dark passage [gg mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 4:01:37 GMT
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Looks like something good had been turned up around Fortree.

An ass load of fossils, all for the taking. They could be put to good use by Rocket and their scientists. Better yet it would keep them out of League hands. Fuck those guys. So it was dark, and cold, and Chu-e had a bandana waiting to be wrapped around his face as he hung behind some trees close to the site. As much as he was loathe to do so, Chu-e had called in for a little help. He was only one man and could only carry off so many of those fossils himself. He wanted someone else to help do the heavy lifting. So he had put in an order for one of the closest Grunts who happened to be in the area. He was waiting on her to arrive currently.

Teddy was currently curled up in his jacket taking a nap. Chu-e had figured it would be safe enough to bring some of his pokemon that needed training, like the ones he had grabbed not long ago at the safari. It should be a pretty easy heist if everything went will.

Spoilers: It wouldn't.

i figured maybe they could be here to steal the fossils and poachyene invade thinking no one is there. so it's thieves vs thieves in the end?

if i get enough cash my cubchoo might evolve later this thread, too :o

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 5:38:59 GMT
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Erinn practically felt the eyes roll into the back of her head whenever she was asked to come and help one of the beasts on one of their missions. Sure whatever she probably should have felt honored or something. But all she wanted to do was get some cool shit and get out. After all what really mattered in the end was the reward that she got and the reward for robbing these fucks was supposed to be super rich. That was what really mattered right?

Quietly popping a wad of bubble gum she tucked her baseball bat over her shoulder and approached the trees where she was supposed to be meeting her partner on this mission. She was ready for this shit after all and it wasn't like they had to play nice with these people. After all there wasn't any real honor among thieves or some shit like that. Monika hung onto her back like some sort of weird living backpack as she finally reached the trees.

"You ready for this?" He probably was but she was still going to ask. Carefully she shrugged the dragon off of her back and watched as she skittered forward some. The best scout was one that could use sandstorm after all.


>> yo whaddup erinn is here to fuck shit up and get some fossils

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 9:08:40 GMT
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"I could ask you the same thing." Chu-e woke Teddy up and placed the Cubchoo on the ground. He stood after and stretched, making a content noise when his back popped. He had been sitting there too long. "This will get messy. Just don't die or get in my way."

With that he leaded over and picked up a thick lead pipe from where he had been sitting. It was scavenged from the site itself when he had been scoping it for easy entrances. Speaking of, he started to move for the dig site, already having it in his mind on where to go.

Seems like they were late to the party. From the spot they were in they were concealed for the moment but there were about five goons there already looting the place. Some pokemon, Poochyena and other canines, were scoping the area and keeping an ear our. Damn. They would have to play this smart if they wanted to take them out.

"That weird bug know anything useful?" As much as he Chu-e liked Teddy he wasn't really the distraction type.

we can both do what we want with the five goons and their pokemon btw

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 16:25:28 GMT
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At least she wasn't the only one who had decided to bring a weapon to what would probably mostly be a Pokemon fight. But being as they weren't the only ones hanging around here it was a given that they would need to fight at least a little bit. Casually she dug out a couple pairs of goggles from her bag and tugged her bandana up over her mouth. There was a reason that she had brought Monika along. Out of all of her Pokemon she was probably the best for distractions that wouldn't outright kill everyone.

Adelaide was good but she hadn't exactly brought gas masks with her so that they weren't effected as well. "Put those on unless you like sand in your eyes." She shoved her own goggles onto her face, ignoring the pinching from them grabbing at her hair a little bit. She could deal with untangling her hair after the mission was over with. "Monika, sandstorm." She was quiet as she whispered to the dragon type, almost indignant that Chewy had called her a bug. And of course no one was expecting there to be a sandstorm in the middle of the night.

Would it draw a bit of attention? Maybe. But it would be quicker for them to get in and out if the enemy was confused. And it definitely worked. Dog Pokemon relied on their noses and their hearing to find enemies for the most part and sand clogging up their noses and whipping in their ears caused immediate confusion. Not to mention humans being unprepared for it. Her Pokemon were geared for causing absolute chaos.

"Let's go." She waited for the sandstorm to get nice and kicked up and for the shouts of confusion to start before pushing forward a bit. With the goggles and the mouth cover they were in a much better position than the dumbasses who had beat them here. As soon as she saw a body closer to her that didn't look like Chewy she swung the bat and heard a groan and thump. This would be a lot easier than she expected if they kept it up. But nothing ever went this well...


>> monika used sandstorm to cover them
>> erinn went in and whacked someone with a baseball bat

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 18:24:03 GMT
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Chu-e snorted at the order but pulled his own mask over his nose and took the offered goggles. After they were on he pulled the hood of his jacket over his head, too, just in case. You never know what could start and what could be useful.

Still, as mush as he was liking this chick's moxie, he wound need to reign her in some. He didn't mind as much as long as the job got done but someone with a smaller dick than him might try and bash her head in. She had a lot of promise already so he couldn't have that.

So he followed her out, Teddy at his heels and was just as quick to find a confused body. There was a meaty thwack from beside him right before his own pipe bashed in the face of another poachyena. He didn't come to play nice. Blood flecked but he wasn't sure it was enough to kill. Shame.

Even if the enemy pokemon were confused that didn't mean they couldn't retaliate. One of the Poochyena, possibly who belonged to the guy Chu-e had just knocked out, lunged with a Bite and a Growl. The canine got his arm, the attack hurting but at least not ripping him to shreds because of his thick jacket. He used his free hand to knock it away the best he could before Teddy jumped in. The bear pokemon had sharp claws and Slashed the Poochyena hard enough to unlatch it. That doubled with the hard strike of the pipe from Chu-e took it down.

"These guys ain't fucking around!" He called back to Erinn over the sandstorm. It was still rare you found trainers, even criminals, outside of Rocket who were willing to cross that line. Shame these guys couldn't be on their side. They would have made good grunts.

With that in mind, Chu-e grabbed his pokeballs and called out Creams and Lump. The Slurpuff and Bergmite mostly seemed confused at first but seeing the blood on their trainer they got ready for a fight.

2/5 goons taken down so far >:o nice

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2018 0:09:48 GMT
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She was distracted for a moment hearing Chewy cry out. Because of course if he died or whatever on this mission it would be impossible for her to go back and get a reward for it. Especially since he was some beast or whatever. Of course that meant being distracted she was open to being hit. So one of the fucks who seemed to have gotten his bearings and seemed to be a little bit pissed decided to take a swing at her. Erinn wasn't expecting it as she hit the ground hard but the pain just fueled her desire to hit back. Whoever this fucker was he wasn't going to get away with that.

Out of the sand she saw a boot coming to stomp some sort of her face and instead of letting it she grabbed onto the leg. Tugging the fucker down with her as she let out a loud war cry to let them know that she wasn't fucking around. There was no stopping her when she got pissed off. The next bit of pain came from what she assumed was one of their Pokemon as it tried to tug and bite at her leg. These guys were really starting to get on her nerves. But she had to focus on taking out the guy before she could the Pokemon.

Flames shot out of Monika's mouth as the Pokemon used Dragon Breath on the Poochyena that had a hold of Erinn's leg, causing it to let go for the moment so that the human could kick out at it. Pokemon were strong but most of them didn't exactly expect a boot to the face. She was finally free and pushed herself up to swing again at the one who had knocked her down. She wouldn't give up without a fight that was for sure.


>> Erinn got knocked down but pulled the dude who knocked her down with her afterwards
>> Erinn got bit by a Poochyena who tried to grab her leg but Monika used Dragon Breath and then Erinn kicked him in the face as well
>> Erinn is beating the shit out of the dude who knocked her down
>> 3/5 thugs taken care of so far

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 20:44:44 GMT
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From the sounds of violence nearby Chu-e knew he could at least count on Erinn to not die so quickly. That was good, it was very good, cause it looked like there had been a miscount on their part.

There were five goons they had seen, yes, but from the shadows came another one, a sixth, who seemed to be the ring leader. She had a large sack that probably had a lot of fossils inside. Two Mightyena were at her side, snarling beasts of pokemon, and she ordered them to attack.

Teddy was still dealing with the immediate threats, why did these guys have so many Poochyena, but at least he had Lump and Creams out, too. If the worst happened he also had Syrups and Sparkles to rely on.

Chu-e used his pipe to smack away another canine that got too close and whistled low, signaling for his three pokemon to hit 'em hard. The leader sent off the two Mightyena at the same time. Creams was the first to connect with one of them, the Slurpuff meeting one of the wolf pokemon halfway and slamming into it with a Play Rough. Lump got hit first, being slower, taking a nasty Crunch but retaliated with her own Avalanche; the little pokemon created a wall of ice and snow and slammed down on the other Mightyena.

Teddy was having a rough time of it. Where his other two pokemon were in a proper double battle, for now, Teddy was significantly outnumbered. Thankfully either the mooks were less skilled or some of these belonged to the downed trainers and were acting on their own. Teddy was managing to Slash his way through most of them, Blizzard the ones who got too close, but it was clear the little pokemon was getting pretty tired.

Chu-e was so focused on his pokemon and beating off the dark type dogs that he made a mistake and left his back open. One thing he was punting a Poochyena and the next he was being choked from behind, lifted up and breath unable to leave him. His first instinct was to claw at the arm that had him but he knew better. Even as he choked he reached up behind him, it was incredibly awkward and hurt his arm, and went for the guy's eyes. It turned into a battle of attrition that Chu-e won on barely, falling to the ground on his hands and knees and choking to get his breath back as the man creamed in pain and held his now bloody eyes. He stumbled back to where Erinn was, falling over the downed bodies of one of his teammates.

3/6 goons taken down

chu-e blinded one and sent him erinn's way; the leader of this gaggle of a gang appeared and chu-e's pokemon are taking care of hers for now

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 0:15:15 GMT
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Teeth sunk into her arm made her let out a small grunt in pain. It hurt for sure but she wasn't going to let this tiny pooch get away with it, not when she could just punch her way out of it. A fist to the side of the Poochyena's head caused it to loosen enough for her to shake it off. "Fuck off you dirty mutt!" She wasn't going to fuck around with this mission whenever she could get her hands on something super rare whenever she could either get something amazing or sell it off to get a hot piece of cash. So of course when another one came gurgling over to her she kicked him in the knees, sending him to the ground.

"How many of these jackasses are there?" It was a rhetorical question that she wasn't exactly expecting an answer to. But that didn't mean she wasn't pissed about it regardless. She just wanted them to end up falling on the ground on their own without having to deal with it. She could feel her arm throbbing a bit but that didn't matter since she only needed one arm to actually swing her bat. That was the best way to do it after all. Swing down one person after another and make sure they didn't get up for a very very long time. Besides what was honor among thieves anyways?

It wasn't like these guys were saints in the slightest.  Not that she would feel bad about shoving a baseball bat in a saint's face either. "Fucking shit." She was tired of there being so much work to this. At least Chewy was kind of fun to work with since he seemed to be on the same wavelength as she was. But for now they needed to take care of the hard hitter. The one that was really going to cause them some trouble. Cracking her neck slowly she squared up her shoulders and yelled loudly, almost like a wild beast would before running up to try and shoulder check the leader.

At least she assumed they were the leader of them all. If she was going to do this then she was going to do it the right way, without anyone getting in the way.


>> Erinn got bit again by a poochyena but punched it in the head
>> Erinn swung at the one chewy sent her way and knocked him to the ground
>> Erinn went to tackle the leader
>> 4/6 thugs taken care of so far

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 2:54:57 GMT
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There was still one member of the gang unaccounted for. Erinn was taking care of the leader bitch and four others had been taken down- but as Chu-e caught his breath from his choking, a foot slammed down on his back, causing him to cry out in pain. Gravels dug into his hands and palms as tears filled his vision, his lower back being crushed beneath the boot of a guy that felt twice his size while he was already down.

Lump and Creams were still busy with the Mightyena and he couldn't get to his pokeballs. Teddy was the closest, noticed his Trainer being attacked, but couldn't do anything about it as he fought off the Poochyena. If only he was stronger...

Sparkling light shone from Teddy in his distressed state, as he so desperately wished to be stronger, and his body grew in shape. All at once instead of a little cub a massive bear shrugged off the oncoming Poochyena like they were nothing before charging at the man.

Chu-e felt relief when the crushing stopped, his back would be sore but he could be okay. The man gurgled as red dripped down onto the dirt; Teddy, now a Beartic, stepped back with ruby running from his claws and flecked in his ice blue and white fur. Looked like at least one of the Poachyena, for sure, would not live to regret messing with Rocket,

"Ah, fuck." Chu-e pushed himself to his feet and tried to stretch and twist. He would have a nasty bruise to go along with his bites and scrapes from the night. Go figure.

The battle with the Mightyena was winding down and it seemed that the leader was the only one left. Motioning to Teddy, Chu-e ordered the pokemon to keep watch but not interfere with Erinn's fight unless she needed the help. No need to play hero when one wasn't needed, after all.

Instead Chu-e focused on the dropped sack of fossils the leader had abandoned to tussle with Erinn. A few had dropped out but he grabbed them as he skulked about. This bag was heavy. It would probably be enough for a hefty haul if they could get it back to base. It was good enough for now. There were more fossils to be had and it was a shame they couldn't grab more; their run in with the Poachyena was sure to attract attention eventually if they weren't careful.

"Finish her off and move out, Grunt." Chu-e called to Erinn, moving to wait by the area they had come from.

5/6 goons taken down, leaving the head honcho to erinn

teddy evolves and chu-e figures that erinn can handle the leader so he starts to collect fossils so they can bounce after this

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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dark passage [gg mission]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 2:33:51 GMT
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As fists hit her body she continued to let out her feral screams. Frustration bubbled up inside her finally to be let out as she toppled to the ground with the other human being. The sandstorm was beginning to die down which meant that their time here was running short. But she didn't care about that right now. All she cared about was getting her hits in before they got theirs. That's all that really mattered right now. Taking care of the garbage before they could get their gross hands on her or anyone else.

So her hands hit as hard as they could, ignoring the pain in her arm for the moment as she tried to swing hard enough to make it really count. If they got up before her and Chewy were cleared out of here it could be a little bit of trouble for them after all. She didn't want anymore trouble when they went to walk away from this. After all what was done was done and she didn't need anything biting her in the ass. It wasn't until she felt Monika tugging at her pants leg did she stop punching.

Her cheek felt bruised, where the other party had gotten a couple hits in but in Erinn's blind rage she hadn't really noticed. After all you didn't need to really see someone you had mostly pinned down and were punching the shit out of. It would leave a bruise. Another one to add to the collection she had gathered today but it wasn't anything new to be completely honest. She would get more and worse things in the future probably. So she pulled herself off of the other girl and grabbed Monika close, letting the dragon climb around to act as a backpack once more.

"Let's get the hell out of here already." It seemed like Chewy was done picking stuff up after all and she was ready to have a look at the haul they had pulled back.


>> Erinn got in a fight and is ready to go now
>> 6/6 thugs taken care of so far

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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 5:18:48 GMT
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