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POSTED ON Mar 26, 2021 16:53:37 GMT
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he looks at the address written on a piece of paper before decided to ring the doorbell that announced his presence at the entrance of the facility.

the pet project once split between and has been passed from the former to the new name assigned the title of head scientist, mostly due to her supposed interest on it. priam volunteered to be the bearer of the news as lane's previous lab aide, if only because it coincided with the assignment walsh has given him.

the backpack weighed heavy on his back. various folders and drives containing files from the previous research were to be delivered from the lane's lab to eva's, given that she's interested in it.

higher ups had told him he was to transfer to her if he still was interested in maintaining the job. "hello! i'm a representative of the league's science department or something," he greets on the front door.

he wonders if she was told of his arrival, not knowing anything about the new head scientist of the league.

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POSTED ON Mar 26, 2021 21:30:49 GMT
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There was something about some Blue Mulch, Littleroot, and a tree? They were vague on the details . . . understandable. Regardless they wanted her to continue with the research started by previous Head Professors. It felt awkward to start where someone else left off. In a way, a scientist’s research was their legacy. The League ensured her she would be stepping on any toes which she was happy to hear because she was very intrigued by what she was hearing.

Her calendar did indicate there would be someone dropping by today that was more familiar with the project and had the majority of the research on hand. They failed to give a time or even a name.

She isn’t expecting any more appointments so as the bell to her lab rings, she smiles pleasantly. finds a cheerful blonde in scrubs and a lab coat on the other side of the door as she swings it open, “Hi! How can I help you?” she eyes the heavy backpack on the man’s back, “Are you the assistant?” she asks, motioning to the backpack with a hand that held a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2021 11:55:31 GMT
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"yup. that's me. the best one there is!"

he responds to her with a bright grin before noticing where her attention went. it takes him a moment to register the next thing to do, which was to move the backpack to his front for him to open up its contents in front of her. "i'm being transferred here, so you're going to be seeing a lot of me," he warns playfully before plucking out a folder. "there we go!"

it contains the document that for priam's transfer to eva's facility. priam points out the part where her signature is required to make if official since it does mean that funds to keep him employed will have to be taken from her department's.

"i'm a package deal with this materials, by the way," he says smugly before he breaks down. "well, you're going to be getting all of these anyways, but please sign that anyways. they made me get an apartment here on evergrande and the rent's reeeeaally expensive."

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POSTED ON Apr 3, 2021 19:43:33 GMT
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“Well, I’m thrilled to have you join the team!” she nods with enthusiasm before opening the door all the way. Her free hand takes the transfer papers from Priam. She glances at the front page carefully while motioning for him to enter the lab with a subtle movement of her head.

They enter into a brand new, shiny lab. A set of exam tables are to the right with a long of cabinets and drawers neatly labeled with their contents to make it double as a treatment area with a pharmacy. A door was a large red sign indicates an x-ray room. Directly in front of them is a large lab area with the various machines used for the more technical part of her work and the necessary tools for appropriate diagnostic testing (blood work, microbiology, cytology, etc.)

The left of the lab lead to another room that resembles a break room equipped with a full fridge labeled “for human food only” a table and some chairs, a microwave, a coffee machine, etc. Another door leads to Eva’s office, the door is almost always open. She hates being cut off from everyone.

Just outside of her door is another desk with a brand new computer, a tablet, and a coffee mug that reads “HOENN’S BEST LAB ASSISSTANT” with a bright green bow and overflowing with a variety of candies. This is where Eva leads Priam, “You can set your stuff down here, this is your desk,” she motions towards the coffee mug and chair. She grabs a pen from her lab coat and scratches her signature across the appropriate line, “There you go!” she hands the papers back to Priam, making his transfer official.

“You worked with my predecessors, correct?” she was eager to see what kind of research she would be continuing. Hopefully she could live up to their legacy.

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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 18:24:25 GMT
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thee first thing priam notices is the difference in smell. no more were the old, musky scents of his previous employer's artifact collection. the only scent his nose picks up was the smell of sanitation and rubbing alcohol. he supposed it's the normal smell of medical facilities.

his attention is mostly taken by the break room. his eyes linger even as they went past it, clearly wanting to explore that side of the facility later. his satisfaction only gets better when he's given his own place, alongside a quick signature on the document.

"you're not questioning my credentials? nice!"

he takes the papers to be sent back to the league hq for proper filing and puts it back to his bag neatly. he makes space on the desk before him, smiling excitedly when he sees what was written on the mug, before taking out things from it.

"yup!" he answers excitedly. "well, just predecessor. been helping him on other things though, but i only really got to be around his actual work by last year's summer."

stacks of folders and drives containing files eventually start to pile up as priam empties his backpack.

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POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 17:17:09 GMT
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It didn’t even cross her mind to check his credentials. Eva figured if The League was sending her someone that had previously helped on research with her predecessor, then the credentials were already reviewed and approved. Her brow raised slightly, “Should I be concerned?” she questioned in a mostly playful tone as he took the papers and started unpacking his things.

When finished unpacking the folders and drives Eva slapped the stack enthusiastically, “Wow! Looks like we’ll have a lot to go through!” she really hoped Priam was good at summarizing things efficiently.

“Tell me a little about yourself,” Eva smiled, taking a sip of her coffee while attempting to get to know her new colleague. The coffee reminded her, “Oh! Do you want anything to drink?” she motioned toward the other side of the small break room, “I keep the fridge well stocked with some drinks and snacks and there’s always fresh coffee,”

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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 15:40:01 GMT
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"naaaah. nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. you're fine. i'm fine. everyone's fine. no need to sweat anything," he reassures.

"i don't actually know what's on those." priam is quick to put a disclaimer when eva puts her interest on the stack. still, the need to flex is prevalent. "but i can tell what happened during those experiments! just don't try to ask how, hehe!"

priam takes a moment to familiarize himself with the desk with the mug that has his newly appointed title on it when his ears pick up an actual topic from eva that interests him.

"i'll take soda, thanks!" priam moves to the direction eva had pointed himself to. "if you really want to know things about me, then i guess..." priam ponders a bit as he opens the fridge and takes a gander on the selection of drinks. "my friends call me pry, not pree like driclone. age nineteen, standing at about 6 foot, seventy-one kilos. i like long walks on the beach, hitting the gym on my weekends, and currently, i'm trying to raise plants by my apartment."

he turns around briefly to look at eva, winks an eye, clicking his tongue, before going back to decision making.

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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 1:27:02 GMT
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“Hm, well, I want to hear everything!” she enthusiastically responded when Priam admitted to what he knew about the research. Literally, she wanted to know everything.

“Yes, help yourself to whatever you want! Unless I put my name on it, it’s free game,” if Eva had learned one thing in her field, it was to spoil your assistants rotten. If you treated them well, they worked hard for you. And a doctor got nowhere without a good assistant or technician.

She got a lot more information than she wanted but it was charming. Eva laughed after the wink, sipping her coffee before responding in a similar manner, “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Pry. I’m Dr. Eva Morales, but just call me Eva. I’m thirty, stand at a whopping 5’3’’, I’m a shameless adrenaline junky, and I too like walks on the beach,” she thought for a moment if see wanted to add anything else. She decided against it, had to keep some mystery.

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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2021 16:47:44 GMT
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his attention was most certainly taken when the new head scientist shows a promise of having a spicier way of life than the previous one.

"that means you often have adventures, right? feel free to invite me in if you need a plus one!"

he grabs his can of orange soda and opens it. the contents bubbles out of it as it fizzes out, prompting priam to swoop in and quickly put his mouth on the can before it spills. thankfully, he's quick enough.

as soon as he recovers, he turns back to eva.

that was one of the previous perks he had before. he thought getting into free vacations with the boss has ended, but a new opportunity shows itself with the new one. he's shameless enough to speak it out unfortunately.

"the previous boss also did a lot of adventuring and brought me with him, but it's more like free labor for his mining trips to sinnoh. did you know it's easy to get permits to excavate for artifacts around that region?"

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POSTED ON Apr 18, 2021 17:50:42 GMT
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“Adventures?” Eva laughed, shaking her head in the slightest, “I guess you can call them adventures,” They probably weren’t nearly as interesting as traveling to Sinnoh to big up artifacts, “That’s interesting,” she mused at the thought, “My research doesn’t deal too much in artifacts,” Which was true up to this point. Who knows what the future would hold with everything the League had cooking up.

“Regardless, you’ll be my first call,” she threw him a playful wink as he sipped his beverage. Orange soda. Duly noted.

“Well, Pry, I guess the best place to start is the beginning,” she sighed, picking up one of the files from the top of the stack and setting on the dining table along with her coffee. Eva settled in to a chair and flicked it open, “What can you tell me about all of this?” she had read the reports, of course, but hearing it from a different point of view always brought a new, valuable perspective.

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POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 10:51:24 GMT
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he'd prefer juice, but he doesn't want to look like a kid for the first impression. at least soda makes him appear as fresh, as opposed to coffee, which was usually chosen by someone who either loves or hate work so much, or alcohol, who probably hates their life instead.

he chugs down the soda, with the carbonated substance taking him by surprise when he forced it down. he allows it to flow down his throat first before he reacts to eva.

"ooh, story time! i gotchu!"

priam takes the nearest chair and flips it around before sitting down, his arms resting on what was supposed to be the backrest. the can of soda is held delicately on the tips of his fingers, waving it around as he starts.

"did you know i actually had a part-time job there as a maintenance staff? i got front row seats to everything that happened! that's actually how i got this job since i lost mine after that thing. well, i already known the previous head scientist personally beforehand, so he reached out to me and..."

he catches himself.

"enough about that though. you know how the tree first appeared there and how a contest was held above it to, i dunno, make use of it as an attraction or something for a fund raiser, right?"

priam already forgot the details of the contest since it was more than a year ago. the only thing that remained unblemished in his memory was the events that took place underneath the stage.

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POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 17:56:00 GMT
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Eva would admit, she found people fascinating. Their unique stories brought a new perspective. So even as Priam ventured off on a tangent that really had nothing to do with her question, she listened intently. Her focus moved from the flipped open file in front of her to Priam. She sipped her coffee, brows furrowing as she dug into her mind to extract from it the reading she did about the Littleroot incident.

“Well, I’m somewhat familiar with it. I’m not sure how the tree got there in the first place, though,” that wasn’t in her readings. Eva leaned back as she dug deeper, “What I am aware of, is that is displayed unique properties. Healing properties,” that was what interested her most, “After some tests, my predecessors discovered something called Blue Mulch,” that was a subject she was going to pick ’s brain about later, “The details between these events is what is hazy,” Emerald eyes flashed back towards Priam, giving him a wink, “Good thing you had a front row seat!” she teased from his earlier comment.

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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2021 15:49:28 GMT
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he smiles when he learns that the event wasn't completely new to eva. it makes filling in the blanks much easier, though with the way he tells stories, there's not much blanks to be filled in the first place.

"yup! that day was so full of action, it felt like i'm on some sort of thriller-action film! like, me and my coworkers were just chilling, and then all of a sudden, a bunch of people started harassing the guards! they even brought out pokemon and started attacking for no reason!"

as much as priam has a tendency to exaggerate, there's nothing to exaggerate in his story. he doesn't even need to put on a filter to save himself.

"and you know what we did? we rushed to the roots of the tree to defend it! like, ma'am, this is our job. we're supposed to fix something if it gets broken, and we're not about to get something we don't know how to fix to get broken! you know what those fuckers did? follow us down!"

priam takes a sip to get himself a break from going all the way through.

"so, we're all holed down there, yeah? we tried to slow them down, but those trespassers still went through them like maniacs! we're down at the roots and people just fired off attacks at us for no real reason! like, can you imagine a ranger pouring poison down the tree's roots? yeah, that happened."

he shakes his head in the memory before finishing the story.

"anyways, things blew up afterwards, people died and went back to life, and a video of the event got leaked in the internet if you haven't watched it yet. yup, the tree's magic!"

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POSTED ON May 2, 2021 22:16:20 GMT
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The doctor listened intently. The way told the story with such enthusiasm and excitement had her on the edge of her seat. Eva let out a series of gasps and few casual “What?!” and “No!” while she sipped her coffee with undivided attention.

“That sounds like quite the day! I can’t believe a Ranger poisoned the tree! That’s terrible!” her lips pursed in disapproval. If only they could have gathered more samples from that tree. Oh well! Perhaps her task now would be to find something similar to it somewhere in Hoenn. If it popped up once, it would likely pop up again . . . hopefully. Perhaps all that excitement “scared” it away though.

“Yes, there’s definitely something extraordinary about that tree,” she agreed with Priam when he called it “magic”. Though, Eva didn’t believe in magic, “Well, I’m hoping to discover what makes it ‘magic’,” she shifted in her seat, glancing down at the folder she flipped open in front of her. Eva had seen the video, it was kind of hard to see what exactly was going on, but Priam’s description made it more clear, “It really is an incredible video,” she murmured with a nod, “Did you ever meet any of the individuals that were resurrected?” Perhaps there was some information on interviews with them or medical reviews buried in the pile Priam brought.

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POSTED ON May 6, 2021 3:31:06 GMT
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there's a smile when eva mentions the video being incredible. he'd have his tail wagging for being proud of his work if he had one. unfortunately, it's not in the plan to tell people he's the one that took it despite his story matching the point of view of the camera.

"nope!" priam answers quickly. "i don't even know their names. it's around the time when i had to adjust to a new job as a lab aide, so i was kinda busy. i mean, even if i wasn't, i'd probably not go out of my way to meet them. they're, like, strangers to me, yanno? they got their own lives, and they probably won't appreciate more papparazzi their way."

he tilts his head downwards as he tries to recall more of the incident, whipping his head back in a jolt when one comes up.

"i think they got checked by some medical professionals or something though!" he tells eva. "but i think they didn't find anything abnormal when they checked."