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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2021 17:37:55 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar
If Megan subconsciously picked up on the affects her words were having, she didn’t show it at all. Probably because she was still running. Capturing the Ampharos had taken a few moments, but her Arcanine was not going on full speed for her sake, meaning that she could catch up reasonably well before too long. Plus, it wasn’t like Arcanine himself could move beyond the next corner anyway. There was something big and…unusual, really.

Meg just stopped and stared momentarily. She’d never seen a Magnezone before. And she definitely hadn’t seen a Purrzerker riding a Magnezone like a pilot riding an UFO, that much was for sure. And yet, that was what she had in front of her right then.

However, she quickly shook off her confusion, when she saw a third object of interest. No, not another metal Pokemon riding on the Purrzerker’s head. That would have been silly. Rather, she was what the cat was carrying. Her bag. Apparently, they had found the culprit and her escape…vehicle? Either way, they had to catch them!
“Flame Wheel! Keep them from escaping!” she called out to her Arcanine. Then, she would turn to the guy. “Uh, any way you could help getting my bag away from those first? I kind of don’t want to throw fire at them, so nothing gets burnt.
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kyle lopez
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POSTED ON Apr 15, 2021 18:08:25 GMT
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"i got it."

kyle releases another mightyena. his pace turns to a jog as he tries to keep up, with his pokemon speeding up in a speed much faster than him. kyle figures he better keep his instructions clear before they get close.

"you're taunting," he then turns to the other, "you're going offensive."

a series of insults manifesting into random barking in their ears can be heard from the newly released the mightyena, prompting the duo of wild pokemon to turn to them. the second mightyena leaps into the perrserker before it can take actions, fire fangs dragging the canine into the ground, away from its ride.

"don't forget the bag."

kyle lobs a pokeball at the perrserker, capturing it in a ball, before it can further get its claws deeper into the bag. with the split second of it disappearing before them, the first mightyena dives for it, snatching it away by its strap with his fang to make sure the other pokemon doesn't take it.

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2021 20:02:09 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar
Ah, good. The man had an idea. That was fortunate, since she didn’t have much of an idea in that regard. At least she had trapped these two wild Pokemon in the Fire Spin. Though, she honestly had not exactly expected his Pokemon to outright jump into the ring of fire and knock the Purrzerker out cold.

That was…kind of impressive. However, there was no time to waste. One of the Mightyena was distracting the Magnezone – to the point where it, briefly angered beyond the boiling point – tried to rush it. And thus, it ran into the firespin by itself, before recoiling in a shriek, injured.
Megan decided to both be a bit vindictive and to leave nothing to chance. “Flare Blitz!” she hence instructed her Arcanine. The beast had no issue jumping into the ring as well, a flaming tackle pushing the Magnezone.

Though that also meant sending a ball after that, just in case. “Did you get the bag? Unscorched?!” Waiting for the fire to die down, Megan was still definitely worried about her belongings.
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dog boy
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kyle lopez
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POSTED ON Apr 19, 2021 17:51:21 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his pokemon had been trying to extinguish embers left on his fur with his ice fang while the other mightyena was going back with the bag on his mouth to return it to its owner.

"i think so?" kyle answers with uncertainty.

for the most part, it seemed fine, although the sharp claws of the perrserker seemed to have damaged a bit of it. kyle only notices of it when his pokemon drops it for megan to take it.

"we can blame the wild pokemon for that," he quickly quips up in defense. he takes a glance at the pokeball containing the perrserker. "i'll make sure he's going to rot in kitty jail for that offense."

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POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 3:46:35 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]MEGAN CAUGHT THE MAGNEZONE!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] GENDERLESS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] STURDY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]ELECTRIC TERRAIN
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ZAP CANNON
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]METAL SOUND
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] CONGRATULATIONS!



[attr="class","wildtitle"]KYLE CAUGHT THE PERRSERKER!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] STEELY SPIRIT
[attr="class","wildtabox"]IRON HEAD
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FAKE OUT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &


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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 13:03:46 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar
It worked. That…was kind of surprising. Something so big, caught with relative ease. Megan picked up the Pokeball, initially disbelieving. That huge Pokemon seemed quite strong indeed. And now it was…hers, right? She had caught it. She could use it! That was kind of amazing!
Lightening up, the burgeoning trainer started to finally take note of the other person proper, who was returning her bag to her. Only she quickly looked away again, simply because she needed to check whether or not everything was still there, so she started rummaging.

“Seems like everything is still in. With some needle and threat, I should be able to fix this. Hmm….might need a patch or two. But it’ll work.” She was surprisingly good with these sorts of things. Well, surprisingly for a Pokemart employee, at least. They’d never been allowed to fix things, just give out or sell replacements. But for her own clothes, she had learned this just so she wouldn’t spend a lot on tailors.
That settled, she nodded towards the bag before getting up from her squatting position again, quickly turning to the other proper. “And um, thanks. I might have been a bit bossy but…pretty much everything I properly own is in here. So losing it would have been a pretty big blow, you know?”
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dog boy
october 24
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kyle lopez
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 1, 2021 3:57:33 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"o-oh. it's fine."

kyle tries his best to choose his words carefully so he won't profile her wrong. regardless of how he tries, the first thought that comes to mind gets blurted out anywyas.

"you have a place to stay, i hope?"

was she poor? kyle didn't know how to respond to her in case it offends her. he tenses as he waits for her response, already thinking of a few excuses to get out of this bind.

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 1, 2021 10:42:10 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar
“Hmm?” The question really wasn’t on her radar too much, so she looked up to the stranger. It was not quite clear how their engagement so far would lead to that kind of question. Hence, she blinked at him briefly, thinking that over.

Then, she shrugged. Not like it would hurt her to answer him, anyway. “I don’t have one yet. Figured I’d find a pension or so to stay in while I’m here. My parents used to live in this town back in the day, but they moved later.” Another shrug. Not like she had figured out where to spend the night just yet. She was on a Pokemon journey, after all. Those sorts of things were just part and parcel of that.
“What about you? You from this city?”
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dog boy
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kyle lopez
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 14:45:19 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"well, kinda. i'm just visiting right now though."

he has spent majority of his adult life in slateport, so he supposed he can say that he was around here. the neighborhood he used to live in still knows him, though most of them had already moved when slateport was struck by an alien attack before.

"i personally know of the slateport gym leader. i can hook you up with him for housing in this city if you're down."

the impulse to suggest something out of compassion makes him cringe on the inside. this was one of the few moments he catches himself going out of the way to help a stranger, and he swore that he wasn't like this before.

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 17:16:05 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar
Fortunately, Megan had mostly missed talk of alien attacks – or rather, had mostly dismissed them as sensationalist. Otherwise, she would have been a lot more uneasy about all this, especially the part where a Magnezone had gotten involved. But now, that was behind them and the UFO-looking Pokemon safely secured in a Pokeball. Meg didn’t really know what to make of that one yet, but right then, she did need all the strength she could get.

And speaking of, somehow her goal had gotten entangled in all this too. Which was kind of surprising. In fact, she blinked at first. Then, her eyes narrowed, briefly debating a potential scam. But that didn’t check out either. Gym leaders were important and such, yes, but randomly hooking you up with one was something most people did not care too much about.
Hence, she nodded, deciding to believe him. “That would be pretty nice, actually. I did want to look into the local gym anyway. Not really for fighting it or anything, just interested in how it works and everything. It’s….a pastime of mine, really.” Well, it wasn’t exactly a hobby, but she did not want to bring up her goal with a total stranger, either. Speaking of: “Thanks though….um, I didn’t quite catch your name in all this commotion, I fear.”
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kyle lopez
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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 14:43:30 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"oh, you can just call me kyle," he mentions casually.

pulling out his phone, he starts to look up 's name on his directory, trying to compose a message at the same time as talking. it goes slowly though, as having two line of thoughts going at a same time is a bit distracting.

"i'm actually pretty good friends with fern, so i think i can roll up to his gym without any previous appointments. his gym's weird that appointments are required for challenging it rather than the traditional walk-in and battle kinda stuff. some gym leaders are picking up on it though."

if there was someone who would be too familiar with hoenn's trends on gym challenges, it would be kyle. it's only when he had assumed his title as a champion that he had slowed down on the challenges. it doesn't mean that he won't try them out in the future though.

"oh yeah, i need your name too," he tells her as he looks up his phone.

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 10:45:58 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar
Kyle, eh? No last name. Peculiar. Then again, she wasn’t one to easily give away her full name, either.

Turns out she hadn’t given him anything. That was something she hadn’t quite realized up until then, though, causing her to blush ever so briefly. That was the kind of rudeness she disliked, after all, so exhibiting it herself was a bad call. Then again, she simply was not used at all to, well, anyone needing her name. Years of running around with a name tag did that to people.

“Ah, sorry. Not quite used to having to introduce myself,” she noted, a hand briefly scratching the back of her neck to play over the awkwardness of this. “Anyway, I am Megan Whitmore. Nothing really important about me elseway.” At least for now. One day, she would hopefully become someone whose name meant something. That was what this was all about, after all. “Though I have to be quite lucky to run into someone with connections like you on my first day back in town. Or unlucky, because I got almost mugged by ‘Mons. Well, maybe that’s just that karma stuff I heard of?”
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kyle lopez
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 0:51:39 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he chuckles at her own conclusions, finding them relatable.

"well, megan..."

he's interrupted with a reply on his phone. he gets an automated response from silph's line, indicating that his message was flagged as spam. he supposed he shouldn't have used too many emojis.

kyle gives up for now, not wanting to waste either of their time for him to remake the message in a less meme way.

"oh. looks like i'll have to just get you back on that offer some other day." he looks away from his phone and back to megan. "if you can type in your number so i can contact you for it, that'll be great."

he hands her his phone with the list of contacts up, wherein she'd finally be able to see his surname on the screen.

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April 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Megan Whitmore
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 16:28:04 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar
Oh yes, the beep of rejection. She knew that one well. She’d had given it to a lot of hopeless nerds that tried flirting with the help. It was annoying to have a corporate mail address in the first place, but even worse when it was structured in a way that even an idiot could deduce. Yeah, whole lot of good it did her to opt out of a public listing when anyone knowing her first and last name could just guess correctly. Not exactly a lot of competition for megan.whitmore@pokemart.hn.

She sighed inwardly at that, outwardly at the deflation of not getting that meet and free lodging. But she rebounded from that one reasonably swiftly. “Ah, well, not like I relied on it. I’ll find something, don’t worry.” Regardless, she typed her number in anyway. Lopez, eh? Now that was a name with a lot more competition. “Heh, kind of like the champ,” she remarked, before handing it back. As someone who had met a lot of people with famous names but no relation, Meg was not exactly quick to jump to conclusions.
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dog boy
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kyle lopez
Homecoming / No Dance [DW]
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 6:19:03 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
heh, kind of like the champ.

kyle smiles and snickers at her observation as he takes back his phone. he takes a look at her entry on the phone and makes a note to make calls to people he knows.

"maybe that's how i got to know the gym leader of slateport personally," he jokes about, before adding in a less laidback manner, "but seriously, you got it right."

the phone is shoved back to his pocket as kyle whistles for his mightyena to behave and follow him quietly. he steps ahead, waving goodbye to megan.

"i'm gonna go ahead now. i'll see you soon then, megan."

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