reservoir dogs [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2018 2:35:36 GMT
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it's 3 am, and the city's lights have dimmed to simulate night. sly as a liepard, a bulletproof car prowls down cobblestone boulevards.

dorothy is sitting pretty in the backseat, dressed in team rocket's uniform and a vapid smile that she directs out the tinted windows. her eyes seem to see nothing at all. at the wheel is the chauffeur, a gruff heavyset man whose cap conceals his face. and here and there are her two partners in crime. well, one partner and a supervisor, really, if you take ranks into account. all the same to dorothy.

the car rounds a corner and slows before a flagship jewelry store. high-end, three stories, glazed with elegant cathedral-style windows. intel claims that the rear exit is the weakest point of entry, so the plan is to strongarm their way in there without attracting attention. the street is deserted, but perhaps not for long if they don't get moving soon.

dorothy pops the door open and smiles over her shoulder. "ready?"

tag:  & @leia
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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2018 3:16:50 GMT
this is not where she belongs. esser is the odd one out, lost in a somber worry about the consequences of their action. the thrill of the hunt does not bless one that's so used to being prey. her age, her stature, even her pokemon work against her. she's a feeble girl wrapped up something bigger than herself. the pre-heist jitters that exudes from everyone else reminds her of this. tonight, her job is simple; don't screw this up.

black, on black, on black. there's no flare to her outfit. the staple red R is smoldered for their need to hide. or at least esser omits it from her details. she knows she's a burden - so she makes herself indistinguishably. she's used to that - a pawn left and forgotten behind the display rocket's true pieces.


it's a blatant lie. her hands shiver as she stumbles out of her seat. esser's terrified.

@dorothy @leia
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2018 3:38:45 GMT
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[attr="class","lmb"]Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to steal the most rad stones of all in a store. Make it discreet, never get caught. Become the spies you are great to be. The mission was not posted as such, instead, it used elaborate words Leia knew was probably fake. No way a regular person knows these words. Why not make it sound cooler? I demand the person who writes these to make it informal.

Leia was in her spy clothing. All black just so she could blend into the night perfectly. A more ridiculous article would be her sunglasses, she could never depart from such an item. Precious gems can go suck a berry.

"I'm not going to lie, the thought of just going on a heist with just us ladies has gotten me all riled up to go," a smirk plays on her lips as she looks at them. "Drinks are on me after this~"

There is a tension from Esser, before she could address it properly the driver told them they would have a limited amount of time.

"Hmph, if they have any nice shades, I'm stealing some for myself, let's get going children. I will be the rear."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2018 4:20:04 GMT
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miss mint assumes rear position, leaving dorothy and esser as vanguards. "you take the shades, then," dorothy says with a glimmering laugh, taking esser lightly by the elbow the way she might link arms with a friend. "i call dibs on the hair jewelry, if there are any. what about you, dear?" addressing esser. "anything you want?"

dorothy stops before the building's rear exit, a modest door likely reserved for the use of staff. she lets go of esser's elbow to jangle the doorknob. locked, of course. "i think it's a sliding lock," she says, stepping back as she unclips a pokeball from her belt. a hypno blinks into existence.

"morpheus, dear, could you psychic the door open? as qui-"


"...etly as possible," dorothy sighs as she peers into the inky darkness of the store's interior, making out the vague outline of a door blown off its hinges. "ooh, i hope no one heard that."

the overhead lights flick on automatically. beneath glass cases, each and every velvet display is devoid of precious stones. they must have been whisked away into the store's safes for the night.


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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2018 4:56:20 GMT
safety in numbers - their courage is a boldness that esser cannot hope to carry. instead, she's ushered along by the doctor, an expert in knowing just the right action to ease her in. "i'm okay," she rescinds, "we should just grab whatever you two want and get out." she doesn't add in the part about not wanting to hold them down. esser is well aware that she's a ticking time bomb. it's not how; it's when.

for now, they're safe. the hypnotist's little mishap hadn't set anything off, yet. but their discovery paints a different picture. this won't be a simple smash and grab. no, they'll need a little more umph. "let's hurry." esser's frantic, thrown off by the empty display cases. for once, she leads the charge toward the back and is rewarded by an abrupt blare. her mindless rush had tripped one of the infrared alarms. aside from the constant wailing and blinking red lights, nothing's changed. but now time is of the essence.

"oh god, i'm so sorry."

she fucked up. again. they're too far in, so esser doesn't clam up. but it still effects her. she's getting sloppier by the moment.

@dorothy @leia
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2018 19:53:35 GMT
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[attr="class","lmb"]Oh my. Such a loud noise in such an ungodly hour. Even she jump a bit, a slight startle. The sound of an alarm rings in her ears, Leia grunts a bit before looking around for the source of the sound. Clicking her tongue, the underboss sent out her Noivern. A bit tight in the space it was in. "Get rid of that disrespectful sound."

The Noivern took no more than a few seconds to rip off the alarm. The store came to silence once more. Leia knew quite well Noivern's are sensitive to hearing, and to summon such a pokemon to a place so loud, would be torture. the Noivern glance at her hesitantly before returning to its proper pokeball. Not a sound was made other than the clicking.

As the silence becomes deafening, Leia count internally for how long the alarm was on. Her eyes became sharp as she then turn to the two. "The police will arrive soon, let's get the stones and grab whatever else we need."

Like a child, as soon as her eyes saw an item glistening on a display case her eyes lit up with glee. Her feet immediately took her to where her eyes hungrily devour the sight of. Sunglasses. Not just any ordinary sunglasses, the kind you find in movies where all the handsome actors wear for riding their cars into the sunset. The cool kind. Just right up her alley. "Oh hello beauties, come to mama Mint."

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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2018 21:19:10 GMT
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miss mint's noivern, a gorgeous jet plane of a creature, makes short work of the alarm, but the police are sure to have been alerted already. "don't worry, honey," dorothy says to esser once her ears have stopped ringing. morpheus waddles to her side, totally unfazed by the earlier commotion. "no such thing as a heist that goes smoothly." she speaks as though from experience. "i was hoping for a little more action anyway. ooh, maybe we'll get to go on a high-speed chase?" exciting times. 

dorothy spots a staff-only door and heads for it, laughing as miss mint picks up a glitzy pair of sunglasses. "i didn't think they'd have shades at a jewelry store," she admits as she inspects the card reader set above the doorknob. "morpheus, again please."

the door crumples like cardboard. it makes an odd squelching sound, but dorothy pays it no heed. too late to worry about the noise.

a very large jewelry safe rests in the corner of the room. "don't think it would be wise to psychic the safe again. i don't want to risk breaking anything inside." maybe one of her partners has a pokemon with precise force capabilities, or maybe the safe combination is hidden somewhere in the room.


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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2018 4:33:01 GMT
what powerful pokemon. esser is left in awe at the incredible display. this time, she knows her place. she takes a back seat to the operation, dwelling on his mistake, allowing the inadequacy to seep in. in front of the brute force of her partners, esser can only offer up six measly mutts, none of them strong - a true personification of their trainer.

a little reassurance isn't enough to comfort her now. it's a battle against her own psyche but they don't have time for that. esser continues behind them, keeping enough of herself together until they're in the clear. other than that, she's the same as always: useless.

@dorothy @leia

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2018 23:11:26 GMT
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[attr="class","lmb"]Leia took a look at a pair of fake glasses with jewels on them. Her face contort to disgust. "Who the fuck has this fashion sense?" As those words came from her lips, she already put the item neatly into her bag. After browsing the horrible sunglasses, she turns to look at the two. Contemplating on whether or not to take a couple just for the girl gang to wear for the hell of it. I want to burn or make this building explode as we walk away.

Taking two decent looking sunglasses she walks over with long strides. "Hm, Metang get up," the underboss took out the pokeball that held the creature. A red beam summons her iron claw pokemon with ease. "Metal claw."

The pokemon got to work quickly and efficiently. A loud thud rung in the air as the sight of their prize came to view. Leia took one look and a click came. "Mm, remember how I said girl's night after this? How about we take Esser to a strip club."

A horrible proposition now, but one to hopefully consider. Metang moves back to Leia's side a blank look on its face. "Let's take as many as we can and move."

There's still the police to worry about.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @daniel
reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2018 3:33:03 GMT
it's the alarm that wakes him; loud and sharp, it snaps him right out of the concrete-like beds the league provides in their many bases around the region. the one in mauville feels especially worse. he silences the ungodly sound with a single tap; sleepy eyes look over the message displayed on the screen, and even before he reaches the tail-end of the message, he's scrambling to get dressed to leave because he knows: time is of the essence.

from the front, the store looks undisturbed, which worries him because it doesn't look like the work of amateurs. then again, what professional trips an infrared alarm? he's wary of the situation. "cadet walker on scene." there has to be a back entrance, so he quietly circles the store and sure enough, the door's blown straight off. "requesting backup."

proper protocol dictates him to wait, but the chance of glory and recognition overpowers him. carefully, he calls out his aggron and immediately places a single finger over his own lips. reaching forward, he places his hand on aggron's thick skin and pats thrice, gesturing into the store.

the overhead lights give their position away. his heart pumps in his chest, echoing in its hollowness. he finds his league-assigned firearm and draws it, points it. he holds it firmly as his voice commands. "stop what you're doing!" gun to the youngest of the trio (esser), his grip tightens. "you're under arrest by the league. hands behind your heads!"

behind him, alpha prepares himself with an IRON DEFENSE.

@dorothy / / @leia

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2018 3:54:07 GMT
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dorothy has her hands deep in the safe as soon as the metang claws the door off. "mm, only if she wants to," she says vaguely to miss mint's suggestion, casting a bemusedly helpless glance in esser's direction. she stuffs glittering chains and gems and crystals into the depths of leia's bag, having neglected to bring one of her own. "oh, there's a set of jewels we have to get specifically, so look for that. can't leave without—"

dorothy stops abruptly at the sound of metal against tile outside. almost out of reflex, she snatches the pair of gaudy jewel-encrusted sunglasses miss mint had purloined earlier, murmuring, "borrowing this." she puts them on; they conceal her eyes and much of the area around them. she has a civilian life outside of rocket, after all. can't afford exposure.

an armed man bursts into the room, followed by a colossal metal beast. "morpheus, the gun," she commands without a perceptible change in expression, wondering if he's getting tired of using the same move so many times in a row. alert, the hypno shifts in front of dorothy and splays his hands out. a PSYCHIC shoots toward the gun, leaving ripples of kinetic air in its wake.

she turns her head, murmurs, "esser, dear, look for those jewels." she figures the kid could use some direction. miss mint, she's sure, needs no urging from her.


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POSTED ON Sept 27, 2018 4:46:06 GMT
esser doesn't even get the chance to protest leia's proposition. her attention is diverted elsewhere - where it matters. that son of a bitch has a gun, an actual fucking gun. she panics, throwing herself to the floor showing the stark contrast between her and her superiors. was she incapable, god yes. stupid? eh, debatable. but even esser realizes the very real danger they now face. scraping her elbows against the hard, tacky carpet is a small tax to pay to avoid being gunned down like the degenerate that she is.

even so, orders come and she must go. laid out against the floor, esser is in the perfect position to roll out her balls. an array of different flashes unleash the eevee horde. "we need the jewels eevee," she pleads, granting them permission to scamper into the safe and COVET anything valuable. anything they can't carry out in bags will find a secure spot underneath some fur.

@dorothy @leia

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2018 5:04:16 GMT
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[attr="class","lmb"]Leia could not help but fan herself. Her eyes on the policeman who game in with a gun. "If I knew a handsome man be here taking me to jail, I would have worn something more fashionable," she pout a bit, brows furrow at the thought of how hideous she probably looked right about now.

Seeing as how afraid Esser became, it almost reminds Leia of how much the girl needed to grow. Her smile disappears, and her eyes turn cold as she looks at the man with the gun. "Metang, go help out Esser," her decision quick as she took out two pokeballs. Noivern and Yamask appear in a red light.

Her Noivern stood behind her as her Yamask idly stood in front of her. The Yamask used PROTECT to shield the rocket group. "Dorothy, let's show him on how fun it is to just be on this side of the world." A smile crept on her lips, sadistic. Her skin crawls with goosebumps. Another action filled adventure.

"Oh handsome, I just wished you came at a different time," she tut and shook her head.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2018 5:16:53 GMT
he's outmatched.

realization is a fickle bitch but it's far too late to back out. he needs to commit; and so he does. hypno's PSYCHIC rips the gun away from his grasps, flinging it onto the nearby floor. hand to his belt, daniel is quick to find gaea's pokeball. stripped of his firearm, his only form of protection lies with his team; and they'll be sure to die doing so.

the youngest of the trio doesn't go unnoticed. she's the amateur, most likely the person who tripped the alarm. "alpha, disrupt them!" a METAL SOUND bursts forth, ringing through the small confines of the store. daniel clenches his jaw at the sight of the noivern, but knows gaea is capable of handling it.

without needing to say a word, gaea slithers forward along the ground and lets a THUNDER WAVE engulf her. he doubts the PROTECT from the yamask would be able to hold all three of them; regardless, gaea slips right past them and swings her AQUA TAIL at the noivern.

alpha and daniel move at the same time. the steel-beast swings his heavy IRON TAIL at the hypno, hoping to remove it from the battle. daniel, on the other hand, moves for his gun that's laying somewhere on the floor.

@dorothy / / @leia

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reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2018 20:55:48 GMT
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dorothy likes to think that all her panic goes from her head to her fingertips, allowing her clarity of mind at the cost of steady hands. she grips the edge of a nearby break table to occupy her badly shaking hands, but her calculations go uninterrupted even by the aggron’s horrible METAL SOUND.

there’s only one league here, which is odd. where are the rest? why would he confront three rockets without backup? he must be stalling for time. he must think he can contain them long enough for the police to arrive. how arrogant, dorothy thinks, but she has to admit that he’s doing a good job of it. he’s armed, and he has at least two clearly powerful pokemon to assist him. there’s no time engage him—esser’s eevee horde (now that had been a surprise, those six bright-eyed bushy-tailed critters, tucking rainbow jewels inside cream-colored manes) and miss mint’s metang must have emptied out the safe by now. they’ve got to run.

i’d love to, but we’ve really got to go soon,” dorothy says to miss mint, letting an apologetic note seep into her voice. “could you get your noivern to carry esser and her eevee out?” she turns her head, addressing esser now. “finish up, honey. we’re gonna scamper!

and then, from the side, a dull thud. dorothy’s hypno flies across the room and crashes into the wall, his head knocked hard enough that he slides down unconscious. the league is running, reaching for the gun. she fumbles with the pokeballs at her belt, selects an occupied one, and flings it as hard as she can out the doorway. with her poor aim, it lands a couple meters from the gun, further from it than the league currently is. out comes her malamar, magdalena, looking more annoyed than alarmed at the commotion she’s been thrust into.

get ‘im, maggie!” dorothy screams as she returns morpheus to his pokeball, more urgent than she has ever been throughout this heist. magdalena bolsters herself with SUPERPOWER, using her newfound strength to propel herself, tentacles and all, toward the league in a flying tackle.

summary: - dorothy asks leia to make her noivern carry esser and her eevee out of the store.
- dorothy tells esser to prepare to get out.
- the iron tail hits morpheus (the hypno). ohko, returned to pokeball.
- dorothy throws magdalena’s (the malamar) pokeball a couple meters away from the gun. magdalena appears and uses superpower in an attempt to tackle daniel away from the gun.

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