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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 14:27:05 GMT
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priam was in lulu's office herself, specifically going in on a time when she was to attend some other business. he's not sure what it was, but he knows he only has a limited time to prepare before she returns.

in front of her desk was a folding table he snuck in from the sub's break room. a display board, much like the ones on a science fair, is arranged neatly on top of it. glitters, stickers, and pictures framed in colored paper cut with pattern scissors decorate the piece.

things related to his previous excursion, alongside his findings from wandering around hoenn, was displayed before it. these were equally presented in an extravagant way-- with samples being held on a test tub holder colored brightly with sharpies and decorated stickers and such.

"i did good," he tells himself. "yeah, i'm the best!" he yells this time as he throws his arms overhead.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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POSTED ON May 9, 2021 0:59:33 GMT
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Djall the Houndoom remained in Lulu’s office when she was on the sub, guarding it and permitting entrance to only a select few—Priam being one of them. He watched curiously from the scientist’s chair (a bit too large for it) as the man went about setting up his presentation.

Lulu had been not been in the best of moods, but she seldom was. When she walked in, she had not been expecting glitter and stickers and test tubes and her dog staring at her from her desk, having clearly been supervising. “What th—Djall, get down.” ???

Typically, she would have chastised someone for pulling a stunt like this. She didn’t do surprises. She did emails. Nonetheless, a chair was pulled up. She sat down, hands clasped as she gave him her attention and a sigh. “Alright. Go ahead, Priam.”

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POSTED ON May 10, 2021 14:05:05 GMT
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he whips his head around at the sound of her entry, greeting her with a grin.

"oh, you're here? great!"

he steps away from his display, taking a laser pointer that he has left on top of the table and equipping himself with it. it's the basic necessity of every successful presentation.

"first thing's first... wild mega evolved pokemon."

priam's laser pointer circles around a photo of a map of hoenn marking where he had spotted them. one by oldale has a chibi sceptile sticker and one by the desert has a blastoise one.

"by definition, pokemon can mega evolve only with a special bond with their trainer, so wild pokemon shouldn't be getting those." his laser pointer goes to two shrunk pokeballs. "these here are pokemon that display such characteristics. i think they're still mega evolved in there since i caught them while in those forms. they're anomalies, so they're pretty neat."

he then goes to the test tubes.

"one's, like, water we found where and i found the blastoise. the other one's just samples of minerals i found with the sceptile. dunno if the former's important, but oscar gave it to me anyways so it's there."

he then moves to another piece of paper on the board; in a big, colorful font, primal energy is written. clippings about it from the internet was underneath it, but priam won't be bothered to read it all.

"presenting primal energy! like the ones league is searching for! it's the same energy found on mega stones, and you know what else the league is apparently using it for? avatars!... or something like that. anyways, mega stone deposits are still a power source so... yup!"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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POSTED ON May 11, 2021 9:01:25 GMT
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He was positively radiant, and his presentation was nothing short of captivating.

Wild mega pokemon?

Through glitter and chibi stickers, she saw her future. Priam did not disappoint. She hung on the edge of her seat, eyes falling on the pair of pokeballs on the table. Was he leaving them for the lab? That was cool of him.

It was the mention of primal energy which sent a surprisingly pleasant smile into a look of slight disbelief. It shortly gave way to greed. The universe was shining on them, or whatever. She thought of her discussion with . Of plans to weaponize the energy.

He ended his presentation, but didn’t. His conclusion flashed the meat of what she wanted; question-inducing details which didn’t tie up anything. ‘Avatars, or something like that.’

“Priam, first off: damn good job. Second: I need you to elaborate on that last bit, yeah? Last couple bits. Start with avatars.”

She crossed a leg and smoothed laced hands down a knee, waiting with a smile to hear how the league might come for their asses. Let them try. She would build the bigger gun.

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POSTED ON May 11, 2021 15:42:02 GMT
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he puffs his chest with the praise, carefully restraining his actions to stop himself from firing off fist pumps or anything similar to jock behavior.

"wouldn't you think it's too much of a coincidence that league only looked for sources for primal energy after aqua initiative? it didn't happen after the three-day war with the megalopolans when it's been thought that it's their power source, or when mega evolution was first discovered."

he grins, but slowly, he turns sheepish.

"there's that, but leaks from our intel also suggested to that conclusion-- their words, not mine!"

priam scratches the back of his head, quickly recovering the pep from his previous state, before continuing.

"i honestly don't know much, except mister walsh mentioned that the orb that summoned kyogre at lilycove was a source of it. that thing's clearly related to legendary pokemon, and legendary pokemon are the common theme between aqua and primal energy, so i think i'm on the right track!"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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POSTED ON May 14, 2021 7:02:36 GMT
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She found herself somewhat dumbfounded by the deduction skills. “Sounds like it.”

That did make sense. So… Primal energy on avatars. Was there a machine? What were the effects?

“I hope intel is keeping their noses to the ground on this as well. I want to know how they’re doing it. Have you brought this to the attention of Merlino or Choi?” ( , )

As an avatar especially, she needed to know more about AQUA. Having had her nose far in her work lately, she’d not been keeping up.

She smiled at Priam. “This could be dangerous.” Then, her eyes shifted back to the pokeballs and she nodded towards them. “Are you leaving these here for us to study?”

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POSTED ON May 16, 2021 4:30:59 GMT
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he tilts his head, wondering if he's in trouble or not. he tries to brush it off, playing innocent, as he voices out his genuine confusion.

well, no. should i? i can tell them afterwards though, but i thought i'd tell you first."

he signed up as her assistant for things like this after all, even though the job wasn't full-time.

when she asks for the pokeballs on the display, priam nods enthusiastically. "well, kinda! that's how it went when i left my alakazam for the development of shadow pokemon, so i thought it'll be useful, or something. wild mega pokemon should have at least something in them that makes them that way, right?"

"i honestly don't know much, except mister walsh mentioned that the orb that summoned kyogre at lilycove was a source of it. that thing's clearly related to legendary pokemon, and legendary pokemon are the common theme between aqua and primal energy, so i think i'm on the right track!"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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POSTED ON May 16, 2021 5:53:03 GMT
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She’d intended supportiveness, but it was taken with visible nerves. Her eyes softened, noticing her reputation.

“Sure. Best to all stay on the same page, right?” should hear about it. They spoke little. He was always busy. She wondered if he would experience the same amount of glitter and pizzazz which Priam had gifted her with. “Can’t lie: I’m sort of glad you brought it to me first.” There was the smallest, impish smile under tired eyes. Hah.

At the pokeballs she nodded. “Certainly. Something genetic, or… lingering energy...” She shrugged. Lulu knew little about biology, but she was trying. The gesture of bringing powerful, unique test subjects along with such a presentation, albeit juvenile, was still noted with a gold star. Priam was a critical thinker, and that pleasantly surprised her.

Such moments felt few and far between, these days.

Amber beheld him; Priam, an unlikely threat. How could they harness this for GMH? And, “What will you do now?”

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POSTED ON May 18, 2021 9:50:08 GMT
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priam shrugs.

"i'unno. i usually just report any weird shit i see to the head scientists before and try to get them what they need."

the development of shadow pokemon, the genesect project, even the initial research of the xerneas trees back when they appeared on littleroot... priam's job mostly ended after retrieval operations.

"well, if you really want me around, i can stick around," he teases. "i haven't actually seen you at work, but if you need an extra pair of hands, lemme know! i'll let you know i've dealt with biology stuff without getting yelled at much before!"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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POSTED ON May 20, 2021 4:51:18 GMT
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Either way, Lulu appreciated it.

Her lips curled, teeth in a grin at him. “We should be good for the afternoon around here, thanks, although that’s good to know.” Not getting yelled at was a feat around the laboratories. There was a lot of money involved, and a sore lack of sleep which seemed to be pandemic. “I meant in the future. What are your plans, now, with all of your primal energy business?”

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POSTED ON May 24, 2021 14:15:15 GMT
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priam is in a lack of words when prompted further.

"wait for future assignments, report when i see strange occurrences happening, uh, i'unno to be honest."

he scratches his head as he ponders over ideas. a specific one gets mulled over for the longest while before priam gives in and decides to give it a try. there was no harm in doing so, after all.

"this is a long shot, but can i ask a favor?" he scratches his chin, still uncertain. "can i have access to the previous head scientist's research on the tree?"

just because he was part of the 'team' and has experienced them himself doesn't necessarily mean that he has access to data and results of those experiments. ranking still follows in the science department to minimize leaks after all.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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POSTED ON May 25, 2021 4:13:12 GMT
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She nodded. That was a fine answer. In her experience, that’s how science worked.

‘I don’t know, to be honest.’

It was modesty that kept the ball rolling. Priam had curiosity glistening in a smile she deeply envied. As far as she knew, there was nothing that could teach healthy motivation.

This place drained her as much as Darkrai. She pushed on.

“Of course.”

There was no hesitation.

Far be it from her to keep a man from his infinity tree.

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POSTED ON May 27, 2021 13:35:27 GMT
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he smiles with the permission granted to him. he manages to secure an additional step for his personal project without much trouble, though by no means does this mean that he hasn't started it yet.

"oh, pog! i'll let you know if i find something that relates to your energy business then! i just need one thing from it to reference for my next thing! you better get excited!"

as far as he knows, he'll just be draining resources for his thing. shouldn't matter though, since what would someone without an ounce of knowledge for anything science do with it?

out of excitement, he almost bolts out the room, stopping for when he realized he missed something.

"so, uh, do you want me to clean this up or do you still need this?" priam points at his display.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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POSTED ON May 27, 2021 23:30:54 GMT
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Lulu maintained a smile for once. She was excited. The energy would propel not only Rocket’s endeavors, but also her own.

She waved it off when he stopped himself to mention the mess. Typically, she might’ve been offended. Today, she wasn’t. “No, that's alright. I’ll have someone in to clean up and we'll figure out what to do with these. Good work, Priam; and good luck.”

The door would shut behind him and lock.

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POSTED ON May 29, 2021 19:06:21 GMT
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