a regular.

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 21:11:23 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Back to the window they went. Abner followed behind, watching Alex move as they walked. It was more interesting to watch him walk than to look at the city. As he spoke, Abner listened, watched, waited, learned. Most importantly, he found himself smiling. Mostly because he had learned a bit from Alex in just a short span of time. Alex, like Abner, did now have a place that he called home. Instead, he had people around him that he'd make himself comfortable around. Abner had never done that, not before Alex. There were a few people he'd been around that he'd kill with, but he didn't much trust them past the job.[break][break]

But Alex... in the way he stood there, speaking about the beauty of the city and what it reminded him of, Abner found himself just fondly smiling. Finally, Alex looked his way, and for the first time since the bar Abner wondered what Alex' lips tasted like.[break][break]

"It's a city." That's what Abner thought, anyway. "It's not nearly as nice to look at as you are, though." Just speaking honestly, not even trying to feed a line, which made Abner admittedly a bit uncomfortable, even if he didn't show it in any way other than taking a deep sigh and deciding to ask permission before following through on instinct.[break][break]

"...what're my limits here?"

notes b l e s s


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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
30 height
30 height
sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
a regular.
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 2:10:48 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
alex thought it predictable an answer, till diverted, he looks back feeling hot in the face. he allows the silence to overlap them both, leaving the force tightening against his heart. a hand fists into the shirt, just above the butterflies that swarm at the chest. he can't face him.

"i-i trust you." golden barely masks his expression, alex is genuine as always. although lacking of experience leaves him coy in approval, he understands the feeling. he understands— that he has never felt this way before.

stiffly he moves, towards abner yet still not facing him. the blue eyes keep themselves downward, the free hand reaches for the other. just as before, alex repeats the gesture. an airy touch, uncertain and careful. "so... why don't we find out together?" he leaves it at that. the answer seems clear already.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
a regular.
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2019 14:44:05 GMT
Deleted Avatar


[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Something like when he ate the wrong thing, but far more mild and a lot less uncomfortable, fluttered in Abner's stomach at the way Alex moved and spoke. There was an invitation, after invitation. He enjoyed how Alex looked away from him, instead of holding eye contact. The strangest part was probably the fact that Abner simply wanted to keep that blush in place. It wasn't anxious and excited, blush with a tinge of acceptable embarrassment.[break][break]

Abner's hands moved slowly up to cup Alex' face, gently enough that he wasn't going to force Alex close. Instead, Abner moved the distance forward and down toward Alex' face, before pressing their lips together gently in a first kiss. Their first kiss to each other, though probably not their first kisses ever. Definitely not Abner's, anyway.[break][break]

Once he'd placed the kiss, he felt that feeling in his stomach flip, twist, and spur him forward. Now, he'd never had to control that urge before so it took him by surprise. So much so, that he took in a quick gasp at the tingle that lit his lips when Alex' touched his. A gasp that separated their lips for a moment. Finally, he released Alex' lips from his own and took in a deep breath. His eyes barely opened, a small smirk forming, since it was the only expression his face knew to give when he felt uneasy or when he was in a new territory.[break][break]

Licking his lips, Abner couldn't help how he nearly chuckled, his tone as breathless as it was husky and quiet. "You taste better than I thought."

notes i might actually be dying, they're too cute!


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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
30 height
30 height
sooner or later the fire will die.
198 posts
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
a regular.
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2019 23:05:47 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
amazing was an understatement. alex was quite certain he had felt many things in his dull and quiet life, yet, what it was to be kissed was a contrast. the tiny star in the sky of his shadowy heart had lit fiercely. it sets fire to his insides and although he knows he is flushed from the embarrassment of naivety, nothing else matters.

the gaze that had been persistent on looking elsewhere, looks towards abner intently and if just the slightest surprised. tingling lips bring him into a smile. he feels inclined to come closer, resting his head against the chest of the other. hesitantly, the pair of slender hands reach center of the back, reclining in the gesture.

"oh?" his voice hums a quiet response. he can hear the beating of a heart shudder against the wall. it is that wavering notion that eases him more than anything. alex likes knowing he isn't the only one lurching through unfamiliar territory. "what exactly do i taste like?" curious though pursuing the tease that is usual with abner, he pulls back just enough to look at the other.

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