
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 9, 2021 7:15:08 GMT
[attr="class","beck"]someone turns the corner at the far end of the hallway, approaching their direction. despite years apart, recognition happens almost instantly, and although it's someone of particular interest to the spy walking next to him, he says nothing.

"let me know once you've settled in."

[newclass=.beck] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .beck b { color: #716075; font-size: 13px; } .beck u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #716075; font-size: 13px; } .beck a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .beck .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .beck .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .beck .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .beck .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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December 23
Solaceon town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 20:23:57 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




oldale town

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

Agitation crawls across her skin like flash paper, ignited, but in a blink the feeling is gone.[break][break]

Theo continues to speak to her but all of a sudden his words seem far away. She's seen his expression change, seen his eyes resettle as if something had pulled him away briefly. Recognition is reflected in his dark eyes, something unmistakable. [break][break]

"I will, sir."[break][break]

Suzume is rigid, obedient, but distracted. Her response is hurried in favor of glancing back to see what had caught her eye. Warmth twists in her gut like a knife, bittersweet, forbidden. [break][break]



notes: ...




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december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
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TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 3:38:35 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

How much longer does he have to wait? Though he's more than assured in the quality of his information - Anyone untrained would have resisted the urge to lie with a blade to their throat - he knows that impatience is the only thing that ruins its integrity. When its poison slithers through his veins and lovingly constricts his chest, seconds can be pulled into eternity, lines of renowned fiction and beautiful history reduced to mere squiggles on yellowed paper. His hands busy themselves with sorting the manila files in his room, his eyes kept tight to the alphabetical order of each case but his mind anxiously keeping track of the minutes that slip by.
He's out the door as soon as it's time, secrets hidden once more behind locked doors as he slinks down the corridors, evading any prying eyes as he draws closer to his destination with seconds to spare. A voice, a footstep, a serpent that bares its fangs in recognition - Turning the corner, his emotions are soured, anger rippling through his sleeves as he stalks towards the duo. His gaze is hard as it flickers over , a curt nod given as he resists the urge to bump his shoulder. Instead, his focus turns to the woman right beside him, years of caution, tension and restlessness melting into fatigue and muted worry as he draws her into a hug.
"Welcome back, Suzu."



made by gimmick

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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 8:01:04 GMT
[attr="class","beck"]expectedly, they stop walking. his eyes gloss over them as they hug, narrowing at the display of affection.

"are you done, amemiya?"

he speaks to the brother, eyes flashing a pang of annoyance.

"we have places to be."

[newclass=.beck] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .beck b { color: #716075; font-size: 13px; } .beck u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #716075; font-size: 13px; } .beck a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .beck .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .beck .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .beck .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .beck .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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December 23
Solaceon town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
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TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 13:17:05 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




oldale town

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

Are you done, Amemiya?[break][break]

Those words weigh heavily at the back of her mind. Though Theo doesn't stare daggers into the base of her skull, specifically, she can still feel his distaste. It is like bile in the back of her throat- and it pushes her to recoil from her brother's touch.[break][break]

His comfort, his warmth had been overwhelming. Without it, she felt cold, hollow- but secure. She was twisted to feel vulnerable in a position of affection, to feel safer standing on her own two feet with no arms wrapped around her shoulders. [break][break]

Suzu's attention flicks to Theo suddenly at his next comment. They had places to be, how could she have forgotten? Like a moth to flame she is drawn to the man, to her mentor, her guide. Ryuu might have been that for her once, but not any longer.[break][break]

"My apologies, sir. It won't happen again."[break][break]

There is dread beneath the surface of her apology, an understanding that their display of affection could bring her punishment.[break][break]


notes: ...




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december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
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TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 17:46:50 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Amemiya. Amemiya. No matter how much time has passed, Ryuuzaki can never brush off the disgust he has for their family name being spoken by such a tongue. His ire is clear in the glare he gives, the venom he has kept under his tongue as he lets go of Suzume.
"Evidently not, Beckett." He spits, every consonant of his name emphasised with such hatred for the man and his entire being. "You've had two years. A day means nothing in the face of that." Unlike Suzume, Ryuuzaki holds no fear of pain or death, no patience for a man who far outdates his time.
"Old Rocket is no more. She's not a tool to be used." He knows of the horrors she's faced, has far too wide of a reach within the underground to be oblivious to the atrocity that is . In the wake of Suzume's discomfort, he quivers, chained by the remnants of guilt he can't let go - He had failed her one too many times in life; Once as he lay in his childhood bed, haunted by the blood dripping down her neck. Once when he failed to get her to leave Rocket, watching as she tangled herself in the spider's web. Once when he sees how far Theo has chip at her weaknesses, leashing her with pain and willing to drag her half-dead corpse around.
"Do not apologise for mistakes you haven't made." Though bitter and harsh, there is outrage in his snarl, one that cries for the stubborn girl he once knew and the broken shell that she's become. "If it's matters of settling down that she needs to attend to, then I will be the one to show her the way." Despite any of her protests, Ryuuzaki is firm in his grip, pulling her behind him as defiance burns aglow. "I didn't allow you to run off with her training for you to teach her overreliance and cowardice, Beckett."



made by gimmick

[newclass=.sidelongcredits]width: min-content; margin: 30px auto; [/newclass]
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 18:01:17 GMT
[attr="class","beck"]in the face of all the words thrown at him, theo keeps a steady expression. it's not anger that rises but annoyance — it's pushed back down with ease.

"suzume is free to decide whatever she wants to do."

and though he never once turns to face her, he knows how easy she concedes. it's been trained into her.


[newclass=.beck] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .beck b { color: #716075; font-size: 13px; } .beck u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #716075; font-size: 13px; } .beck a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .beck .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .beck .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .beck .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .beck .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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December 23
Solaceon town
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30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
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TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 1:57:25 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




oldale town

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

Two years.. it had been that long, hadn't it? Two years of arduous, grueling training, of punishment, of pain. She bore more scars now than she did then. She had become cold and cruel, but had she become what he said she was? Was she a tool?[break][break]

It left a bitter taste in her mouth, like bile she couldn't swallow and yet still it burned. She needed an antacid.[break][break]


Her voice is cool, an underlying warning. She is not threatening, no, because that is not what she had been taught. The intimidation factor goes to Beckett, and he delivers with a choice that makes her skin crawl.[break][break]

Free to decide whatever she wants to do.[break][break]

But the way he says this bears weight and she is weak. He speaks her name and she can't help but feel like she is crumbling. It's a pity how easy it is to mistake fear and submission for confidence and respect.[break][break]

"Do not coddle, me Ryuu. We will have plenty of time to catch up later."[break][break]

She can hear his outrage, his desperate attempt to reach into her and pull out the same little girl he knew. By some shred of familiarity it works, indicative by the slight dip of her head. There is pleading in the vibrant green of her eyes; a promise.[break][break]


notes: ...




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december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
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TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 12:55:39 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
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Since young, he has always held reservations about interfering with his sister's decisions. She is strong enough to handle herself, capable of many things and most definitely not one to yield to anyone. At least, that was the sister he had once held in his heart. Ignorance had led him to believe that she would be fine without him, ignorance had led him to believe that she would not be chained. And yet, for one who bears a name so free, she's trapped in a golden bird cage.
He's never lacked self-restraint when the time calls for it but when Suzume is threatened before him, the serpent that lurks beneath the surface poises to strike. He moves silently, his fingers snaring the collar of his enemy as the glint of a cold-blooded murderer ripples through him.
"Do not taint her name."
Lost is the meaning of mentor in Ryuuzaki's eyes, a brilliant crimson cross painted over the face of yet another target as his blade sits snug against the jugular. He knows the spots where it hurts worst, the scars that litter his body are proof that he has learnt. There is silence that falls between them, an endless void that swirls beneath his gaze as he looks right in the eyes.
Then, remembrance - His grip loosens as he slides the knife back into his sleeves. While there exists scores to be settled, his priority here isn't the dispatching of sinners.
Not whilst Suzume watches.
Instead, he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to face her. She deserves none of the hate, has no need to see the broken pieces of a man she calls her brother.
"Coddling you is telling you that it's okay to be afraid and letting you go with that man just because you're afraid of the pain he inflicts upon you." His voice is quiet, but his words strike hard nonetheless. Though he catches the glimmer of a promise in her eyes, he holds no intent of letting her burn any longer.
"Think a little harder, Suzume. You know better than anyone that the words you speak are not your own."



made by gimmick

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777 height
777 height
5,178 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON May 26, 2021 22:36:00 GMT
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


