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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 22:15:49 GMT
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The moon's light dawned over the beach's horizon, large ominous clouds loomed throughout the sky, Fay figured that a storm would brew within the next few hours so it would be best if she didn't linger for too long. The girl had spent a majority of her day at the beach, it was a great location to get food without having to worry about money. Looking towards the sky, she saw Ivy. The Skarmory looked magnificent as it flew in the moon's light, her metal like feathers had a beautiful glow. 

The bird landed smoothly, and nuzzled the young girl once before taking off and soaring once again in the night sky. Fay was able to tell that Ivy was enjoying her time. Suddenly Fay felt a little tired, figuring that a small nap would be fine. She laid out her red worn out cloak against the grainy sand, she placed it far enough where the waves wouldn't reach her. 

Content with her makeshift bed, Fay laid down her eyes still focusing on the moon and stars. She always felt amused when staring at the night sky, and would never get tired of it. With a mighty yawn, Fay slowly closed her eyes and drifted asleep the girl began to snore as she slept under the moon's light. 
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 3:44:07 GMT
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Rumor had it that some rare Pokemon showed up at the Slateport beach at night. Hideo, the up-and-coming-but-still-badgeless trainer that he was, couldn’t resist investigating this, sneaking out when he should have been asleep.

He knew the way there by heart; he didn’t need any of his Pokemon to guide him there. Though just to be safe, he had Rocky out with him; no idea who’d be lurking out at this hour, right? Even sounded like he’d scared off a few threats along the way, though he didn’t know if they were people or Pokemon.

He knew immediately when his feet reached sand. “Alright, Rocky,” Hideo whispered, careful not to alert anything that was already here, “Try to see if you sniff something out. They’re probably only coming out this late to hide.

The Lycanroc’s nose glowed as he sought out a scent - and found one quickly. He brushed against his trainer’s leg to let him know - quietly. “Good job! Lead the way!

So he did just that, sniffing away at the sand as he led the boy along the cool sand. It wasn’t a straight line there; on top having to smell it past the salty sea air, Rocky just liked walking along the beach. The sand just felt right on his paws.

Eventually, they’d reach the source.

Were Fay to wake up now, she’d be treated to the sight of a Lycanroc Dusk sniffing at her, with a young boy, his eyes closed, holding a Pokeball in his hand, grinning in delight.  Both illuminated solely by the moonlight.


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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 5:26:16 GMT
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Fay hadn't actually been sleeping. Her eyes just remained closed, as she listened to the earth's song. The gentle breeze, the sound of the waves, the noise nearby pokemon made were all components of earth's music. She enjoyed listening to it as a kid she often chose to hide away in forests by herself just so she would be able to listen to the sounds the forest made. It was a lot more peaceful compared to the sounds people made which were mainly chaotic. 

Though her eyes were still shut, she could feel the shadow of a person looming over her. One of Fay's greatest dislikes was getting disturbed, she didn't care who it was, if they dared to disturb her  she wouldn't hold her anger back. One eye opened to see who it had been that was in her presence, and the mere sight of the kid made her scoff in disbelief. She couldn't stand to see that stupid grin he had on his face. 

Upon closer inspection, she noticed that he held a pokeball in his hand and there was a Lycanroc that remained by his side. Fay was able to tell that the boy was blind, though she couldn't care less if he had an impairment or not. She wouldn't forgive him just because he couldn't see. Fay rudely smacked the pokeball he held in his hand away, it got thrown a few feet away from the three of them. Shortly after she stood up and dusted off the sand that had gotten onto her clothing. "Don't Shove pokeball's into peoples faces, and don't disturb people while they are sleeping." Fay remarked in  a rather cold and angry manner. 
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 17:20:58 GMT
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Hideo did expect some resistance; a Pokemon that went into that much effort to hide wouldn’t be too keen on some kid and his Lycanroc walking up to them. He knew well to keep a Pokemon with him at all times, especially when wandering outside on his own, so he was safe in case whatever they found fought back.

He was still caught off guard when whatever it was they found, slapped the Pokeball right out of his hand.

And it scolded him. She scolded him. “O-oh, sorry,” the boy stuttered, stepping back. “Thought you were a Pokemon.” His cheeks reddened a little - at least the darkness would help hide his embarrassment.

Predictably, his Lycanroc was less than pleased. Hideo could hear Rocky growling; he had to distract him fast, before he got aggressive. “Rocky, help me find that Pokeball. We could still use it.

Rocky glared at the woman, but acquiesced to his trainer’s request. They were fortunate that Rocky was (relatively) less aggressive when dealing with people than he was with Pokemon; were it a Pokemon that slapped like that, a battle would've broken out right then and there.

It didn’t take him long to find it, lifting it up into his trainer’s open hand with his mouth. Hideo made sure to pat him on the head, both out of gratitude and to help calm him down.

From where that woman talked from, Hideo could guess that she was laying on the ground - hence why Rocky had been sniffing away down there. Which raised a pretty obvious question; “So what are you doing sleeping out here? You waiting for some rare Pokemon too?


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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 0:31:31 GMT
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Fay sighed for a brief moment, did she feel slightly guilty for slapping a pokeball out of a blind kid's hand? Maybe. However it couldn't be helped really, Fay had always been angry and impulsive. She never gave much thought how another person would feel from her actions nor did she really care for it. Watching as the Lycanroc went to go fetch the pokeball, it was slightly amusing to see how well behaved the pokemon was. From all previous Lycanroc encounters, they were very high spirited pokemon unafraid to battle. 

Her attention then went back towards Hideo, eyes squinted at his question before she replied. "I wasn't sleeping, I just enjoy laying in the sand."  Would normal people lay on the beach at night? probably not but Fay didn't think it was strange or anything. When the boy uttered rare pokemon, fortunately Fay did not have a care in the world for such things and if that was the reason the boy was wandering the beach at night, then she would leave him right to it. "I've been here all day and haven't seen a single rare pokemon." Fay responded flatly, wondering if it would discourage him and make him go back home.

Upon seeing another trainer by Fay, Ivy soared through the sky circling a few times over head before landing next to the two trainers. As the great bird landed it stirred up a wind which made sand fly everywhere. The skarmory seemed quite content and let out a prideful cry.
With a cough Fay slapped Ivy. "How many times do i have to tell you to becareful when you land you big idiot." The girl rubbed her eyes attempting to get sand out of them before glancing back towards the boy. "Sorry" She uttered under her breath.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 21:02:24 GMT
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Hideo gently brushed his hand over the Pokeball, wiping off any sand and Lycanroc slobber that was still on it. He was mildly annoyed that she’d slapped it like that, but he could kinda understand it; he did just walk up on her, fully ready to throw it at her had she not stopped him.

Though he couldn’t resist tilting his head as the girl spoke. “You’ve really been here since the morning?” he asked. She must really like going to the beach - or she didn’t have anywhere else to go. He considered suggesting her to the homeless community Doug lived in, but held off; if he was wrong, he’d just offend her.

Well, not surprising you haven’t seen any yet. I came here this late ‘cause I heard the rare ones don’t come out ‘till it’s dark out. Plus, might be a little hard to find them in all this darkness. But that’s what I got Rocky here for.” His nose could find just about anything - heck, it was how they found her in the first place.

Rocky immediately pushed Hideo back, getting between the boy and the Skarmory. Hideo was able to keep his balance, but had to block his face from the sand flying around under the new Pokemon’s wings.

Hideo was more than ready to try catching whatever giant flying-type just landed there - until the girl started addressing it. “Didn’t know you had a Pokemon flying around this late,” he said, brushing the sand off his clothes. “Sounds like a big one too! What Pokemon is it?


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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 22:25:21 GMT
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Fay scratched her head, slightly annoyed by Ivy who had tilted her head down in order to lovingly nudge Fay and tug at the worn out cloak she wore. Fay ignored Ivy for the moment her eyes narrowed at the boys question she did not like his tone very much but she had been at the beach all day because she had no where else to go. She wasn't the type to join the homeless association either, it would hurt her pride. Fay also managed to survive just fine, so no real reason to call herself homeless. "That's right, I've been here for the past few days." Fay responded proudly, although her reply may have revealed a little to much then she intended to.
Fay sneered at the boy, wondering where all that confidence was coming from. "Yeah, and how are you so sure a rare pokemon would show up?" She asked in a slightly mocking tone, "Lucky for you though, I have no interest in rare pokemon so if you spot any out it's all yours." Fay said with a small sigh and shrug. She never understood why everyone was so eager to catch rare pokemon. She found that normal pokemon were the same perhaps even better compared to the so called 'rarities.'
Her head turned over towards Ivy when the boy mentioned her. A smile flashing onto her face. "Ahh, she's a skarmory. practically the embodiment of a knight as a bird" Briefly explaining the description of Skarmory to the kid.
Ivy's bright yellow eyes glanced towards Hideo and the lycanroc, after giving it some thought. Ivy tilted her head towards the Hideo, granting him permission to touch if he so wished. "Unlike me, she's a gentle sweetheart and fond of people."Fay responded with a forced huff.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 19:09:38 GMT
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Hideo raised an eyebrow - while keeping his eyes closed. A trick he’d learned a while ago. “You’ve really been out here that long?” he asked, somewhat incredulous. “Guess you must be using a lotta sunblock! Probably been eating a lot of fish too!” A joke, attempting to alleviate the tension, if only a little bit.

As for how he knew there’d be rare Pokemon out here? “It’s what I heard.” Not really much reason other than that. “And, well, I hear different Pokemon come out at night. Doesn’t hurt to catch a lot of different Pokemon for when you might need them, right?“ Completely ignorant of how they were the only two people on the beach at the moment. ”And I haven’t gone looking for Pokemon this late before, so I got the chance to find some new Pokemon!

At least he wouldn’t get any competition if he did find any.

He didn’t even know the Pokemon was tilting towards him until he heard her breathing right by him. “Oh! Yeah, I’ve heard of Skarmories before!” He reached out towards where he heard the breathing, and found the big bird’s head very quickly; just as metal as he was told. “Pretty popular Pokemon, though not a lot of people have them! I hear they can fly over 300 kilometers and hour; is that true? Does she fly around that fast for you?

Rocky carefully watched over Hideo’s interactions with the Skarmory; she did seem nonthreatening, but he knew better than to let his guard down. Especially with a Pokemon that sharp-looking.

How long have you had her for?


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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 20:01:07 GMT
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[newclass=.derrick]font:11px roboto;--accent:#1979e6;[/newclass]


She understood why Hideo found it strange. It wasn't normal for a person to wander around at a beach for three days. Sarcastically laughing at Hideo's attempted joke she responded. "Yeah, guess you can save I have." A lie, but Fay wasn't really one to really look after herself anyway. She had been stealing food more then fishing and just lying low in shades to avoid the heat. But he didn't need to know all of it, nor did she think that he would care. Her eyes looked over towards the moon, which had steadily continued to rise higher and higher. The night sky had been glittering with stars, small and large. It was a view to behold. Glancing back towards Hideo Fay began to wonder if she would have been blind how she would manage to survive in such a region. She felt guilty for Hideo. 

Her eyes scanned the coast line to see if any pokemon had showed up, and it wasn't surprising that there wasn't one in sight. "Well you'll probably be here for a while." As she told him that a drizzle of rain began to fall onto the two of them. "Looks like a storm's coming our way. You still insistent on staying?" She doubted that he would stay.

As he mentioned Ivy, she too rubbed lovingly at the birds head. Fay had kept Ivy for a few years now, and she wasn't afraid to say that Ivy had been one of her greatest pokemon up to date. "It's been about four years." Her tone had been different as she talked about the bird, not cold and sour like before. Fay briefly answered the other question. She hadn't ridden Ivy for awhile due to her body not being in great condition. When she did ride her, Ivy would go rather slow and it wasn't a long ride. "When she flies by herself I guess." 

Ivy had enjoyed the company of Hideo, it wasn't frequent that she met other trainers. She gently rubbed against the boys hand. Being careful of respecting his and the Lycanrocs, boundaries. 



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2021 21:42:48 GMT
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It wasn’t every day Hideo got to pet such a big bird. Biggest he had was a Cramorant, which was a respectable size. And this Skarmory was so cooperative, making it easier for him to pet her.

He knew to be careful of the wings, though. Those, he heard were quite sharp.

That’s pretty impressive!” Hideo said, marveling at her survival ability. He believed her completely, because why not? He had no reason to suspect she was being dishonest. “I’ve never had much luck fishing myself. They always manage to get away before I can pull them in.” Didn’t help that he wasn’t very good at knowing where to fish in the first place; it could be hard to tell what was a Pokemon splashing around, or just something falling into the water.

Just something for him to work on. Hopefully he could learn it soon; it’d make his future plans that much easier.

However, the news about the oncoming storm did put a damper on his plans. On one hand, he’d probably have a bad time getting home in all the rain; he’d be soaked, and Rocky hated getting wet. But on the other hand, he’d heard that there were Pokemon that only came out when it rained.

Hideo could feel the initial drizzle. If it already was starting to rain, it was too late. The boy shrugged. “Well, I’m gonna get soaked either way. Might as well try to come back with a new Pokemon.” He could dry his stuff off when he got back home. “And who knows; maybe something good’ll show up! I hear a lot of water types love coming out in the rain!

Of course, his Lycanroc looked far less eager to stick around. There was a nice palm tree nearby for him to hide under, protecting him from most of the rain, but he was starting to get fidgety.

It’s pretty cool you’ve had your Skarmory for so long! I’ve actually had Rocky here for longer than that! Got him five years ago, when he was a Rockruff!...though he’s only been a Lycanroc for a few-

He was interrupted by a cry from the shoreline; a Pokemon cry. A pink Gastrodon had taken the chance to sneak out of the water, ready to enjoy the beach under the cover of darkness and rain.

Hideo couldn’t tell what it was, but it was something. “Rocky, you hear that?! We gotta get it!

The Lycanroc, however, lied where he was. He wasn’t going to get wet for this.


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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 19:07:21 GMT
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[newclass=.derrick]font:11px roboto;--accent:#1979e6;[/newclass]


Rain began to drizzle and Fay let out a sigh. She didn't mind getting wet, she was also fine being caught out in storms. Looking at the clouds, Fay was able to tell that the rain should be pretty light with some small winds. At least it wasn't a downpour, she would be insane if she stayed around when one of those happened. "I can see why" Fay didn't believe she was being rude or blunt, it just made sense why a blind person of all people would suck at fishing. She figured that Hideno would also be used to such comments.
Her skarmory only tilted her head at the drops of rain which splashed against her metal like feathers, rain was perfect for such a bird. Perfect time for Ivy to get cleaned. Fay never really bothered to clean Ivy, her skarmory was very dependent and did things for herself with little issues. The bird let out a delighted huff, expanding her massive wing spans to get them soaked - she was cautious of the boy that had been near her.
"Well your not wrong about that." Fay responded, Hideno seemed to know quite a lot about pokemon a little unexpected. Fay figured that he had aims about becoming a trainer or researcher considering his personality those paths suited him well. Her eyes followed after the lycanroc who quickly went towards cover to hide from the ongoing drizzle. Still the lycanroc seemed to be cautiously watching over his trainer, being prepared to get soaked if anything were to happen.
She listened to the boys ramble without much care, it didn't really occur to Fay that Ivy had been with her for a large portion of her life. She wasn't really the type to reflect on time. The sudden cry of a pokemon also surprised Fay, she took a glance over to see what it had been. A pink gastrodon, this was her first time seeing such a pokemon - but Fay knew that they were common around these parts. Of course the boys reaction was expected Fay sighed at his eagerness.
"That's nothing special - just a gastrodon. " She wasn't sure if he would want to capture one, since it seemed like he was only looking for rare pokemon. Noticing that the lycanroc didn't budge a inch, Fay let out another sigh. It would be an annoyance but if he was still persistent Fay would help him out. "If you really want it, I'll lead you to it." The girl added on.



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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 2:28:40 GMT
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Hideo frowned. He was a bit bothered with how roughly the girl agreed with him. “Yeah. Well, maybe I’ll get better at it. But until then, I got some Pokemon to help me with fishing. One’s really good at it.” His Cramorant was very good at finding and catching fish. Only problem was he also had a habit of swallowing them.

At least she sounded a bit amused by him staying in the rain. Definitely wasn’t the most comfortable thing to do, but he was getting soaked no matter what he did.

He was more distracted with Rocky anyways; he noticed that Rocky hadn’t run over to whatever Pokemon had come out. He didn’t even use a long-ranged attack to soften it up for him. “You really gonna be that scared of the rain, Rocky?” the boy asked, arms at his sides.

The Lycanroc just let out a low moan, staying where he was.

Though maybe Rocky was making the right call. “Really? A Gastrodon? Guess I can pass on that then. Last time I tried to go for a Gastrodon, it took hours to get its slime off my hands.” Not a very pleasant experience. Wasn’t even worth it; he did not like how it had felt. “What’s it doing out here anyways? If it was trying to hide, it wouldn’t be making all that noise.

As it would become apparent, that Gastrodon’s cry wasn’t just to make some noise; quite a few more Gastrodons, some pink and some blue, emerged from the water. Hideo could hear them emerge from the water, but he only realized there were more when they also started making noise, crying out together.

...just how many are there now?” Just one, he could switch to another Pokemon and be fine. But a horde? No chance.


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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2021 2:15:35 GMT
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Fay had felt that something was off for a while now, but she pushed the feeling aside. Blaming it on her hunger and exhaustion to cause overthinking. Well now she was regretting the choice they should of left when they had the chance, the gentle rain and moon light created perfect circumstances for gastrodon to breed. "I can't tell.. " For the time being it looked like they just began to gather, if they left now they should be able to get away without angering them. Not that they were a threat, Ivy could easily take on a few gastrodons. Problem was they were steadily beginning to increase in numbers, each one letting out a fierce cry as they came to shore. Challenging other gastrodons and looking for the most ideal mate. [break][break] Fay's eyes locked on with a particular gastrodon who hadn't to looked very happy that there were trainers nearby. It let out a cry and began to charge towards Hideo. Fay quickly reacted by pushing the boy away from the Gastrodon. Barely managing to dodging the gastrodon's body slam herself. Upon seeing the aggression of the other gastrodon, the others were quick to also challenge each other. They weren't in a good spot, if they stayed they would be in the middle of the cross fire. Fay let out a whistle which caused Ivy to quickly fly over, her strong and powerful wings keeping the gastrodons at bay for a brief moment. [break][break] She glanced over towards Hideo, perhaps she was a little rough on him but thankfully he didn't look to be badly injured. It was either Fay's push or the Gastrodons body slam after all. Fay hopped onto Ivy and held out her hand for the boy to grab onto. "fast! and hang on tight." She told him, helping him up and then tapping Ivy to tell her to take off. She would apologize later, time being she was more focused on getting out of the gastrodons way.



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Blue Star

October 18th
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Ace Trainer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,476 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Moon Light (s)
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2021 19:36:16 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
In retrospect, the reason a bunch of water-type Pokemon came out onto a beach in the middle of the rain should’ve been obvious. But it became much more obvious as they started yelling at each other, battling with each other. “They’re...oh...probably should let them be. I’ve always been told to never interrupt Pokemon when they’re...trying to mate.” That was when they were most aggressive - and most adverse to being caught.

As eager as he was to catch a Pokemon, he’d just have to let his horde go. But unfortunately for him, they noticed him. And one Gastrodon decided to be extra-ornery and tried to Body Slam him.

Thankfully, Fay pushed him out of the way in time. Falling onto sand was a much more comfortable experience than getting bodied by a fully-evolved Pokemon. But he could hear more of them start to approach, and he knew he had to get out of there ASAP.

Rocky had finally stood back up, none-too-pleased by the sudden attack against his trainer. He made sure to stop that Gastrodon from making a follow-up attack by trapping it with a Rock Tomb. It didn’t hurt the Gastrodon that much, and it wouldn’t do a lot to stop the new ones approaching them, but he just needed to delay them.

Hideo stood back up, only to hear the woman tell him to hold on. He wasn’t even sure what she meant, until Rocky pushed him towards her, the boy grabbing her hand by pure chance. It wouldn’t be hard for her to lift him up there - he didn’t weigh too much, and he didn’t resist her help.

But there was still one problem. He hadn’t heard Rocky climb on the bird too.

Rocky? Come on, get on!” His Popkemon was more preoccupied setting up some Stealth Rocks to ambush the incoming Gastrodons. The Lycanroc would just look back to make sure his trainer was safe, before barking at the Skarmory to leave without him - he’d be fine holding them back.

He would just run away once they were in the air anyways.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Moon Light (s)
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2021 18:28:44 GMT
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[newclass=.derrick]font:11px roboto;--accent:#1979e6;[/newclass]


Upon getting Hideo up onto Ivy, the skarmory took off. Flapping her powerful wings and sending gusts of winds and sand, which ended up scattering the gastrodons that had been gathering nearby. Ivy soared through the sky, being gentle enough for the two of the riders to be comfortable but also enjoy the thrill of being high in the air As they flew in the air a number of flying type pokemon could be seen, also Fay looked towards the group of cawing wingulls and pelippers. They were not rare pokemon, but seeing in the air instead of the ground was always something Fay enjoyed. [break][break]
The glow of moon helped Fay spot out a good enough spot to land in. One that was far away from the gastrodons but close enough for Hideo's lycanroc to catch up. Giving the skarmory a pat, she signaled her to land. As she landed Ivy released a metal like cry. Fay gave the skarmory a pat against her peak and then got down. Helping Hideo get off as well. Her hand rubbed against her neck trying to figure what to say next. ".. you okay?" She glanced at the boy to see if he had any injuries, from the looks of it - he didn't. Though she figured that he might of been shocked since everything moved about so quickly. Even Fay's heart had been beating rapidly through all that. In any case.. Hideo didn't exactly discover any rare pokemon but did get to experience a rare event. It wasn't everyday people were able to encounter such large groups of gastrodons or fly on a skarmory if that mattered to him.
The rain also steadily began to halt, which was also good news. She figured that she should be departing soon. It had been a long night.
"Well.. I'm Fay. " It was a rather late introduction, but she realized that she never told him her name. "I'll be going now. Be careful on your way home." She got on top of Ivy once again, she didn't know the boys name but didn't figure to ask. She didn't think that they were on the best of terms anyway.



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