i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 21:39:18 GMT
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just a reminder for the remaining contestants to post their round one performances. try to get them done by the end of the week, if possible! let me know if you need help or if you are very busy so we can figure out workarounds! ♥[break][break][break]

/ / @max / @senri / @camryn

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 4:13:10 GMT
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A mamoswine with a massive silk fabric tied around its neck like an ascot-style cravat was unleashed upon the stage as his name, Tiny, and his partner, Sebastian, were announced to the audience. His nostrils flared with a bold growl to inform the viewers that he was eager to perform. Tiny had already known that Sebastian would need some time to set up, so the mamoswine bought his partner the necessary time by opening with a very controlled hail. The hailstorm seemed to establish a smaller stage as shards of ice came down upon the Twin Tusk Pokemon like a spotlight, and he bowed to the audience while awaiting his partner's voice.

Sebastian chose to use a stand microphone over one of the wired packs to enhance the intimacy of his performance, and the ability to better control his proximity to the microphone at the right times was worth the sacrifice of a few seconds at the start of his set. Both of his hands gripped the audio equipment and he leaned in very close, clearly intending to serenade the spectators, and the resonance of his voice would cause Tiny to rise up once again.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening!

The soft, baritone voice was augmented by the advanced sound system of the stage, allowing Sebastian to croon to his heart's content without having to exert stamina on the projection of his voice. Tiny aimed into the sky once more, blowing a controlled blizzard, straight up so that it would come down in the same circle as the hail. His heavy and broad feet began compacting the accumulated ice and snow into a surface that was smooth enough for him to strut in place to the following lyrics.

A beautiful sight, oh, we're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland!

Now Tiny's body began to glow white as it started to use its Ancient Power, aiming its violence at the ground so that force caused stones to jut out upwards in a flash of white, the extrusions forming in the shape of a snowman while being dusted by the continuing hail and snow just in time for the next lyric.

Well, in the meadow we can build a snowman~

Tiny would continue using Ancient Power to destroy and rebuild the stone sculptures into various scenes from the classic winter song, until it finally produce one small diorama of stone figures of the contestants and the pokemon they were initially introduced with that would also be colored by white tufts of snow.

We'll frolic and play, the ice pokemon way
Walking in a winter wonderland!

The hail and snow would cease as Sebastian sang the last line, and Tiny would bow before his little masterpiece.

→Sebastian sings Winter Wonderland like he's mfing Bing Crosby
→Tiny the Mamoswine uses hail and blizzard in a controlled area while strutting and making ancient power rock sculptures to the beat of Sebastian's chune.

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 15:09:42 GMT
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senri notes that a number of people before him had decided to go for the singing route. well, unfortunately, he had also decided to do something of that fashion, but he honestly didn't pride himself as much of a singer. he really just...didn't know what to do, exactly, with the theme, and he felt too uncomfortable to try performing this with his newly caught safari pokemon (they would be for the next rounds, he thinks). as a result, he has actually chosen to do this with one of his first pokemon in kanto, and right now, she was the longest pokemon to be with him.

he tugs on his shirt, very much nervous about the whole ordeal. those...impromptu lessons he had a few years back would hit him now, and he hopes that he still remembers them well. once his name is called, he enters the stage and only sees a sea of people. the lights then dim as the announcer finishes his introduction. he gulps, "hello, everyone. i hope that this performance pleases you." he also does a slight bow before the music begins to play.

arceus i hope i don't mess this up.

there is a bit of an instrumental before he gets to sing, so in that window he tosses his chosen poke ball up in the air, letting out hana with a swirl of white petals thanks to the seal. she does a spin and sparkles emanate from her form, which then turn into a pink mist that rolls onto the stage like a blanket of fog. the MISTY TERRAIN creates a soothing effect and also shrouds the pair, but it doesn't take long for their outlines to appear as the song approaches its first stanza.

As we stood a top your best friend's porch
The wind cut through our teeth
I glued my feet in front of you
Cause I swore I'd never leave

his voice is a little shaky at first, but the mist has a dual effect where it also envelops the crowd; it almost makes him forget that he is performing in front of a bunch of people. he is standing at first, letting the music creep into every fiber of his being. meanwhile, florges is using a remnant of PETAL DANCE to make the white petals move with her cadence while adding some red petals with it. she does not spin too much to make her dizzy--rather she circles senri, with the misty terrain giving a dreamy-like effect.

And then it all falls down
Around me

this time, the petals follow senri as he begins to walk around the stage, but with each step he takes, he is taken upward thanks to his florges' PSYCHIC. the white and red petals float underneath his feet like he is walking up a stairway made of flora until he reaches a gentle peak above the pink mist. hana is below him, letting the petals fall as she focuses on keeping her trainer afloat. he starts to sing the chorus and makes sure to put a lot of feeling into it.

When the fire 'round our house is blinding
And the road to better days in far away
If the words can't be enough to say "We'll be okay"
I will be here now and always to stay

half way through, florges uses WISH to envelop herself in a multitude of stars, releasing it behind her trainer at the last word of the stanza. she then uses PETAL DANCE to make the petals soar and collide with the stars, creating an explosion of sparkles that mimic snow. senri is then gently carried down and set beside his pokemon before they take a bow; the music slowly fading into a few keys of a piano.

with the mist dissipating and the lights slowly turning back to their normal brightness, he steals a glance at the crowd and sees a familiar face. it flusters him a tad as he mutters a 'thank you' on the microphone and a low bow before he exits the stage, florges doing a nice wave before following her trainer to the back.

tags: i guess ??
notes: don't want to do the whole song i'll die
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she / her
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persephone amavi
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 19:54:08 GMT
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where some other performances seem to err on the musical, persephone's latent concern that perhaps she should have followed suit and sung is cast aside. she isn't sure if playing to the traditional tropes of essentially a beauty contest will be to her benefit but the very idea of straying from the well-worn classics, dazzling audiences for decades, made her balk.

not confident with a whole routine either, persephone opts for something like a short story-telling piece.

the stage is thrust into darkness, allowing her and her glaceon to take their places. invisible to the audiences' eyes, the pokemon is quick to erect several barriers around the pair, boxing them in in a large sphere on the stage. the function is two-fold; to protect the audience from the hail that the glaceon has whipped up within the impromptu snow globe, and to allow them to manipulate how lighting falls and is directed within their "scene".

as the light turns on overhead, falling to her in a pillar, persephone idly wonders why she didn't have goosebumps during the rehearsals. with so many eyes on her, her own pokemon's moves - even when tempered to not injure its trainer - somehow felt colder.

the glaceon's emergence from the softly falling snow is seamless due to her snow cloak. as if taking shape from thin air, the pokemon walks towards persephone with a mischievous bounce in her step. she leans down as though to pet the pokemon's unusually pale, shimmering coat - a practiced cue for the glaceon to act.

the pokemon side-steps her trainer's touch and, with a sharp exhale of air, compresses the snow flakes and ice falling around them into a slowly growing sculpture with ice shard. within moments an evergreen tree began to materialise until it reached its full height. persephone plays at surprise, taking an exaggerated step back, much to the glee of the glaceon.

bounding to their left, the pokemon stops to look back at its trainer, and persephone duly follows. with another, barely noticeable, flourish of her hand, the glaceon uses a second and then a third ice shard to erect first an elaborate sled sculpture, and then a figure of a noble sawsbuck at its head.

the pokemon's coat begins to glow a subtle light as she does a small, tight lap around persephone and trots back to the statue of the christmas tree. she stops and turns to look, prompting persephone to follow her back as the pokemon is quick to freeze more snow underneath the tree to resemble wrapped gifts.

as persephone looks on with barely contained delight, the pokemon undeniably begins to radiate slowly shifting colours due to its aurora veil. the focal point of the stage, of the "snow globe", all falls to the glaceon; an iridescent beacon.

the performance is reaching its peak. at a nod from persephone, the glaceon disappears momentarily as she appeared, casting the stage into darkness once more. several long moments later, the stage, indeed, the hall is cast into light once more. having clambered into the base of the christmass tree sculpture, the glaceon flashes her aurora veil once more, seemingly illuminating the tree itself in coloured light, sending the dazzling effect across the room.

≫ creates a "snow globe" on the stage with barrier and hail
≫ plays out this little scene where the glaceon uses ice shard to freeze snow from the hail into various sculptures (christmas tree, sled, sawsbuck, wrapped gifts)
≫ uses aurora veil to glow pretty colours
≫ then uses aurora veil to "light up" the christmas tree! wowowow, what a cool effect!!
≫ why is this so long, i'm so sorry this isn't like me


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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 3:44:07 GMT
like valeria and persephone, fernando has no inclination toward musicals. rather than play into the niche of coordinating, fernando sticks to his forte. expositions heralded with technical explanations will be the crux of his performance and the only dash of theatrics will be the christmas lights that adorn his abomasnow's body. prepared by someone else off stage, fernando makes his entrance with a slow, purposeful stride toward the center. aided only by the microphone in his hand, he tells the story that his abomasnow will soon set up to.

"seasons greetings, everyone. i hope you've enjoyed the spectacles so far! this rounds theme is winter and from what we've seen, each contestant has had their own take on the season. for myself, what winter means to me is a chance to glorify the often overlooked reputation of ice type pokemon."

his abomasnow has long taken a stance a few feet away from him. the stage dims as the spotlight focuses entirely on the large bulwark of a pokemon. numerous vines burst out from the pokemon overcoat, writhing as they seep into the stage's floor and INGRAIN the pokemon in place.

"this is the time of year where ice-type pokemon shine." a nod to . "they get to put their crystalline beauty on display. it is a time to marvel at their refinement and the elegance that comes from them. abomasnow, for instance, only appear when snow flowers bloom."

on cue, abomasnow tilts its head back, aiming upward as a BLIZZARD spews up into the air. it renders the pokemon as a makeshift snow machine, toned down to to cover the stage in a cascade of tiny, individual snowflakes. no two water crystal comes out the same and when they collide, they stick together, becoming heavier and shifting into a more familiar snow. the ferocity of the BLIZZARD is tamed, lulling those in the audience with the soft whispers of the GRASS WHISTLE that accompanies the winter winds. the many furred bristles that line the pokemon's upper lip turns the prolonged exhale into a melody of delicate, calming music.

"for me, ice type pokemon mean much more than that. they are the tenacious, the furious, those who brave the freezing temperatures and come out stronger. they thrive in environments we cannot and must adapt when the temperature changes. they are the cold. they are the calm, the calculated, and their power is to be respected."

the BLIZZARD takes a turn for the worst and the howling gales threaten an advent to the tundra that's to come. the snow thickens and what comes out of the abomasnow's mouth begins to swirl into a small vortex. it resembles a water spout but eventually gives way to the ice that comes after. for a moment, the abomasnow glitters with a translucent aqua glow before the whole stage freezes over. the blizzard from before, as well as the constant tampering of the environment for the previous performances, has set the stage to show off the SHEER COLD of winter's bite. the others had practiced with caution, with safety. fernando demonstrates absolute power. abomasnow never buckles from its place. it's INGRAINED. the earlier move gives off the appearance of control. such a move comes out without so much a stutter, without recoil.

"a single abomasnow can blanket entire areas in snow by whipping up blizzards. many know it as 'the ice monster'. in the olden days they used to revere them as deities, bringer of the cold and herald of the winter season. i am no different. what i see is both a delicate giant and winter's fury."

a giant hulk of ice looms over them. the structure is daunting, rivaling the height of valeria's dustox airspace and leaves those in the audience gasping. the pillar borrow its form from the trajectory of abomasnow's previous BLIZZARD, expanding upward and then stretching out with the same structure of an umbrella.

"there are those who adapt to the cold and those who are born in it. those who master winter, who master the cold, must have not only the mental fortitude--" a green outline of a tree trunk engulfs abomasnow's right hand. it lands a direct, straight jab to the base of the structure. at first, it appears like the attack does nothing. the ice still stands tall, menacing. "--but the physical strength to conquer true ice."

the impact from earlier takes time to settle in. without any further movement, a crack starts to emanate from deep within the structure. it's a slow and arduous process but the crack grows, seeping into the foundation of the ice until it all breaks apart. the roots from the earlier INGRAIN lash out as the abomasnow loses its tether. a precise barrage of ICE SHARDS make quick work of any large clumps of ice, the tiny fragments chipping and dislodging the pieces into smaller, more manageable chunks. what's left is a shower of ICE SHARDS that litter the stage, reminiscent of HAIL and absolutely harmless to fernando who stands there unfazed.

"another year comes and goes and like every other, i pay my respects to the winter and those that call it home. thank you."

and with that he exits stage left.


≫ wants to show off something other than ice type's beauty
≫ abomasnow INGRAINS itself to the stage to hold itself in place
≫ blows snow straight up with BLIZZARD, the winds soft with GRASS WHISTLE
≫ BLIZZARD becomes more vicious and turns into a twister
≫ suddenly everything turns to ice with SHEER COLD; a large umbrella of ice looms over the entire stage
≫ delivers a single WOOD HAMMER. it slowly cracks and shatters after his speech.
≫ abomasnow ice shards all big falling pieces until it turns into HAIL

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 5:14:58 GMT
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Wow.. some of these would sure be tough acts to follow! Camryn regretted taking an extra little break to make sure she was presentable and not going first like she had last time. Almost, anyway! She wasn't in this to win and was sure it would be a lot of fun just to participate. So, as @fernando was leaving the stage she gave him a big smile and muttered her congratulations at the crowd's thunderous applause. It didn't take long for the stage to be cleaned up, for her to follow up behind him.

She made sure the lights were low and dark as she took her place.

"So, the theme of this round is 'Winter', as I'm sure you all know..." Camryn spoke to the crowd in a methodical tone, like a storyteller might. There is a crackle and snap, a shimmer in the darkness before she continues.

"I'm from Kalos, and in Kalos we have this one winter story, that most people forget, but it was told every year at my table...." The lights come up, red and vibrant, shining on a mess of Reflect barriers that have been lit up and shaped into a gargantuan shape. It's ghastly, a red and black winged pokemon, looking terrible like all the stories say it does. "The story of Yveltal!"

A single Mr. Mime is behind the scenes, using his Magical Leaf to make sure the right places stay lit up with color, his Psychic to ensure that everything moves and stays in place.

"Winter is a time of death and darkness for those not careful. Chaos grows and the border between life and death grow weak. Some even say the dead can walk amongst us! Yveltal is the one who controls this, who blights us... but it is also the one who keeps us safe, a barrier between the living and the dead." The false beast stirred, tilting it's head back and shaking soundlessly. Jester didn't really have a move that could replicate sounds.

"So every winter we would leave out offerings of cake and honey to Yveltal to keep us safe until it was time for Spring to come again..." The lights went back out, taking the sight of the 'Yveltal' with it, save for a pair of glowing red eyes. "So we wouldn't be forsaken." The eyes faded and Camryn bounced off the stage, a little flustered and embarrassed of her showing compared to the others, but still pleased she was able to try so hard.

@contest! c:

tldr: i based this off some weird traditions my grandma did when i was very tiny

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 15:57:08 GMT
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he ran out of snacks. Oops.

He’d actually run out of his favorite snack, and was regretting buying only one small little bag. Wondering if his place was going to be taken if he left he hoped now and made to go out to pick up some more food during an intermission between the opening number and the first performance.

Did he have the balls to go up on stage and do that? Perform? To be honest, he didn’t know how to sing, nor did he know how to dance. Maybe a few magic tricks? He was mulling over what potential options he could turn to, should he be given the opportunity to perform.

He eventually made his way back some twenty minutes later, arm laden down with a paper bag that contained more sweet treats. While he’d missed the first performance on-stage (although he’d heard the last few snatches of it from the speakers) he was able to see the rest of them—and there they were again! He thought he recognized some of the high-profile League members, higher-up on the ranking chain than he was (at the moment).

Although, most of everyone had gone with the song number performance approach. That was, until he spotted the Mime girl from earlier—and this time he’d paid some serious attention, because she was speaking of Yveltal! While one of the Legendaries related to another region’s mythos altogether, he watched with rapt wonder—most of the facts were right; shame that she didn’t mention Yveltal’s counterpart, Xerneas, in the story.

Sounds about right… he thought, waiting for the rest of the performances to take place while going through some of the chocolate-covered chips he’d picked up from the snack counter outside.

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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2019 2:23:01 GMT
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Jackson Feng

jackson feng, the heir to the numel noodles™ (an instant noodle brand famous in hoenn) fortune, is one of the judges. he comments on victor's performance:[break][break]

"preeeetty spicy. i like your guts. singing and dancing all dressed up like that? i'd shit my pants, but you pulled it off okay. not bad, my guy. i'm looking forward to seein' you two in the next round."[break][break]




Cooper Armstrong

cooper armstrong, the owner of the horned ranch™, is one of the judges. he comments on gilbert's performance:[break][break]

"i reckon you put a lotta thought into this one, gilbert. yer mighty creative, and i 'ppreciate that. a real beaut' of a performance. i think your dustox, er, scared a few kids in the front row though. oh lookee here, she's cryin'..."[break][break]

SCORE: 3 (you also receive 3 infamy!)


@max —[break]


shikano chiyome is a celebrity athlete in hoenn. she comments on sebastian's performance:[break][break]

"when you started singing, i was starting to feel something." she bites her lip. "then i saw your mamoswine, cute name by the way," she lifts up a document that possesses the contestant's information, "and wow, the power and grace reminds me of an old coach i had. he practiced something called wuju style and your mammoswine brought me there. thank you for that lovely performance, sebastian."[break][break]



@senri —[break]


talia bosch is hoenn's champion. she comments on senri's performance:[break][break]

she's tapping her fingers nervously against the desk. it's her turn to comment, and she shakes her daze off with an embarrassed look. "s-sorry. well, senri. that was really gorgeous. as you know, i'm from fortree, and we really appreciate the beauty in the natural. your florges showcased natural beauty tonight. great singing too. we have quite the selection of vocalists gathered here tonight."[break][break]





cooper armstrong, the owner of the horned ranch™, is one of the judges. he comments on persephone's performance:[break][break]

"hey, before i begin. i reckon... we've seen each other before. have ya been by the gachapon machine a lot, lately? daily draws and whatnot? no? well, my apologies. yer performance was ace-high. love myself a good ol' christmas tree and a good ol' glaceon to wrangle it all together. y'should be proud, darlin'."[break][break]





jackson feng, the heir to the numel noodles™ (an instant noodle brand famous in hoenn) fortune, is one of the judges. he comments on fernando's performance:[break][break]

"mother bitch, that was not only fuckin' educational, but damn, was that amazin'. it's like you're super prepared and shit. damn! if i could gift you a mewtwo as a prize i'd do it in a heartbeat. don't you guys agree?" he looks to rest of the judges. everyone gives fernando a standing ovation in the spectator seats.[break][break]

SCORE: 100 (you also receive 1 infamy!)


@camryn —[break]


shikano chiyome is a celebrity athlete in hoenn. she comments on camryn's performance:[break][break]

"thanks for bringing kalosian culture here to hoenn, camryn and mr. mime! i've been to kalos many times and i'm always intrigued by the stories of yveltal—sorry if i pronounced that wrong—and you surely intrigued us today. don't be shy. own it!"[break][break]



the audience applauds for everyone. the lights signal for the second round:


  • round zero - introductions and appeal
  • round one - winter (one pokemon limit)
  • round two - dance of the sugar plum fairy (two pokemon limit)
  • round three - generosity and celebration (one pokemon limit)


please post your second round performances; please post by 1/5!

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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2019 12:15:18 GMT
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"Noir, Edge! Take the stage!"

Two spheres performed a coordinated stationary rotation in the air as they each dispersed gleams of light that would take the silhouette of two humanoid pokemon. Sebastian caught the two pokeballs on their way back to Earth, stowing them away as he knelt down to handle some strange casing.

Both of the dark pokemon were outfitted with a red dunic, white tights, and dancing shoes. The first, a sneasel, had the toecaps of its dancing shoes forked so that both of the sharp protrusions from its feet were housed at little cost to his balance. The second, a pawniard, had its tunic heavily modified so that its iron maiden-like rib cage did not shred its costume during the performance.

The human of the group, Sebastian, was adorned in a golden three piece suit that appeared to have insect wings protruding from the back. Upon further analysis, those familiar with the nutcracker would come to realize that Sebastian was fulfilling the role of the sugar plum fairy, and the two pokemon were his cavaliers.

The two pokemon would not wait for their trainer to set up before beginning their performance. The sneasel began by clacking both of its toecaps against the stage and transitioning to a click of its heels, staring down in awe as if it never had done such a thing before. The sneasel would gaze at the pawniard as if to transfer its awe, and the pawniard reciprocated by clicking the base of its shoes in a similar fashion. They would go back and forth in this exchange until they heard Sebastian clear his throat.

The red-headed performer was now holding a violin to his shoulder, and had already assumed the proper stance for play before his pokemon's warm up. However, a part of the performance was their youthful exchange of tap in hopes of raising the crowd's vigor before the true performance.

Sebastian would strum the bow across the chords, beginning the first notes of Pyotr Tchaikovsky's classic song, and the two pokemon would maintain their faces of youthful wonder as they performed an arrangement of synchronized and then back-and-forth steps, culminating with a solo from the agile sneasel.

They would finish with a bow, both pokemon finally catching the breaths they could not allow themselves in the heat of their show.

→Sebastian plays "The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" on violin
→His sneasel and pawniard do a tap dancing number against Sebastian's instrumental

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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 5:01:44 GMT
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Victor couldn't believe it. The famous Jackson Fung commented on his performance! It was incredible, because it made his heart go doki doki. Honestly his life was complete. Honestly Jackson Fung could lock him in a frozen tomb with murderous snowmen and spit on him and Victor would be satisfied. And then he could die after.

However he could not faint just yet. There was still much to do, much to show. The next portion of the show came and Victor was glad he didn't have to go first again. This way he could scope out the competition. Some pretty stiff stuff though, especially from that Mistress of Elijah's. But Victor knew he had some tricks up his sleeve.

The lights dim Victor grabs the mic. Suddenly a bright light appears and Victor burst out into the stage. He is wearing an athletic outfit from the 80s composed of a glorious neon jacket, loose cream pants and a shirt that has a cat on it. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, I know you're tired of just watching these dances in your seats, thats why I'm gonna get you all involved in some hot new dance moves! But first please welcome my partner, Jigglypuff!" Exciting lights flash around the stage. Jigglypuff comes out wearing a headband. On its feet are a pair of red shoes resembling those of another famous pink celebrity.

Athletic dance music fills the air while a remix of the famous sugarplum theme plays along. Victor moves along to the beat as he cheers into the mic. "Alright everyone on your feet! Move those booties! Alright, the first move we're gonna do is a famous eye catcher. Now what you're gonna want to do this.." Victor shuffles along to the music before bending forward, sticking out one leg slightly and putting his hands along his leg. "Alright, we're going to bend...and snap!" With vigor Victor snaps back up, flipping his bangs seductively. "Now Jigglypuff! Take it away!"

Jigglypuff tries to bend forward. It has no waist. It falls onto its face.

"Are you keeping up! Lets go! The next move is called the Karen! Alright what you're gonna do is turn around..." Victor turns around showing the audience his backside. "And shake it! Shake it lets go! Oh Shake it! Moneymaker! Rumpshaker! Shake it!" Nearby Jigglypuff is desperately moving its backside. It has no backside. Its entire body moves.

"Alright! Lets go! All together now!" The holiday sugarplum remix plays, Victor and Jigglypuff begin their moves. "Bend..and snap! Bend...and snap! Now shake it! Shake it! Shake it baby!" The tiring workout routine continues on for a few more rounds before Victor turns around cheering and clapping his hands!

"Now if you want more remember to pick up my new DVD, Victor's Workout for the Fakeouts! And you too can look this fabulous! Goodnight everybody!" Victor blows the audience a kiss. Jigglypuff tries bowing. It falls forward.

The curtains close.

tldr: victor teaches the audience various workout dance moves


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persephone amavi
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 23:25:12 GMT
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there is something cheesy if not borderline comedic about the dance of the sugar plum fairy, conceptually. she attributes it to how overused the music is. hearing the first few notes play for her - for the fourth time in a row that night - is enough to make persephone grimace.

it's almost the same gimmick she had just demonstrated; a trick of the light with reflects and light screens courtesy of a sigilyph that remained largely off-stage. he was only here for utility and for his moveset, the supplement the primary performance of the swanna.

undeniably a more elegant pokemon, the flying-type cut gracefully through the air to the music in a series of airborne pirouettes. the light screens set up by the sigilyph seem to visibly shatter at the swanna's touch in a visual effect that appears to be something between glass and ice, glimmering brilliantly.

as the music reaches a crescendo, persephone waits with baited breath for the final act. lifted with a gentle psychic, she meets the swanna in the air, joins her in a last dance. the audience applauds and the pair hang frozen in place, but no matter how elegant everything leading up to that moment might have been, persephone felt more like a suspended marionette than an artiste.

≫ rolling before i post to see how much effort i should put into this tbh, eta: LOOOOOOOOL
≫ sigilyph uses a combination of reflects and light screens to create some cool visual effects
≫ swanna does some extra pseudo-poke-ballet, feat. a reckless but impressive (??) performance with brave bird
≫ sigilyph tosses perse and the swanna around with both psychic and gravity - an aerial performance wowowow
≫ she tried : )


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august 12th
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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2019 7:26:10 GMT
the prompt gives little wiggle room for experimenting. the dance of the sugar plum fairy is as straight forward as it gets. yet fernando will not yield nor compromise to the stylistic approach of the performance. again, he plans to present an expansive narrative that uses the pokemon's background as a focal point. the rest of the presentation is left up to the labors of , , and . one's responsible for breaking the pokemon in, taming them to be obedient and poised at a moment's notice. only after they've been tempered are they given to the league appointed secretary to adopt a routine and dressed to the nine's.

with the same purpose as before, fernando graces the stage with his presence once more. the preliminary clap from several audience members comes in the good grace that they expect another outstanding performance. they're enraptured. unfortunately, he doesn't care. their attention is fickle and fernando is one to stick to his guns. how they'll receiving it is up to fate, a destiny no more certain then a roll of the dice.

"and here we are with round two! this round's theme is the dance of the sugar plum fairy and there's no other pokemon that remains mystified while holding the crown of the ice queen."

without making any move for the two pokeballs on his waist, two red beams erupt into a shower of bright light that settles into the form of two feminine silhouettes. when the light fades, what's left is a curtsying kirlia and froslass. the lights shut off and the spotlight is on them. the kirlia is colored a midnight black, the pokemon's traditional skirt covered up by the black silk tutu that makes her role as the ballerina obvious. it's the froslass that surprises the others. a matching ruffle dress blends in with the pokemon's natural kimono, more akin to burial gown with that way the veil covers the ghost pokemon's face.

the music starts, a dreary piano rendition that slows the traditional music down to a crawl. each key is tantalizing, coming down in echoes as it paints a scene that fernando interrupts with his narration. his kirlia takes to the stage, flourishing a practiced routine that doesn't seem too far off @max 's own version. "there was a recent incident in fortree. a swarm of frolass were preying on the men of a small settlement. rumor has it they were angered by a tragic, horrible even that happened years ago." it's the froslass that plays a different part. it circles fernando, hovering around him, several WILL-O-WISPS spiraling around it's body, threatening to burn him at the slightest touch.

"i went up there to put a stop to it but little did i know what i would find."

an OMINOUS WIND beings to blow, carrying a milder BLIZZARD with it. the snow is no where enough to hide the froslass but its SNOW CLOAK allows it to shift to and fro, haunting, invisible. abruptly, it reappears, cursing the kirlia with a HEX mid-dance, causing the pokemon to writhe as it arcs its back in a way that makes even jealous.

"a swarm of twelve of them went from house to house, freezing anyone who dared to open the door. among them was the queen, the alpha, the one who orchestrated their movements - the one who came after me and nearly drained me dry."

a translucent, purple aura overtakes the kirlia. it's pronounced, throbbing, radiating in a way that over comes the HEX. furious, the kirlia leaps forward landing on her very tippy toes. with a exaggerated thrust of her arm, the aura manifests from her mind and flashes in front of all; a CALM MIND that gives her the clarity to break free from the curse. "legends say that a woman who was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as a froslass. they come from women scorned, devoured by the cold. they come down to exact their revenge. that's almost what this froslass did."

the dance breaks into a choreographed battle. a SHADOW BALL forms and comes forth, launched right at the kirlia. "almost." before it can land, kirlia TELEPORTS out of the way with another curtsy, able to TRACE the froslass's SNOW CLOAK. the BLIZZARD thickens but the snow is far from white - it's clear, transparent, the results of putting the pokemon to a water cleansing diet for several days prior. as the music enters a slow climb for the crescendo, the pair do battle, fazing in and out of view, psychedelic.

"after a bitter, freezing battle, we put the curse to an end."

kirlia's PSYCHIC puts a stop to the BLIZZARD. a pocket coated by the blue PSYCHIC bubble keeps the pokemon safe from any more intrusive snow. multiple bursts of different neon lights materialize around the pokemon, forming into MAGICAL LEAFS, piercing the snow and painting in all colors of the rainbow. they seem to strike, the fact that they miss obscured by the sinister purple energy that radiates off the froslass's body. the music comes to and end and so does his froslass, setting itself flame in the blue WILL-O-WISPS that betray her.

"and so another year goes with the legend of fortree's sugar plum fairy."

both pokemon return to their balls, granting fernando the chance to exit the stage after his performance.


≫ brings out ballerina kirlia and ice queen froslass
≫ spooky version of dance of the sugar plum fairy plays as the stage goes dark
≫ recounts the yuki-oona mission as his narrative
≫ enacts a stage battle of the event with a clear BLIZZARD constantly blowing
≫ they disappear and reappear repeatedly with SNOW CLOAK, driving to a climatic explosion of rainbow colors

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October 13
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 4:13:42 GMT
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@max —[break]

Jackson Feng

jackson feng, the heir to the numel noodles™ (an instant noodle brand famous in hoenn) fortune, is one of the judges. he comments on sebastian's performance:[break][break]

"that was crazy. the tap dancin' was insane! made me breathless like an anniversary night, whew! gotta appreciate the threads on pawniard too. you're a real performer, through and through, man."[break][break]

SCORE: 36 + 63 = 99




cooper armstrong, the owner of the horned ranch™, is one of the judges. he comments on victor's performance:[break][break]

"yer jigglypuff okay? anyway, i had... no idear a workout routine like that could be so... heated. you got some of the audience movin', wrangled them up in yer energy. i think i'll try bendin' and snappin' whenever i get th'chance. thanks, victor."[break][break]

SCORE: 30 + 31 = 61




talia bosch is hoenn's champion. she comments on persephone's performance:[break][break]

tahlia seems to be dazing off into space. a nudge from cooper taps her back into the conscious realm, and she clears her throat. "i... i..." she seems to be struggling to speak, but not because she's in awe. "i'm at a loss for words."[break][break]

the champion takes a drink from her horned ranch sponsored cup, the handle a curved bouffalant horn. with a glance at the swanna, she gains a second wind. "i had a friend once. named hadrian. he really loved swanna, and yours is absolutely beautifully bred. impressive pokemon, persephone."[break][break]





shikano chiyome is a celebrity athlete in hoenn. she comments on fernando's performance:[break][break]

"mr. silph, i had no idea you were such a storyteller! really sparked my imagination. a truly grand fantasy. thank you." she claps, a wink accompanying the gesture as the audience whistles.[break][break]

SCORE: 100 + 63 = 163


the audience applauds for everyone. the lights signal for the third round:


  • round zero - introductions and appeal
  • round one - winter (one pokemon limit)
  • round two - dance of the sugar plum fairy (two pokemon limit)
  • round three - generosity and celebration (one pokemon limit)


@senri has unfortunately been skipped this round. feel free to post in the third round, though! everyone, please post your second round performances; please post by 1/20!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2019 2:57:39 GMT
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The lights dim once again. Victor was having way too much fun at this thing. Sure his routine wasn't as well received as some of the others but he knew his own unique personality and strange bizarre acts would win him fans some way or another. Either way he was going to be opening the last act, a feat he already demolished performing as the elusive Queen Elsa from Frozen.

A pair of large heavy curtains draw and Victor steps out beaming. In his hand is a microphone and he laughs awkwardly at the audience. Memories of his shocking Ice Queen dress and ugly neon Leotard still haunts the audiences' memories. "So, giving. Its the true spirit of the season am I right? With that being said, I'm going to give you something you've all been waiting for!" Victor beams and pretends to remember something. He shakes his head. "No wait, sorry I am not going to kill Fernando. Sorry. So sorry to disappoint. We'll have to aim lower."

Victor coughs into the microphone and calls for Marsh, his faithful Jigglypuff. She appears. On her body is a bright red Santa costume. On its head is a red cap. In its stubby arms are a bag full of things. It waddles over to Jackson Fung first. "Alright Jackson. You know how much I love you. Like so so much my guy. God, like..." Victor is lost in his fantasies for a second. Awkward coughing brings him back.

"Oh! OH! Sorry uh here Jackson. This is for you." Jigglypuff pulls out a mini motorcycle figurine and hands it to Jackson. "I hope you like it."

Next Jigglypuff makes her way over to Cooper. Victor does not know who Cooper is. Jigglypuff pulls out a large blue gem. "Uh yeah hope you enjoy good Sir. They were out of the teddy bears. Sorry."

Jigglypuff makes another stop in front of Talia. Again Victor does not know who this girl is. Clearly Victor is too in love with Jackson. "Okay uh, Maam, here is a, uh, doll. Her name is Dahlia. Okay. Alright."

Finally Jigglypuff stops at Shikano. It reaches deep into its sack and pulls out a large carrot. "Here is a carrot. In case you ever want to dress up like a Ninja Bunny. I got you started on the costume. You're welcome."

There are dry coughs as Jigglypuff leaves the stage. Victor stands in the center. "Okay audience. Please text me your phone number. My number is 538-555-LOVE. I will venmo you ten thousand pesos if you vote for me. Thanks."

Victor leaves the stage.

tldr: victor bribes the judges with gifts and oprahs the audience


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2019 4:48:07 GMT
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An oranguru took the stage, fanning itself as its red-haired partner took the mic. The sage pokemon did not wear a tailored tux like Sebastian's other performers. Instead, they went with matching silk kimonos to enhance Guru's spiritual look.

"Let's try something a little unorthodox. If you want to participate, look at my partner! If not, well you can just focus on me. Alright, hit the music!"

A song began to play, an older one that many of those in their twenties may have remembered from their childhood. The oranguru would glow white as it used instruct, causing those that chose to participate to clap along with the beat. Sebastian would begin by singing the first verse of the song, and completing the hook signaled the next step.

See time after time, that's how it will be
Just you and me!

The second part to the performance was a bit more complicated to execute. Through a combination of oranguru's telepathy and instruct, those who volunteered would find themselves aware of the song's chorus, and they would sing it as a chorus.

This back and forth would go until the beat simmered away, and Sebastian would sigh in relief.

"I want to thank you all for not leaving me hanging! The song, and your participation, are to remind you that the holiday season isn't really about all of the material gifts."

He gave Guru a pat on the back as thanks for his hard work. The amount of energy he put into orchestrating clearly left him fatigued.

"We all share time with each other that can make precious memories, so I urge you all to give the gift of fond memories to as many others as you can--with your best of friends and with strangers alike."

He paused, taking a bow.

"Thank you, all of you!"

He allowed Guru to return to his pokeball and departed the stage.

→Sebastian sings "My Best Friends" with the audience thanks to oranguru's use of instruct and telepathy. He then gives a sappy speech.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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