sink or swim [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2021 8:50:11 GMT
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Plank's sigh is echoed by the waves that crash against the boat, briny sea spray peppering exposed skin. The air is cold; Galar was deep in the throes of winter, Circhester's signature frost spreading throughout the region like disease. He'd grown up amidst its frosted peaks.

It feels not like coming home, but leaving it behind.

Such thoughts are shunned quick as they present themselves, their momentary intrusion affording a window of composure with Jack.

"Walk me through your process," Gavin orders, breaking the calm as well as the silence. "Where will we dock? How will we avoid suspicion? This is your field." His amber eyes are sharp, challenging. "Impress me."
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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2021 19:29:23 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]Jack seems a little irritated at the revoke of his shanty privileges, but more feather scratching is enough to smooth over his disappointment. By the time the recruiter approaches the duo he's managed to satisfy himself by biting at her hair and mindlessly chattering in her ear. It's soothing in perhaps the weirdest way.

Thanks to the momentary reprieve her nerves don't spike all the way back to where they were at the question, but Plank can't help but roll her fingers across the heel of her palm as she walks around the ship to look out towards their fast approaching destination.

"Well, ya got me a li'l outta my element out here in Galar," Plank admits with more sarcastic bite than genuine concern, "but I figure the basics are the same anywhere. For dockin' we want t' avoid any actual port we don't have ties in. An actual look at our cargo by any god-fearin' lawman will have us in the shit faster than a skinny dip in a sewer."

She scratches at her face a little as she thinks. Jack nibbles on a few of her fingers when they get within beak distance.

"Maybe if we work fast we can set up on a beach. It's fuckin' frigid so there shouldn't be anyone there; and as long as we offload quick 'n' let the boat leave no one should get curious enough t' cause trouble . . ." She sighs a little, "I mean, assumin' we've got some more discrete way of movin' the dopes than herdin' 'em to where we need 'em."

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october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2021 12:19:32 GMT
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Gavin's lips purse at the bite in her tone. "That is exactly the point. You will rarely be in your element where Rocket is involved."

How bitter he had been in his youth, the first time they'd forced him beyond his comfort. He had been too proud and hot-headed to understand the usefulness of such lessons. , he thought, was not dissimilar.

He listens without interruption as she lays the groundwork of her plan, nodding or shaking his head as necessary. Yes, they'd do best to avoid any sort of authority. No, there wasn't likely to be anyone at the beach in the middle of winter. He does not mention that Galar's beaches, at least in his experience, were miserable during the best weather. His own hatred for the ocean skewed such a viewpoint and Gavin was more than aware of it.

"What if there were a port we did have ties in? Theoretically."

His smile flashes quick and sharp.
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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2021 20:22:12 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Comfort grows the longer Plank is allowed to speak without an interjection. This is nice, getting to work this part of her brain. It's automatic. Years of conditioning make the flow of thoughts easy and natural. Allows it to carry her far away from the discomfort of moments ago.

She's not even fidgeting by the time the recruiter asks his first question. The smile encourages her. She smiles back.

"Ah, that's the easiest path then. Without question," she replies, "A port either completely your own or with enough staff in your pocket makes this kinda job easy t' the point of boredom. Make sure you've coordinated a time 'n' place for your crooked dockhand t' check ya in and ya can offload and ship out your cargo at whatever pace pleases ya."

It feels like too simple an answer after her last one, so Plank goes on just a little longer, if for no other reason than to hear herself speak.

"Just gotta make sure ya got whatever keeps that dockhand on your side. Money, drugs, a warm body -- whatever his poison happens t' be. Blackmail or muscle if he ain't got one."

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Feb 4, 2021 8:15:23 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Her smile is sweeter than Gavin's, softer. How long before Rocket stole whatever softness the girl had left?

"We've contacts in Galar," Gavin tells her. "Rather influential ones, at that."

He doesn't tell her that one such contact is a Galarian prince. The less thought awarded to the royal family, the better; 's connections were, at least, beneficial to Rocket, Gavin's personal feelings toward the crown aside.

"Best let me do the talking where anyone unaffiliated is concerned." Gavin's accent settles into its native Galarian cadence; the proper, schooled tone reminds him of his father. His disgust is well-hidden. "You'll handle dealings with our contact. We're going to exchange our cargo with a different load, to be brought back to Hoenn."
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POSTED ON Feb 4, 2021 8:28:08 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]If Plank was much for deep thought and speculation the knowledge that Rocket has some "very influential" contacts would raise eyebrows, but she's not. It goes in one ear and out the other. Gets filtered down to "the job is gonna be simple" and she breaths a little easier.

The idea of doing anything complex in a place she's got no experience in was making her anxious. She's only as good at her job as she is in Hoenn because she's had every nook and cranny of the region beaten into her brain.

By the time the recruiter is putting on an eerily good Galarian accent she's almost forgotten her nerves completely. Then he starts saying stuff in that accent and she finds them again. She's gonna be front end? Fuck.

"Ah, sure," she replies, shoving her hands in her pockets and trying to look unbothered by the demand. Internally, though, she's starting to get squirrely. Her dad had never trusted her with direct contact work and she'd only just started doing it in her independent ventures.

"The uh, the deal," she continues, "It's just a swap, yeah? Supply for product?"

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Feb 5, 2021 11:00:27 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Her body language suggests discomfort. Gavin's gaze drops deliberately to her hands as she shoves them in her pockets, then flicks back to her face.

There is marked difference in her vocalization when she's nervous. He notes the verbal fumble.

"Yes," he confirms. She had, at least, deigned to ask a question this time. "We are going to deliver these Kantonian Slowpoke to our client, who will offer Galarian variants in their stead."

Though the embargo between the two regions had been lifted some time ago, the Black Market offered quicker and cheaper means of acquiring the non-native species. In Galar, Slowpoke tails were a forbidden delicacy; their own Slowpoke were poisonous, and couldn't be consumed safely.
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Feb 5, 2021 21:45:08 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Plank takes a careful breath (in, out) before putting on another smile. Less genuine than her last, but with the intention of communicating comfort. Confidence.

"No problem then," she says, "Anythin' I should, uh, be keepin' especially in mind? Am I just tellin' 'em what we've got 'n' supervisin' the exchange? Or what?"

Her pockets bulge and sag intermittently as the fingers in them wiggle and twist and grasp at fabric. Jack begins to nibble at Plank's ear and increase his hushed chattering. He's always been good at seeing right through her.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2021 1:48:02 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Her attempts to appear confident fall flat against a trained eye, but Gavin doesn't bring them up directly. Instead, he levels her with a gaze that sees right through the façade.

"Have you done this before? I was under the impression you had experience."

Upon which side of the coin might she land: overconfidence, or honesty? He waits, expectant.
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2021 1:56:12 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"I mean, I know how it works," Plank replies, her words more than a little defensive, before catching her bottom lip between her teeth. She worries at the sensitive skin for a moment before continuing to speak.

"I just," she sighs. One sweaty hand leaves her pocket to scratch at her scalp.

"Pop handled most of the business end of stuff, thought I was still too young." too stupid, more like. She takes one more sharp inhale before finishing the thought, "I've only just started doin' that stuff because . . . ya know. And nothin' as big as this."

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2021 2:09:25 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Honesty, then. Good.

Her candid, albeit clipped response is rewarded with a patience Gavin would not have otherwise displayed; he nods along with the explanation, his placid expression never faltering in frustration. Truthfully, he had expected this.

It's why they were doing it here, in Galar, with 's connections and little threat of things going awry.

"When we arrive, I'll point our man out to you. He's been told ahead of time to expect us, and he'll have prepared his supply in advance." As their conversation continues, Galar looms larger in the distance; Gavin's memories bring the docks into his mind's eye long before they'll reach them. "He'll speak carefully to ward off listening ears. I expect you know to do the same. Most likely, he'll inquire after the ease of our trip and the status of the cargo."

What doesn't know is that Gavin's been schooled by a Rocket with smuggling experience to fill in any gaps the girl might leave in her inexperience. He hopes he won't need the knowledge.
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2021 5:07:42 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Like down in the cargo hold, Plank finds herself fighting against the expectation of a certain response. In response to her vulnerability she expects some kind of jab. At the display of an unknown weakness she expects to be derided. She's already braced herself for it by the time she finishes her small "confession".

It doesn't come.

The recruiter instead offers . . . help? He promises to give her some direction and immediately follows it up with, as far as she can tell, clear and serious guidelines. No sarcasm. No insults. No passing swing at her lack of knowledge and experience. It's weird.

"Uh, yeah, okay," she replies, struggling not to look and sound as stunned as she feels, "Yeah I can do that no problem. Ya don't even have t' worry!"

The anxious air around her fades and her body language relaxes -- probably more noticeably than she intends it to. For the third time her smile returns.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2021 20:36:52 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
There's a certain innocence in her anticipation of reprimand. Gavin recognizes it as if she's a shadow of his younger self, the expectation of a strike that, inexplicably, did not always come.

His father had liked to keep him guessing. If there was a pattern, he could harden against it.

It's a reminder of how young she is, how vulnerable. How young he'd been when his world fell apart around him and he'd been left to pick up the pieces. How those pieces had led him, too, into Rocket's waiting web.

They had made their choices, and now they must live with them.

"I am not worried."

Soon, the ship huddles close to damp docks where Wingull cry overhead and a flood of familiar accents overwhelm Gavin's senses. He gestures, silent, to the man that is meant to meet, and loses himself to memory.
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 22:00:04 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]'I am not worried'

Whether they're meant to or not, the words settle on Plank as ones of confidence. Paired with the subtle support offered moments ago it fills Plank with certainty. More than that, it fills her with desire. A want to live up to the expectations presented to her.

The recruiter isn't worried so why should she be?

"Yeah," she whispers to no one. Her back straightens and her shoulders pull back as they near the shore. At the recruiter's direction she hops over the side of the ship to land on the dock before approaching the man she's meant to do business with. It's maybe a bit too conspicuous an entrance, but Plank doesn't worry about it.

Again, why should she?

The man she's meant to meet greets her kindly enough. He's a rotund man with squinting eyes and a meaningless smile. Their greetings are what the recruiter expected. Pleasantries mostly. Thinly disguised questions after the cargo cloaked in more mundane queries about the weather and the comfort of the journey.

"I'm surprised, I didn't expect to see a kid onboard when you docked. Much less to be dealing with them personally," he offers with that unreadable smirk still plastered on his face. It feels like a jab and Plank bristles underneath its prodding.

"Couldn't say I know what ya mean. There's no kid here," she shoots back, eyes narrowing. Her own grin falls away. She hasn't learned to school her expression nearly as well as the seasoned veteran across from her.

"Ah, I meant no offense, he brushes her off, "Was just half worried the deal had changed. No space for extra cargo right now."

At her sides Plank's hands ball up into fists before relaxing. Not in anger, that feeling had passed as soon as it came, but something else. Discomfort. She suddenly feels like she can parse out the slightest of meanings when the stranger flashes his teeth at her again.

"Right, well, can we consider this a done deal?" Plank asks, suddenly ready to leave. The man's smile widens for a moment before his eyes subtly shift to look at his men inspecting the merchandise. A couple of them give him a little nod and his eyes slide back to Plank.

"Figure we can. It's always a pleasure doing business with you folks. Come again," he replies before walking off. He doesn't wait for Plank to answer him, but shoots the recruiter a smile and a wave as he ushers his men off the dock.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
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sink or swim [mission]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 22:36:31 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
His first trip onto the open ocean had been a daunting one, a young Cillian Quinn clinging to the railing as nausea churned in his gut. It was not seasickness, but the looming presence of his father behind him that inspired such queasiness. The elder Quinn was smiling in a way that didn't match his cold eyes.

"Best be careful you don't slip." Gavin remembers the tightness of his father's grip on his shoulder, how he could
hear his smirk without turning to face him. "It's a long way to the bottom."

Gavin leans calmly against the weathered rail of the little cargo ship, its metal cool against the scarred flesh of his palm. When he opens his eyes, they reflect not Quinn amber but the soft blue-grey of Galarian evening sky. Over the bustle of the dockyard, he does not miss the sly comment of their Galarian contact. "Was just half worried the deal had changed. No space for extra cargo right now."

His lips press together in distaste, and he observes the rest of the exchange more closely. The man's smile is not returned.

"They'll handle the exchange of cargo," Gavin tells , suddenly beside her. His approach had been swift, silent. "It's part of our deal."

He remains close by as the men begin to haul slumbering Slowpoke from below-decks, another group of them bringing quarry of their own to replace what was lost.
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