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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 22:40:45 GMT
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it was chilly that evening, even there on the southern coast.

she stood with her arms casually crossed over the railing, ocean wind lightly billowing the collar of her jacket. the cherry of her cigarette glowed in the dark, as did the eyes of her solrock. from a distance, they appeared to be three red dots in the sky, accompanying the spinning searchlight. close beside her sat a houndoom, who also stared out into the waves, looking equally as pensive.

they’d given her several days off in a row, and she’d used almost all of them working on new projects. she’d allowed herself this one night off, choosing to spend it mostly in solitude.

slateport was now her home. thanks to the money she had earned from ’s job, she had been able to put herself up in a month-by-month apartment on a good side of town, where she wasn’t worried that her work would be disturbed by intruders. all was going well. a few dollars made everything feel different—more than a new hairstyle. it nearly seemed time to change her name again.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 21:01:16 GMT
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Feeling the cold ocean breeze brush against her cheeks sent shivers down her spine. Goosebumps slightly prickled up throughout her forearm.

Her nose slightly wiggles at the scent of salt and tobacco. Like perfume, it’s pleasant to her senses. She quickly realizes she’s not alone this evening, though it’s not surprising. Watching others is a terrible habit of hers. A bright beaming light occasionally flashes overhead. A natural trait of lighthouses. Gently, she presses her thumb against her lips as her auburn eyes latch onto the dark-haired woman in front of her.

”Oh my… this doesn’t seem like a proper place for a pretty girl like you to be alone at.” she says with a simper and playful smile, her tone almost taunting and goading. Her approach is casual and slow. She reaches out against the railing, leaning over it slightly.

Shifting her attention away from the view, she looks back at the woman with a vapid stare. ”I liked it better when you were blonde~” she says impishly and revealingly.

currently disguised as fujiko mine from lupin the iii

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 21:56:13 GMT
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There were lots of things Lulu didn’t like. Near the top of that list sat presumptuous strangers who strolled up in the dark acting sus. Slateport was chock-full of psychos.

Of course this would happen on her evening off. Her shoulders began to turn as the woman approached, in order to square off with her a bit. The look in the woman’s eyes was strange. Was she on drugs? Likely. Weirdo.

She didn’t know it was them, in Rocket, and she couldn’t think of any good reason off the top of her head why someone she didn’t vaguely recognize would approach her in the middle of the night, and cryptically casually slide her some ‘I know something you don’t know’ card. All professionalism was thrown aside in favor of survival. She dropped suddenly and retrieved a small revolver from a flap within her boot. It was already aimed at them discreetly, and she slowly rose from her crouched position.

It was perhaps a severe reaction. Jumpy, even. The Dragons were not two months taken care of yet in Hoenn, though, and they still existed outside of the region. She could still feel the nerve damage in her shoulder that had taken some extra time heal from a gunshot. If she had anyone to look out for, anyone who would want to corner her alone (if anyone had ever put it together what might have even happened) it was them.

“I’m hardly alone.” She assured her. The Houndoom beside her growled lowly and small flames licked from under its gleaming teeth, while the Lunatone rose a little higher over her shoulder to return a stare just as eerily unreadable. Two demons beside her, three pairs of red eyes glowing by the light of the moon. “Who are you?”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 22:58:28 GMT
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She continues to look directly at the eyes, unperturbed by the revolver in her hand. Her stature, pose, and even expression remains nonchalant. ”Isn’t it funny? People often say first impressions are the most memorable.” she retorts flatly without answering the question.

Her hand slowly extends below her stomach and into the small purse by her waist. ”You don’t mind, do you?” she asks with a placid smile. She casually pulls out a small metal case, popping it open to pull out a cigarette. ”It’s such a bore, smoking alone.

She slides a small match from the other side of the case and with a quick swipe, ignites it with a small ember. She briefly muffles the flame over her lips, lighting the cigar before flicking it down the side of the lighthouse. The small ember diminishing and shrinking smaller and smaller as it slowly descends to the ground below. Her lips purse slightly as she blows out a puff of smoke to the side. The rush of nicotine washing over her mind makes her body feel lighter.

Finally, her gaze shifts back to the woman and her two pokemon. ”Put that thing away already, you’ll make too much noise. I’m certain you wouldn’t want to spoil your fresh look, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to move away from your new safehouse after only just two weeks.”

the confidence in her tone persists even against the blatant threat against her life. "If it's this easy for me to figure you out, what makes you think it's not this easy for others?"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 23:17:44 GMT
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No words left her, but her mind was racing through the possibilities. She took a couple of deep breaths as the woman spoke. She was so nonchalant. An odd sensation both warm and cold befell her body as the revelation hit. She was being stalked.

Lulu was ambidextrous. She was also quite strong, with a chest and shoulders more impeccably chiseled than anyone in Hoenn except knew. She started every day with fifty pushups before solitaire. With the gun still in her right arm, her left hand was free, and she used it to throw a sucker punch at the woman.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 23:53:22 GMT
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A wild sense of déjà vu scrawls over her body as she watches the almost telegraphed punch come her way. Unlike her game with , she has no intention or interest in playing along with the woman. She seamlessly shifts her body inwards, raising one arm to push away the punch to the side while reaching out with the other to grasp the woman’s wrist, the cigarette in her lips falling loose to the ground in the process.

”And here I thought you were much more temperamental with the Solrock by your side.” she whispers, ridiculing the woman with her barbed words harking back to their previous confrontation with . While it wasn’t immediately apparent, she did keep a watchful eye the sun-shaped rock’s behavior and how it seemingly stopped functioning when the woman snapped.

She locks her hands with the other’s, positioning themselves as if they were performing a ballroom dance. Her grip tightens, revealing the more masculine strength hidden beneath her effeminate figure.

Giggling softly, her indifferent smile becomes one of slight amusement as the fear in her eyes becomes all the more evident. ”You really shouldn’t reveal your cards so easily.” A loud snap can be heard out from the sea – a small blast of water striking against the Houndoom.

An Inteleon emerges from the sea, its finger pointed upwards at the lighthouse, continuing its aim onto the Solrock next as it holds back a second SNIPE SHOT.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 0:40:49 GMT
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Red eyes went wide as her hand was snatched out of the air unexpectedly. Her mind flashed briefly back to the chilly October night, when the trunk door had opened and one of her kidnappers had grabbed her sailing punch in the same fashion. It, too, caught her breath for a fraction of a second.

She knew about the Solrock even, although this didn’t tell her much about who the woman might have been or where she’d seen her, as Lulu had been in the company of Solrock constantly for weeks. Perhaps it was time to find a different remedy.

The gun dropped out of her other hand with a clatter on the floor as the woman grabbed it, holding her close. What the fuck? With a growl, she was soon delivering a forceful headbutt her way, and went to reach for her gun again.

As she did, she watched her Houndoom be knocked back into the nearby concrete wall. She lunged to look over the edge, narrowly evading the second shot as it met her Solrock only seconds later. Lulu backpedaled, still holding her gun defensively. The Solrock rose to offensive position as it seemed to sense a shift in her, and what was previously an impressively steady hand began to shake, if only just a little. Not out of fear of shooting, but the rush of feverish, comustable adrenaline that hit her when her pokemon's soothing energy was rerouted. The Lunatone’s eyes glowed and pink red psychic energy swirled towards the woman. “Call it off, or I’ll fry your fucking brain and make you tell me who you are.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 1:05:34 GMT
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Pieces of her sunglasses clatter to the ground, having been broken from the sudden blow to the head, revealing the fiery glint from her eyes. Even as the two backtrack and put distance against one another, the Inteleon holds steady, continuing to hover its aim over the floating sun rock.

She can feel the blood rushing to her brain, yet despite the attack, she doesn’t openly retaliate. Even as reaches back down towards the ground for the gun and aims it back at her, she simply continues to stare at her callously.

There it is again. The feverish glare that had drawn her attention the first time. ”It’s fascinating, really. What it can do to one’s mind.” she continues, as if she hadn’t just been threatened by the woman in front of her. ”Say, what do you call it anyways?” she shifts, asking the woman. Clicking her tongue a few times at the Solrock, she then inquisitively asks it. ”What does she call you?”

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 1:27:20 GMT
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Lulu’s eyes narrowed even more. As much as she wanted answers (which was the only reason she hadn’t already pulled the trigger), she was not about to play this woman’s game.

In an instant, she tossed a pokeball into the air. “LOCK-ON.” Though the Inteleon was far away, the Klinklang’s zap cannon—the one they had seen used when it was only a Klang—presumably wouldn’t miss if it fired, and it would, if the other Pokemon attacked.

“It doesn’t have a name.” The words were cold. It was then that the Houndoom had rolled back up to its feet and lunged for the woman, teeth bared, dark energy swirling around it as it attempted to deliver a CRUNCH. Simultaneously, Lulu commanded her Solrock. “CONFUSION.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 2:09:34 GMT
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Realizing that the woman has no intention of talking things out, the Inteleon quickly fires another SNIPE SHOT at the Solrock at the appearance of the Klinklang; though with its position compromised, it doesn’t take long before it’s struck by the powerful zap cannon.

The Houndoom is intercepted by another that leaps down from below the light. Its claws extend outwards, striking the dog with a NIGHT SLASH before pressing down against it.

Yet despite their counter attacks, she feels the sharp pain that floods her mind is only brief and miniscule in comparison to her daily mutilation. Reeling backwards against the railing and clutching it tightly to keep herself on her feet, she lets out a low and ominous chuckle.

”You could pull the trigger right now and kill me.” she deliberately taunts. "It'll certainly ease your mind for the moment, but after that?"

her lips purse together, forming a devious grin. "If I know who you are, then others do too. You'll be looking over your shoulders for the rest of your life, weary of everyone around you."

As she says this, a second Solrock emerges from the stairs. Its narrow red eyes lock onto the Solrock besides the armed woman, casting hypnosis on it to put it to sleep. It lets out a low hum before turning to the woman, casting its psychic powers towards her as it attempts to make her more docile.

"It's fascinating, really. What it can do to one's mind." she repeats herself.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 2:49:51 GMT
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The Klinklang listed in the direction to shield the Solrock, knowing its importance. The attack hit its steel abdomen with a metallic bang, sending it through the glass (damnit), but not before a bolt of electricity passed by it in a reverse trajectory.

The Houndoom let out a yelping growl that gave away the breath knocked out of its chest. It was held to the ground, and Lulu’s eyes flashed suspiciously over to the Zoroark. While she spoke about holding cards close, clues were burning through them and falling around her. “No shit. I want answers.” The Houndoom let out a fearsome sound and a hot INFERNO engulfed both of the Pokemon, heating up the general vicinity to an uncomfortable temperature.

She watched the woman stumble back and let out a psychotic chuckle. Interesting. Lulu also had used CONFUSION on herself several times, and similarly enjoyed the effects. Hm. Then she watched the other Solrock, slowly dimming the powers of her own. It was the second Solrock she’d ever seen. The Klinklang, still guarding it, disassembled into three pieces, two of its gears coming around either side of the Solrock to sandwich it with a great impact (GEAR GRIND).

“You’re late on that one—I’ve had trust issues for a while.” If the woman was a Dragon, it would ring as a pointed remark. They had been the traitorous ones. She’d been innocent. “Tell me, then. Who am I?” Curious about which of her five identities the woman might have thought she knew her under.

Lulu was still pretty cold off the mark. They had her fooled and in a territory they couldn’t possibly know. However, she was perhaps one good clue away from turning a one-eighty in the right direction.

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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 3:37:43 GMT
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”No.” she utters blandly, refuting the woman’s desire and need for the truth.

Even as the pointless battle begins to unfold, she remains rather unsympathetic towards her pokemon. Once again, she reaches back into her purse to pull out the cigarette case and casually lights another one. Puffing against it, she blows out the smoke in front of her, letting it momentarily screen the other’s face.

Extending two pokeballs in the palm of her free hand, she recalls the Zoroark? and the Solrock? back before slipping them back into her purse. ”It’s a shame, really. Here I thought we might make good friends, but at this rate, with the fire and destruction, Slateport’s finest will be here in no time.”

There’s disappointment in her voice as she slightly frowns. Waving her off, she begins to walk towards the stairs, but not before briefly glancing back at her with a small smile. ”How many more organizations are you going to burn?” she asks before she begins descending down the stairs.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 3:53:16 GMT
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The woman was right. Caught up in her fear, she’d neglected stealth.

Her heart rate increased. She looked back to find her Solrock completely asleep.

When her eyes returned, and the words left the woman’s mouth, everything became clear. She knew about Rocket. She, they were in Rocket. She saw red. How dare they. As they began descending the stairs, Lulu ran towards them, tackling them full-force and presumably tumbling down with them. She growled in their ear, arms as tight as she would manage to get around them. You motherfucker.

Her Houndoom looked up at the sleeping Solrock who was all but forgotten behind, and then ran to look over the edge of the stairwell to witness the damage. The gears of the Klinklang spun and reassembled before joining it.

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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 4:30:23 GMT
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The rush of adrenaline drowns the pain as she crashes and tumbles down the stares with . Pinned to the ground with the woman over her, her smile twists somewhat passionately at the low growl and anger flushing over the other’s face.

”If this is how you wanted things to be, then you should have said so right from the beginning.” she says somewhat teasingly.

Yet, their game of cat and mouse is cut short as she quickly retaliates in kind, reciprocating another headbutt to disorient the woman. Shifting her body to the side, she shifts her body to roll over the woman, pinning her slightly to the ground.

With her hair slightly hanging, a visible gash can be seen over her forehead; though no blood trickles out. She can feel the brisk cool air through the tear and frowning slightly, she pulls herself off the woman, tearing away at the mask and wig covering over her head.

Unlike before, there’s no audible sound of joints cracking and popping. instead, she simply shows the woman what’s truly beneath the mask – skin seemingly stapled in place on his face over what looks like charred and rotten skin.

"Ah... this is the worst." he laments, flicking out a flip knife and pressing the blade against her cheek. "Do you think anyone would realize you were missing if I were to take your place?" he asks, his voice still effeminate and unchanged.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 4:56:00 GMT
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When they ended up at the bottom, Lulu came out on top. Small cuts and bruises littered her skin, but a slightly crooked nose and several scars were enough to make it obvious Lulu was no stranger to roughness.

An instant headache shot through her head and her hands loosened for a moment, enough for the other woman to roll her onto her back. She felt the steel against her cheek. Her head throbbed. She panted some, teeth gritting, her glare like daggers.

The thing about this new look? She wasn’t convinced it was real.

“I’d think so. I just got a promotion. I’m on vacation before I take over my new position.” It was then that the Houndoom came from behind to shove the man off. Headbutts all around. “And you’re ruining it.” She could have strangled him. She rolled off of the ground, brushing debris off of her clothes.

“I've been appointed Head Scientist. Doubt you can steal my brain, you bloody dumbass.” He’d have an organization against him. He’d be lucky if he wouldn’t already, at this point. “Why are you stalking me?” She needed answers, and she needed them now. She would be taking his shenanigans up the ladder.

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