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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 2:15:11 GMT
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Lars didn’t have an exact address, but checking the database of known League contacts showed that a certain made their home in the same city where his friend served as the current Gym Leader.

Now the question was—where the hell was he going to start looking for her? The city was listed, yes, but an exact, pinpointed address was not part of the information that was readily accessible to him.

Arceus, what a mess.

His previous training session with had made some headway—if by some bringing the ice under control, then it was a small win for him. However there was still something that—bothered him.

The way that the councilman had said his own Legendary only communicated with him out of necessity—it was definitely off-putting. And now that the mess of a meeting was done?

It only brought up even more questions.

Mercifully, he could at least ask someone else who had been at this longer than him. That someone was Cait.

Now, where was she…?

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 5:12:13 GMT
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asking around at the local shops would inevitably point him in her general direction - semi-decent to barely passable instructions given to the young man. he'd discover that her property was quite large, the piece of land that was currently in her possession resting beyond fortree's border.

"you just missed her," one wizened shopkeep said, glancing at her timepiece. "she should be half-way to gettin' back home." 

the avatar's property line was clearly marked with various yellow and red signs once he made the trip, a bolded message printed on each of them.

'private property. hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing is strictly forbidden and trespassers will be prosecuted.'

thankfully before he'd be forced to contemplate taking the first few tentative steps into her personal forest, he'd likely notice her distant figure as it passed over a modest hill. the woman was presently mounted upon the back of her galarian rapidash, the shiny pokemon trotting at a steady pace as they made their way down a path which led to and across her property's border. 

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 5:33:15 GMT
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Now normally, Lars wouldn’t trust barely-passable directions, but with age came wisdom, and there were times his ass was saved by the old locals whenever he was delivering packages to the more isolated communities scattered around Western Hoenn.

Maybe it was a good thing he left the Indian parked in Lilycove and flew out here on the back of his Metagross. He was making the trek alone, and the signs—wow, okay, how the hell was he even going to approach this?

Unwelcoming much? He thought to himself as he idled at the border. What in the ever-loving fuck.

“So it’s forbidden to come by for visits or courier deliveries since it’s considered to be trespassing?” he mused to himself, pulling out his vape and taking a breath for a few moments, letting the vanilla-scented vapor permeate before releasing a cloud.

“Huh. Is that her,” he pondered, squinting in the distance and hoping that whoever was riding the strange-colored Rapidash would see that he was there, idling, uncertain on crossing the border like, holy shit.

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 6:40:05 GMT
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she had very nearly passed him by due to the distance which presently separated the pair, but cait's gaze happen to flit briefly in his direction before it fixed intently upon the man. 

'is that...?'

it took her a scant few seconds to recall his name, the woman having failed to come into contact with the man for what felt like a good while. their lack of consistent communication resulted in the delayed recall, cait quirking a brow as she veered her mount to trot toward him. she called out his name, her tone neutral yet conversational. 


she peered down at him, a hint of bemusement twisting at her freckled features.

what are you doing out here? training for a spell? catching a few pokemon?

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 6:59:57 GMT
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“Actually, got a few questions—” he said, pointing out to the sign. Well, that was part of it anyway.

“One thing—how can courier deliveries drop off packages around these parts, we have to wait out here for you to arrive? Asking for my courier workmates, for starters,” he began, tilting his head at the signage. If it wasn’t any more obvious they’d either be hauled in for questioning if they went past the border.

“I know there’re some isolated communities that live beyond this stretch of forest and they send out orders to the other guys so… yeah. That’s one of them,” he said with a shrug as he pocketed the little metal object, releasing some more vanilla-scented vapor fumes as he breathed out.

“Another one of my questions, and forgive me for being so brash about it, is—” he continued, looking around to make sure they weren’t going to be overheard.

“…I know you’re one of those who’s been at this shit for a while. You. Legendary,” he continued, making a few connecting gestures. “Is it alright if we talk about this somewhere a little more… ah, secluded? Can’t risk having ears listening in all the time. They’re everywhere. And I know you don’t trust them on the most part.”

By ‘them’ he meant the League.

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 7:32:34 GMT
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instead of the usual greeting, he too opted to open up with an inquiry that was related to mail delivery. she stared at him for a brief period in a mild show of surprise, her brow twitching slightly before she responded. 

"my packages are delivered to fortree city's main postal office. once i'm informed by phone or email that it has arrived i pick it up personally."

it was a simple answer to a simple question. her expression changed as his voice lowered, his conspiratorial tone carrying with it a message that set her nerves on edge by a decent margin.

who are you referring to? the league? or rocket?"

she gave a snort, her eyes narrowing as both their names passed her lips.

you're right either way - i don't trust either of them. but i could have sworn you were personally affiliated with the former of those two - seeing as you're a head ranger and all.

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 8:40:12 GMT
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“I work with them because that’s how it is. However, I don’t trust them either, he says shortly, letting out a snort.

“The way they besmirch the Rangers in almost every way, shape or form doesn’t sit well with me. I mean, who wouldn’t be upset because of that shit after working so hard, and for what.”

Never keep all your eggs in one basket, as his mother had told him years before.

Another snort before he continued speaking.

“They can fight all they want—I just want to keep the family as far away from politics as possible which is why I shoulder that burden, having to face all of them in the same room and just letting them insult us. I’m biding my time, though. One day.”

Eventually. Soon. When, though? he thought to himself. That, however, was for another day.

Before he could let his anger get the better of him, he took a deep breath. Stay calm, Lars. Stay calm.

“Anyway, my real question is—and I swear, since I never got a straight answer from him when I asked about it because he treats his own Legendary like some arbitrary creature, is—” he continued, wondering if she knew—of course she knew who he was referring to.

“Does your own—your Legendary communicate to you? More openly?”

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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2021 1:43:58 GMT
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she fell into a ponderous silence as her lips lightly pursed and her brows remained furrowed, the woman allowing him to speak without interruption. once he questioned her about her relationship with celebi, she gave a light shrug.

"i was raised to worship celebi," she said. "
my family has done so for generations. when our bond was originally forged two years prior my mind remained open to their influence - as did my heart. as a result, we communicate openly."

cait gestured toward the path she had traveled upon.

follow me. my property is a safe place for private discussion. i'd recommend staying close - my pokemon roam freely and don't take too kindly to humans who they aren't familiar with."

with her permission given, she'd urge her rapidash to trot at a relatively slow pace toward the slim dirt road they had taken. the pokemon and her mistress confidently crossed the property's line, slipping into the depths of the forest.

are you religious, anderson?"  

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POSTED ON Mar 29, 2021 11:37:35 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Lars was right to seek her out, after all—

“I hope you don’t mind if I take my own ride so I can keep up with you,” he remarked, and out flashed his Metagross, burnished silver body seemingly glowing from the red beam of light. The moment Ro had appeared, he already knew what to do—folded in his legs to let Lars get on his back.

“Keep up with her,” he said as he knocked exactly once to match her Rapidash’s trotting pace and not get left behind.

At the question of being religious, though—

“I know… quite a number of variations on the Weather Trio stories. Like how they mentioned that Kyogre sleeps deep underneath the crater lake of my home city, and how they used to bring down chaos and destruction unchecked which caused the sea levels to rise,” he began, crossing his arms and thinking.

“The other stories I heard is that there’s something, by the Sky Pillar, who only lands there every once in a long while when it gets tired of flying endlessly in the sky. Of how there are some people who pray to this deity up in the heavens to protect Hoenn from calamity befalling it from outer space. Of how it could stop the infighting between Kyogre and the other, Groudon.”

To him, though? They had mostly been fairy tales and stories passed down from the elder generations; at least until he’d seen Legendary Pokémon appearing more and more often.

“I know enough about them, at least the ones that call Hoenn home. As for religion itself? I know it’s there, and I respect that it’s there, as something that people hold onto when their faith is shaken.”

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POSTED ON Mar 29, 2021 19:07:22 GMT
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his answer was interpreted thusly by the woman; he was not religious, merely aware of vague stories told in relation to the legendaries who occupied hoenn, respectively. 

"i appreciate the honest answer," she said, simply.

both he and his metagross would find that the slim road was uncomfortably tight for the latter's superior size, cait's pokemon comparatively more built to tackle the winding trail. celebi's avatar made the decision to guide them down sections of her land that lacked an overabundance of trees. it required a detour, but she'd rather not render him incapable of riding his metagross. 

the trip was mostly silent, broken up only by the sound of her pokemon's hooves as it trotted upon the uneven surfaces. she'd only speak once she led him into a clearing a considerable amount of acres in, a medium-sized cabin serving as its centerpiece. she dismounted her rapidash, taking care to remove her saddle and reigns until the creature was entirely free of her former burden.

thank you, girl.

cait offered her thanks before the pokemon turned away and galloped out of view. she picked up the saddle with a grunt, jerking her head toward her home as she walked. 

come on in. sénon doesn't fancy me bringing any men into our home. but i doubt he'll mind much seeing as you're a fellow ranger and have a valid enough reason for paying me a visit."

he'd be led inside the comfy interior of the home, the scent of maple permeating the space. no less then six leafeon rushed to greet her, the swarm of grass-type pokemon seeking to gain their mistress's attention.

hey, babies."

she deposited the saddle into the nearest closet, making sure it was properly placed upon a rack before shutting its door. 

now - let's get to the point of this conversation."  

with everything stored and her leafeon settled at her feet, she crossed her arms and tilted her head lightly as she addressed the man.

what do you want from me exactly? advice? or more information about my relationship with celebi? and why not approach someone else?"

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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2021 16:06:20 GMT
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They’d taken the scenic route—thankfully, Ro managed navigating through the space and kept up with the Rapidash, leaving him to his thoughts.

He’d answered correctly about religion; while not being an outright skeptic about its existence, he knew that in those isolated communities he would drop off packages while not working to quell rabid or crazy Pokémon sightings he would have a chat with some of the elderly people who lived there about the topic in question—which was good, to say the least.

They would eventually arrive at a clearing with a cabin as its central landmark; once there he followed by hoisting himself off the shiny Metagross’s back and giving one of Ro’s legs a good pat before recalling the massive beast to rest as he followed her inside the residence.

“Thank you for having me over,” he replied quietly as he looked around—making sure to scuff out his boots so he didn’t track in dirt or mud all over the place. A very distinctly earthy aroma tickled his nose as he caught sight of a blur of movement—and was he counting this right?


“Six? Only six?” he inquired, the barest hint of a chuckle threatening to cross his features for a brief moment. While he wasn’t sure if she had more, the fact that there were six Leafeon right there, at that very second made the corners of his lips turn up before getting to the subject at hand.

“Mostly the former. I don’t know how or if the others do it, but I’ve talked with Fernando and he—he only speaks with his own when he absolutely needs to. However, I’d rather not treat the one I call—well, I’m not sure if I can permanently call the one I serve ‘mine’, since Senri was the last known person who had them—“ he explained.

Or rather, tried to explain. He was pretty sure he was rambling.

“Much as I would want to ask other people about this, you did mention that you’ve been with Celebi for two years—longer than anyone else I know of and am aware of being tied to a Legendary. I don’t want to treat them at arm’s length like Fernando does. I want to learn more about them, how to understand how this works.”

Was it so wrong to want to understand more of what he could do, what he was capable of?

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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2021 13:58:27 GMT
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she allowed herself a smile.

"i can barely handle two - let alone six."

cait 'tsked' at one that attempted to jump up, a firm 'no' causing the leafeon to unhappily settle back onto its haunches. 

'at least i took care to train them.' 

the woman patiently listened to laurence's grievances, her brow giving a slight twitch as he mentioned

each relationship between a chosen and their god or goddess is unique, anderson," she said. "it's akin to how every relationship - whether it be an acquaintanceship, friendship or romantic - can vary heavily from one bond to another."

cait paused briefly, allowing her interpretation to sink in before pressing onwards.

it is my suggestion that you make an attempt to understand the deity that has blessed you. you can do this both directly and indirectly. do your research on their respective origins - speak with them if they're willing to respond in turn - master your gifts and understand their power."

the woman approached a bookshelf, texts relating to religion, botany and health present.

which god has taken a fancy to you again?"   

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 21:09:19 GMT
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[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-gift"]




THE EASTER LOPUNNY HAS ARRIVED! from its basket of eggs and gifts, it grants you the following item:[break]
(ooc: you do not need to engage with the lopunny icly).[break][break]

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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 16:52:11 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Well, if I find one out there, it’s yours, no question,” he said as he chuckled at one of the Leafeon that attempted to jump up and shower her with affection.

Biting back his mirth, he listened quietly to her explanation. Once she was done and it was his turn to speak again, it was time for him to share.

“I don’t know if you’re familiar with Senri, he was the last one who had—who had been chosen by this deity,” he began. Fuck, that video footage he saw was something he wasn’t going to forget easily. Although that begged the question, burn marks? From a deity of ice?

Strange, indeed.

“One thing’s for sure, this one’s not from around here. It’s Articuno,” he continued a few moments later. “The only time I’d gotten the chance to hear their voice was during… hm. How am I going to explain this? he dropped off, wondering if she was familiar with what he was about to go into.

“The only other time they’d spoken to me was when I saw this… this strange Pokémon. We were catapulted across space. And then the other one speaking, pretty sure it wasn’t Articuno, said something about ‘everything in due time’.”

He folded his arms across his chest. This was really confusing, for him at least.

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POSTED ON Apr 15, 2021 9:56:26 GMT
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the mention of senri caused her to scowl more severely, her head on a swivel before she moved toward the lower shelves. 

"the 'winged mirages'," she said. 

cait had been forced to crouch to retrieve the lightly dusted text, the book having only been read once or twice in recent memory. the last time she had scanned over its pages had been during her time spent as a gym leader, the woman gathering a wealth of knowledge relating to the gods and their respective followers.

so you were chosen by articuno."

her voice came out as a low murmur, the woman opening the book and flipping through the pages. she paused and murmured to herself, her finger tips hovering over passages.

have you summoned them recently? are you capable of calling for their aid?"

cait sounded a touch distracted, the woman eyeing the ancient depiction of followers who had favored the pokemon. apparently there had been a subset located near the mountains, where the cold was commonplace. 

eons ago," she said, offering up a brief summary of what she had read. "sacrifices were sent to the high mountains where the air was thin and ones death surely awaited them. it was done once a year in hopes that articuno would acknowledge their tribute and ensure that prey was plentiful the following year and the plants they cultivated did not die off from the cold. younger men and women were favored for this particular ritual. young men like you."

it was one of the many unfortunate practices which had inevitably cropped up around the gods during times of hardship.

senri's death reminded me of the human sacrifices of the past."

cait eyed laurence, quirking a brow as she considered the man.

are you afraid you'll be the next?"   

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