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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2021 15:24:48 GMT
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“The last time I did so was during the Three Day war, down at Meteor Falls,” he replied, his brows furrowed together in interest.

“Saw something suddenly appear from something—in the rock, formed into a roughly humanoid shape, before it threw itself into the sky. Never to be seen again.”

Or was it?

Now he was getting the information he needed, taking mental notes here and there about the story that she was narrating to him about—wow, okay that was dark.

The way she’d mentioned Senri’s name made him shiver for a few moments before he regained his usual composure. That was certainly something he was not going to easily forget.

“This is the first time I’ve heard of what you shared with me,” he admitted after a thoughtful moment of silence. “Hoenn may be tropical in nature, but to be honest?”

Another beat of silence fell between them.

“Anyone would admit to being afraid. I want to understand them, why it had to be like that. Are there—do you know any other tales, or stories? Do they all end the same way?

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POSTED ON Apr 18, 2021 12:35:53 GMT
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"in sacrifice?"

she returned her gaze to her book, skimming over the information she had vague recollections of reading a year prior. 

not all of them," she informed. "but the ceremonies involved with societies built around articuno are tailored to strengthen their respective communities. endurance, survival and isolationism were prevalent ideologies.

a part of her was pleased by his desire for knowledge, but she was also aware he feared his potential fate as articuno's chosen. 

'it doesn't help that his predecessor is dead.' 

and you are correct - our region is tropical in nature. but articuno's influence remains prevalent in far off countries capable of harboring such environments. snowpoint city and snowbelle city, for example. the gods aren't restricted to one region. celebi, for example, originates elsewhere - yet we worship our lord within the respective borders of hoenn."

she eyed the man before her, pondering over his expression.

are you capable of summoning lord articuno on a whim?

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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON Apr 18, 2021 14:19:49 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Thank fuck not all the tales ended in sacrifice. There had to be at least a couple that had less… gruesome endings.

He was well-aware that most of the tales surrounding the Weather Trio that called this very region home ended in either one of two ways: the land drowning, or the oceans drying up and everything else dying—albeit at a much more delayed pace.

Only a few of those tales ended with the third member quelling the in-fighting between the titan of the land and the behemoth of the ocean and everything reverting back to the way it did. Still, it involved fighting.

At her last question, he tilted his head towards the entrance.

“I can, but it would be a tight fit if they decided to manifest in here. Would you like to meet them outside?”

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POSTED ON Apr 18, 2021 23:04:21 GMT
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it was a small relief that he possessed the ability to call upon the legendary. 

'it'll make forming a proper connection easier down the road.'

at the moment anderson was bemused, the man visibly uncertain of the bond that he shared with the frighteningly powerful and frigid being. 

there's no need," she said, her tone polite as she shook her head. "i just needed to know. have you at least attempted to communicate with them? a god's intelligence is on par if not superior to a human being or a psychic-type - surely they'd be able to respond to your inquiries in some way, shape or form. have you tried?"

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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2021 12:56:10 GMT
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At least he didn’t have to call the frigid deity away from its roost in Shoal Cave—unlike most who kept their companions in Pokéballs, he preferred to let this one he served remain in the deepest reaches of the coldest-known place in Hoenn because any other location would have displeased them even further.

Now that she mentioned it, his brow furrowed even further.

“After the Three Day War ended, and the aftermath of that debacle, I’ve had the strangest urge to start collecting more Ice-types because apparently, I have next to none. Whereas previously this compulsion wasn’t there. Must be because they’re lonely, or something.”

And then he remembered something else.

“The most recent time they spoke with me was when I managed to rein in this strange equine Pokémon down at Shoal Cave. I don’t know if Sénon has seen that one yet, but there are two variants—one found at Mount Pyre, and the one in Shoal Cave. So of course I went for the one in the Caves, because they started… well, they started snarking me for not being brave enough to face an Ice-type that wasn’t them head-on.”

He was talking about the strange equine he’d encountered in the Caves, after feeding it that inedible-looking carrot that looked like a block of ice.

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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2021 18:20:20 GMT
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"i've noticed that each avatar has the potential to experience a physical or mental shift."

it was intriguing that anderson had developed a newfound interest in ice-types. though such creatures were considered frail by quite a few, their unique body compositions rendering them weak against quite a few opposing elements. the only reason why grass-types were often viewed as comparatively more viable was because of their offensive capabilities. 

'and why have an ice-type, when you can have a water-type who utilized ice-type moves?'

have you experienced anything else?"

her eyes slid over anderson's solid frame, the woman seeking out an inhuman trait. 

can you sprout wings, for example? or freeze something?"

cait continued to pry, eagerly stowing away any knowledge he was willing to share.   

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alto mare, johto
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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 19:23:34 GMT
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Anything else?

He furrowed his brow.

“Something else I noticed is that, well, my Pokémon companions don’t seem to be affected by the cold conditions. Not just Ice-types that naturally have immunity to this—but all my Pokémon have that ‘blessing’, if you can call it, on them.”

There was something else, though—the thing was he wasn’t sure if it was the right time to reveal it. It would be fine to share at least one of the personal effects on him at least.

“…and for some reason even that immunity against cold conditions—I have that, as well.”

Those were the believable ones, at least. He then made up his mind to reverse the question (at least, according to him) back on the original person who’d asked.

“What about you? I don’t see anything—that really stands out, despite you having a connection with Celebi. Are the changes like mine, too?”

He wasn’t going to reveal the more fantastical things he could do—at least, not until prompted.

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cait alfric
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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 19:49:33 GMT
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'so his powers extend to his pokemon,' she thought.

visibly intrigued, cait decided she'd make a note of it in her personal journal. 

"i only show physical signs of change when i utilize my gifts."

cait shut her eyes for a moment, allowing her power to manifest. dark markings resembling the naturally uneven lines made by a tree's bark crawled up her flesh; a curious glow emitting from her eyes, a strange green aura oozing from her eyes and mouth. the power she poured from her in waves were soothing, possessing minor healing properties even at a distance. 

my power is strictly utility based," she informed. "i can mend injuries and grow plants."

the woman left out her ability to time travel, aware such knowledge was deeply private. such a power was to be strictly utilized on 's behalf. 

nothing fancy, i'm afraid. but it has its uses on the field.

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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON May 4, 2021 6:31:55 GMT
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“That’s damned useful,” he remarked as he watched her reveal the capabilities that she had been blessed with.

“You have the healer’s touch—I wouldn’t dismiss it as nothing ‘too fancy’ because that’s a ready source of healing you got right there.”

It did fit with the premise of how he knew her when she served as the former Mauville gym leader, after all. The gym itself also doubled as a clinic, if his memory served him right, where emergency first-aid services were available.

“Well, that’s about as much as I kam currently aware of—immunity to cold conditions.”

Well, that and this finicky one’s actually taken some of the salt off my personality but… well, not all the salt but it’s still there… not as proliferant as before but, he thought to himself.

“What about any changes to personality? Were there any you noticed, or is it just mostly the healing?” he inquired after letting the moment of silence fall between them.

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POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 4:32:31 GMT
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