It's an Abomination (GG)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
It's an Abomination (GG)
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 19:59:00 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

As Thomas was coming out of one of the tree houses in Fortree City, he would spot something in the distance. A hulking figure marching towards what seemed to be caves. As he caught sight of this, the woman of the house would approach him. As she saw what was going on, she frowned. "Not again...", she muttered.

"What's going on, exactly?", Thomas inquired, turning to face the woman.

"People are being kidnapped by Abomasnow that have taken refuge in the caves after the Terraforming, and have been kidnapping people since. After they're carried away by the Abomasnow, many of them are never heard from again.", she would tell him, a solemn look on her face.

"I see, thanks for the info. I'm going to investigate.", Thomas would tell her.

At first, the woman was shocked, but knowing that the Interpol Agent couldn't be swayed to turn back, she didn't object. After all, if he were sent by the International Police, even if it was just to ask her husband questions, then surely he could handle himself against the Abomasnow that dwell in the cave.

"Just be careful.", she told him.

Thomas gave her a nod, then set off on the trail of the Abomasnow, flying in on the back of his Hydreigon, Kalameet.

As Thomas was flying down the route, he would pick up large footprints in the snow, consistent with those of an Abomasnow, but fading as more snow piled on the trail. The Hydreigon was clearly not enjoying the fact that they were in the cold, but would tough it out. For his part, unless it were an absolute last resort, Thomas wouldn't force Kalameet to fight whatever waits for them in the mountains.

All they could do now was follow the trail to the caves.

tags: @honoka
notes: Thomas is following the trail to the caves

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
It's an Abomination (GG)
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 20:49:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar

at most I'm sleeping all these demons away

She had come to investigate the people going missing, kidnapped by Abomasnow. The informant had looked rather surprised and sort of worried that she didn't have a partner for this, but being a Dragon-type trainer, she was able to convince him she'd be fine. And maybe she would have been had she had her pokemon out of their balls. But it was cold up here, and despite her pokemon being Dragon- and Steel-types, none of them liked the cold like she did. So she had left them in their balls, intending to bring them out when she found the Abomasnow caves. Well, she'd found them, but not the way she'd expected.

Honoka groaned quietly but her voice still echoed. Her head was killing her, and she was laying on the floor of one of the caves. She wasn't too far in yet, she realized as she turned to look around. She was probably twenty or thirty feet from the entrance of the cave, or one of the caves. Looking the other way, the cave she was in seemed to go deeper, and she figured it was probably a series of caves all attached to one another. If you didn't know them, you could probably get lost pretty easily. No sign of the Abomasnow, not one, which could have either been a good thing or a bad thing. She rolled over, the world swimming slightly from the pain in her head, and reached down to her belt. Good, the pokemon were still there. She pressed the button on one of the mini pokeballs, releasing the Metang inside. He took one look at her and was instantly worried, prodding her gently to get up.

"I'm ok Haku, I'm ok. Just-just help me get up." The Metang wasn't big enough to ride on, but as he hovered down lower to help pull her up, he was plenty large enough to use as a good crutch until she got her wits back. Maybe she should have waited for another trainer; two might not have gotten surprised like that. Too late for that, she supposed. Honoka grunted in pain as she hauled herself upright and into a standing position with the help of Haku, and leaned on him for a second as the dizziness subsided. Haku was making worried sounds, and she patted him comfortingly.

"I'm ok bud. Just give me a second to get my feet again." She pressed the button on a second and third pokeball, her Dragonair and Magnezone popping out in flashes of red light that she hoped wouldn't be seen by anything else in the caves. Or outside of them. "Keep an eye out you guys. There's bound to be Abomasnow everywhere."


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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
It's an Abomination (GG)
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 22:04:55 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Eventually, Kalameet would reach the end of the trail, the mouth of the cave. Thomas would quickly leap off of the Hydreigon, boots landing in a shallow patch of snow. Thomas gave the shivering Hydreigon a pat on the head. "Thank you, Kalameet.", Thomas told the Hydreigon, before recalling the three-headed dragon back to his Pokeball. Before setting foot into the cave itself, Thomas would hit the switch on another Pokeball, unleashing a looming Scizor from his Pokeball.

The Scizor looked confused, considering that his trainer was supposed to be visiting Fortree to question some residents, not going to a cave. "Ripper, I need you to back me up. There may be Abomasnow in the cave that have been behind some abductions in this area. Stay frosty.", Thomas told the Scizor. These words would turn Ripper's once confused expression into an eager grin. If this were indeed where Abomasnow were lurking, then it meant he'd have a good battle on his hands.

Thomas walked into the cave, with the tall Scizor trailing behind him. Two sets of footsteps would echo through the cave, Ripper's louder than his own. Thomas would produce his familiar, International Police-issue flashlight, casting a powerful light down the way to illuminate their path. Thomas knew that this would be as good as giving out his position to nearby Abomasnow, but considering he had a large Scizor with him, and that these Abomasnow were potentially preparing to chow down on their captives, drawing attention to themselves was something Thomas felt was right to do, especially if it could at least buy time for their captives to escape, or ready themselves to fight back.

Eventually, Thomas' path would be intercepted by a Magnezone, who looked to be charging up a Flash Cannon. It seemed to be on the lookout for any Abomasnow that could've been returning to the cave. But rather than spotting one, it would instead spot a tall human, with an even taller Scizor behind him. "You with a trainer?", Thomas would ask the Magnezone. "I'm here to investigate the abductions going on in the area.", he would continue.

Thomas was hoping that the Magnezone wouldn't attack him, but should he attempt to, Ripper would be ready to step in, for what it was worth.

tags: @honoka
notes: Thomas is greeted by the Magnezone, tries to convey he's not here to hurt it, or its trainer

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
It's an Abomination (GG)
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2018 5:06:48 GMT
Deleted Avatar

at most I'm sleeping all these demons away

Her Magnezone was now on high alert, charging a Flash Cannon to have ready just in case it needed it, and at the first sign of life other than them it went to investigate. It was fully ready to blast whatever it found, assuming it would be an Abomasnow because what or who else would be crazy enough to be out here right now, right? It had to find its owner help, too. As luck would have it, the sets of footsteps did not belong to an Abomasnow, and the Magnezone almost reacted before it saw what it found. The light of the charging Flash Cannon died down as it realized that there was another trainer and pokemon in front of it, and while it didn't recognize the badge it looked pretty official so of course it must be.

The Magnezone made little panicked beeping and buzzing noises, looking back at the area it had just come from and then back at the trainer several times, trying to get him to follow it. When it was asked if it had a trainer, it bobbed up and down vigorously, as it had no head to nod, and began to bob at a slower rate whilst moving back toward where Honoka was, hoping the other trainer would follow it.

The Magnezone's trainer in question was still leaning on her Metang, but not as heavily anymore. The pounding in her head was fading, much to her relief, and she was using the time to gather her bearings and figure out a plan. She had no idea what her Magnezone had gone off to find and while that worried her, she wasn't about to be left helpless. If she could help it anyway. Seeing as she hadn't heard the Flash Cannon go off, Honoka could assume that whatever was out there was no in fact an Abomasnow, but she wasn't going to take any chances in case it was. Her Dragonair had wrapped itself around her legs in a wide loop, ready to catch her should she fall or protect her from oncoming attacks. A few more minutes and she figured she'd be ready to get out of here.

words: 365

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
It's an Abomination (GG)
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 21:49:39 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Much to Thomas' relief, the Magnezone's Flash Cannon died down as soon as it identified just who the footsteps belonged to. Though Thomas looked visibly relieved, Ripper looked to be somewhat disappointed. Sure, there was little he could realistically do against a Magnezone at this point, but a fight was a fight, and even if he got his ass kicked, the thrill of it was enough. Thomas would look over to the Scizor, and sigh. Before Thomas could even ask the Magnezone to lead him back to its trainer, the saucer-like Pokemon began to lead him towards it, looking noticeably panicked. Thomas would make haste, following the Magnezone back to its trainer.

Thomas' flashlight would shine down the way, marking him out to the trainer and her other two Pokemon. Thomas would be able to make out the blonde's figure, as well as the Metang and Dragonair that accompanied her. But rather than rushing on ahead of the Magnezone, Thomas would continue to follow the thing, so as to not spook the Metang or Dragonair that accompanied her. The last thing he wanted was unnecessary bloodshed, especially with a potential ally.

As Thomas got closer, he would notice that the girl's head was bruised and bleeding. "What happened, miss, you get dragged off by the Abomasnow?", Thomas would ask. "I'm with the International Police. I heard people were getting spirited off to this cave by some Abomasnow, saw someone getting carried off from Fortree, actually, so I came to investigate on my own volition.", he explained, as he slowly went to fish something out of his coat, hoping that he brought something along to help at least temporarily patch up her wound.

"I'm no medic, but I should have something that should at least clean the wound, and patch it up til we can get you some proper medical attention.", he would tell her, before fishing out some packets, including wipes to clean the wound, with some already pre-treated with rubbing alcohol before being sealed, and some bandages. "You need help applying these, or would you rather apply them yourself?", he'd ask her.

tags: @honoka
notes: Thomas reaches Honoka, offers her help in getting patched up

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
It's an Abomination (GG)
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 6:00:32 GMT
shiv Avatar



WHAT WILL YOU DO?[break][break]

male / snow warning[break]
wood hammer / sheer cold / mist / double-edge / avalanche / ingrain

as thomas treats honoka, tending carefully to her wounds, the ground seemingly grows colder. and colder. finally, the crackling noise of forming ice would alert the trainers to the freezing cavern floor. a SHEER COLD from the abomasnow's hands has produced a thick layer of ice on the ground, causing the terrain to be slippery.[break][break]

upon being noticed, the abomasnow roars. but intimidation is not the only purpose of its monstrous announcement. from its large maw, MIST spills out like a deluge and decreases the visibility of everyone in the room.[break][break]

the ground quakes as the abomasnow uses the cover of the mist to hunt down thomas and honoka.[break][break]

what do you do?

feel free to control the abomasnow/snover on your own, or request a mod post to control the abomasnow/snover![break][break]
& @honoka

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