. Soon as Chloe turned the corner, she found it the taxi. She was relived to see the glorious corviknight and his trainer. Waving her hand she offered a friendly smile. "Thanks for coming all this way, must of been tiring." Chloe gently stroked the corviknights head with her hand, her smile grew. She always admired corviknight, and it was her first time seeing one this up close. She only had a few bags to load on, "So where should I put these?" She asked
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 21:37:35 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar

It seemed the wait was over as their customer finally arrived. Putting on his customer service expression of polite acceptance and a relaxed smile on his face Noelani waved at the approaching woman. He had to resist the snort of amusement as he saw Haku lean in the touch of the woman as she pet him, that little suck up. Still, he waved off her thanks and corrected her “Don’t worry about it sweetheart. We are from the city so it wasn’t much of a trip to get here.”
Still, gesturing with his head for her to follow Noelani moved a bit to the side where a contraption that resembled a miniature cab without the wheels sat and gathered looks from nearby people. Unlike its galar variant the booth/cab had more of a sleek look to it with smooth lines and over all appearing somewhat more rounded. Moving to it’s back he opened its compact trunk and gestured towards it. “We can put the baggage here.”
Of course, he also moved back and offered to take her bags and put them in himself as he probably should. In the meantime, Haku with a short flap of his wings had moved on the stand on top of the cab and was making himself comfortable. Noelani turned his attention towards the woman once more and asked “Alright then I need to finishing setting up Haku up there and you could get in and take a seat but before that and the required safety lecture, why don’t tell me where we’ll be heading to?”
While he waited for her answer Noelani went through the required safety check before moving on setting the saddle onto his Corviknight.


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — @chloe , tag2

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 22:56:11 GMT
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Perhaps Chloe fell in love at first sight with Haku, the corviknight certainly is a gentle little guy. She gave haku one last pat before following after she was amazed at the sight of the cabin. Never having to ride a pokemon taxi before she had no idea what to expect. "Wow what an amazing contraption!" The woman exclaimed, she could feel the rush of excitement rise throughout her body. She was eager to hurry and get inside.  Chloe glanced over towards the trunk that had propped open, her amazement didn't decrease in the slightest. She found it to be even more amusing. Grabbing one luggage she noticed that Noel had offered to help. Smiling thank you, she finished placing one of the luggage's inside the trunk also putting her carry on besides it. Leaving Noel the last luggage to put in. Chloe nodded eagerly in agreement. She gently pulled the cabin door open and stepped inside. 

Sitting down, she was pleased to find out that the seats were more comfortable then she imagined. Though it did seem a little tight. Chloe was a little astonished when Noel mentioned the destination. She had been recently called somewhere to do a ranger mission, although she had some trouble recalling the name of the town. Closing her eyes to gather her thoughts, she recalled that the destination was Rustboro City. While Chloe wasn't to eager to be in another city, it couldn't be helped due to their being an urgent matter she had to deal with when she would arrive. "
Take me to Rustboro City please!" 
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Hau'oli City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 23:34:48 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar

Knowing how to handle a customer and in general currently not minding holding a conversation Noelani simply nodded his head and went into a brief explanation “Yeah from what I hear they are all the rage in Galar and with recent relaxation of exchange people have been trying to bring them over here. It’s still a start up business at least this variant on its own. Usually, they try to combine methods with the Alolan variant and a few homebrew saddles or methods of transporting.”
Having done brief research on the matter had definitely helped Noelani and it also gave him things to drone about just in case so there wasn’t awkward silence. More so because he did have to maintain some professionalism and not be too much of himself at least for now. Getting their destination, the alolan just gave a hum of confirmation before he busied himself with the final touches of preparing.
Once done he made his way to the door and leaned in to explain a few things “Alright this is the mandatory safety lecture. Try to keep yourself in the cabin at all times, don’t lower the windows too much or stick your hands out. Moving is also not advised as it would shake the cabin and make it harder on Haku to hold on to it and fly correctly. There is also chance we might have to land if we encounter a freak storm or something but those should be rare enough. That’s should be all. If you don’t have any questions I’ll go and get on Haku and we can take off.”
Noelani would wait for a few moments to get a response and if there were no questions climb the cabin and then mount his Corviknight. Before they could take off the alolan took out a pokeball and released Oya his Talonflame as well. She would act as an extra guide and protection should things go sideways. It never hurt to be prepared after all.
Having talked to his pokemon before hand he just needed to nod after releasing her before signaling for Haku to take off. Steadily they began to rise in the air at a slow pace with the city turning smaller and smaller under them. Couldn’t go too high though and after a few moments Haku would start heading in the direction of Rustboro City.
In case they needed to communicate while in the air though there was a walky-talky in the cabin with the woman that connected to a headset one Noelani had on. That way if she had questions or wanted to make small talk, he would be able to respond.


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — @chloe , tag2

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 3:37:46 GMT
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Chloe nodded, she got the gist of what Noel was saying, it explained why they looked slightly different from taxi's she saw beforehand. Chloe thought it was amazing how they combined the two together to create a new project. Impressed with the knowledge of Noel it felt reassuring, he seemed to know what he was doing. She felt somewhat relieved. 

She perked up and straightened herself out to listen very carefully to Noel, giving him a thumbs up to signal that she understood all the precautions. There was doubt that an emergency would actually occur. Taking a quick glance up at the sky, which seemed perfectly clear. It didn't seem like a storm was brewing either, however knowing the bizarre weather conditions, it couldn't be said with confidence. 

The slight rise of the cart startled her, she hadn't prepared herself of flight quite yet, but it was too late. Taking a quick peak outside through the window, her eyes widened with amazement. Everything had looked so tiny, it was quite the view to behold. As they were in the air, Chloe spotted out many pokemon including the talonflame which Noel had released earlier. She gave it a small wave, and glanced around as they continued to rise in height. 

Chloe realized something, she never gave the driver her name! How rude of her. Glancing around the cabin for a way to communicate, she spotted out the walky-talky. To certain on how it works, she decided to just go ahead and speak into it. "This is a bit late of an introduction, I'm Chloe. Chloe Porter!." Chloe spoke into the walky-talky a little louder then necessary, but she wanted for the driver to hear him. "The view is quite amazing in here! It's my first time riding in a pokemon taxi. It really is a experience!" She commented with a small laugh. 

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July 13
Hau'oli City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 21:48:27 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar

Noelani had to resist the urge to respond that it was his first time flying a taxi as well but while it could have been a bit amusing it was far more likely to panic the woman. It just wasn’t worth it in the end and instead he gave out his name in response to her introduction “I’m Noelani Kekoa your designated driver for this hopefully smooth ride.”
After that they would begin the flight in earnest, making good time though it seemed the alolan might have jinxed them somewhat with his previous statement. The wind had been steadily building in strength but oddly only in one direction, appearing unnaturally focused. Noelani could also spot in the distance a cloud though it was too grey and considering there were no other clouds in the sky he assumed it must be ash from the nearby volcano.
From the way it was moving Noelani could guess it would intercept them. That meant he could either take a massive detour, land and wait it out or pass through it. Pondering for a short moment he decided that it was probably worth the risk to just brave it. Adjusting the goggles on his face he talked into his walky-talky. “Alright we’ll have to pass through the ash cloud so don’t open any windows and make sure to sit tight, it’ll probably get a bit bumpy as we fly through.”
As soon he was done saying that he would adjust the scarf that he wore until it was covering his mouth and nose after that he would warn Haku of his plan. Not too long after that they would reach and enter the ash cloud. The winds were a bit stronger there forcing the ash to hit the cab and as result the contraption shook a bit back and forth.
Now that would have been fine and all but sadly Noelani could also currently see for shit. Before he signaled the corviknight that they had to indeed land after all Oya came through for them. The embers that constantly emitted from her feathers sprang into actual flames making the whole Talonflame come alight. Her orange glow turned her into a beacon and allowed Noelani to see her amidst the grey cloud of ash.
With a shriek Oya flapped her wings and flew towards their destination. Grinning under his scarf Noelani simply muttered “Atta girl” before taping Haku on his back and making him follow his other pokemon.
They almost came under another danger when a Skarmory flying through the cloud as well scraped the cab. Thankfully it was a young one and it only left a scratch instead of shredding the taxi. Soon the reason to why it was flying through the cloud became obvious as more and more Skarmory became visible due to passing close enough to the taxi. It seemed a flock of them had gathered alongside their young and were using the cloud as cover while flying.


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — @chloe , tag2

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 23:18:26 GMT
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"It's nice to meet you Noelani, and don't worry! I can handle a rough ride." Chloe replied in a confident voice, the bumpier it was the more fun and thrilling it would be right? Chloe had always enjoyed the thrill, it made her feel more alive then ever. Taking a quick glance through the windows, Chloe noticed something strange. A grey cloud that seemed to be building in size, from her deduction it was ash from the nearby volcano but wasn't certain. When Noelani suddenly spoke through the walky-talky, she was slightly prepared for it. She rolled up the window as quick as she could, unfortunately it wasn't quick enough. Small dose of ash entered through the window resulting in hectic coughing from Chloe. She used her hands to attempt and fan it out, but the ash didn't dissipate easily. 

Pulling up the collar of her shirt to cover her mouth with one hand, she figured that she would need to hold out till they got past the ash cloud for the ashes to fully dissipate. Her eyes began to tear up from the remnants of the ashes, attempting to look outside the window to see what had been happening. She spotted out the orange light that acted as a beacon, Chloe assumed it was the Talonflames doing and was rather impressed at the coordination. She managed to crack out a small chuckle. 

A larger shake had Chloe gripping at the wall of the cabin, that was a little unexpected but it seemed to be okay..  Taking another look throughout the window Chloe managed to catch a glimpse of a small skarmory, it concerned her a little since she knew that young ones always had a flock nearby. Hopefully it wouldn't cause more problems. 

"That, wasn't so bad!" Chloe spoke into the walky-talky with a light cough and surprising enthusiastic laughter. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 1:46:18 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar

Ah a bit of thrill seeker she was then. That was a good thing for Noelani since it meant chances were, she would leave a favorable review or at the very least not speak badly about the service. That would only benefit him in the long run in regards to the old man that had requested him and just spread his influence on the market so to speak.
Noelani totally wasn’t just distracting himself with such stray thoughts because he was worried about the flock of Skarmory passing next to the cab, nuh uh. If things weren’t already bad for his nerves then the frankly giant specimen of a Skarmory that emerged soundlessly next to him and Haku sure did a number on said nerves. The fact it just hovered in place next to them was not helping or the fact that Oya had closed in and was looking at the steel type with a glint Noelani recognized.
The Skarmory eyed them for a few more moments before giving a shriek that sounded like nails scraping on metal before continuing on and more importantly away from them. From all of that Chloe would have seen the bottom of the giant steel type and of course the noise it had made.
Not long after that the taxi would finally exit the ash cloud and reach the clear skies once more. It was only then after recovering a bit from his shock that Noelani would respond back to Chloe “You are right, it could have been way worse. Should be clear skies from here on. Which means in around half an hour we’ll be there.”
Realistically they could have been there way sooner but Noelani decided on a more sedate pace after the last bit of excitement they had. The ride after that would be indeed smooth with the only other thing in the sky besides the taxi and his Talonflame being scattered flying types passing on a respectable distance.
After the said half an hour passed Rustboro would indeed become visible. Circling above the city Noelani would finally pick up a good spot where to land. It was a park close enough to the pokemon center that didn’t have as many people so it shouldn’t be a problem to land. It might catch a bit of attention but that was okay with the alolan.
Once they were on land Noelani would dismount Haku and move to open the door of the taxi. The somewhat ash covered appearance of the woman did make his lips twitch into a grin but before it could take over his face he quickly gestured with flourish and spoke “Welcome to Rustboro, Hope you enjoyed the ride.”
Before they could part ways Noelani made sure to slip Chloe both his and the business card of the taxi company. He did also remain long enough for some small talk but soon he would need to fly back, after all there were a few more trips he had to make so his time was limited.


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — @chloe , tag2

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 2:35:46 GMT
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At the time, Chloe was to distracted looking on as the flock continued to fly pass them. She wasn't able to fully see them as they flew in the cover of the ash cloud, but she caught glimpses of at least ten of them. It was a decent sized flock for this time of season. She let out a small sigh in relief when the cabin's shakiness had somewhat toned down, though it didn't that they were passed the ash cloud just yet. Feeling concern for Noelani, she wondered how he handled the skarmory. They were fierce pokemon that Chloe preferred to avoid.

The loud cry of a skarmory caused Chloe to cover her ears in shear shock, her concern only growing. All the other skarmory seemed to pass by silently, she had hoped that nothing happened to the driver. Chloe was unable to see the bird in its entirety, but judging from the bottom half she managed to catch a look of, it was obvious that the alpha flew by. Feeling glad that everything seemed to be alright, since there was no words coming from the walky-talky. Chloe began to relax and settled back into the comfy chair of the cabin. She felt slightly tired from all the chaos, and decided it would be best to take a quick nap.

Slowly drifting off, unable to make out what Noelani had said before hand. Chloe fell asleep, even after the whole incident it was surprising how she could sleep so peacefully. It just showed that she had trust in the drivers abilites, and didn't need to be worried unless something extremely bad happened, and she doubted something eventful would happen twice.

The sudden thud stirred Chloe somewhat awake, as she rubbed her eye with her hands to see what had happened. She blinked as she glanced out the window, it seemed that they had already arrived. It was a lot faster then she expected, and she longed to ride the taxi again but it would have to be another day. Glancing towards the door as Noelani had opened it for her like a gentle men, a small grin appeared on her face. As she stepped from the Cabin she gave Oya and Haku a quick thank you wave.

"Thank you, yes it was quite the experience. Even managed to get some rest" Chloe said with a small laugh. She then headed back to the trunk, grabbing all the luggage she needed before heading back towards Noelani. Chloe tucked the card into a secure location and bowed her head to say thanks. Chloe was sure that the card will be useful, it didn't feel right to say goodbye to Noelani here, maybe another day they'll meet again.

"Ill be sure to write a great review for you!" She called out as she waved good bye, she would love to stay and chat but she also had a time crunch. Gazing at the city, her eyes sparkled with anticipation wondering what adventure would await her.
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I'm Flyin' Here [Open][M]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 0:06:31 GMT
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