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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 21:40:34 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]The action unfolds in seconds. The trigger Plank pulled pulls several more in rapid succession; skips the interaction straight to its likely (but until now not certain) conclusion.

She is to blame but she doesn't watch it. Not any of it. From the moment she gives Hull his marching orders her eyes are on the ground, the recruiter's feet, the front of her hoodie. If the criminal she'd left bereft a friend hadn't been stopped by Lucario she no doubt would have died then and there.

But he was. So she's allowed to continue boring holes in the ground with her eyes. Trying to see past one hell to another.

"We done?" she suddenly pipes up, looking up at the recruiter with unfocused eyes. Voice spacey.

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POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 21:56:23 GMT
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The survivor flees, an awkward stumble back that transitions into a run. At Gavin's signal, Lucario gives chase — not to harm, but to watch. Should the man attempt to signal any kind of back-up or authority before the Rocket duo were well on their way, Lucario would give them fair warning.

Only then does Gavin relax, stepping back from the role of enforcer long enough to realise something is wrong.

Sharp eyes bore into 's unfocused ones; he does not recognize the problem exactly, but he recognizes the look, that faraway signal of dissociation from trauma. There is twinge of sympathy that he does not show. Rocket has not taught him kindness.

"We're done," he confirms, and gestures for her to follow.

He would lead them back to the quiet building with its rusted back door and echoing stairs, up into the saferoom whose lights are flicked on to provide a dim glow. Here, in this private space, he rounds on her with accusation.

"I think we need to talk about what happened, back there." Despite his phrasing, it rings like an order. "Did I not ask if you were certain you could handle this?"
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POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 22:05:06 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]Hull watches the man flee with barely veiled aggression. His body is tense, crouched so that he can shoot off at a moment's notice. He wants to follow the Lucario. Twitches to go after him.

"Hull! We're done!" Plank echoes, "Come on!"

She's already turned away by the time he starts begrudgingly trudging after them. Once again her eyes find the recruiter's back. Focuses on what details she can find there. The slope of his broad shoulders, the disciplined straightness to his spine, the slight jut of his shoulder blades.

It feels like she blinks once and they're in the building again.

"Okay, let's talk," she replies on autopilot. Her eyes skate to the floor again after she finds a spot of dusty wall to lean on.

"Yeah, ya did," she answers his question, "And I was. I did. It's handled, yeah?"

On 'yeah' her eyes make to meet with the recruiter's. She doesn't know what this is about. She did the job. In record time, really. What's there to talk about beyond that?

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POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 14:55:38 GMT
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Gavin has never been taught to handle trauma. Not his own, nor anyone elses.

"It's handled," he agrees, but there's a sharp note of dissatisfaction in his tone. "You handled the situation, but you do not appear to be handling yourself." He makes a vague gesture toward her vacant silhouette. "I offered you an opportunity to speak up, should this work not agree with you. Why didn't you take it?"

Cold amber eyes bore into hers, the opposite of comfort.
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POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 20:10:18 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]Her eyebrows furrow, knit together in that way that promises premature wrinkles. Every time the recruiter opens his mouth she feels more confused.

"Ya . . . that wasn't serious. Your offer, it wasn't." There's genuine bewilderment in Plank's voice. Her arms cross over her chest and her hands wrap around her biceps. Squeeze hard enough to bruise through the fabric.

"I . . . that's . . ." The uncertain look on her face twists into a scowl, "It was some stupid test, that's why; 'n' you know it."

"Seein' if I can put my comfort aside 'n' get the job done, 'n' I passed!" She almost shouts, "I passed! So why the fuck are ya glarin' at me!?"

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POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 21:05:24 GMT
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It's the wrong thing to say.

"Do I look like a man who jokes about these things?" Her anger fuels his own, though there is no point where he raises his voice even as hers gets loud enough to grate against his ears. "I will never be cryptic where Rocket's safety is concerned."

What if she'd lost her cool? What if she'd had a breakdown? What if, what if, he does not appreciate what ifs.

"Do not tell me what I know." does not know him for who he is, and he doesn't tell her. "I don't appreciate your tone, Vela."

A warning, not veiled.
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POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 21:18:31 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]"There was nothin' fuckin' cryptic about it, that's what I'm fuckin' tellin' ya!" Plank shoots back, uncrossing her arms to throw them over her head.

"Ya told me what we were doin' for Rocket's safety; and then ya made sure I wouldn't fuckin' pussy out! And I didn't!" She is shouting now. This conversation isn't fair! Why the fuck is he angry? What the fuck does he have to be angry about?

"Well I don't appreciate bein' fuckin' jerked around like this!" she continues, voice shrill, "I did a good job!"

Her anger cracks around the edges alongside her voice. The sneer on her face wobbles at the corners as her eyes shimmer.

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POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 0:57:20 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin hates shouting.

He hates it, because it reminds him of his father. How the eldest Quinn's face would go all red and splotchy moments before he snapped, and his voice rumbled like thunder through the halls of their home. He'd taught his son to be quiet as a mouse to appease him, and as an adult, that same man refused to stoop to the levels of the man who had raised him.

He steps forward, into her space.

"You are part of Rocket, fool." He radiates menace as he stares her down. "You handled yourself, yes, but you shouldn't have had to. Had you expressed any concerns, they would have been addressed beforehand."

He sees her expression falter, the shimmer of her gaze. She is so young, to be mixed up in criminal affairs... and yet, Gavin reminds himself for the umpteenth time, she had chosen this path.

"I expect communication from those beneath me, not stubborn pride."
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POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 3:58:04 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]"I shouldn't have had t' . . . what kind of," she splutters, rubs the heels of her hands hard into her eyes. Takes a sputtering breath. What the fuck does that mean?

"That doesn't make any fuckin' sense," she murmurs. Her voice is so thick it feels like it's gumming up the back of her throat as she stands there, hands covering her face. Whole body a knotted mess of tension.

"What the fuck do my concerns matter?" she asks, "So what I fuckin' . . . I fuckin' say . . ."

Her hands fall away to reveal red rimmed eyes, from friction or something else. It's not clear. One hand quickly returns to her face, runs up her forehead and into her hair while the other bunches up in her shirt.

"I say 'ah nah, this one's not for me' 'n' we just . . ." Plank looks up at the recruiter with eyes beginning to drip at the corners, "We don't do it? That doesn't fuckin' -- it doesn't make sense."

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POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 16:09:16 GMT
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She seems on the verge of a breakdown, and Gavin's lip reflexively curls. He had been raised to see such things as a weakness, but he does not lash out as his father would have done. As his recruiters, his mentors, and so many others who'd raised him up through Rocket might have done, had he ever shown such vulnerability.

Instead, he listens, his amber gaze never faltering from hers.

"No matter how grim, this is a matter that needs taken care of." Gavin would be the last to defy an order, no matter how loosely worded it may have been. "That doesn't mean that it has to be you. We would have discussed the discomfort and, if it was not something that could be worked through, then yes, you would have been allowed to leave. Rocket has plenty of grunts, and part of training is finding where their skillsets are best suited."

Or, in this case, potentially where they weren't.
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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 1:19:20 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]This is stupid. Plank feels stupid. What he's saying is simple, but she can't . . . it doesn't compute. It's like all the words on their own make perfect sense but when they're run together like this she can't get them to register.

Then they just do.

So she didn't have to do any of this? This wasn't some kind of test? He wasn't playing games, there wasn't some hidden agenda here? He was just asking if she was okay? And she . . . Fuck! God she just.

Her stomach flips in place. She feels like she's going to be sick.

"Shit . . . shit, shit, shit," the hand bunched in her shirt rises to cover her mouth, "Then I for no reason, there wasn't, I didn't have t'. . ."

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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 19:04:25 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Plank pales, and Gavin likens the pallor of her complexion to those unfortunate Rockets who suffered seasickness aboard the submarine. She looks as if she might be ill, and Gavin takes a step back to give her space — just in case.

Words come jumbled and frantic, but their meaning understood.

"Remember to breathe." His deep voice is steady where hers wavers. He gestures to the large living room window as if to suggest they draw near it, and shoves his weight against one pane. With a groan of protest, it shudders upward and lets a burst of cool night air into the small space. "What's done is done; rather than focus on the past, we must look to the future. If this is not the work you want, you will not have to do it again. Not so long as you work for me."
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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 23:38:44 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]It's like everything catches up with her all at once. The anxiety, the fear, the disgust, the guilt. It hits her right in the gut and her stomach recoils. Bile splashes its way up her throat and the breath she tries to take in through her nose only makes her gag.

The moment the recruiter takes a step back Plank rips her hand from her mouth and ruins the spot he was standing on.

The back of her hand rises to wipe at her mouth as she lets herself lean harder into the wall behind her. She slides down it, feels her sweater and shirt catch on the wall and winces only slightly when the skin of her back is pricked and scraped by the splintery wood of the bare planks.

She keeps sliding until she's sat down. Able to drop her sweaty forehead onto her trembling knees.

She doesn't respond to what the recruiter has to say. Is barely listening.

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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 23:52:53 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
The acrid stench of vomit fills the small space, and Gavin is grateful for the breeze that winds through the cracked window. Plank is collapsing, and Gavin does not know what to do.

He is not equipped to handle trauma.

Rocket has taught him how to be cruel, how to lead, how to destroy. Never how to help, to heal. What little compassion he displays suggests a remnant of a past life, a man that might have been had Rocket not sunk their claws in deep. They'd got him young, changed him. They'd change her, too.

In the absence of understanding, he only waits.
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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2021 0:07:33 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]The silence between the two of them holds, and then stretches. As unsure as the recruiter is on how to comfort Plank, she's lost as to how to proceed. There was a certain distance she was clinging to. She realizes that as she sits there. Slowly wraps her arms around her knees.

There's always a distance she can cling to. She didn't put the pokemon in cages. She didn't make the order to buy them. She's only joining Rocket for her father. Orders are orders.

There was no choice but to kill him.

But there was a choice. There was a choice and she ignored it and now there's no going back. She's a murderer of her own making.

The silence is eventually broken by short, quiet gasps. Crying silently is a skill Plank thought she'd mastered years ago but she can't quite manage it this time. Her fingers wrap themselves up in the sleeves of her sweatshirt. Use their leverage there to pull her knees tight to her chest.

Crushingly tight. Until her gasps quiet simply by merit of her not being able to draw in ample air to produce them. Then tighter still.

She wishes she could vanish like that. Curl up so tight into herself she'd simply pop out of existence.

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