phantom force [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
phantom force [m]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2021 2:25:12 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin has never been allowed to cry. As a child, shed tears were met with violence and mockery, until they dried up and the shakes that wracked his body were accompanied by no sound at all.

'Quit your sniveling,' he almost says, in his father's voice, but he is not his father.

had held him when he'd broken down, the first and only time he'd collapsed in front of her. She'd held him and worried for him and he'd recovered, however slowly, until the shaking had stopped and his breaths had come deep and slow.

He doesn't know if this is what he should do for Plank, and so he does nothing at all.

"There is an ugly side to Rocket that some don't wish to see," he says at last, maintaining his distance. "I may not have killed that man... but in all likelihood, he would have pulled a weapon and necessitated the same level of violence. Your refusal to participate would not have stopped that. Blood will be shed in Rocket's name with or without you."

Yet he is certain she will always remember her first.
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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
phantom force [m]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2021 2:45:15 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Crying with an audience isn't something Plank allows herself. Not something she's often been allowed. It's a thing she snuck off to do in gas station bathrooms or the alleyway outside. Something she stole for herself between midnight and sunrise, or in the moments between offloading and setting sail.

So it's awkward, to break down so openly here in this musty apartment building. With the recruiter looming only a couple feet away. Awkward already in the silence that allows her to at least pretend she's alone. Much worse when he speaks.

It flips something in Plank's chest. Nerves. Shame. Fear. Something.

She stops crying.

The recruiter's attempts at comforting her are weak and ineffectual, but noted as she shifts her head where it rests on her knees. Rubs at her eyes without looking up.

"Yeah, sure," she croaks before finally lifting her head. Her nose is red, as is the skin around her eyes where the salt and her rubbing have irritated it, "I'll take that."

She lets out a shaking sigh before lifting herself to her feet. Wincing again when her shirt and sweatshirt brush over her scraped up lower back on their way back into place.

"Figure it was inevitable," Plank continues, phrasing vague on whether it's addressing her new knowledge of the 'ugly truth' or her fresh part in it, "Best t' get it outta the way early."

Her wording is intentionally flippant. An attempt at affecting strength she doesn't have, undermined by the way she still sways in place. Crying always makes her so fucking lightheaded.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
phantom force [m]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2021 4:01:04 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
He can't help but to be relieved when the tears cease.

It does not show in his expression; only the stoicism that Rocket has come to expect from him. He watches as she rubs at reddened eyes and pulls herself together, inclines his head in somber agreement with her words.

"Sooner or later, most of us are forced to make a choice. If it were between your life and his, would you have hesitated?"

Such had been the circumstance of Gavin's first... but it had not been the League agent who'd threatened him with death. It had been his partner in crime, so to speak, ordering him to strike to attest to his loyalty. And he had, because there had been no choice.

"Understand that I will never ask you to kill if you're uncomfortable. But death is unavoidable in Rocket, and you'll have to face it one way or another."
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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
phantom force [m]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2021 4:27:40 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]The recruiter's question feels like it's supposed to have an obvious answer: yes, of course. Of course she'd choose her life over some stranger trying to kill her. No question.

But Plank hesitates. She doesn't reply. It's hard to have hindsight with her head the mess it is, and she's already denied herself the right of an excuse.

Besides, it wasn't her life or his now was it?

Instead she moves onto his next pair of statements.

"I heard ya the first time," she says dismissively, pushes herself off the wall. There's a little heat in the words. Leftover agitation projected outward. What's left of it runs out of her with a sigh. She takes a few steps forward, makes to maneuver around the stain of her own sick and past the man.


"Ya . . ." her brows furrow, hidden with her eyes by her bangs as she looks at her shoes, "Ya really think it woulda gone this way no matter what? Ya think . . . killin' him -- it might have been business as usual?"

There's a subtle pleading in her voice she can't keep out.

"Just another job well done?"

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
phantom force [m]
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2021 1:14:01 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
This time, her dismissive tone is not met with disapproval or retort. Though the underboss was cold, demanding, the situation at hand necessitated a gentler approach. This he understands, at least.

He expects this to be the end of it, pushes off from the wall only to pause when she speaks.

It's a long moment before he answers.

"I think that if they were eager to aim a gun at a child," for Plank is still a child to him, child soldier or no, "then they wouldn't have hesitated to point one at me, and I would not have hesitated."

He has not forgotten about the grunt laid up in the medical bay with a bullet in his shoulder. Though uncertain if this is the answer is looking for, it is Gavin's truth; he will not lie to her, not for this.
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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
313 posts
peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
phantom force [m]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 18:25:11 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Again silence stretches between them. A true silence this time, no gasping breaths or strangled sobs available to break it. Plank fidgets beside the recruiter. Digging her feet into the creaking wood planks of the floor.

Her conscience is still struggling under its guilt. She needs some kind of relief, something to cling to. Maybe something to make this easier the next time it happens. Plank can't help but be certain there will be a second time.

Many more after.

"Hmm," she hums with understanding at his eventual words, "That makes sense."

She continues her path to the door after that, bringing one hand up to scratch the back of her head.

"Fuckin' sucks, but makes sense."

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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October 13
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 22:03:01 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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