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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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alex & story—seeker.
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saffron, kanto.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 23:19:45 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
"sounds good," quietly spoken, it is only heard between the pair. alex moves towards the door, convinced that abner will follow. the outside is just as cold as it had been before. he peers towards the rupture in the unseen clouds, allowing thousands of stars to break through.

the far off allure has him squinting, hands rubbing the opposing arm in order to stir warmth. even if it is only few and useless seconds. the current of an icy breeze carries the aroma of nearby food trucks. various assortments; hamburgers, hot-dogs and something sweet.

alex slows at the intersection, casting his eyes from the sky above to the glow of nearby food. he'd misplaced that mauville had a relatively comfortable night-life. it could've even been comparable to kanto— at least— before it'd been seized by rocket. sorrow faded quickly in the presence of another. he had other things to think about.

even in the silence of hovering chatter and cars, it was a silence that felt comforting. side-by-side, alex considered that this feeling was a rare occurrence. or maybe, he'd never felt this way before. as he questioned this to his own-self, the stomach let out a boisterous growl.

luckily the chill had already given rise to his pale features, masking the embarrassment of this sudden noise. he touched the back of his head again, laughing quietly, "i guess i'm hungrier than i thought." alex said, speaking a bit stiffly in the retreat, "h-hot-dogs?" he questions, approaching the vendor with slight excitement.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 1:31:55 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



As Alex' confirmation for Abner's plan for the evening fell, Abner found himself continuing his snotty, cocky, overly mischevious grin. It lessened into a smirk as he heard the noise around them. Honestly, it was a lot. And spoilers, he's got a bit of a sensory problem when it comes to hearing. It's typically what triggers his fits of anger. However, he simply decided to squeeze closer to Alex as they walked, hoping that Alex would calm him down enough as they walked. He'd focus on Alex' footsteps moving with his own, the way Alex rubbed his arms to ward off the cold. Actually, the cold would be a better distraction.[break][break]

Right about then Alex mentioned hot dogs and broke the silence of noise that settled. "Yeah, and here. You're gonna turn into a Vanillite if you don't get a coat." Abner's own black trench coat was shed and offered to Alex. There was little choice offered as Abner moved to place the coat on Alex' shoulders. Now, Alex could always push away from the coat and deny the warmth if he wanted, and Abner would have enough reflex to catch his coat. But he had a sinking feeling that wouldn't be happening, not with how cold Alex seemed.[break][break]

Once the coat was settled, Abner dug into it's breast pocket - whether it was on Alex or not, mind you - and pulled out his wallet. He turned toward the food truck and looked over the menu. "Chilli dog with everything for me.... and uh, whatever he's having." Abner nodded back to Alex, shifting out of the way and taking out some cash so he could pay once Alex was finished ordering his food.

notes i might ship it IT'S FINE?!


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alex & story—seeker.
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saffron, kanto.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 15:10:13 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
warmth drapes itself over him in scarce density. alex, relishing in the feeling, looks towards abner with curiosity in his bright blue eyes. it quickly shifts into concern. "won't you be cold?" the display comes natural, especially for one that is so wary for the well-being of others. his persistence stops itself however— now that abner had taken order, he doesn't bother looking forth.

"i'll have the same, please."— and when the meal has been made, alex takes both, handing the other towards his company. he smiles, like he always does, "thank you," with something hot lingering in his hands, the cool nature of their evening felt absent. personally, eating at a food truck like this was unlikely for him, still there was a certain simplicity to eating a hot-dog.

it felt normal.

alex liked that feeling. he liked this reality which settled before his wavering gaze, but, what he liked most was— nearly slipping into the safety of his mind, he takes another large bite. if a bit overbearing and forced, it allow the baring for this one sliver of time— to be forgotten.

"lets head to the theater now, yeah?" alex says after awhile, "wouldn't want you freezing your ass off." the jest is perceived just the same. a twinkle of mischief, a child-like grin. in contribution to the play, alex was daring enough to lightly smack abner on the arm as his figure begun to move into the dwindling mass of night-life.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2018 3:39:20 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



The silence in them eating, the noises around them, the cold; it was all a reminder. Now every time it got silence and the city got busy, he'd think of Alex. Each time the noises around him go too much, he'd picture that face asking him if it was really alright that he gave it his jacket to keep it warm. Abner would forever wonder if Alex was in need of a jacket if it was cold outside. They were silly things, even the taste of the hot dog seemed better with Alex as his company. Was that possible? He'd heard some Johto alcohol tasted better if enjoyed in good company and worse if enjoyed in bad company... was that true for everything? Was it a person thing, not a food or drink thing?[break][break]

Abner would forever be curious about that, forever lack an answer, because he was far too distracted by the way Alex tapped his arm and mentioned not wanting Abner's ass to freeze off. Oh, he was definitely grinning.[break][break]

"Oh yeah?" That grin of his was back, in full force. It wasn't fair, not in the slightest, it never was. Something within it held genuine happiness though, but most of what fueled its spread and caused its linger on his face was his abundance of mischevious and flirtatious intent.[break][break]

"So, you're worried about my ass now? Any other features of my you're particularly worried about?" Abner nudged Alex with his shoulder, feeling he had that freedom with how Alex had hit his shoulder. Which honestly, hadn't triggered him wanting to punch Alex in return. Look at that, even his reflexes liked Alex... huh.[break][break]

Teasing aside, Abner had walked with Alex toward the movies and finished of his hot dog rather quickly, tossing the garbage into a bin. He didn't miss, but even if he had, he wouldn't have stopped to pick it up. Why? Because Abner didn't give two shits about garbage on the ground. Not his ground, not his problem. Right? Sure.

notes they just- i can't- lovelovelove


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alex & story—seeker.
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saffron, kanto.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 29, 2018 23:18:22 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
retaliating the gesture was shock that broke through the blue. wide-eyed amusement which looked towards the man with his lips quirked and mouth still full. when the substance dwindled, those lingering thoughts could barely catch the voice. "if i told you, that wouldn't be any fun." alex teased, also finishing up the rest of his hot-dog.

the theater was close by— just as everything else. mauville was conjoined to the point it would've proved near impossible to get lost. although everything was conveniently near, alex had never been to such a place by himself. when images of a time long-forgotten fluttered along, he was reminded of how much he missed it.

various options settled aglow on the outside. action, romance and horror. none struck him as familiar. while standing aimlessly with abner, the attention shifted to the side. "i'm fine with whatever." started in normality had the unlikely dare, "unless you can't handle scary movies." the leer had him feeling strange, restless even.

perhaps the company of abner— was starting to rub off on him. the anxious change that was only apparent in one, was something he found no hatred in. secretly, admittedly to his own-self, it might've even been enjoyable. there was no if—or but— alex just couldn't stop smiling.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 0:30:50 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Not only was Alex not shying away from him anymore, it seemed like Alex was starting to enjoy himself enjoy to come out of his shell. To the point of teasing Abner back! What a treat. Unlike in the bar, Abner wasn’t focused on getting into Alex’ pants. He was simply focused on Alex. It was a strange feeling, being interested in a person for no reason other than genuinely being curious about them as a person. He didn’t make friends, he had rookies beneath him and superiors above him. Friends was a term he was slowly, within the last two years, learning existed. It was owners and opponents before that. Sometimes allies, but he’d turn on them in a second if asked. But this? Abner was in foreign territory.[break][break]

What he knew, more than which movie he wanted, was that he wanted to learn more about the blonde haired, blue-eyed, bartender. So, he moved up into the ticket line with Alex, a few people in front of them.[break][break]

The tease was not ignored. In fact, it was encouraged with how Abner smirked and chuckled at what was said. A smirk and chuckle that was more flirtatious than it was malicious. “I can handle myself during a scary movie just fine.”[break][break]

Instinct was taking a whole new route with him, a completely foreign route. He extended his fingers to take Alex’ fingers. Not all of them, just three of his five. It was a gentle and simple gesture, but far too profound to be accidental. He even took a step closer to Alex, making sure to put his body close enough so that only Alex could hear his words. “But you’re more than welcome to take my hand if you get scared,Alexander.”

notes 😈


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alex & story—seeker.
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saffron, kanto.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 20:42:47 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
he held no disdain for company. in the service that alex so earnestly provided, it was the many lingering faces that were gratifying. the heart-broken, the quiet and the loud. as he still smiled, he unearthed from the mound of many, just how different abner was from the rest.

alex was always searching for answers. reasons behind the torment in slumber, the people he couldn't see and the life that was missing. the feeling that weighed heavily on his heart was shifting, pulling him towards the man in an eagerness for something new. wonder had abandoned him, left him astray in only a query that could be answered by his own. instead, he felt lost.

the touch left him silent. as if everything around them had turned opposite. he could hear his own shaky breath tumble into the merciless air, the warmth of abner's words as they washed across his features like water. it was soft, yet, so very prominent.

a stark gaze, looked towards the taller one. every rise in the look left alex feeling hot and he looked away, unsure whether or not to pull away. the glow was refreshing just as the food had been. or maybe, it was even better.

when he notices the line is dwindling, he breaches from the trance with a jolt. "i-i was going to ask you the same thing." he says, however, the way his voice stumbles, makes it seem obvious. alex is still determined, no matter how inexperienced he may be. the gap gets just a bit larger, and he moves from the presence.

eventually they are inside.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 0:11:31 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Abner was sure to pay. For the tickets, for his own urge to grab Alex' hand. He hadn't let go of those fingers yet. As a matter of fact, when they moved away from the ticket booth, Abner took Alex' hand more fully in an effort to keep hold of him as they made it inside. He didn't want to loose track of his date; or perhaps he'd only been looking for an excuse to feel the embrace of the other's hand around his own.[break][break]

Nothing so dramatic as tangling of fingers had been done just yet. Abner knew that was a more intimate way to hold hands, even if it created more airway so that there wasn't awkward sweaty palm if either of them got nervous. Strangely enough, Abner did find himself threatening to be nervous. Not because of the movie choice, not because of Alex, but because of his own paranoia. It was only just dawning on him that if he wanted to learn about Alex, get to know the blonde better... would the blonde want to get to know him better? Most importantly, what would this young Silph think of a monster like Abner?[break][break]

"You want to grab some food?" Abner offered as they made their way in. It was an effort to forget his own ridiculous self-doubt. That was something he wasn't used to dealing with. Though not a cocky bastard, Abner typically didn't think much on himself. But it was hard not to think about himself reflected in the other's eyes. And he wouldn't lie to Alex, he had no reason to... so just how would this pan out for him?

notes 🤩


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alex & story—seeker.
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saffron, kanto.
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i couldn't
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 0:51:57 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
the hold was tender, airy and hovering. alex felt in the hand that clung to his few fingers, that it was laced of all things genuine. the much larger trench coat, overlapped this display. in his gaze that fell towards the floor, he felt tormented by the restless encounter. it was much different than holding hands with a sibling.

"oh," he responses quickly, stiffly in the norm of his fluster for contact, "sure, why not?" the luminescent menu blinds him for a moment. as they order whatever is desired, alex remains quiet and willing. in the silence that overlaps the absence of his voice, the heart pounds rhythmically, echoing and just nearly blaring.

the images of horror flicker into beginning. he finds himself unable to calm the pace with two subjects poising their daggers in his direction. truthfully, alex didn't do well with these kinds of movies. unexpected rises of gory faces or the taunt of a true story never settled well with him.

in the exact thought, the scarce appears and he jolts forward as if woken from slumber. thankfully nothing in hand falls over. he breathes out, heavily, taking a glance towards abner. he wonders if he has been seen and finds blessing in their dark surroundings. the dread may not have been evident, yet the gesture certainly was.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 2:14:28 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Even that small response was enough to have Abner smiling himself a genuine smile while keeping an eye on Alex at his side. He wasn't keeping an eye on Alex because the blonde proved in need of being watched, or babysat. Instead, he was studying Alex, learning, observing the blonde. An effort to get to know him without asking probing questions, considering he wouldn't even know where to begin with those sorts of questions…[break][break]

Admittedly Abner got to little snacks for the movie. He was the sort that binged shows while making meals and eating more food than he should. Being at a movie theatre meant he had to walk too far and miss too much in an effort for more food. Plus, if he got up, he'd have to leave Alex, and he was enjoying watching Alex' reactions more than the actual movie.[break][break]

Although he did hold his hand through the line for snacks, he'd let go when they had to carry their snacks and on the way to the movie. He'd kept close, making small talk and teasing the whole way through.[break][break]

Even through the movie Abner couldn't help to himself. That jolt hadn't been missed and if Alex' hands hadn't been full, he would have grasped Alex' hand like he'd promised. However, the blonde's hands were full, so Abner kept his hands to himself.[break][break]

As the credits began to roll, Abner stretched in his seat. A few items of garbage fell and he paid them no mind. He glanced over at Alex and lifted a playful eyebrow. "Gonna be able to sleep by yourself tonight?"[break][break]

While he wasn't using a line, which was clear on how he kept to himself and kept his distance, he was definitely teasing Alex. Though admittedly he would go home with the blonde if the opportunity presented himself. Possibly just to be there, to give Alex peace of mind… fuck. What the hell was going on with him?

notes it's too much they are on a real date and o o f


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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
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sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
a regular.
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 3:50:47 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
alex clutched his stomach. nausea idled over him like a dreary seeming cloud. facing his fears by eating hurriedly was a laughable choice. light left the exposure in a feeling of somewhat appearing frustrated by his train of thought.

"besides that," he starts with a mumble, fingers tracing over his mouth, "i think i ate too quickly." when he stands, he stands with a rush. alex doesn't leave room for continuation. when he steps outside, the chilling night a reminder, it eases the surge that had left him tumbling in abhorrence. the pit calms itself and he turns just as quickly as he had stood.

his eyes trace relief as they rest upon abner. suddenly turning upright had left him frantic with the idea they had gotten separated. alex smiles because it is not the case. he smiles for so many reasons that all seem to come from this man. he just can't seem to catch one.

"do you want a drink or something?" startled by his forthright advance, he continues, anxiously scratching at his cheek "ah, i live close by and its cold out so..." alex isn't expecting an okay. rather than the invitation it is innocent and pure. he doesn't wish for this time to end. he doesn't want to go his separate way.

he doesn't want to be alone.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 13:51:37 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Seeing Alex almost get sick was definitely more comical than it should have been. Hell, Abner almost felt bad. But it seemed as though the blonde wanted to stay as close as Abner did, and what a relief that was. Though, the invitation definitely caught Abner off guard. In the best of ways, of course.[break][break]

"Oh yeah? It is cold, isn't it?" Abner replied quickly, as if he hadn't noticed that it was cold outside. Which was true, since he hadn't thought about the cold until Alex mentioned it. Far too engrossed in the other to pay it mind. Which had him thinking, what would the cold be like without Alex? Would he notice it more? Would it be sharper? Lonelier? Or would that just be him?[break][break]

"Bold invitation," Abner concluded, looking toward the street and glancing at Alex' face, then at the blonde's hands and Abner's jacket around Alex' shoulders. It was only then that he let a smirk grow and show that he was teasing. "But a drink or something sounds great. Wanna hail a taxi? Or is it a close walk?" His tone shared he didn't care either way.

notes 😱 🙌🏻


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[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]

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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
30 height
30 height
sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
a regular.
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 20:24:46 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
"we can walk." alex confirms, lurching in the general direction of his apartment. winter nips the bare hands and he raises them, blowing into the center as the pair walk along. a smile teases itself at the corner of his lips, glancing towards abner in the steady fall of their feet.

the poised fingers descend and his mouth opens, "thanks," if the icy shade clashes with the other, he looks back towards the path before continuing, "to be honest, i don't really go out with the people that i serve— but—" curiosity impels him, the smile is just a bit larger than before, "it was fun." he says, truly meaning it.

they reach their destination in no time. an expensive residence that is just fitting for a silph. settled nearly on the top of the structure. when the door clicks, stirring into motion, it is dark and straightforward. alex switches the light on, exposing simplicity. plain furniture, walls with no imagery. it seems unlikely for the cheery character.

"make yourself at home," the trench coat is slipped from his shoulders, placed upon the nearest couch, "do you want tea or coffee? that's all i have right now." his voice resounds from the nearby kitchen, sounding particularly merry. the unveiled stretch of a window reveals a dazzle of the city below.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2018 20:37:22 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



At the indication of walking, Abner follows. It's easy to follow beside Alex. Just a bit behind, but not enough to not continue the conversation as they walk. Though admittedly, Abner doesn't do much but tease Alex and keep quiet. He's also thankful, so he quickly nudged Alex' shoulder when gratitude was shown. "I'm enjoying it just as much as you, Alexander, so don't worry."[break][break]

Abner's attention is caught by the view as they enter the apartment and he moves over to the window to take a look down at the city. It's beautiful, it really is, and Abner can't help how he takes in a deep breath before answering Alex' question. "Ah, tea's fine. Something to calm me down..."[break][break]

"It's a nice place," Abner made his way into the kitchen then, leaning on the door frame with his hip as he watches Alex move around the small kitchen. A small smile is on his face. It might be considered goofy on him since it's genuinely just because he's happy to watch the other move. "But it's a bit dull, for what I expected from you. Not home much?" People who were home a lot liked to decorate, or people who liked to have others over... was that it? "Or do you not like bringing people home?" Was it bad he hoped so? He'd love to be treated specially.

notes 😱 🙌🏻


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[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]
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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
30 height
30 height
sooner or later the fire will die.
198 posts
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
a regular.
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 20:48:39 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
abner's neighboring words have him glancing back, momentarily in the process of grabbing two mugs and applying heat to the still waters. thoughts freeze, eased into the warmth as the figure continues moving about, "i moved around a lot," he says, but he doesn't sound certain in tone. "so i guess, it really never felt like home." truth be told, alex sought home in a person.

just as now.

"you're the first person that's been here. feel special yet?" curiosity has him looking back, playfulness lingering in his eyes. when the kettle is left to its own devices, alex straightens his posture, passing by abner with a slight (follow—me) gesture.

the stretch of the window is the approach, city—life reflects itself in his gentle expression. alex is quiet for awhile, lost in the abyss of beautiful shades. "it's pretty, don't you think?" breaking the momentary absence of speech, the voice pursues, "sometimes when i'm feeling lonely, looking down on the city like this reminds me i'm not alone." finally alex looks at abner.

"what about you?" the eagerness seems so simple.

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