reservoir dogs [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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little sister
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TAG WITH @vicious
reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2018 23:02:18 GMT
she doesn't belong on the battlefield. no matter the situation, the three remain functional, flowing, always moving. adaptation isn't something she can keep up with. they're too high tempo. she can scarcely pick herself up when the METAL SOUND kicks out her knees from underneath her. a pronounced throbbing pulls her veins into view, straining themselves against the auditory assault.


it's the only command she gives but the little rascals know it well. they converge onto her location, knowing full well that they're responsibilities have come to an end. it's time to BATON PASS the torch to the reliable. only one of them dares to defy orders -- little marco with his appetite for larceny. the small pokemon sneaks in a QUICK ATTACK amidst the hectic battle. magdalena proves the perfect cover for marco to get in and out. once the eevee has a good grasp of the firearm inside its mouth, marco is quick to RUN AWAY.

@dorothy @leia

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2018 6:29:53 GMT
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[attr="class","lmb"]Leia quickly took out her Noivern and pointed to the safe. "Get them out, throw Metang to the front." Without hesitation, the Noivern went on quickly to take Esser. Leia watch it all unfold before her, with a smile she sends out her Cyndaquil. "We need cover. Smokescreen."

The protect would not hold them out for long, and immediately she calls back her Yamask. As soon as the barrier disappears, Cyndaquil sends out an obscuring cloud of smoke between the two groups. "Pretty boy, we'd love to stay and chat, but I do believe we shall get going. I hope it dampens your mood more than ever sweetie."

The Metang returns behind her as she then sends out her Phantump. "Flowerbutton, I need you to get out and rejoin the driver and Esser." No is an option in this case. The underboss knew she could possibly be overwhelmed at any second -- she was too arrogant and cocky.

She inhales a bit of the smoke, coughing a slight bit. "Or, you can stay, either way."

- her cyndaquil uses smokescreen.
- from there she sends out flirtatious remarks to daniel
- leia demands dorothy to leave with esser to the car

[newclass=.lmb b]color:#8f7f8b;font-family:Noto Sans;font-weight:bold;[/newclass][newclass=.lmb a]color:#aaa!important;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:Inconsolata;[/newclass][googlefont=Inconsolata|Noto+Sans:400,700]
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who knows
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27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
94 posts
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TAG WITH @daniel
reservoir dogs [mission]
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2018 3:46:11 GMT
the gun comes into sight; he scrambles for it, practically leaps towards it, only to feel the full force of malamar's SUPERPOWER. the wind gets knocked out of him; he gasps for air as he smacks into the ground, sliding to a halt only when his back hits a pillar. when he opens his eyes, he sees the store being engulfed by a SMOKESCREEN.

coughing, panting, he struggles on the ground, unable to find his footing until he finds gaea by his side. a calm SAFEGUARD surrounds them. he expects nothing less of her: kind and caring, always putting her trainer in front of her duties. the price to pay for her aid is heavy; walker is only able to watch as the three of them dip out of the store.

alpha PROTECTS them, positioning himself in between the two parties. without any further orders, he doesn't chase. "come on—" a cough. "we need to get out of here." he limps out the back entrance. sirens come wailing far too late and by the time backup arrives, the trio are far gone.

but he remembers their faces and more importantly, he knows one of their names: esser.

@dorothy / / @leia

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