i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2021 3:21:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

two fists clash against one another as kazimir's is met by a brelooms. the two of them stay locked, each of them trying to push the other's fist out of the way, they are deadlocked. it isn't until comes between the two of them and stops kazimir. he confused hero glares at the giant when a drop of water splashes against his face. then more come down and soon the cold water going down his face manages to wake him up. all he could do is shake his head and hold it as he looks around as if he wasn't sure where he was.

"what? what was i...oh damn hey i'm sorry-" he tries to apologize when the sound and light of something heading their way reaches his peripheral vision. a moonblast. "watch out!" he cried out as he tried to put himself between the oncoming attack and the so called "hikers" with his back turned towards them, his heroic instinct kicking back into full drive as he wasn't going to let these bystanders get injured. with his back turned towards them he was giving them a chance to teleport away without him noticing as he step back to try and push them out of the way and push air instead.

looking back slight confusion hit him for a second before he decided that whatever happened was a blessing in disguise as it meant that he and zac just needed to move out of the way. zac was already doing that apparently as kaz reached out to him to already see him moving on his own, as well as his own body as it hit him that his weight was suddenly just moving without him telling it to do anything. even as he tried to walk his legs were suddenly heavy and weighed down as even a step backward just moved him towards the blast.

then a flash of red and black dropped between him and the blast as his urshifu put its hands up to catch the blast. it had DETECTED the blast just in time to see it fired off and raced after it to stop it. his legs were aching as he pushed them to their limit to catch up and in a final ditch effort long jumped over the blast just in time to save his trainer. following up behind him was ryusei the minior who floated down to help the ursine push the blast back by pressing up against his back.

"together!" kazimir yelled out as he placed his hands on his urshifu's shoulders to help make sure that the blast didn't push all of them back. they wouldn't be able to toss it away or even push it back however as it suddenly exploded into a bust of light that burned all three of them, his urshifu taking the brunt of the blast.

then there was an explosion.

from where they stood the three of them were sent flying back into the depths of the forest. a glow surrounding them as the screams of a minior pushing its PSYCHIC power to the limit to try and carry kazimir and urshifu and keep them close as they flew off with the sounds of broken branches and screeching birds accompanying them


    - kazimir snaps out of the nightmare!
    - kazimir is dragged towards the moonblast!
    - mega-urshifu detects the moonblast, jumps in front of it with kazimir!
    - the trio are sent flying with minior using psychic to help them land in safety!
    - team pokkenger is blasting off! [exit]

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February 27
Lumiose City
55 height
55 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ezrazeke
Ezra Zeke
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 7:44:03 GMT
Ezra Zeke Avatar

- This post takes place post teleport, a day after-

Human life is fleeting. Teetering on the line between life and death; gone after a single last breath.

You live your entire life, only to die in a moment created and defined by someone else.

Cries left unheard, moments left forgotten; there is not even a guarantee the world may even remember your existence.

Ezra, age twenty-four, stared up at his blank ceiling with unblinking eyes. Jaw loosened, his mouth comfortably hung open. The only sound was that of his own breath. Then, a mechanical click cuts through the silence, as his finger firmly pressed down on his voice recorder.

The wheels began to spin.

A static broke out.

Then a hoarse voice.

"It's... April 6th, 4:28pm.

Yesterday, I was assigned a mission to meet up with underboss , Head Scientist , and ."

He paused.

His free hand dug into his comforter, squeezing the lifeless bedsheet between his thin fingers. Lips pressed tightly together, he could feel his eyes begin to water and his breaths begin to go shallow.

"I...I didn't know what was going to happen. I was just told to show up - but I'm just a grunt, so that's fine, right? I thought it was fine. It was supposed to be fine."

The grip on the comforter tightened. His wrists were nearly shaking now, though, none of that mattered to him. Not right now.

"Before I got there, I was sent a text by underboss Chu-e Choi. It said not to hurt anyone inside. Yeah fucking right. When I got to them, the first thing he did was whip out a phone, press down on a button, then boom. A bomb goes off inside."

Venom leaked from his voice as he said this. After, he took a brief moment to recollect himself. To think back on what happen. At this point, his carved lips deepened into a growing frown and pools of water collected at his eyes.

"Fuck man.." He breathed out.

"After...After that, Lulu went inside. Didn't really say much, just went. And I followed. Because...I thought I could at least help out a little bit? I-I don't know. I just thought I could maybe help save some of them. I don't know. It was dumb, but... what else was I supposed to do?"

A tear escaped and traveled down his cheek, eventually settling on the outline of his jaw.

"When I went inside, I saw her [Lulu Flint]."

His heart beat sped up.

" I saw her pull it out. A gun. A fucking gun. I saw her take it out and shoot one of the workers."

His mouth went dry.

"When I heard the gun go off..."

His eyes squeezed close.

"It was like a blur - like time stopped. Everything was so...so clear. The man, Lulu, the gun - I saw everything in slow-motion. Until I didn't"

He gnawed into the insides of his cheeks.

"Some of the blood ended up on me. I saw his [the worker's] head concave. I saw the life leave his eyes. I saw his body hit the ground. I saw his brain splatter. I saw his brain fucking splatter. And I didn't do anything."

More tears began to spill out from his eyes.

"I... just watched it happen."

His voice cracked.

"It's hard to remember much else after that. Looking back, I'm not really sure what was going on, or who was even there. I just remember seeing these things flying around in the sky. Apparently there were a few avatars there that day, including Lulu. They all seemed so...aggressive - fighting for what? I-I don't really know. I spent some time looking into what legendries I saw and...I think I saw Tapu Fini and Darkai, but-but I could be wrong."

There was a long pause. Then, with a quiet whisper, he continued.

"...to be honest, it's been really hard to sleep. Every single damn time I close my I eyes I see his. Every time I hear a loud sound, I hear the shot of pistole for the second time. For the third time. Over and over again. Every time I take a breath or blink, I witness his death all over again. I almost feel guilty. I'm the one who saw his final seconds of life, but...I would do anything to just forget. To never have to see his face in my dreams again."

Sobs fill the room. The voice recorder, which was once placed beside him, was flung to the ground as he was no longer interested in continuing. The once strong man was now a shaking child. Wailing and hollering, curled up around his pillow, fingers dug into it's soft cushion.
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 7:53:00 GMT


RAID THE GLASS WORKSHOP found on the route by any means necessary. a powerful source of energy has been detected there by rocket scientists. should you enter the store, one would discover a peculiar thing: a hearth powered not by flame, but by some ever-glowing orb of searing heat.

[li]using rocket pokemon, set up a trap for the league.

[li]the league must trigger at least 1 trap.[/li][break]

[li]at least 1 trainer must be injured by fire/burning/heat.[/li][break]

[li]rescue 1 civilian (player or npc) that gets caught in the crossfire.[/li][break]

[li]🌳 have use his audio recorder in some capacity (e.g. a recording made in the aftermath of the event).[/li][break]

[li]engage in physical combat with another trainer.[/li][break]

[li]🌳 use avatar powers at least 3 times collectively.[/li][break]

[li]use glass flutes and soot sacks in creative ways for combat.[/li][break]

[li]destroy the hearth accidentally or on purpose to "release" the orb of heat. consequently, the orb will "explode" and should hit every single one participating and potentially destroy the workshop itself![/li][break]

[li]🌳 's avatar powers will allow him to hear a victini's cry when near the hearth/when it explodes. reference this in some capacity.[/li][break]

[li]end the thread on the 5th page with everyone retreating.[/li][break]

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 4:58:52 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]EXCURSION: ROUTE 113B





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